Death Reasons - ndnh

All years 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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  Death Count
1 quit 4,357
2 slipped while mounting a saddled pony 888
3 ascended 216
4 escaped 212
5 killed by a water moccasin 165
6 slipped while mounting a saddled giant spider 152
7 killed by a jackal 110
8 killed by touching The Rod of Seven Parts 98
8 killed by a grid bug 98
9 killed by Amon 92
10 killed by a dwarf 88
11 killed by a sewer rat 83
12 killed by kicking a wall 73
13 killed by a marid 65
14 killed by a gas spore's explosion 60
15 killed by a parrot 57
15 killed by a fox 57
16 killed by a giant bat 44
16 killed by a crow 44
17 killed by a snake 41
17 died of starvation 41
18 killed by a newt 40
19 killed by a gnome 39
20 killed by shredding of the soul 37
21 killed by a gnome lord 35
22 killed by a hobbit 31
22 killed by a goblin 31
23 killed by a malkuth sephirah 30
24 killed by an acid blob 29
24 killed by a soldier ant 29
24 killed by a small dart 29
24 killed by a giant spider 29
24 killed by a black pudding 29
25 killed by a gnome king 28
26 killed by a small mimic 27
26 killed by a kobold 27
26 killed by a fire ant 27
27 killed by an ettin mummy 26
27 killed by a killer bee 26
28 killed by a rothe 25
29 killed by a poisonous corpse 24
29 killed by a boulder 24
30 slipped while mounting a saddled horse 23
30 killed by a blue jelly 23
31 killed by a water demon 22
32 killed by a small aklys 21
32 killed by a giant ant 21
32 ascended, having saved the future 21
33 killed by a giant rat 19
33 killed by a brown mold 19
33 absorbing too much energy and exploding 19
34 killed by brainlessness 18
34 killed by an Uruk-hai 18
34 killed by a kitten 18
35 killed by a small crossbow bolt 17
35 killed by a coyote 17
35 killed by a bat 17
35 burned by molten lava 17
36 killed by a little dog 16
36 killed by a hill orc 16
37 killed by an owlbear 15
37 killed by a riding accident 15
37 killed by a rabid rat 15
37 fell into a pit 15
37 ascended, having saved Ilsensine and restored the Illithid Empire 15
38 killed by an arrow 14
38 killed by a heavy iron ball 14
39 slipped while mounting a saddled riding pseudodragon 13
39 killed by a vampire 13
39 killed by a troll 13
39 killed by a pony 13
39 killed by a garo 13
39 killed by a crossbow bolt 13
40 killed by a wand 12
40 killed by a piranha 12
40 killed by a falling object 12
40 killed by a dark young 12
40 killed by Vlad the Impaler 12
41 killed by an ochre jelly 11
41 killed by an ice vortex 11
41 killed by a system shock 11
41 killed by a swamp kobold 11
41 killed by a leocrotta 11
41 killed by a dwarf zombie 11
41 killed by a discharging wand 11
41 killed by Balam 11
41 killed by Andromalius, while paralyzed by a monster 11
41 crunched in the head by an iron ball 11
42 petrified by a cockatrice 10
42 killed by an iron ball collision 10
42 killed by a winged kobold 10
42 killed by a soldier mummy 10
42 killed by a scroll of earth 10
42 killed by a mumak 10
42 killed by a hobgoblin 10
42 killed by Berith 10
42 drowned in a moat 10
43 killed by their own actions 9
43 killed by the Travelling Wizard 9
43 killed by an ice devil 9
43 killed by a wolf 9
43 killed by a rock kobold 9
43 killed by a razorvine 9
43 killed by a gnome zombie 9
43 killed by a gecko 9
43 killed by a falling rock 9
43 killed by a deeper one 9
43 killed by a blast of frost 9
43 killed by a Woodland-elf 9
43 killed by a Mordor orc 9
43 killed by Kroo the Kobold King 9
43 caught himself in his own blast 9
43 caught herself in her own fireball 9
44 killed by an invisible quinon 8
44 killed by an imp 8
44 killed by an ettin zombie 8
44 killed by an electric shock 8
44 killed by a shocking sphere 8
44 killed by a shark 8
44 killed by a quasit 8
44 killed by a kobold shaman 8
44 killed by a kobold lord 8
44 killed by a gargoyle 8
44 killed by a flaming sphere 8
44 killed by a death ray 8
44 killed by a Green-elf 8
44 killed by Ahazu 8
45 poisoned by a rotted newt corpse 7
45 killed by falling downstairs 7
45 killed by an iguana 7
45 killed by an energy vortex 7
45 killed by an arrow trap 7
45 killed by a water elemental 7
45 killed by a triton 7
45 killed by a plains centaur 7
45 killed by a large kobold 7
45 killed by a horse 7
45 killed by a giant mummy 7
45 killed by a fire elemental 7
45 killed by a contaminated potion 7
45 killed by Dantalion 7
45 ascended, but the future refused to change 7
46 zapped herself with a wand 6
46 killed by the Thrashing Tulip Poplar 6
46 killed by an orc-captain 6
46 killed by an enormous rat 6
46 killed by an Uruk-captain 6
46 killed by a water moccasin, while fainted from lack of food 6
46 killed by a watch captain 6
46 killed by a warg 6
46 killed by a warbat 6
46 killed by a titan 6
46 killed by a tengu 6
46 killed by a sunflower 6
46 killed by a rope golem 6
46 killed by a priest mummy 6
46 killed by a magic missile 6
46 killed by a little dart 6
46 killed by a jackal, while fainted from lack of food 6
46 killed by a gnome lady 6
46 killed by a giant beetle 6
46 killed by a freezing sphere 6
46 killed by a dwarvish spear 6
46 killed by a deep one 6
46 killed by a dart 6
46 killed by a dagger 6
46 killed by a bugbear 6
46 killed by a bolt of cold 6
46 killed by a blast of fire 6
46 killed by a battle-bat 6
47 petrified by a chickatrice 5
