Death Reasons - All

All years 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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  Death Count
1 quit 4,850,930
2 escaped 2,048,331
3 killed by a jackal 74,193
4 killed by a dwarf 70,717
5 slipped while mounting a saddled pony 70,716
6 killed by a soldier ant 61,353
7 killed by a gnome lord 56,916
8 killed by a sewer rat 56,167
9 killed by a small mimic 55,502
10 killed by a giant bat 53,724
11 killed by a wand 51,359
12 killed by a fox 50,538
13 killed by a water moccasin 50,145
14 killed by a gnome 46,793
15 killed by a rothe 45,903
16 ascended 42,723
17 killed by a giant ant 35,999
18 killed by a hobbit 32,998
19 killed by a water demon 31,693
20 killed by a goblin 29,986
21 killed by a killer bee 26,617
22 killed by a hill orc 26,555
23 killed by a kitten 25,924
24 killed by a bolt of fire 25,059
25 killed by a falling rock 24,473
26 killed by a gas spore's explosion 24,386
27 killed by a bolt of lightning 24,239
28 killed by a magic missile 23,468
29 killed by a bolt of cold 22,264
30 killed by a bat 21,862
31 killed by a newt 21,732
32 killed by a little dog 21,657
33 killed by a pony 19,128
34 killed by a giant spider 18,786
35 killed by a rabid rat 18,513
36 killed by a fire ant 18,058
37 killed by a mumak 17,890
38 killed by a boulder 17,736
39 killed by a coyote 16,478
40 killed by an owlbear 15,548
41 killed by a black pudding 15,504
42 killed by a giant rat 15,393
43 killed by a wolf 15,370
44 killed by an arrow 15,188
45 killed by a leocrotta 14,952
46 killed by a white unicorn 14,812
47 killed by a wererat 14,241
48 killed by a giant mimic 13,286
49 killed by a grid bug 12,807
50 killed by a crossbow bolt 12,760
51 died of starvation 12,750
52 killed by a system shock 12,646
53 killed by a gnome king 12,400
54 killed by a jaguar 12,154
55 killed by a werejackal 11,981
56 killed by a Woodland-elf 10,989
57 killed by a watch captain 10,923
58 killed by a poisonous corpse 10,416
59 killed by a kobold 10,224
60 killed by a hobgoblin 10,168
61 killed by a kobold zombie 9,938
62 killed by a large mimic 9,767
63 killed by kicking a wall 9,566
64 killed by a homunculus 9,542
65 killed by a rope golem 9,506
66 killed by a boiling potion 9,504
67 killed by a gecko 9,440
68 killed by a gray unicorn 9,206
69 killed by a dwarf lord 9,121
70 killed by a riding accident 9,114
71 killed by a brown mold 8,841
72 killed by an ape 8,603
73 killed by an Uruk-hai 8,587
74 killed by an iguana 8,530
75 killed by a scroll of genocide 8,527
76 killed by a dagger 8,246
77 killed by a plains centaur 8,212
78 killed by a dart 7,952
79 killed by a water elemental 7,912
80 killed by a death ray 7,888
81 killed by a bugbear 7,841
82 killed by a giant beetle 7,740
83 killed by a falling object 7,384
84 killed by a dingo 7,312
85 killed by a scroll of earth 7,107
86 killed by an electric shock 6,924
87 killed by a gold golem 6,828
88 killed by a blue jelly 6,821
89 killed by a minotaur 6,685
90 petrified by a cockatrice 6,341
91 killed by an imp 6,261
92 killed by a werewolf 6,156
93 killed by a gargoyle 6,106
94 killed by a snake 6,094
95 killed by a raven 6,070
96 killed by a black unicorn 6,044
97 killed by a panther 6,013
98 killed by a troll 5,764
99 killed by a human mummy 5,697
100 killed by a housecat 5,665
101 poisoned by a rotted kobold corpse 5,658
102 killed by a bear trap 5,655
103 killed by an acidic corpse 5,533
104 poisoned by an orcish arrow 5,419
105 killed by a manes 5,409
106 killed by a yeti 5,240
107 killed by a dog 5,239
108 fell into a pit 5,210
109 killed by a watchman 5,063
110 killed by a guard 5,059
111 killed by an orc zombie 4,978
112 killed by a dwarf zombie 4,969
113 killed by a Green-elf 4,913
114 killed by an ettin mummy 4,892
115 killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 4,875
116 killed by a fall onto poison spikes 4,719
117 killed by a crocodile 4,601
118 killed by a cave spider 4,568
119 killed by a kobold lord 4,531
120 poisoned by a killer bee 4,522
121 killed by a dwarf king 4,484
122 killed by a large kobold 4,462
123 poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse 4,436
124 killed by an energy vortex 4,359
125 killed by a lynx 4,326
126 killed by an orcish arrow 4,259
127 eaten by a Grue 4,254
128 killed by a jackal, while helpless 4,134
129 killed by a gnome zombie 4,011
130 killed by a straw golem 3,936
131 killed by an air elemental 3,915
132 killed by a horse 3,833
133 killed by an elf zombie 3,829
134 petrified by a cockatrice corpse 3,744
135 killed by brainlessness 3,706
136 zapped himself with a wand 3,685
137 petrified by a chickatrice 3,665
138 killed by a tengu 3,373
139 killed by a large cat 3,239
140 killed by a gnome, while helpless 3,193
141 killed by a Mordor orc 3,191
142 killed by a djinni 3,140
143 killed by a blast of frost 3,115
144 killed by a spotted jelly 3,097
145 killed by a human zombie 3,074
146 killed by a little dart 3,069
147 killed by an orcish dagger 3,054
148 killed by a tiger 2,981
149 killed by a giant ant, while helpless 2,957
150 killed by an invisible stalker 2,945
151 killed by a rothe, while helpless 2,942
152 killed by a gnome mummy 2,926
153 killed by a warg 2,915
154 killed by a winged gargoyle 2,898
155 killed by an orc-captain 2,831
156 poisoned by a rotted newt corpse 2,827
157 killed by contaminated water 2,812
158 killed by a dwarf, while helpless 2,810
159 poisoned by a rotted jackal corpse 2,802
160 killed by a vampire bat 2,783
161 killed by a contaminated potion 2,755
162 killed by a rock mole 2,733
163 killed by a gnomish wizard 2,722
164 killed by an ettin zombie 2,679
165 choked on a food ration 2,625
166 killed by a gas cloud 2,601
167 killed by a rock piercer 2,595
168 killed by strangulation 2,565
169 killed by a gnome lord, while helpless 2,554
170 killed by a winter wolf cub 2,541
171 killed by a Grey-elf 2,472
172 killed by a quasit 2,460
173 poisoned by a little dart 2,450
174 killed by a rock troll 2,448
175 killed by a large dog 2,423
176 killed by a winter wolf 2,422
177 killed by a paper golem 2,347
178 killed by a mountain centaur 2,344
179 killed by the wrath of Anhur 2,337
180 killed by a homunculus, while helpless 2,302
181 killed by a giant bat, while helpless 2,298
182 killed by an ogre 2,214
183 killed by an acid blob 2,208
184 killed by a sewer rat, while helpless 2,183
185 zapped herself with a wand 2,182
186 killed by a succubus 2,179
187 killed by a giant zombie 2,156
188 quit * 2,144
189 killed by an ochre jelly 2,082
190 killed by a soldier ant, while helpless 2,079
191 killed by an Elvenking 2,070
192 killed by Yeenoghu 2,042
193 killed by a warhorse 2,030
194 killed by an exploding wand 1,995
195 killed by a homunculus, while sleeping 1,970
196 killed by a vampire lord 1,950
197 killed by a garter snake 1,949
198 killed by a potion of holy water 1,870
199 killed by a vampire 1,862
199 killed by a kobold mummy 1,862
200 killed by a soldier 1,859
201 killed by a purple worm 1,851
202 killed by a jackal, while fainted from lack of food 1,847
203 killed by an incubus 1,823
204 zapped himself with a spell 1,820
205 killed by a newt, while helpless 1,819
206 killed by an iguana, while helpless 1,816
207 poisoned by a rotted dwarf corpse 1,810
208 killed by a gecko, while helpless 1,803
209 killed by a giant mummy 1,798
210 killed by a hobbit, while helpless 1,787
211 killed by a lizard 1,748
212 killed by a forest centaur 1,743
213 killed by a potion of acid 1,726
214 killed by a touch of death 1,719
215 killed by a killer bee, while helpless 1,716
216 killed by a hill orc, while helpless 1,709
217 killed by an elven dagger 1,697
217 killed by a giant rat, while helpless 1,697
218 burned by a tower of flame 1,662
219 killed by a carnivorous bag 1,640
