About NetHack Scoreboard

NetHack Scoreboard is a website that retrieves logfiles from multiple public NetHack servers and processes them to provide consolidated statistics to users. Users, who have the same nicks on multiple servers also have their personal statistics put together into one summary view.

The current NetHack Scoreboard team is malor, Tamara Petroff (aka elenmirie) and mobileuser. Mandevil created the scoreboard in 2013 and retired in 2020, after which aoei, elenmirie and mobileuser took over; aoei retired as maintainer in early 2023, and was succeeded by malor. Additional contributors to acknowledge are stenno, K2, spicycat.

Data Sources

id srv var description logfile recorded games lastchk lastentry
1 nao nh nethack.alt.org (3.4.3) http://alt.org/nethack/xlogfile.full.txt 3,585,587   2025-02-13 16:30   2019-11-16 16:00
2 asc nh ascension.run (NetHack 3.4.3) https://ascension.run/xlogfiles/nethack 26,522   2025-02-13 16:30   2021-07-01 18:22
3 une un eu.un.nethack.nu https://ascension.run/history/unn/eu/xlogfile 62,305   2022-03-15 15:16   2018-04-24 09:18
4 n4o nh4 nethack4.org (4.3) http://nethack4.org/xlogfile.txt 32,738   2022-03-15 15:16   2021-04-30 22:55
5 ade ace acehack.de https://ascension.run/history/ade/xlogfiles/acehack 3,047   2022-03-15 15:05   2015-02-20 12:27
6 shc spork sporkhack.com http://sporkhack.com/xlogfile 13,790   2022-03-15 15:16   2015-02-22 08:49
7 gho grunt grunthack.org http://grunthack.org/xlogfile 7,447   2022-03-15 15:17   2017-10-14 18:58
8 n4o nh4 nethack4.org (4.2) http://nethack4.org/4.2-xlogfile 7,854   2022-03-15 15:17   2014-09-24 00:14
9 did dnh dnethack.ilbelkyr.de http://dnethack.ilbelkyr.de/xlogfile.txt 32,425   2022-03-15 15:17   2014-12-18 20:12
10 unu un us.un.nethack.nu https://ascension.run/history/unn/us/xlogfile 2,316   2022-03-15 15:17   2015-05-21 23:22
11 aeu ace acehack.eu https://ascension.run/history/aeu/xlogfiles/acehack 1,013   2022-03-15 15:17   2012-03-31 12:15
12 asc dnh ascension.run (dNetHack) https://ascension.run/xlogfiles/dnethack 60,516   2025-02-13 16:30   2021-06-23 15:10
13 asc 4k ascension.run (Fourk) https://ascension.run/xlogfiles/nhfourk 10,591   2025-02-13 16:30   2021-06-24 13:00
14 asc spork ascension.run (SporkHack 2015) https://ascension.run/history/junethack2015/xlogfiles/sporkhack 205   2022-03-15 15:17   2015-06-30 16:00
15 asc grunt ascension.run (GruntHack 2015) https://ascension.run/history/junethack2015/xlogfiles/grunthack 561   2022-03-15 15:17   2015-07-01 04:00
16 asc un ascension.run (UnNetHack) https://ascension.run/xlogfiles/unnethack 14,246   2025-02-13 16:30   2021-07-02 11:18
17 asc dyn ascension.run (DynaHack) https://ascension.run/xlogfiles/dynahack 11,869   2025-02-13 16:30   2021-06-07 16:20
18 asc nh4 ascension.run (NetHack4) https://ascension.run/xlogfiles/nethack4 15,981   2025-02-13 16:30   2021-06-27 16:30
19 asc fiq ascension.run (FIQHack) https://ascension.run/xlogfiles/fiqhack 2,122   2025-02-13 16:30   2021-06-08 12:42
20 nao nh nethack.alt.org (3.6.0) https://alt.org/nethack/xlogfile.nh360 732,427   2025-02-13 16:30   2018-08-08 18:37
21 nao nh nethack.alt.org (3.6.1dev) https://alt.org/nethack/xlogfile.nh361dev 20,941   2025-02-13 16:30   2023-07-30 23:01
22 hdf nh hardfought.org (NetHack 3.4.3) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nh343/xlogfile 12,502   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-12 20:28
23 hdf grunt hardfought.org (GruntHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/gh/xlogfile 4,814   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-06 01:28
24 hdf un hardfought.org (UnNetHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/unnethack/xlogfile 13,845   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-12 22:16
25 hdf nh hardfought.org (NetHack 3.6.x) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nethack36/xlogfile 44,520   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-11-13 18:32
26 esm nh em.slashem.me (NetHack 3.6.0) https://em.slashem.me/xlogfiles/nethack 1,995   2022-04-17 16:25   2022-04-15 21:33
27 esm grunt em.slashem.me (GruntHack) https://em.slashem.me/xlogfiles/grunthackold 417   2022-03-15 15:17   2020-05-24 10:25
28 esm spork em.slashem.me (SporkHack) https://em.slashem.me/xlogfiles/sporkhackold 500   2022-03-15 15:17   2019-09-10 16:48
29 hdf fiq hardfought.org (FIQHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/fh/xlogfile 13,990   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-11 15:24
30 hdf 4k hardfought.org (Fourk) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/4k/xlogfile 7,498   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-11 08:50
31 hdf dnh hardfought.org (dNetHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/dnethack/xlogfile 64,021   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 16:27
32 hdf nh4 hardfought.org (NetHack 4) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nethack4/xlogfile 10,958   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 08:35
33 hdf dyn hardfought.org (DynaHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/dynahack/xlogfile 16,678   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-06 01:29