47 killed by strangulation 5
47 killed by life force drain 5
47 killed by an ogre king 5
47 killed by an elven arrow 5
47 killed by an earth elemental 5
47 killed by an acidic corpse 5
47 killed by a yeti 5
47 killed by a yesod sephirah 5
47 killed by a xorn 5
47 killed by a winged gargoyle 5
47 killed by a tower of flame 5
47 killed by a succubus 5
47 killed by a spike 5
47 killed by a soldier 5
47 killed by a scrap titan 5
47 killed by a rolling boulder trap 5
47 killed by a raven 5
47 killed by a quaton 5
47 killed by a phase spider 5
47 killed by a land mine 5
47 killed by a kobold mummy 5
47 killed by a hunting horror 5
47 killed by a horned devil 5
47 killed by a hedrow warrior 5
47 killed by a guard 5
47 killed by a gnomish wizard 5
47 killed by a dwarf king 5
47 killed by a dwarf cleric 5
47 killed by a duton 5
47 killed by a dog 5
47 killed by a coyote, while fainted from lack of food 5
47 killed by a clockwork soldier 5
47 killed by a chiropteran mummy 5
47 killed by a cave spider 5
47 killed by a boiling potion 5
47 killed by Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper 5
47 killed by Mr. Kabalebo, the shopkeeper 5
47 killed by Andromalius 5
47 fell into a pit of iron spikes 5
47 crushed to death by an exploding drawbridge 5
48 killed by the Oracle 4
48 killed by the Necromancer 4
48 killed by invisible Center of All 4
48 killed by contaminated water 4
48 killed by an ogre lord 4
48 killed by an invisible incantifier 4
48 killed by an incubus 4
48 killed by an ettin 4
48 killed by an air elemental 4
48 killed by a water moccasin, while frozen by a potion 4
48 killed by a vampire bat 4
48 killed by a small dagger 4
48 killed by a salamander 4
48 killed by a rodent of unusual size 4
48 killed by a red mold 4
48 killed by a pony, while fainted from lack of food 4
48 killed by a manes 4
48 killed by a maid 4
48 killed by a homunculus 4
48 killed by a guardian naga, while paralyzed by a monster 4
48 killed by a gnome, while fainted from lack of food 4
48 killed by a gnome lord zombie 4
48 killed by a giant mimic 4
48 killed by a gecko, while fainted from lack of food 4
48 killed by a gas cloud 4
48 killed by a falling rock trap 4
48 killed by a dwarf lord 4
48 killed by a droven bolt 4
48 killed by a dingo 4
48 killed by a dart trap 4
48 killed by a cryonic corpse 4
48 killed by a crocodile 4
48 killed by a bolt of lightning 4
48 killed by a Coure Eladrin 4
48 killed by Mr. Angmagssalik, the shopkeeper 4
48 killed by Cerberus 4
48 killed by Buer 4
48 genocidal confusion 4
48 caught himself in his own fireball 4
48 burned by a tower of flame 4
48 ascended, having saved Ilsensine and restoring the Illithid Empire 4
49 petrified by a beholder 3
49 petrified by Poseidon's curse 3
49 petrified by Illurien of the Myriad Glimpses 3
49 killed by trying to drink molten lava 3
49 killed by touching The Lance of Longinus 3
49 killed by melting from extreme heat 3
49 killed by an orc shaman 3
49 killed by an invisible phantom fungus 3
49 killed by an invisible ogre mage 3
49 killed by an invisible deeper one 3
49 killed by an eye of doom 3
49 killed by an aphanactonan assessor 3
49 killed by an ammit 3
49 killed by an Angband orc 3
49 killed by a wooden spike 3
49 killed by a wolf zombie 3
49 killed by a winter wolf cub 3
49 killed by a white naga 3
49 killed by a weeping angel 3
49 killed by a warhorse 3
49 killed by a vampire, while dragging an iron ball 3
49 killed by a symbiote 3
49 killed by a straw golem 3
49 killed by a stone giant 3
49 killed by a small rock 3
49 killed by a skeleton 3
49 killed by a shoggoth 3
49 killed by a sergeant 3
49 killed by a rock piercer 3
49 killed by a rock mole 3
49 killed by a quinon 3
49 killed by a quaton, while frozen by a monster's gaze 3
49 killed by a purple worm 3
49 killed by a psychic blast 3
49 killed by a priest of Moloch 3
49 killed by a paper golem 3
49 killed by a nightgaunt, while being tickled to death 3
49 killed by a newt, while fainted from lack of food 3
49 killed by a mumak calf 3
49 killed by a mountain centaur 3
49 killed by a mandrake's dying shriek 3
49 killed by a lynx 3
49 killed by a long worm 3
49 killed by a lightning paraelemental 3
49 killed by a leprechaun 3
49 killed by a large dog 3
49 killed by a kobold zombie 3
49 killed by a kobold brute 3
49 killed by a juggernaut 3
49 killed by a jackal, while dragging an iron ball 3
49 killed by a human mummy 3
49 killed by a hellfire colossus 3
49 killed by a half-dragon 3
49 killed by a grid bug, while fainted from lack of food 3
49 killed by a green mold 3
49 killed by a green lightsaber 3
49 killed by a gold golem 3
49 killed by a giant eel 3
49 killed by a giant bat, while fainted from lack of food 3
49 killed by a fox, while fainted from lack of food 3
49 killed by a forest centaur 3
49 killed by a fire ant zombie 3
49 killed by a chuul 3
49 killed by a chill bug 3
49 killed by a byakhee 3
49 killed by a bolt of fire 3
49 killed by a blue lightsaber 3
49 killed by a baby white dragon 3
49 killed by Ms. Upernavik, the shopkeeper 3
49 killed by Ms. Sipaliwini, the shopkeeper 3
49 choked on a food ration 3
49 burned by a fireball 3
50 zapped herself with a spell 2
50 poisoned by a rotted wraith corpse 2
50 poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse 2
50 poisoned by a rotted gecko corpse 2