220 killed by a piranha 1,613
221 killed by an elf-lord 1,583
221 killed by a fire elemental 1,583
222 killed by a fox, while helpless 1,559
223 killed by a Kop Sergeant 1,541
224 killed by a land mine 1,528
225 killed by a xorn 1,524
226 killed by an invisible dwarf 1,507
227 killed by an Olog-hai 1,503
228 killed by an elf mummy 1,487
229 drowned in a pool of water by an electric eel 1,460
230 killed by a jabberwock 1,456
231 killed by a goblin, while helpless 1,447
232 killed by an invisible gnome lord 1,440
232 killed by a gray ooze 1,440
233 petrified by a chickatrice corpse 1,428
234 poisoned by a rotted orc corpse 1,373
235 killed by a red mold 1,368
236 killed by a pyrolisk 1,341
237 killed by the wrath of Thoth 1,340
238 killed by a gremlin 1,339
239 fell into a pit of iron spikes 1,316
240 killed by a pony, while helpless 1,302
241 killed by a mind flayer 1,296
242 killed by a water demon, while helpless 1,286
243 poisoned by a water moccasin 1,284
244 killed by a blast of disintegration 1,229
245 killed by falling downstairs 1,221
245 killed by a hobgoblin, while helpless 1,221
246 killed by a little dog, while helpless 1,196
247 killed by a kitten, while helpless 1,184
248 killed by a tower of flame 1,176
248 killed by a dwarf mummy 1,176
249 petrified by Medusa 1,172
250 killed by a bat, while helpless 1,170
251 killed by a blast of fire 1,168
252 killed by an orc mummy 1,166
253 killed by a mastodon 1,158
253 killed by a captain 1,158
254 killed by the wrath of Tyr 1,157
254 killed by a coyote, while helpless 1,157
255 killed by an iguana, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1,143
256 killed by a water moccasin, while helpless 1,138
257 killed by a baluchitherium 1,086
258 killed by an elven arrow 1,082
259 killed by a zruty 1,081
260 killed by a gnome, while sleeping 1,080
261 poisoned by a giant spider 1,076
261 killed by a ghoul 1,076
262 killed by an ogre king 1,071
262 killed by a sergeant 1,071
263 poisoned by a rabid rat 1,067
264 zapped herself with a spell 1,066
265 killed by a burning scroll 1,049
266 killed by a gecko, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1,035
267 killed by an iron ball collision 1,030
268 killed by a wraith 1,028
268 burned by molten lava 1,028
269 killed by a cadaver 1,022
270 killed by a lieutenant 1,020
271 killed by a barrow wight 1,016
272 killed by a fire ant, while helpless 1,000
273 killed by the Goblin King 994
274 killed by a Keystone Kop 990
275 drowned in a pool of water by a giant eel 987
276 killed by a jackal, while frozen by a monster's gaze 977
277 killed by a master mind flayer 976
278 killed by a gnome, while fainted from lack of food 968
279 killed by a shattered potion 965
280 killed by a sasquatch 963
281 killed by a green mold 962
282 killed by a wolf, while helpless 959
283 killed by a rothe, while frozen by a monster's gaze 953
284 killed by a dwarf, while fainted from lack of food 941
285 poisoned by a rotted goblin corpse 934
286 poisoned by a rotted elf corpse 929
287 killed by an explosion 925
288 killed by a carnivorous ape 924
289 killed by tumbling down a flight of stairs 913
290 killed by the Oracle 909
290 killed by an invisible water demon 909
291 killed by a newt, while fainted from lack of food 907
292 crunched in the head by an iron ball 904
293 killed by a cave spider, while helpless 898
294 killed by a rabid rat, while helpless 885
295 choked on a tin of spinach 884
296 poisoned by a rotted gecko corpse 873
297 killed by a wererat, while helpless 870
298 killed by a werejackal, while helpless 865
299 drowned in a moat by a giant eel 862
300 poisoned by a soldier ant 861
301 killed by a jackal, while praying 858
302 killed by a giant bat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 854
303 killed by a rothe, while fainted from lack of food 853
304 killed by overexertion 840
305 killed by a mountain dwarf 837
306 fell onto a sink 830
307 killed by a flesh golem 821
308 killed by a grid bug, while helpless 806
309 killed by a sewer rat, while fainted from lack of food 804
310 killed by a giant rat, while fainted from lack of food 798
311 killed by a giant ant, while praying 791
312 killed by a gnome lord, while fainted from lack of food 779
313 poisoned by a snake 768
313 killed by a dwarvish spear 768
314 killed by a Kop Lieutenant 761
315 killed by a magical explosion 760
316 caught herself in her own ball of lightning 758
317 killed by an ice vortex 756
318 killed by a hobbit, while fainted from lack of food 753
319 killed by a jaguar, while helpless 747
320 killed by a gnome lady 741
321 killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 740
322 caught himself in his own magical blast 736
323 killed by a water troll 735
323 killed by Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper 735
324 killed by a dwarf zombie, while helpless 730
325 caught himself in his own ball of lightning 728
326 killed by a gecko, while fainted from lack of food 727
326 killed by Mr. Annootok, the shopkeeper 727
327 killed by an ogre lord 726
327 killed by Juiblex 726
328 killed by an ettin 724
328 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted soldier ant 724
329 killed by Ms. Sipaliwini, the shopkeeper 720
330 crushed to death by a collapsing drawbridge 717
331 killed by Mr. Akalapi, the shopkeeper 715
332 killed by a shuriken 713
333 killed by a giant ant, while fainted from lack of food 711
333 killed by Mr. Kabalebo, the shopkeeper 711
334 killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka, the shopkeeper 708
335 killed by an orc zombie, while helpless 705
336 killed by a stone giant 702
336 killed by a leather golem 702
336 killed by a guardian naga hatchling 702
336 killed by a Woodland-elf, while helpless 702
337 killed by a soldier ant, while praying 701
338 killed by a newt, while frozen by a monster's gaze 699
339 killed by a gnome lord, while sleeping 698
340 caught herself in her own magical blast 697
341 killed by a kobold, while helpless 695
341 killed by Mr. Adjama, the shopkeeper 695
342 killed by a dwarf, while sleeping 693
343 killed by a marilith 686
344 poisoned by a dart 685
345 shot himself with a death ray 684
346 caught himself in his own fireball 680
347 killed by a red naga hatchling 672
348 killed by an exploding large box 670
348 killed by an ape, while helpless 670
349 killed by a golden naga hatchling 666
350 killed by an iron golem 662
350 killed by a scorpion 662
351 killed by Ms. Manlobbi, the shopkeeper 661
352 killed by a giant rat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 660
353 killed by a giant bat, while fainted from lack of food 658
354 killed by an owlbear, while helpless 657
355 killed by an Uruk-hai, while helpless 655
356 killed by a queen bee 651
357 killed by Ms. Upernavik, the shopkeeper 648
358 killed by a black naga hatchling 647
359 killed by a kobold lord, while helpless 646
360 killed by a shark 642
361 killed by a kobold zombie, while helpless 639
362 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant bat 638
363 poisoned by Juiblex 634
364 killed by a fox, while fainted from lack of food 633
364 killed by a centipede 633
365 killed by an invisible hill orc 626
366 killed by an iron piercer 625
367 caught herself in her own fireball 623
368 killed by a hobgoblin, while frozen by a monster's gaze 621
369 killed by a giant spider, while helpless 614
370 killed by an earth elemental 611
371 killed by a gnome, while frozen by a monster's gaze 604
372 killed by an invisible titan 602
373 poisoned by a rotted human corpse 598
374 killed by a manes, while helpless 594
375 killed by Mr. Asidonhopo, the shopkeeper 592
376 petrified by a cockatrice egg 591
377 shot herself with a death ray 589