34 hdf spork hardfought.org (SporkHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/sporkhack/xlogfile 2,048   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-12-30 02:15
35 hfe nh eu.hardfought.org (NetHack 3.4.3) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nh343/xlogfile 5,177   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-07 23:22
36 hfe nh eu.hardfought.org (NetHack 3.6.x) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nethack36/xlogfile 11,775   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-12-22 20:08
37 hfe 4k eu.hardfought.org (NetHack Fourk) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/4k/xlogfile 582   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 13:09
38 hfe dnh eu.hardfought.org (dNetHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/dnethack/xlogfile 14,851   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 15:54
39 hfe fiq eu.hardfought.org (FIQHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/fh/xlogfile 2,201   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-01-12 14:56
40 hfe grunt eu.hardfought.org (GruntHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/gh/xlogfile 1,163   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-07 23:22
41 hfe nh4 eu.hardfought.org (NetHack 4) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nethack4/xlogfile 73,075   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-09 02:55
42 hfe spork eu.hardfought.org (SporkHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/sporkhack/xlogfile 235   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-06-30 23:54
43 hfe un eu.hardfought.org (UnNetHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/unnethack/xlogfile 5,742   2024-04-14 20:09   2024-04-13 08:59
44 hfe dyn eu.hardfought.org (DynaHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/dynahack/xlogfile 710   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-07 23:23
45 hdf xnh hardfought.org (xNetHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/xnethack/xlogfile 29,783   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-12 22:18
46 hfe xnh eu.hardfought.org (xNetHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/xnethack/xlogfile 4,222   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-06 23:05
50 nao nh nethack.alt.org (3.6.1) https://alt.org/nethack/xlogfile.nh361 311,986   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-02-24 04:44
51 hdf spl hardfought.org (SpliceHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/splicehack/xlogfile 32,394   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-12 22:55
52 hfe spl eu.hardfought.org (SpliceHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/splicehack/xlogfile 4,855   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-10 23:17
53 hfa nh au.hardfought.org (NetHack 3.4.3) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nh343/xlogfile 888   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-08 11:23
54 hfa grunt au.hardfought.org (GruntHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/gh/xlogfile 159   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-01-21 23:01
55 hfa un au.hardfought.org (UnNetHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/unnethack/xlogfile 1,276   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-01-21 23:01
56 hfa nh au.hardfought.org (NetHack 3.6.x) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nethack36/xlogfile 775   2025-02-13 16:30   2023-12-13 01:56
57 hfa fiq au.hardfought.org (FIQHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/fh/xlogfile 243   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-06-30 13:48
58 hfa 4k au.hardfought.org (Fourk) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/4k/xlogfile 140   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-07-01 13:20
59 hfa dnh au.hardfought.org (dNetHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/dnethack/xlogfile 1,342   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-11-04 02:44
60 hfa nh4 au.hardfought.org (NetHack 4) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nethack4/xlogfile 302   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-03 05:00
61 hfa dyn au.hardfought.org (DynaHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/dynahack/xlogfile 283   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-01-21 23:03
62 hfa spork au.hardfought.org (SporkHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/sporkhack/xlogfile 54   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-06-16 06:59
63 hfa xnh au.hardfought.org (xNetHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/xnethack/xlogfile 1,029   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-12-07 06:18
65 hfa spl au.hardfought.org (SpliceHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/splicehack/xlogfile 1,037   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-07 23:05
66 esm grunt em.slashem.me (GruntHack) https://em.slashem.me/xlogfiles/grunthack 72   2022-04-17 16:25   2020-03-22 04:18
67 esm spork em.slashem.me (SporkHack) https://em.slashem.me/xlogfiles/sporkhackold 501   2022-04-17 16:25   2021-05-27 03:36