50 poisoned by a rotted brown pudding corpse 2
50 poisoned by a priest mummy 2
50 petrified by a cockatrice corpse 2
50 killed by touching Nenya 2
50 killed by the sight of a weeping angel 2
50 killed by the clairvoyant changed 2
50 killed by the Thrashing Tulip Poplar, while immobilized by paralysis venom 2
50 killed by sitting on a forge 2
50 killed by overexertion 2
50 killed by invisible Ilona Szilagy 2
50 killed by invisible Dantalion 2
50 killed by her own pick-axe 2
50 killed by discharging wands 2
50 killed by an undead turning effect 2
50 killed by an orc mummy 2
50 killed by an ogre zombie 2
50 killed by an ogre 2
50 killed by an iron piercer 2
50 killed by an invisible stalker 2
50 killed by an invisible quinon, while frozen by a monster's gaze 2
50 killed by an invisible quaton 2
50 killed by an invisible marid 2
50 killed by an invisible hedrow wizard 2
50 killed by an invisible ancient of death 2
50 killed by an explosion 2
50 killed by an erinys 2
50 killed by an earth elemental of Shan Lai Ching 2
50 killed by an arcadian avenger 2
50 killed by an aphanactonan assessor, while mesmerized by a monster 2
50 killed by an ancient naga 2
50 killed by an a spike 2
50 killed by an Olog-hai 2
50 killed by an Aurumach Rilmani 2
50 killed by a yellow dragon 2
50 killed by a wraithworm, while mesmerized by a monster 2
50 killed by a wolf, while fainted from lack of food 2
50 killed by a winter wolf 2
50 killed by a wererat 2
50 killed by a werejackal 2
50 killed by a water moccasin, while reading a book 2
50 killed by a vrock 2
50 killed by a triton, while mesmerized by a monster 2
50 killed by a triton, while frozen by a monster's gaze 2
50 killed by a tinker gnome zombie 2
50 killed by a tinker gnome 2
50 killed by a spotted jelly 2
50 killed by a splash of acid 2
50 killed by a snake, while fainted from lack of food 2
50 killed by a small bo-shuriken 2
50 killed by a silver arrow 2
50 killed by a shimmering dragon 2
50 killed by a shade, while paralyzed by a monster 2
50 killed by a sewer rat, while praying 2
50 killed by a sewer rat, while fainted from lack of food 2
50 killed by a rothe, while praying 2
50 killed by a rothe zombie 2
50 killed by a priestess of Nessa 2
50 killed by a priestess of Moloch 2
50 killed by a priest of Moloch, while paralyzed by a monster 2
50 killed by a priest of Ghaunadaur 2
50 killed by a potion of excavation 2
50 killed by a poisoned blast 2
50 killed by a pit viper 2
50 killed by a parrot, while frozen by a potion 2
50 killed by a parrot, while fainted from lack of food 2
50 killed by a parrot, while dragging an iron ball 2
50 killed by a parrot zombie 2
50 killed by a newt, while reading a book 2
50 killed by a mouth of the goat 2
50 killed by a mind flayer 2
50 killed by a master mind flayer 2
50 killed by a loadstone 2
50 killed by a lizard 2
50 killed by a living lectern 2
50 killed by a legion devil grunt 2
50 killed by a leather golem, while praying 2
50 killed by a kunai 2
50 killed by a kobold lord zombie 2
50 killed by a knife 2
50 killed by a killer bee, while fainted from lack of food 2
50 killed by a jaguar 2
50 killed by a jackal, while reading a book 2
50 killed by a jackal, while helpless 2
50 killed by a jabberwock 2
50 killed by a hungry dead, while frozen by a monster 2
50 killed by a hungry dead 2
50 killed by a hobbit, while helpless 2
50 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted soldier ant 2
50 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted parrot 2
50 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hill orc 2
50 killed by a half-dragon mummy 2
50 killed by a golden naga of Thoth 2
50 killed by a goblin zombie 2
50 killed by a gigantic pseudodragon 2
50 killed by a giant rat, while fainted from lack of food 2
50 killed by a giant bat zombie 2
50 killed by a giant ant, while praying 2
50 killed by a gargoyle, while praying 2
50 killed by a dwarf, while sleeping 2
50 killed by a dwarf, while helpless 2
50 killed by a drow mummy 2
50 killed by a drow matron, while immobilized by paralysis venom 2
50 killed by a dreadblossom swarm, while paralyzed by a monster 2
50 killed by a dreadblossom swarm 2
50 killed by a djinni 2
50 killed by a discharging wands 2
50 killed by a crow, while praying 2
50 killed by a crocodile of Ptah 2
50 killed by a clockwork dwarf 2
50 killed by a clockwork automaton 2
50 killed by a cave lizard 2
50 killed by a carnivorous bag 2
50 killed by a bullet 2
50 killed by a bugbear, while fainted from lack of food 2
50 killed by a brain golem 2
50 killed by a boiling hot corpse 2
50 killed by a blue dragon 2
50 killed by a black unicorn 2
50 killed by a bebelith 2
50 killed by a bat, while fainted from lack of food 2
50 killed by a barbed devil 2
50 killed by a balrog 2
50 killed by a ball of radiance 2
50 killed by a baby white dragon, while fainted from lack of food 2
50 killed by a Justice Archon of Blind Io 2
50 killed by a Grey-elf 2
50 killed by Yeenoghu 2
50 killed by Ms. Tirebolu, the shopkeeper 2
50 killed by Ms. Possogroenoe, the shopkeeper 2
50 killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka, the shopkeeper 2
50 killed by Ms. Manlobbi, the shopkeeper 2
50 killed by Ms. Kittamagh, the shopkeeper 2
50 killed by Mr. Izchak, the shopkeeper 2
50 killed by Mr. Hebiwerie, the shopkeeper 2