378 killed by a gnome zombie, while helpless 583
379 killed by a killer bee, while praying 579
379 killed by a garter snake, while helpless 579
380 poisoned by a rotted rothe corpse 578
381 killed by a watch captain, while helpless 577
382 killed by an iguana, while fainted from lack of food 571
383 killed by a rothe, while praying 570
383 killed by a large kobold, while helpless 570
384 killed by a goblin, while fainted from lack of food 568
385 petrified by touching a cockatrice corpse bare-handed 567
386 killed by a burning book 563
387 killed by a thrown potion 560
387 killed by Mr. Angmagssalik, the shopkeeper 560
388 killed by an invisible gnome 559
388 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jackal 559
389 killed by a rock mole, while helpless 558
390 killed by an exploding rune 551
390 killed by Mr. Izchak, the shopkeeper 551
391 killed by a fire giant 545
392 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant ant 544
393 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rothe 536
394 killed by a leocrotta, while helpless 529
395 killed by a hill orc, while frozen by a monster's gaze 526
396 poisoned by a rotted hill orc corpse 523
396 killed by an elf zombie, while helpless 523
396 killed by a dingo, while helpless 523
397 killed by an invisible golden naga 522
397 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf 522
398 zombified by a kobold zombie 520
398 killed by a plains centaur, while helpless 520
399 killed by an imp, while helpless 516
400 killed by a homunculus, while frozen by a monster's gaze 515
401 killed by a gas spore\'s explosion 513
402 killed by a coyote, while fainted from lack of food 510
403 killed by a hill orc, while fainted from lack of food 509
404 killed by Master Kaen 508
405 killed by an invisible gnome king 507
406 killed by boiling potions 504
407 slipped while mounting a saddled giant spider 503
407 killed by a rope golem, while helpless 503
408 poisoned by a vampire bat 502
408 killed by a disenchanter 502
409 killed by a gnome king, while helpless 500
410 killed by a small mimic, while helpless 498
411 turned to slime by a green slime 493
411 killed by genocidal confusion 493
412 killed by a sewer rat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 492
413 poisoned by a rotted fox corpse 490
414 killed by a straw golem, while helpless 488
414 killed by a bat, while fainted from lack of food 488
415 poisoned by a rotted yellow mold corpse 483
415 caught himself in his own ball of cold 483
416 killed by a bugbear, while helpless 482
417 killed by a grid bug, while fainted from lack of food 481
418 killed by a Green-elf, while helpless 480
419 killed by kicking a rock 467
419 killed by a sewer rat, while praying 467
420 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome lord 466
420 killed by Ms. Aklavik, the shopkeeper 466
421 killed by a cave spider, while frozen by a monster's gaze 465
422 killed by a wolf, while praying 461
423 poisoned by a rotted hobbit corpse 460
423 poisoned by Demogorgon 460
424 killed by a dwarf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 459
425 killed by touching Excalibur 458
426 killed by a mumak, while helpless 457
427 petrified by tasting cockatrice meat 456
427 killed by Ms. Possogroenoe, the shopkeeper 456
428 killed by a fog cloud 455
429 choked on a lembas wafer 454
430 killed by a hobbit, while frozen by a monster's gaze 452
431 killed by a vrock 451
432 killed by exhaustion 447
433 killed by falling down a mine shaft 446
433 killed by a water moccasin, while praying 446
433 killed by a rabbit 446
434 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted water moccasin 444
435 killed by a dwarf, while praying 443
436 killed by a gnome lord, while praying 442
437 killed by a giant mosquito 441
438 killed by an anti-magic implosion 439
439 caught herself in her own ball of cold 434
440 killed by the wrath of Kos 433
440 killed by a kitten, while frozen by a monster's gaze 433
440 killed by a giant beetle, while helpless 433
441 killed by the wrath of Amaterasu Omikami 429
441 killed by a couatl 429
442 killed by Croesus 428
443 crushed to death by an exploding drawbridge 427
444 poisoned by a rotted gnome lord corpse 425
444 killed by an arch-lich 425
445 killed by life drainage 423
445 killed by a yellow dragon 423
446 killed by a jackal, while reading a book 422
447 killed by a giant bat, while praying 418
448 poisoned by a rotted sewer rat corpse 417
448 killed by sipping boiling water 417
448 killed by kicking a boulder 417
449 killed by a dwarf zombie, while frozen by a monster's gaze 416
450 killed by a gnome lord, while frozen by a monster's gaze 415
451 killed by a gelatinous cube 414
452 poisoned by a quasit 412
452 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted watch captain 412
453 killed by a housecat, while helpless 410
454 killed by a silver dragon 408
455 killed by a goblin, while frozen by a monster's gaze 405
456 killed by a shocking sphere 404
457 killed by a fire vortex 403
458 killed by a xan 402
459 killed by a leprechaun 401
459 killed by a frost giant 401
459 choked on a wraith corpse 401
460 killed by touching The Rod of Seven Parts 400
461 killed by a raven, while helpless 399
462 killed by an exploding crystal ball 398
462 killed by a water demon, while praying 398
462 killed by a little dog, while frozen by a monster's gaze 398
462 killed by a coyote, while frozen by a monster's gaze 398
463 slipped while mounting a saddled baby green dragon 395
463 killed by a watchman, while helpless 395
464 killed by an invisible hobbit 394
465 killed by a salamander 393
466 killed by an umber hulk 392
467 killed by the wrath of Hermes 391
467 killed by a watch captain, while praying 391
467 killed by a scroll of annihilation 391
468 killed by a red dragon 389
469 killed by bumping into a wall 388
469 killed by a bone devil 388
470 killed by a black dragon 387
471 poisoned by a rotted giant rat corpse 386
471 killed by a marid 386
472 slipped while mounting a saddled baby gold dragon 383
473 poisoned by a rotted floating eye corpse 380
473 killed by an orc zombie, while frozen by a monster's gaze 380
473 killed by a gold golem, while helpless 380
474 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted water demon 379
474 killed by a flaming sphere 379
475 killed by the wrath of The Lady 378
476 killed by hitting a wall 377
477 killed by an ice troll 376
478 killed by an orc shaman 375
478 killed by a pony, while frozen by a monster's gaze 375
478 killed by a paper golem, while helpless 375
478 killed by a cobra 375
479 poisoned by a centipede 373
480 killed by an acidic glob 372
480 killed by a spear 372
481 slipped while mounting a saddled baby shimmering dragon 371
481 killed by a dog, while helpless 371
482 slipped while mounting a saddled baby white dragon 369
482 slipped while mounting a saddled baby blue dragon 369
483 killed by a troll, while helpless 367
483 killed by a pony, while fainted from lack of food 367
483 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted sewer rat 367
484 killed by a kitten, while fainted from lack of food 366
484 killed by a dwarf lord, while helpless 366
485 killed by a gray dragon 365
486 killed by an exploding chest 364
486 killed by a pit viper 364
486 killed by a hill orc, while praying 364
487 killed by a little dog, while fainted from lack of food 362
488 slipped while mounting a saddled baby red dragon 361
489 slipped while mounting a saddled baby silver dragon 360
489 killed by a titan 360
489 killed by a hobgoblin, while fainted from lack of food 360
489 killed by a falling mace 360
490 killed by a yeti, while helpless 358
490 killed by a rock mole, while frozen by a monster's gaze 358
491 killed by an invisible troll 357