69 hdf slashem hardfought.org (SLASH'EM) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/slashem/xlogfile 44,903   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-12 22:15
70 hfe slashem eu.hardfought.org (SLASH'EM) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/slashem/xlogfile 12,232   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-12 16:11
71 hfa slashem au.hardfought.org (SLASH'EM) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/slashem/xlogfile 482   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-01-21 23:01
72 hdf evil hardfought.org (EvilHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/evilhack/xlogfile 109,946   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 16:06
73 hfe evil eu.hardfought.org (EvilHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/evilhack/xlogfile 123,021   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 15:52
74 hfa evil au.hardfought.org (EvilHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/evilhack/xlogfile 4,467   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 09:19
75 nao nh nethack.alt.org (3.6.2) https://alt.org/nethack/xlogfile.nh362 205,448   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-05 23:52
76 hdf nh hardfought.org (NetHack 3.7.x) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nethack37/xlogfile 190,320   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 16:06
77 hfe nh eu.hardfought.org (NetHack 3.7.x) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nethack37/xlogfile 102,689   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 14:53
78 hfa nh au.hardfought.org (NetHack 3.7.x) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nethack37/xlogfile 18,373   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-08 08:52
79 nao nh nethack.alt.org (3.6.3-3.6.6) https://alt.org/nethack/xlogfile.nh363+ 3,408,388   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 16:29
81 neu nh nethack.eu (nh343) https://lilith.gnuffy.net/neu/xlogfile 47,188   2022-03-15 15:17   2014-04-17 22:20
82 hdf ndnh hardfought.org (notdNetHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/notdnethack/xlogfile 8,520   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 14:00
83 hfe ndnh eu.hardfought.org (notdNetHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/notdnethack/xlogfile 2,149   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-03 22:31
84 hfa ndnh au.hardfought.org (notdNetHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/notdnethack/xlogfile 178   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-09-29 16:32
85 nhl nh nethack.live (nh366) archive.nethack.live/gamelogs/xlogfile 25,935   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 08:28
86 hdf slashthem hardfought.org (SlashTHEM) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/slashthem/xlogfile 16,969   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 02:21
87 hfe slashthem eu.hardfought.org (SlashTHEM) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/slashthem/xlogfile 679   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-01 20:29
88 hfa slashthem au.hardfought.org (SlashTHEM) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/slashthem/xlogfile 79   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-12-21 00:14
89 hdf nh hardfought.org (NH37-setseed) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/setseed/xlogfile 4,063   2025-02-13 16:30   2022-03-28 19:53
90 hfe nh eu.hardfought.org (NH37-setseed) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/setseed/xlogfile 1,728   2025-02-13 16:30   2022-02-28 12:53
91 hfa nh au.hardfought.org (NH37-setseed) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/setseed/xlogfile 8   2025-02-13 16:30   2021-09-13 03:54
2006 dev nh /dev/null 2006 16,868   2022-03-15 15:18   2006-12-01 07:59
2007 dev nh /dev/null 2007 16,722   2022-03-15 15:18   2007-12-01 08:03
2008 dev nh /dev/null 2008 22,810   2022-03-15 15:18   2008-12-01 08:09
2009 dev nh /dev/null 2009 11,909   2022-03-15 15:18   2009-12-01 07:58
2010 dev nh /dev/null 2010 23,344   2022-03-15 15:18   2010-12-01 07:58
2011 dev nh /dev/null 2011 9,190   2022-03-15 15:18   2011-12-01 08:01
2012 dev nh /dev/null 2012 16,769   2022-03-15 15:18   2012-12-01 07:54
2013 dev nh /dev/null 2013 21,434   2022-03-15 15:18   2013-12-01 07:58
2014 dev nh /dev/null 2014 15,120   2022-03-15 15:19   2014-12-01 07:59
2015 dev nh /dev/null 2015 7,189   2022-03-15 15:19   2015-12-01 07:59
2016 dev nh /dev/null 2016 3,633   2022-03-15 15:19   2016-12-01 07:55
2017 dnt nh /dev/null Tribute 2017 https://hardfought.org/devnull/xlogfiles.dnt 11,528   2022-03-15 15:19   2017-12-01 07:59
2018 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2018 https://www.hardfought.org/tnnt/archives/2018/xlogfiles/xlogfile.tnnt.2018 11,307   2022-03-15 15:19   2019-08-04 19:29
2019 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2019 https://www.hardfought.org/tnnt/archives/2019/xlogfiles/xlogfile.tnnt.2019 20,738   2022-03-15 15:19   2019-12-01 04:18