50 killed by Mr. Adjama, the shopkeeper 2
50 killed by Master Kaen 2
50 killed by Ilona Szilagy 2
50 killed by Hmnyw-Pharaoh 2
50 killed by Famine, while fainted from lack of food (with the Amulet) 2
50 killed by Axus, while mesmerized by a monster 2
50 killed by Astaroth 2
50 killed by Andrealphus, while guessing at the passtune 2
50 killed by Andrealphus 2
50 fell onto a sink 2
50 drowned in a pool of water by an electric eel 2
50 disintegrated by an aspect of The Silence 2
50 crushed to death by a collapsing drawbridge 2
50 choked on a rothe corpse 2
50 choked on a lembas wafer 2
50 caught himself in his own magical blast 2
50 caught herself in her own blast 2
50 burned by a Jack's explosion 2
50 a scroll of genocide 2
51 zapped himself with a wand 1
51 zapped himself with a spell 1
51 slipped while mounting a saddled warhorse 1
51 poisoned by an aligned priest 1
51 poisoned by an 1
51 poisoned by a swamp nymph 1
51 poisoned by a swamp fern spore 1
51 poisoned by a rotted rothe corpse 1
51 poisoned by a rotted parrot corpse 1
51 poisoned by a rotted orc corpse 1
51 poisoned by a rotted ogre corpse 1
51 poisoned by a rotted leprechaun corpse 1
51 poisoned by a rotted gnome lord corpse 1
51 poisoned by a rotted gargoyle corpse 1
51 poisoned by a rotted floating eye corpse 1
51 poisoned by a rotted dwarf corpse 1
51 poisoned by a rotted drow corpse 1
51 poisoned by a rotted ape corpse 1
51 poisoned by a Surya Deva (with the Amulet) 1
51 poisoned by Master Kaen 1
51 poisoned by Lamashtu 1
51 poisoned by Juiblex 1
51 poisoned by Ghoul-queen Nitocris 1
51 poisoned by Death (with the Amulet) 1
51 petrified by tasting cockatrice meat 1
51 petrified by cockatrice 1
51 petrified by an arch-lich 1
51 petrified by a pit fiend 1
51 petrified by a gnome 1
51 petrified by a beholder's eye of petrification. 1
51 petrified by Lady of Pain 1
51 petrified by Graz'zt 1
51 killed while stuck in creature form 1
51 killed himself by breaking a wand 1
51 killed herself with her whip 1
51 killed herself with her bullwhip 1
51 killed by using a magical horn on herself 1
51 killed by touching Vilya 1
51 killed by touching The Marauder's Map 1
51 killed by touching Soulmirror 1
51 killed by touching Sode no Shirayuki 1
51 killed by touching Slave to Armok 1
51 killed by touching Lomya 1
51 killed by the wrath of Tamash 1
51 killed by the wrath of Lobon 1
51 killed by the invisible Grue 1
51 killed by the hallucinogen-distorted Oracle 1
51 killed by the Eye of Vecna 1
51 killed by the Bastard of the Boreal Valley 1
51 killed by the Avatar of Lolth 1
51 killed by the Abominable Snowman, while praying 1
51 killed by the Abominable Snowman, while disrobing 1
51 killed by memory loss 1
51 killed by life drainage 1
51 killed by kicking an uncursed blindfold named (with the Amulet) 1
51 killed by kicking an altar 1
51 killed by kicking a tree 1
51 killed by kicking a statue of a newt 1
51 killed by kicking a rock 1
51 killed by kicking a fountain 1
51 killed by invisible Shiro 1
51 killed by invisible Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by invisible Ms. Skibbereen, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by invisible Ms. Daniel, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by invisible Mr. Annootok, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by invisible Mephistopheles 1
51 killed by invisible Master Kaen 1
51 killed by invisible Mammon 1
51 killed by invisible Levistus 1
51 killed by invisible Kroo the Kobold King 1
51 killed by invisible Center of All, while helpless 1
51 killed by invisible Berith 1
51 killed by her own seismic hammer 1
51 killed by her own dwarvish mattock 1
51 killed by her own battle-axe 1
51 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Manlobbi, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Adjama, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by falling downstairs with a lit lightsaber 1
51 killed by dipping into a forge 1
51 killed by bumping into a wall 1
51 killed by bumping into a door 1
51 killed by an uvuudaum 1
51 killed by an unwound spring 1
51 killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 1
51 killed by an umber hulk 1
51 killed by an owlbear, while praying 1
51 killed by an owlbear, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by an owlbear zombie 1
51 killed by an orc-captain, while praying 1
51 killed by an orc-captain, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by an orc mummy, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
51 killed by an ogre, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by an ogre mage 1
51 killed by an ogre king, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by an ogre king zombie, while praying 1
51 killed by an iron piercer, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by an iron golem 1
51 killed by an invisible winged gargoyle 1
51 killed by an invisible straw golem 1
51 killed by an invisible quinon, while mesmerized by a monster 1
51 killed by an invisible parrot 1
51 killed by an invisible orc shaman 1
51 killed by an invisible ogre mage, while helpless 1
51 killed by an invisible mad Throne Archon 1
51 killed by an invisible horned devil 1
51 killed by an invisible hill orc 1
51 killed by an invisible hedrow warrior 1
51 killed by an invisible hedrow blademaster 1