491 killed by an invisible Woodland-elf 357
491 killed by a garter snake, while frozen by a monster's gaze 357
492 killed by a snow ant 356
492 killed by a green dragon 356
493 slipped while mounting a saddled baby orange dragon 354
493 killed by a fox, while praying 354
494 dissolved in molten lava 352
495 killed by a snake, while helpless 350
495 killed by a monkey 350
495 killed by a gnome mummy, while helpless 350
496 killed by a clay golem 349
497 killed by a hobbit, while sleeping 348
498 killed while stuck in creature form 347
498 killed by a giant eel 347
499 killed by the wrath of Set 346
499 killed by a freezing sphere 346
500 killed by a parrot 344
501 killed by an orange dragon 343
502 killed by a bat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 341
502 killed by a barbed devil 341
503 killed by a black naga 337
504 killed by a priest of Thoth 336
504 killed by a manes, while frozen by a monster's gaze 336
504 killed by a fox, while frozen by a monster's gaze 336
505 poisoned by a rotted iguana corpse 334
505 killed by an invisible dwarf lord 334
505 killed by a red naga 334
505 killed by Mr. Hebiwerie, the shopkeeper 334
506 killed by a panther, while helpless 333
507 poisoned by Pestilence (with the Amulet) 332
507 killed by a dust vortex 332
508 killed by a Kop Kaptain 331
509 killed by a priestess of Thoth 330
510 killed by a fire ant, while praying 329
510 killed by a Mordor orc, while helpless 329
511 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted little dog 328
512 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted owlbear 327
512 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted fox 327
513 killed by a wererat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 326
513 killed by a baby crocodile 326
514 killed by a werejackal, while frozen by a monster's gaze 325
514 drowned in a pool of water 325
515 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome 324
516 zombified by a gnome zombie 323
516 killed by the wrath of Lugh 323
516 killed by a priest of Ptah 323
516 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted mumak 323
517 died of starvation, while fainted from lack of food 322
518 killed by a kobold lord, while frozen by a monster's gaze 321
519 withered away 320
520 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kitten 319
521 killed by a stone golem 318
522 killed by a killer bee, while frozen by a monster's gaze 317
522 killed by a hell hound 317
522 killed by Mr. Inuvik, the shopkeeper 317
523 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted pony 316
524 drowned in a moat 315
525 killed by a Grey-elf, while helpless 313
526 killed by a kobold zombie, while fainted from lack of food 312
527 killed by a kobold mummy, while helpless 310
528 killed by a killer bee, while fainted from lack of food 309
528 killed by a blue dragon 309
529 killed by a gnome zombie, while frozen by a monster's gaze 308
530 killed by a priestess of Loki 305
530 killed by a crow 305
531 killed by the invisible Wizard of Yendor 304
532 a trickery 302
533 killed by kicking the stairs 301
533 killed by an invisible plains centaur 301
533 killed by an Aleax 301
533 killed by a tengu, while helpless 301
534 killed by a lynx, while helpless 300
534 killed by a large kobold, while frozen by a monster's gaze 300
535 killed by an invisible arch-lich 299
535 killed by a poisoned blast 299
535 killed by a Green-elf, while sleeping 299
535 dragged downstairs by an iron ball 299
536 killed by a hill giant 298
537 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hobbit 294
538 killed by a psychic blast 293
538 killed by a human zombie, while helpless 293
539 killed by a priest of Odin 292
539 killed by a dwarf lady 292
540 killed by a ghoul, while helpless 291
541 killed by a pony, while praying 290
541 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted killer bee 290
542 killed by the wrath of Odin 289
542 killed by a gargoyle, while helpless 289
542 killed by Mr. Akalapi; the shopkeeper 289
543 zombified by a dwarf zombie 288
543 killed by a chameleon imitating a minotaur 288
543 killed by a black pudding, while helpless 288
544 killed by a grid bug, while frozen by a monster's gaze 287
545 killed by a balrog 286
546 killed by a kobold, while fainted from lack of food 284
546 killed by a dwarf queen 284
547 poisoned by a rotted killer bee corpse 283
548 killed by a winter wolf cub, while helpless 282
549 killed by Pestilence (with the Amulet) 281
550 killed by an ettin mummy, while helpless 280
550 killed by a rabid rat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 280
551 killed by a rock gnome 278
551 killed by a priestess of Tyr 278
551 killed by Ms. Sipaliwini; the shopkeeper 278
552 poisoned by a rotted shrieker corpse 277
552 killed by an owlbear, while praying 277
553 poisoned by a locust 276
553 killed by an invisible gargoyle 276
553 killed by a priestess of Odin 276
554 caught himself in his own burning oil 275
555 killed by a rabid dog 274
555 killed by a giant spider, while praying 274
556 killed by a werewolf, while helpless 273
556 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hill orc 273
556 choked on a yeti corpse 273
557 zombified by an orc zombie 271
557 killed by Mr. Annootok; the shopkeeper 271
558 choked on a stone giant corpse 270
559 killed by Famine (with the Amulet) 269
560 killed by an invisible master lich 268
560 killed by a priestess of Ptah 268
560 killed by Mr. Kabalebo; the shopkeeper 268
561 killed by a storm giant 267
562 killed by a jackal, while sleeping 266
562 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted water elemental 266
562 killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka; the shopkeeper 266
563 killed by an ogre, while helpless 265
563 killed by a Woodland-elf, while praying 265
563 killed by Mr. Adjama; the shopkeeper 265
564 killed by a horse, while helpless 264
564 killed by a homunculus, while fainted from lack of food 264
564 killed by Ms. Manlobbi; the shopkeeper 264
565 killed by a priest of Anhur 262
566 escaped (in celestial disgrace) 260
567 killed by trying to drink molten lava 259
567 killed by an enormous rat 259
568 killed by a priest of Loki 258
568 killed by a gnome, while praying 258
569 killed by a goblin, while sleeping 257
569 killed by Ms. Upernavik; the shopkeeper 257
570 suffocated by a gelatinous cube 255
570 killed by a white unicorn, while helpless 255
570 killed by a jaguar, while praying 255
570 killed by Ashikaga Takauji 255
571 poisoned by a rotted green mold corpse 254
572 killed by a cave spider, while fainted from lack of food 253
573 petrified by touching a chickatrice corpse bare-handed 251
573 killed by colliding with the ceiling 251
573 killed by a kobold zombie, while frozen by a monster's gaze 251
573 killed by a contact-poisoned spellbook 251
574 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted leocrotta 250
574 killed by a blast of acid 250
575 slipped while mounting a saddled baby violet dragon 248
576 killed by a sonic beam 247
576 killed by a poisoned needle 247
577 killed by a small mimic, while fainted from lack of food 246
577 killed by a lizard, while helpless 246
578 killed by an Archon 245
578 killed by a priestess of Anhur 245
579 killed by a white dragon 243
579 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted wolf 243
580 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted fire ant 242
580 killed by a gnome zombie, while fainted from lack of food 242
580 killed by a couatl of Tyr 242
580 killed by Ms. Ouiatchouane, the shopkeeper 242
581 killed by an invisible wererat 241
581 killed by an elf zombie, while frozen by a monster's gaze 241
582 killed by touching The Staff of Aesculapius 240