2020 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2020 https://www.hardfought.org/tnnt/archives/2020/xlogfiles/xlogfile.tnnt.2020 60,475   2022-03-15 15:19   2020-12-01 02:50
2021 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2021 https://www.hardfought.org/tnnt/archives/2021/xlogfiles/xlogfile.tnnt.2021 14,196   2022-03-15 15:19   2021-12-07 17:08
2022 hdf ace acehack.de https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/acehack/xlogfile 757   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-10 22:43
2023 hfe ace acehack.de https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/acehack/xlogfile 241   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-07 23:22
2024 hfa ace acehack.de https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/acehack/xlogfile 83   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-09-29 16:36
2025 hdf gnoll gnollhack.com https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/gnollhack/xlogfile 5,206   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-12 22:20
2026 hfe gnoll gnollhack.com https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/gnollhack/xlogfile 171   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-01-22 23:16
2027 hfa gnoll gnollhack.com https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/gnollhack/xlogfile 33   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-01-22 23:17
2028 hdf hackem HackEm https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/hackem/xlogfile 11,980   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 16:06
2029 hfe hackem HackEm https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/hackem/xlogfile 5,299   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-10 23:31
2030 hfa hackem HackEm https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/hackem/xlogfile 1,050   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-07 23:04
2031 gnoll gnoll gnollhack.com http://server.gnollhack.com/xlogfile 4   2025-02-13 16:30   2022-10-31 11:31
2032 gnoll gnoll gnollhack.com http://eu-server.gnollhack.com/xlogfile 3   2024-09-29 16:10   2023-02-24 20:38
2033 gnoll gnoll gnollhack.com http://au-server.gnollhack.com/xlogfile 2   2024-09-29 16:10   2022-10-31 11:58
2034 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2022 https://www.hardfought.org/tnnt/archives/2022/xlogfiles/xlogfile.tnnt.2022 22,511   2023-12-01 00:20   2022-11-30 23:59
2035 esm ndnh em.slashem.me (notdNetHack) https://em.slashem.me/xlogfiles/notdnh 1      
2036 esm slashem em.slashem.me (SLASH'EM) https://em.slashem.me/xlogfiles/slashem 1      
2037 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2023 https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/tnnt/xlogfile 11,294   2023-12-01 00:20   2023-11-30 23:59
2038 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2023 https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/tnnt/xlogfile 3,311   2023-12-01 00:20   2023-11-30 23:59
2039 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2023 https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/tnnt/xlogfile 468   2023-12-01 00:20   2023-11-30 23:53
2040 gnoll gnoll gnollhack.com https://account.gnollhack.com/xlogfile 2,448   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-11 23:39
2041 hdf nndnh hardfought.org (notnotdNetHack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/notnotdnethack/xlogfile 1,786   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 08:22
2042 hfe nndnh eu.hardfought.org (notnotdNetHack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/notnotdnethack/xlogfile 266   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-01-21 21:18
2043 hfa nndnh au.hardfought.org (notnotdNetHack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/notnotdnethack/xlogfile 146   2025-02-13 16:30   2024-10-16 21:40
2044 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2024 https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/tnnt/xlogfile 14,559   2025-01-17 16:10   2024-12-06 22:06
2045 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2024 https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/tnnt/xlogfile 19,066   2025-01-17 16:10   2024-12-07 17:54
2046 nnt nh The November NetHack Tournament 2024 https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/tnnt/xlogfile 431   2025-01-17 16:10   2024-12-07 13:47
2047 hdf nerf hardfought.org (nerfhack) https://www.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nerfhack/xlogfile 1,204   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-12 22:21
2048 hfe nerf eu.hardfought.org (nerfhack) https://eu.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nerfhack/xlogfile 300   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-13 07:37
2049 hfa nerf au.hardfought.org (nerfhack) https://au.hardfought.org/xlogfiles/nerfhack/xlogfile 30   2025-02-13 16:30   2025-02-07 23:17

lastchk:   updated in last hour     no updates in last hour     no updates in last day     no updates in last 30 days     historic data, no longer updated  
lastentry:   no older than 1 day     no older than 7 days     no older than 30 days     older than 30 days     historic data, last entry age not shown  

Thu Feb 13 16:32:31 2025