51 killed by an invisible gnome lady, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by an invisible gnome king 1
51 killed by an invisible gnome 1
51 killed by an invisible fractured Aurumach Rilmani 1
51 killed by an invisible fire ant 1
51 killed by an invisible eye of doom, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
51 killed by an invisible erinys 1
51 killed by an invisible dwarf king 1
51 killed by an invisible dwarf 1
51 killed by an invisible drider 1
51 killed by an invisible doom knight, while praying 1
51 killed by an invisible demilich 1
51 killed by an invisible deeper one, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
51 killed by an invisible deep one, while sleeping 1
51 killed by an invisible deep one 1
51 killed by an invisible black pudding 1
51 killed by an invisible android 1
51 killed by an invisible Uruk-hai, while sleeping 1
51 killed by an invisible Uruk-hai 1
51 killed by an invisible Throne Archon of Amaterasu Omikami 1
51 killed by an invisible Grey-elf 1
51 killed by an invisible Elvenqueen 1
51 killed by an invisible Black Knight, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by an incubus, while dragging an iron ball 1
51 killed by an iguana, while praying 1
51 killed by an iguana zombie 1
51 killed by an ice vortex, while disrobing 1
51 killed by an ice vortex, while charging up a purifying blast 1
51 killed by an ice troll 1
51 killed by an ice paraelemental 1
51 killed by an ice devil of Moloch 1
51 killed by an exploding rune 1
51 killed by an exploding box 1
51 killed by an ettin mummy, while mesmerized by a monster 1
51 killed by an ettin mummy, while helpless 1
51 killed by an enormous rat, while praying 1
51 killed by an elven dagger 1
51 killed by an elf-lord 1
51 killed by an elf mummy 1
51 killed by an elf 1
51 killed by an electric chair 1
51 killed by an arch-lich 1
51 killed by an ape 1
51 killed by an ammit, while improvising a tune 1
51 killed by an air elemental, while praying 1
51 killed by an air elemental of Ishtar 1
51 killed by an air elemental of Chaos 1
51 killed by an air elemental of Camaxtli 1
51 killed by an acid paraelemental 1
51 killed by an Uruk-hai, while helpless 1
51 killed by an Uruk-hai, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by an Uruk-hai, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by an Uruk-hai zombie 1
51 killed by an Uruk-captain, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by an Uruk-captain, while dragging an iron ball 1
51 killed by an Elvenking 1
51 killed by an Astral Deva of Thoth 1
51 killed by an Angel of the hunshi sihou 1
51 killed by an Angel of Tyr, while sleeping 1
51 killed by an Angel of Eilistraee 1
51 killed by an Angband orc, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by an Alabaster elf 1
51 killed by a zruty zombie 1
51 killed by a yuki-onna 1
51 killed by a yochlol 1
51 killed by a xorn, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a xorn, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a wood troll 1
51 killed by a wolf, while praying 1
51 killed by a winged kobold, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a winged kobold zombie 1
51 killed by a white naga, while praying 1
51 killed by a white naga, while disrobing 1
51 killed by a white naga hatchling, while praying 1
51 killed by a white naga hatchling, while disrobing 1
51 killed by a weeping angel, while praying 1
51 killed by a water moccasin, while praying 1
51 killed by a water moccasin, while improvising a tune 1
51 killed by a water moccasin, while disrobing 1
51 killed by a watchman 1
51 killed by a warhorse zombie 1
51 killed by a vrock, while praying 1
51 killed by a vrock of Anhur 1
51 killed by a villithid 1
51 killed by a vampire lord 1
51 killed by a vampire lady 1
51 killed by a troll, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a troll zombie 1
51 killed by a triton, while frozen by the gaze of Axus 1
51 killed by a transcendent valkyrie 1
51 killed by a tiger 1
51 killed by a thrown potion 1
51 killed by a tengu, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a sunflower, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a stumbling horror, while taking off clothes 1
51 killed by a student 1
51 killed by a stone giant, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a sprow 1
51 killed by a spetum 1
51 killed by a spear 1
51 killed by a son of Typhon 1
51 killed by a soldier ant, while praying 1
51 killed by a soldier ant, while helpless 1
51 killed by a soldier ant, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a soldier ant, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a snowball 1
51 killed by a snake, while reading a book 1
51 killed by a snake zombie 1
51 killed by a small silver dagger 1
51 killed by a small shuriken 1
51 killed by a small orcish dagger 1
51 killed by a small mimic, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a singing sand 1
51 killed by a silver dragon, while praying 1
51 killed by a silver dragon 1
51 killed by a silver bullet 1
51 killed by a shuriken 1
51 killed by a shocking sphere, while praying 1
51 killed by a shimmering dragon, while praying 1
51 killed by a shattered potion 1
51 killed by a sewer rat, while reading a book 1
51 killed by a sergeant, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a sentinel of Mithardir 1