582 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted bat 240
583 zombified by a hobbit zombie 239
583 killed by a priest of Tyr 239
583 killed by a human mummy, while helpless 239
584 killed by a gnome queen 238
584 killed by Ms. Wonotobo; the shopkeeper 238
585 killed by a soldier ant, while fainted from lack of food 237
585 killed by a rope golem, while praying 237
586 killed by kicking a sink 236
586 killed by an invisible nalfeshnee 236
587 killed by a vampire bat, while helpless 235
588 killed by an ape, while praying 233
588 killed by a rabid rabbit 233
588 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant rat 233
589 poisoned by a rotted garter snake corpse 231
589 petrified by tasting chickatrice meat 231
589 killed by the wrath of Mars 231
589 killed by an orc zombie, while fainted from lack of food 231
589 killed by a vampire in bat form 231
589 killed by a kobold, while frozen by a monster's gaze 231
589 killed by a dwarf zombie, while fainted from lack of food 231
590 slipped while mounting a saddled baby black dragon 230
590 killed by a flint stone 230
591 killed by the wrath of Quetzalcoatl 229
591 killed by the Cyclops 229
591 killed by a horned devil 229
591 choked on a jackal corpse 229
592 killed by a soldier, while helpless 228
593 killed by an invisible Uruk-hai 227
593 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted small mimic 227
593 killed by a glass golem 227
593 killed by Mr. Angmagssalik; the shopkeeper 227
593 killed by Izchak; the shopkeeper 227
594 killed by a rabid rat, while fainted from lack of food 226
594 killed by a large kobold, while fainted from lack of food 226
595 poisoned by a rotted coyote corpse 224
596 killed by touching The Eye of the Aethiopica 223
597 killed by a serval 221
597 killed by a kobold lord, while fainted from lack of food 221
598 killed by Mr. Asidonhopo; the shopkeeper 219
599 poisoned by a rotted hobgoblin corpse 216
599 killed by a watchman, while praying 216
600 choked on a lichen corpse 215
601 killed by an invisible goblin 213
602 killed by a straw golem, while frozen by a monster's gaze 210
603 killed by a hill orc, while sleeping 209
604 killed by Yeenoghu, while helpless 208
605 killed by an invisible Archon 207
605 killed by a manes, while fainted from lack of food 207
606 poisoned by a crossbow bolt 206
606 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted coyote 206
606 killed by Lord Surtur 206
606 choked on a black dragon corpse 206
607 killed by the wrath of Huan Ti 205
607 killed by a wererat, while fainted from lack of food 205
607 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant spider 205
608 poisoned by a rotted cave spider corpse 204
608 killed by a werejackal, while fainted from lack of food 204
608 killed by a pit fiend 204
609 killed by a newt, while reading a book 203
610 caught himself in his own death field 202
611 killed by an invisible werewolf 201
611 killed by a master lich 201
612 poisoned by a rotted red mold corpse 199
613 killed by a blast of lightning 198
613 choked on a floating eye corpse 198
614 killed by an invisible werejackal 196
614 killed by a knife 196
615 killed by an Uruk-hai, while frozen by a monster's gaze 194
615 choked on a fire giant corpse 194
616 poisoned by a rotted gray ooze corpse 193
616 killed by a wolf, while fainted from lack of food 193
617 poisoned by a unicorn horn 191
617 killed by a water demon, while sleeping 191
618 killed by the wrath of Chih Sung-tzu 190
618 killed by an invisible Green-elf 190
618 killed by an electric chair 190
618 killed by a dwarvish lord 190
618 choked on a cram ration 190
618 caught herself in her own death field 190
619 killed by invisible Yeenoghu 189
619 killed by a rabid rat, while praying 189
620 killed by a small crossbow bolt 188
621 killed by the wrath of Camaxtli 187
621 killed by petrification 187
622 poisoned by a rotted glob of gray ooze 186
622 killed by a kitten, while praying 186
623 zombified by an elf zombie 185
624 killed by a paper golem, while frozen by a monster's gaze 184
624 killed by a cloud of poison gas 184
624 killed by Mr. Nenagh, the shopkeeper 184
625 poisoned by a rotted bugbear corpse 183
625 killed by a raven, while praying 183
626 killed by an invisible watch captain 182
626 killed by Ms. Kinnegad, the shopkeeper 182
627 quit (with the Amulet) 181
627 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted wererat 181
628 petrified by a soldier 180
628 killed by a warg, while helpless 180
628 killed by Ms. Kittamagh, the shopkeeper 180
628 killed by Mr. Lugnaquillia, the shopkeeper 180
629 killed by a sewer rat, while reading a book 179
629 killed by Ms. Enniscorthy, the shopkeeper 179
629 killed by Mr. Aksaray, the shopkeeper 179
630 killed by an invisible bugbear 178
630 killed by a succubus, while helpless 178
630 killed by a leocrotta, while praying 178
630 killed by a large spider 178
630 killed by a giant cockroach 178
630 killed by a baby owlbear 178
631 killed by an uninjured gnome 177
631 killed by a tiger, while helpless 177
632 killed by a kobold mummy, while frozen by a monster's gaze 176
632 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jaguar 176
633 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted watchman 175
633 killed by a crocodile, while helpless 175
634 killed by a kobold shaman 174
635 killed by a guardian naga 173
635 killed by a chameleon imitating a mastodon 173
636 killed by an elven spear 172
636 killed by a ghoul, while paralyzed by a monster 172
636 killed by Mr. Iskenderun, the shopkeeper 172
637 poisoned by a rotted brown mold corpse 171
637 killed by an uninjured dwarf 171
637 killed by a giant leech 171
637 killed by a chameleon imitating a jabberwock 171
638 killed by a force bolt 170
638 killed by Ms. Possogroenoe; the shopkeeper 170
639 killed by Ms. Aklavik; the shopkeeper 169
639 killed by Mr. Gweebarra, the shopkeeper 169
640 killed by the wrath of Shan Lai Ching 168
640 killed by a vampire, while helpless 168
640 killed by a quasit, while helpless 168
641 killed by a rothe, while sleeping 167
641 killed by a dingo, while fainted from lack of food 167
642 killed by the wrath of Crom 166
642 killed by an air elemental of Thoth 166
642 killed by an Uruk-hai, while fainted from lack of food 166
642 killed by a nurse 166
642 killed by a grappling hook 166
642 killed by a Grey-elf, while sleeping 166
643 killed by a soldier ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 165
643 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted goblin 165
644 slipped while mounting a saddled horse 164
644 poisoned by a rotted kitten corpse 164
644 killed by a winter wolf, while helpless 164
644 killed by a gnoll 164
645 killed by the wrath of Moloch 163
645 killed by a small dart 163
645 choked on a gunyoki 163
646 killed by touching The Master Key of Thievery 162
646 killed by an acid stream 162
646 killed by a straw golem, while fainted from lack of food 162
646 killed by a sewer rat, while sleeping 162
646 killed by a hezrou 162
647 killed by a succubus of Anhur 161
647 killed by Mr. Lahinch, the shopkeeper 161
648 quit while already on Charon\'s boat 160
648 killed by an incubus of Anhur 160
648 killed by a plains centaur, while praying 160
649 killed by an ogre, while sleeping 159
649 killed by a rock mole, while fainted from lack of food 159
649 killed by a jackal, while frozen by a potion 159
649 killed by Ms. Siirt, the shopkeeper 159
650 killed by a wood golem 158
650 killed by Ms. Tirebolu, the shopkeeper 158
651 killed himself by breaking a wand 157
651 killed by the Wizard of Yendor 157
651 killed by an invisible dwarf king 157
651 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted plains centaur 157
651 killed by a gnome, while frozen by a potion 157
652 killed by a large cat, while helpless 156
653 killed by an invisible stalker, while helpless 155
653 killed by a werejackal, while praying 155
653 killed by a gnome, while reading a book 155
653 caught herself in her own burning oil 155
654 killed by Ms. Tuktoyaktuk, the shopkeeper 154
654 killed by Ms. Ennistymon, the shopkeeper 154
654 killed by Mr. Hebiwerie; the shopkeeper 154
655 poisoned by an arrow 153
655 killed by a garter snake, while fainted from lack of food 153
655 killed by a blast of missiles 153
655 killed by Ms. Kadirli, the shopkeeper 153
655 killed by Mr. Gomel, the shopkeeper 153
656 killed by an invisible rock troll 152
656 killed by an Angel 152
656 killed by a trickery 152
657 killed by an invisible winged gargoyle 151
657 killed by a skeleton 151
657 killed by a kobold lady 151
657 killed by Mr. Sablja, the shopkeeper 151
657 drowned in deep water 151
658 killed himself with his bullwhip 150
658 killed by an ettin zombie, while helpless 150
658 killed by a wererat, while praying 150
658 killed by a giant bat, while sleeping 150
659 killed by an elf zombie, while fainted from lack of food 149
659 killed by a wolf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 149
659 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted werejackal 149
659 absorbing too much energy and exploding 149
660 killed by shredding of the soul 148
660 killed by an imp, while praying 148
660 killed by a soldier, while sleeping 148
660 killed by a gold golem, while praying 148
660 killed by a dwarf, while frozen by a potion 148
660 killed by Vlad the Impaler 148
660 killed by Mr. Rath Luirc, the shopkeeper 148
661 killed by kicking an altar 147
661 killed by a priest of Huan Ti 147
661 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted white unicorn 147
661 killed by a gray unicorn, while helpless 147
662 killed by invisible Nalzok 146
662 killed by his own pick-axe 146
662 killed by a water elemental, while helpless 146
662 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted newt 146
662 choked on a lump of royal jelly 146
663 poisoned by a rotted large kobold corpse 145
663 killed by the wrath of Anu 145
663 killed by something while blind 145
663 killed by kicking something weird 145
663 killed by an uninjured fox 145
663 killed by an invisible soldier ant 145
663 killed by an invisible lich 145
663 killed by Ms. Narodnaja, the shopkeeper 145
663 killed by Ms. Ermenak, the shopkeeper 145
664 starvation 144
664 poisoned by a rotted homunculus corpse 144
664 killed herself by breaking a wand 144
664 killed by a hermit 144
664 killed by a gnome king, while praying 144
664 killed by a Green-elf, while praying 144
664 killed by Ms. Yildizeli, the shopkeeper 144
665 killed by a titanothere 143
665 killed by Mr. Akhalataki, the shopkeeper 143
665 choked on a newt corpse 143
665 burned by a fireball 143
666 killed by a little dog, while praying 142
666 killed by a fox, while reading a book 142
666 killed by a Woodland-elf, while sleeping 142
667 killed by an imp, while frozen by a monster's gaze 141
667 killed by a Woodland-elf, while fainted from lack of food 141
668 killed by a priestess of Chih Sung-tzu 140
668 killed by a goblin, while reading a book 140
668 killed by a giant beetle, while fainted from lack of food 140
668 killed by Ms. Sneem, the shopkeeper 140
669 poisoned by a rotted giant ant corpse 139
669 killed by a gnome lord, while frozen by a potion 139
669 killed by a giant mimic, while helpless 139
669 killed by Ms. Konosja, the shopkeeper 139
669 killed by Mr. Gaziantep, the shopkeeper 139
669 choked on a tripe ration 139
670 killed by an invisible gnomish wizard 138
670 killed by a human zombie, while frozen by a monster's gaze 138
670 killed by Mr. Ballingeary, the shopkeeper 138
670 killed by Asmodeus 138
671 killed by a priest of Chih Sung-tzu 137
671 killed by a jaguar, while fainted from lack of food 137
671 killed by a giant ant, while sleeping 137
671 killed by a dingo, while praying 137
672 poisoned by a rotted bat corpse 136
672 killed by a lizard, while frozen by a monster's gaze 136
672 killed by Ms. Walbrzych, the shopkeeper 136
672 killed by Mr. Chicoutimi, the shopkeeper 136
672 choked on an egg 136
673 killed by an uninjured jackal 135
673 killed by an ape, while fainted from lack of food 135
673 killed by a small aklys 135
673 killed by a rock troll, while helpless 135
673 killed by a dingo puppy 135
674 slipped while mounting a saddled baby gray dragon 134
674 killed by a kobold, while sleeping 134
674 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gecko 134
674 killed by a bat, while praying 134
675 killed by a malkuth sephirah 133
675 killed by a long worm 133
675 killed by a hobbit, while praying 133
675 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rabid rat 133
676 killed by an invisible demilich 132
676 killed by a priestess of Shan Lai Ching 132
676 killed by Death (with the Amulet) 132
677 killed by an air elemental, while helpless 131
677 killed by a priest of Crom 131
677 killed by a paper golem, while fainted from lack of food 131
677 killed by a kobold werejackal 131
677 killed by Yeenoghu, while paralyzed by a monster 131
678 killed by an exploding potion 130
678 killed by a large mimic, while helpless 130
678 killed by a fox, while sleeping 130
678 killed by Ms. Syktywkar, the shopkeeper 130
679 slipped while mounting a saddled baby purple dragon 129
679 killed by an incubus, while helpless 129
679 killed by a water demon, while frozen by a potion 129
679 killed by a mumak, while praying 129
679 killed by a mountain centaur, while helpless 129
679 killed by a giant beetle, while frozen by a monster's gaze 129
679 killed by a fire ant, while fainted from lack of food 129
679 killed by a dog, while frozen by a monster's gaze 129
679 killed by Mr. Kyzyl, the shopkeeper 129
680 killed by a vampire lord, while helpless 128
680 killed by a potion of unholy water 128
680 killed by a large dog, while helpless 128
680 killed by a jaguar, while frozen by a monster's gaze 128
680 killed by a gargoyle, while praying 128
680 killed by a died 128
681 killed by a forest centaur, while helpless 127
681 killed by Mr. Weliki Oestjoeg, the shopkeeper 127
682 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Woodland-elf 126
682 killed by a dingo, while frozen by a monster's gaze 126
683 killed by a sharpened bamboo stick 125
683 killed by a dwarf mummy, while helpless 125
683 killed by a Mordor orc, while frozen by a monster's gaze 125
684 killed by an imp, while fainted from lack of food 124
684 killed by an Uruk-hai, while praying 124
684 killed by a minotaur, while helpless 124
684 killed by a jellyfish 124
684 killed by a grid bug, while praying 124
684 killed by a discharging wand 124
684 killed by a coyote, while praying 124
684 killed by Ms. Gorlowka, the shopkeeper 124
685 killed by a yeti, while praying 123
685 killed by a dwarf, while reading a book 123
686 killed by an ape, while frozen by a monster's gaze 122
686 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted ape 122
686 killed by a gnomish wizard's force bolt 122
686 killed by a gnome king, while fainted from lack of food 122
686 killed by a falling quarterstaff 122
687 poisoned by a rotted little dog corpse 121
687 killed by an invisible imp 121
687 killed by a werewolf, while praying 121
687 killed by a hobbit zombie 121
687 killed by a cue boulder 121
687 killed by a couatl of Amaterasu Omikami 121
687 killed by Mr. Inuvik; the shopkeeper 121
688 killed by a wounded dwarf 120
688 killed by a panther, while praying 120
688 killed by a kobold wererat 120
688 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome king 120
688 killed by a fire ant, while frozen by a potion 120