51 killed by a scorpion, while disrobing 1
51 killed by a scorpion 1
51 killed by a sasquatch of the hunshi sihou 1
51 killed by a sasquatch 1
51 killed by a salamander zombie 1
51 killed by a rothe, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a rock troll 1
51 killed by a rock piercer, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a rock mole, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a rock kobold, while dragging an iron ball 1
51 killed by a rock kobold zombie 1
51 killed by a riding pseudodragon, while praying 1
51 killed by a riding pseudodragon 1
51 killed by a red naga 1
51 killed by a red dragon 1
51 killed by a razor-sharp blade 1
51 killed by a raven, while praying 1
51 killed by a rabid rat, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a quinon, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a quinon, while mesmerized by a monster 1
51 killed by a python 1
51 killed by a purple worm, while disrobing 1
51 killed by a priestess of Moloch, while paralyzed by a monster 1
51 killed by a priestess of Moloch, while frozen by a monster 1
51 killed by a priestess of Armok, while paralyzed by a monster 1
51 killed by a priest of Susanowo 1
51 killed by a priest of Shan Lai Ching, while paralyzed by a monster 1
51 killed by a priest of Lobon 1
51 killed by a priest of Huan Ti, while paralyzed by a monster 1
51 killed by a priest of Huan Ti 1
51 killed by a priest of Garyx 1
51 killed by a priest of Camaxtli 1
51 killed by a priest of Anhur, while paralyzed by a monster 1
51 killed by a potion of silver starlight 1
51 killed by a potion of holy water 1
51 killed by a potion of force 1
51 killed by a potion of blindness 1
51 killed by a potion of acid 1
51 killed by a plains centaur, while praying 1
51 killed by a pit viper zombie 1
51 killed by a phase spider, while praying 1
51 killed by a pharaoh 1
51 killed by a phantasm 1
51 killed by a peasant zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a peasant zombie 1
51 killed by a nurse 1
51 killed by a ninja 1
51 killed by a newt zombie 1
51 killed by a mountain centaur, while improvising a tune 1
51 killed by a monkey, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a monkey 1
51 killed by a mirkwood spider, while praying 1
51 killed by a mirkwood spider 1
51 killed by a mirkwood elder 1
51 killed by a minotaur, while praying 1
51 killed by a minotaur, while improvising a tune 1
51 killed by a minotaur 1
51 killed by a migo worker, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a migo soldier, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a metroid, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a metroid 1
51 killed by a marilith 1
51 killed by a marid, while dragging an iron ball 1
51 killed by a manticore, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
51 killed by a lurking one 1
51 killed by a luminous cloud, while helpless 1
51 killed by a luminous cloud 1
51 killed by a long worm zombie 1
51 killed by a long sword 1
51 killed by a little dog, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a lilitu 1
51 killed by a lightning paraelemental of Manannan Mac Lir 1
51 killed by a lieutenant 1
51 killed by a lemure 1
51 killed by a lava demon 1
51 killed by a large spetum 1
51 killed by a large kobold, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a large kobold zombie 1
51 killed by a large dog, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a large dart 1
51 killed by a large cave lizard, while praying 1
51 killed by a large cave lizard, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
51 killed by a large arrow 1
51 killed by a lamb 1
51 killed by a kraken 1
51 killed by a kobold, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a kobold zombie, while frozen by a trap 1
51 killed by a kitten, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
51 killed by a kitten zombie 1
51 killed by a killer bee, while praying 1
51 killed by a killer bee zombie 1
51 killed by a jubjub bird 1
51 killed by a jaguar, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a jackal, while praying 1
51 killed by a jackal, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
51 killed by a jackal, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a human 1
51 killed by a housecat, while praying 1
51 killed by a horned devil, while paralyzed by a monster 1
51 killed by a hod sephirah, while praying 1
51 killed by a hod sephirah 1
51 killed by a hobgoblin, while praying 1
51 killed by a hobgoblin, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a hobgoblin, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a hobbit, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
51 killed by a hill orc, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a hell hound pup 1
51 killed by a hedrow blademaster, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a hedrow blademaster of Eilistraee 1
51 killed by a heavy blaster bolt 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted yeti 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted swamp kobold 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted snake 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted salamander 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted razorvine 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted priest of the Devil 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted marid 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted little dog 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jackal 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted human smith 1
51 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a half-dragon zombie 1
51 killed by a halberd 1
51 killed by a grove guardian, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a grove guardian 1
51 killed by a grimlock, while reading a book 1
51 killed by a grid bug, while helpless 1
51 killed by a grid bug, while dragging an iron ball 1
51 killed by a gremlin, while mesmerized by a monster 1
51 killed by a gremlin, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a green dragon 1
51 killed by a gray unicorn zombie 1
51 killed by a goblin, while helpless 1
51 killed by a goblin, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a gnomish wizard, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a gnomish wizard, while praying 1
51 killed by a gnome, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a gnome, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a gnome zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a gnome mummy 1
51 killed by a gnome lady, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a gnome lady zombie 1
51 killed by a gnome king, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
51 killed by a gnome king, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a gnome king, while mesmerized by a monster 1
51 killed by a gnome king, while helpless 1
51 killed by a gnome king, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a gnome king zombie 1
51 killed by a gnoll 1
51 killed by a glass dart trap 1
51 killed by a giant zombie 1
51 killed by a giant spider zombie 1
51 killed by a giant spider of Lolth, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a giant mummy, while praying 1
51 killed by a giant beetle zombie 1
51 killed by a giant bat, while praying 1
51 killed by a giant ant, while reading a book 1
51 killed by a gecko zombie 1
51 killed by a gaze of death 1
51 killed by a garter snake 1
51 killed by a garo, while praying 1
51 killed by a garo, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a gargoyle zombie 1
51 killed by a fulvous dire sheep 1
51 killed by a fox, while reading a book 1
51 killed by a fox, while dragging an iron ball 1
51 killed by a ford guardian 1
51 killed by a fog cloud 1
51 killed by a flesh golem 1
51 killed by a fire elemental of Ishtar 1
51 killed by a fire ant, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a fall onto poison spikes 1
51 killed by a faded silver arrow 1
51 killed by a faberge sphere's explosion 1
51 killed by a dwarf, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a dwarf zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a dwarf queen 1
51 killed by a dwarf mummy 1
51 killed by a duton, while disrobing 1
51 killed by a drow matron, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a drow matron of Lolth, while paralyzed by a monster 1
51 killed by a dream quasielemental, while taking off clothes 1
51 killed by a dream quasielemental, while sleeping 1
51 killed by a dreadblossom swarm, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a dog, while disrobing 1
51 killed by a djinni, while praying 1
51 killed by a disenchanter 1
51 killed by a dire sheep, while praying 1
51 killed by a dingo, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a dingo, while dragging an iron ball 1
51 killed by a deminymph of Pan 1
51 killed by a deeper one, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a deep one, while being tickled to death 1
51 killed by a deep dragon 1
51 killed by a death knight 1
51 killed by a daughter of Naunet 1
51 killed by a dancing flame of Brigit 1
51 killed by a dancing flame 1
51 killed by a crow, while helpless 1
51 killed by a crow, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a crow, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a crocodile of Ptah, while helpless 1
51 killed by a coyote, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
51 killed by a coyote zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a coyote zombie 1
51 killed by a couatl, while reading a book 1
51 killed by a couatl 1
51 killed by a contact-poisoned spellbook 1
51 killed by a cobra 1
51 killed by a clockwork fighter 1
51 killed by a chiropteran, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a chiropteran 1
51 killed by a chill bug, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a chill bug, while disrobing 1
51 killed by a changed 1
51 killed by a centipede finger 1
51 killed by a cave spider, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a carnivorous ape of the hunshi sihou 1
51 killed by a carnivorous ape 1
51 killed by a cadaver 1
51 killed by a byakhee, while praying 1
51 killed by a burning scroll 1
51 killed by a burning book 1
51 killed by a bronze elven dagger 1
51 killed by a bone devil, while being frightened to death 1
51 killed by a bone devil 1
51 killed by a bo-shuriken trap 1
51 killed by a blast of lightning 1
51 killed by a black unicorn zombie 1
51 killed by a black pudding zombie 1
51 killed by a black naga hatchling 1
51 killed by a beholder of Ver'tas 1