689 poisoned by a rotted ettin corpse 119
689 poisoned by a rotted Mordor orc corpse 119
689 killed by an orc mummy, while helpless 119
689 killed by a gnome mummy, while frozen by a monster's gaze 119
689 killed by a giant rat, while praying 119
689 killed by a chameleon imitating a vampire lord 119
690 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gargoyle 118
690 killed by a burning potion of oil 118
691 killed by an invisible hobgoblin 117
692 killed by a soldier ant, while sleeping 116
692 killed by a chameleon imitating an arch-lich 116
692 killed by Mr. Siverek, the shopkeeper 116
692 killed by Mr. Boyabai, the shopkeeper 116
693 poisoned by a rotted giant bat corpse 115
693 killed by a dog, while fainted from lack of food 115
693 drowned in a moat by a kraken 115
694 killed by the wrath of Ishtar 114
694 killed by a priestess of Crom 114
694 killed by a priest of Shan Lai Ching 114
695 killed by an ice devil 113
695 killed by a warhorse, while helpless 113
695 killed by a priestess of Mitra 113
695 killed by a priest of Mitra 113
695 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hobgoblin 113
696 killed by an elf-lord, while helpless 112
696 killed by a xorn, while helpless 112
696 killed by a watch captain, while sleeping 112
696 killed by a lichen 112
696 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted homunculus 112
696 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant beetle 112
697 killed by a winter wolf cub, while praying 111
697 killed by a housecat, while fainted from lack of food 111
697 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted yeti 111
698 poisoned by a gray fungus 110
698 killed by the wrath of Venus 110
698 killed by an invisible Olog-hai 110
698 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted panther 110
699 killed by the wrath of Ptah 109
699 killed by an invisible homunculus 109
699 killed by a hobgoblin, while sleeping 109
699 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted blue jelly 109
699 killed by a baby gray dragon 109
699 killed by Mr. Ossipewsk, the shopkeeper 109
700 poisoned by a rotted Uruk-hai corpse 108
700 killed by an invisible Grey-elf 108
700 killed by a straw golem, while praying 108
700 killed by a python 108
700 killed by a nalfeshnee 108
700 killed by a giant spider, while fainted from lack of food 108
700 killed by a bugbear, while praying 108
701 killed by an owlbear, while fainted from lack of food 107
701 killed by an elf mummy, while helpless 107
701 killed by a stone giant, while helpless 107
701 killed by a pyrolisk, while helpless 107
701 killed by a newt, while sleeping 107
701 killed by a jumping spider 107
701 choked on a hill giant corpse 107
702 poisoned by a scorpion 106
702 killed in a riding accident 106
702 killed by a rothe, while reading a book 106
702 killed by a gnome king, while sleeping 106
703 killed by a priest of Moloch 105
703 killed by a monkey, while helpless 105
703 killed by a lich 105
703 killed by a housecat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 105
703 killed by a displacer beast 105
703 killed by a bugbear, while fainted from lack of food 105
703 killed by Mr. Swidnica, the shopkeeper 105
704 zombified by a human zombie 104
704 killed by an uninjured sewer rat 104
704 killed by a priestess of Huan Ti 104
704 killed by a gelatinous cube, while helpless 104
704 killed by a Woodland-elf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 104
705 wiped out by a scroll of genocide 103
705 killed by the invisible Minion of Huhetotl 103
705 killed by an invisible ogre 103
705 killed by a rock 103
705 killed by a baby white dragon 103
706 killed by an invisible orc-captain 102
706 killed by a priestess of Set 102
706 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted housecat 102
706 killed by a goblin, while praying 102
706 killed by a giant beetle, while praying 102
707 poisoned by Scorpius 101
707 killed by an uninjured water moccasin 101
707 killed by an invisible mountain centaur 101
707 killed by an Uruk-hai, while sleeping 101
707 killed by a hell hound pup 101
707 killed by Cerberus 101
707 choked on a gelatinous cube corpse 101
708 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rope golem 100
708 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dingo 100
708 killed by a grid bug, while reading a book 100
708 killed by a dwarf king, while helpless 100
708 killed by a barrow wight, while helpless 100
709 turned into green slime 99
709 poisoned by a pit viper 99
709 killed by a white unicorn, while praying 99
709 killed by a gray ooze, while helpless 99
709 killed by a giant ant, while reading a book 99
709 ascended, having saved the future 99
710 killed by axing a hard object 98
710 killed by a water elemental of Thoth 98
710 killed by a priestess of Moloch 98
710 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kobold zombie 98
710 killed by Ms. Kilgarvan, the shopkeeper 98
711 poisoned by a giant mosquito 97
711 killed by a quivering blob 97
711 killed by a horse, while praying 97
711 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted iguana 97
711 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted horse 97
711 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dog 97
711 killed by a gnome lord, while reading a book 97
711 killed by a black pudding, while fainted from lack of food 97
712 killed by an uninjured soldier ant 96
712 killed by a mildly contaminated potion 96
712 killed by a housecat, while praying 96
712 killed by a gnome mummy, while fainted from lack of food 96
712 killed by a black naga hatchling, while helpless 96
712 killed by Amon 96
712 choked on a fortune cookie 96
713 killed by the high priest of Moloch 95
713 killed by a winged gargoyle, while helpless 95
713 killed by a snake, while praying 95
713 killed by a sergeant, while helpless 95
713 killed by a newt, while praying 95
713 killed by a lynx, while praying 95
713 killed by a jackal, while unconscious from rotten food 95
713 killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a potion 95
713 killed by a black unicorn, while helpless 95
713 killed by a baby silver dragon 95
713 killed by a Kop Sergeant, while helpless 95
714 zombified by a gnomish zombie 94
714 killed by touching The Orb of Fate 94
714 killed by a watchman, while sleeping 94
714 killed by a rothe, while unconscious from rotten food 94
714 killed by a priest of Set 94
714 killed by a bugbear, while frozen by a monster's gaze 94
714 escaped (with a fake Amulet) 94
715 killed by an invisible rothe 93
715 killed by a wounded soldier ant 93
715 killed by a sea tortle 93
715 killed by a psionic beam 93
715 killed by a killer bee, while sleeping 93
715 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted grid bug 93
715 killed by a golden naga 93
715 killed by a Mordor orc, while fainted from lack of food 93
715 killed by Ms. Kanturk, the shopkeeper 93
715 killed by Ms. Kalecik, the shopkeeper 93
716 petrified by a sergeant 92
716 killed by kicking a heavy iron ball (chained to you) 92
716 killed by an air elemental, while praying 92
716 killed by a rope golem, while frozen by a monster's gaze 92
716 killed by a human zombie, while fainted from lack of food 92
716 killed by a hill orc, while frozen by a potion 92
716 killed by a guardian naga hatchling, while helpless 92
716 killed by a gremlin, while helpless 92
716 killed by a dwarf lord, while fainted from lack of food 92
717 poisoned by a bad case of botulism 91
717 killed by an uninjured hobbit 91
717 killed by an invisible minotaur 91
717 killed by a kitten, while sleeping 91
717 killed by a human mummy, while praying 91
717 killed by a fire giant, while helpless 91
717 killed by a djinni, while helpless 91