51 killed by a beholder 1
51 killed by a beartrap 1
51 killed by a battle-bat zombie 1
51 killed by a bat, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
51 killed by a barbed devil of Moloch 1
51 killed by a ball of lightning 1
51 killed by a ball of light 1
51 killed by a baby white dragon, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a baby white dragon, while disrobing 1
51 killed by a baby crocodile zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by a baby crocodile 1
51 killed by a baby cave lizard 1
51 killed by a Tulani Eladrin, while praying 1
51 killed by a Shield Archon of Mitra 1
51 killed by a Plumach Rilmani 1
51 killed by a Noviere Eladrin of Dionysus 1
51 killed by a Mordor orc, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by a Mordor orc zombie 1
51 killed by a Mahadeva 1
51 killed by a Justice Archon of the Lord 1
51 killed by a Justice Archon of Zo-Kalar 1
51 killed by a Justice Archon of Mitra 1
51 killed by a Justice Archon of God the Father 1
51 killed by a Grey-elf, while disrobing 1
51 killed by Ymir 1
51 killed by Shaktari 1
51 killed by Sara, the Last Oracle 1
51 killed by Orcus 1
51 killed by Ms. Walbrzych, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Tringanoe, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Sneem, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Pervari, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Pengalengan, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Ouiatchouane, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Morven, the shopkeeper, while frozen by a trap 1
51 killed by Ms. Llandrindod, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Leuk, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Konosja, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Klodzko, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Kiltamagh, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Kadirli, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Ermenak, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Ennistymon, the shopkeeper, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by Ms. Enniscorthy, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Carlos, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Baliga, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Alexandre, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Ms. Aklavik, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Tsjernigof, the shopkeeper, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
51 killed by Mr. Papar, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Ouiatchouane, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Nosalnef, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Neuvicq, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Nenagh, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Makin, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Krnov, the shopkeeper, while fainted from lack of food 1
51 killed by Mr. Gweebarra, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Guizengeard, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Gheel, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Gaziantep, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Enrobwem, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Donmyar, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Djasinga, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Demirci, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Cubask, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Corsh, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Corignac, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Cahersiveen, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Bnowr Falr, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Asidonhopo, the shopkeeper, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
51 killed by Mr. Annootok, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Akalapi, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mr. Abitibi, the shopkeeper 1
51 killed by Mina Harker 1
51 killed by Malcanthet, while immobilized by night-terrors 1
51 killed by Levistus, while being terrified of a demon 1
51 killed by Kroo the Kobold King, while praying 1
51 killed by Ilona Szilagy, while trying to turn the undead 1
51 killed by Great Cthulhu 1
51 killed by Doctor Archer 1
51 killed by Center of All 1
51 killed by Carmilla 1
51 killed by Buer, while improvising a tune 1
51 killed by Blackbeard's Ghost, while frozen by a potion 1
51 killed by Baphomet 1
51 killed by Balam, while mesmerized by a monster 1
51 killed by Balam, while improvising a tune 1
51 killed by Bael 1
51 killed by Axus 1
51 killed by Andromalius, while guessing at the passtune 1
51 killed by Andrealphus, while improvising a tune 1
51 fell into a pit of cold-iron spikes 1
51 escaped with an Unknown God 1
51 drowned in a pool of water by a kraken 1
51 drowned in a pool of water 1
51 dragged downstairs by an iron ball 1
51 choked on a yeti corpse 1
51 choked on a white naga corpse 1
51 choked on a weeping willow corpse 1
51 choked on a mirkwood elder corpse 1
51 choked on a fortune cookie 1
51 choked on a crow corpse 1
51 caught herself in her own magical blast 1
51 caught herself in her own burning oil 1
51 burned by a balrog's explosion 1
Sat Jul 27 04:11:17 2024