717 killed by a baby yellow dragon 91
718 killed by touching Stormbringer 90
718 killed by touching Grimtooth 90
718 killed by an owlbear, while frozen by a monster's gaze 90
718 killed by a quantum mechanic 90
718 killed by a kraken 90
718 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted bugbear 90
718 killed by a giant rat, while sleeping 90
718 killed by a couatl of Lugh 90
718 choked on a stalker corpse 90
718 choked on a blue dragon corpse 90
719 killed by an invisible quasit 89
719 killed by a vorpal jabberwock 89
719 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted troll 89
719 killed by a guard, while helpless 89
720 killed by the high priestess of Moloch 88
720 killed by a violet fungus 88
720 killed by a snake, while frozen by a monster's gaze 88
720 killed by a snake, while fainted from lack of food 88
720 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gray unicorn 88
720 killed by a garo 88
720 killed by a chameleon imitating a baluchitherium 88
720 killed by a baby green dragon 88
720 killed by Ms. Pervari, the shopkeeper 88
721 killed by kicking a headstone 87
721 killed by invisible Ixoth 87
721 killed by an Elvenqueen 87
721 killed by a vampire lord in bat form 87
721 killed by a red naga hatchling, while helpless 87
721 killed by a kobold mummy, while fainted from lack of food 87
721 killed by a gray unicorn, while praying 87
721 killed by a baby red dragon 87
721 killed by a Grey-elf, while praying 87
721 choked on a quick snack 87
722 suffocated by a water elemental 86
722 poisoned by a rotted wererat corpse 86
722 killed by the wrath of Loki 86
722 killed by the invisible Chromatic Dragon 86
722 killed by a priestess of Odin, while helpless 86
722 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gold golem 86
722 killed by a carnivorous ape, while helpless 86
722 killed by a baby orange dragon 86
722 choked on a tengu corpse 86
723 poisoned by a rotted werejackal corpse 85
723 killed by an air elemental (with the Amulet) 85
723 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted lynx 85
723 killed by Ms. Klodzko, the shopkeeper 85
723 killed by Ms. Kinnegad; the shopkeeper 85
724 poisoned by a rotted pony corpse 84
724 killed by an ogre lord, while helpless 84
724 killed by a troll, while sleeping 84
724 killed by a priest of Loki, while helpless 84
724 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Uruk-hai 84
724 killed by a gnomish wizard, while helpless 84
724 choked on a dwarf corpse 84
725 killed by an invisible tengu 83
725 killed by a winter wolf, while praying 83
725 killed by a troll, while praying 83
725 killed by a raven, while fainted from lack of food 83
725 killed by a quasit, while praying 83
725 killed by a phase spider 83
725 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted brown mold 83
725 killed by a gnoll hunter 83
725 killed by a dwarf lord, while frozen by a monster's gaze 83
725 killed by a baby blue dragon 83
726 squished under a boulder 82
726 poisoned by a rotted black pudding corpse 82
726 killed by a wounded small mimic 82
726 killed by a wounded giant bat 82
726 killed by a volatile mushroom's explosion 82
726 killed by a rope golem, while fainted from lack of food 82
726 killed by a homunculus, while praying 82
726 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted imp 82
726 killed by a giant rat, while reading a book 82
726 killed by Mr. Skibbereen, the shopkeeper 82
727 slipped while mounting a saddled riding pseudodragon 81
727 poisoned by a rotted black naga hatchling corpse 81
727 killed by an invisible kobold lord 81
727 killed by an earth elemental of Thoth 81
727 killed by a gold golem, while fainted from lack of food 81
727 killed by a fire ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 81
727 killed by a chameleon imitating a leocrotta 81
728 petrified by a captain 80
728 killed by a water demon, while fainted from lack of food 80
728 killed by a priest of Tyr, while helpless 80
728 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf lord 80
728 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted black pudding 80
728 killed by a fire elemental of Thoth 80
728 killed by a bat, while sleeping 80
729 killed by touching The Sceptre of Might 79
729 killed by the hallucinogen-distorted Oracle 79
729 killed by her own pick-axe 79
729 killed by an invisible ki-rin 79
729 killed by a steel crossbow bolt 79
729 killed by a plains centaur, while frozen by a monster's gaze 79
729 killed by a hobbit pickpocket 79
729 killed by a fire ant, while sleeping off a magical draught 79
729 killed by a dog, while praying 79
729 killed by a coyote, while sleeping 79
729 killed by a bugbear, while sleeping 79
729 killed by a baby black dragon 79
729 killed by Mr. Chicoutimi; the shopkeeper 79
730 poisoned by a rotted leprechaun corpse 78
730 killed by an invisible giant ant 78
730 killed by an invisible Mordor orc 78
730 killed by a tengu, while frozen by a monster's gaze 78
730 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted werewolf 78
730 choked on an apple 78
731 killed by invisible Orcus 77
731 killed by an invisible quinon 77
731 killed by an invisible elf-lord 77
731 killed by a priest of Susanowo 77
731 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted guard 77
731 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Green-elf 77
731 killed by a giant spider, while sleeping 77
731 killed by Ms. Tuktoyaktuk; the shopkeeper 77
731 killed by Ms. Ouiatchouane; the shopkeeper 77
732 went to heaven prematurely 76
732 poisoned by a rotted rock mole corpse 76
732 killed by a sewer rat, while frozen by a potion 76
732 killed by a rothe, while frozen by a potion 76
732 killed by a kobold zombie, while reading a book 76
732 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted large mimic 76
732 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant mimic 76
732 killed by Ms. Moy, the shopkeeper 76
732 killed by Medusa 76
733 killed by an uninjured bat 75
733 killed by an invisible lieutenant 75
733 killed by an invisible kobold 75
733 killed by an invisible Elvenking 75
733 killed by an arrow trap 75
733 killed by an Angel of Moloch (with the Amulet) 75
733 killed by a wounded rothe 75
733 killed by a rolling boulder trap 75
733 killed by a priestess of Raijin 75
733 killed by a plains centaur, while fainted from lack of food 75
733 killed by a cave spider, while praying 75
733 killed by Ms. Tsjernigof, the shopkeeper 75
733 killed by Ms. Parbalingga, the shopkeeper 75
734 killed herself with her bullwhip 74
734 killed by touching Grayswandir 74
734 killed by an invisible captain 74
734 killed by a werejackal, while sleeping 74
734 killed by a raven, while frozen by a monster's gaze 74
734 killed by a rabid rat, while sleeping 74
734 killed by a priest of Raijin 74
734 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted black unicorn 74
734 killed by a ball of cold 74
734 killed by Mr. Imbyze, the shopkeeper 74
734 committed suicide 74
735 petrified by kicking a cockatrice corpse without boots 73
735 killed by an invisible djinni 73
735 killed by an ettin mummy, while praying 73
735 killed by a splash of acid 73
735 killed by a small mimic, while sleeping 73
735 killed by a silver arrow 73
735 killed by a shade 73
735 killed by Mr. Nenagh; the shopkeeper 73
735 drowned in a pool of water by a python 73
736 poisoned by a rotted ape corpse 72
736 killed by an uninjured water demon 72
736 killed by an alchemic blast 72
736 killed by a tengu, while praying 72
736 killed by a priestess of The Lady 72
736 killed by Ms. Ermenak; the shopkeeper 72
737 killed by an uninjured killer bee 71
737 killed by an invisible xorn 71
737 killed by an invisible giant bat 71
737 killed by an Uruk-captain 71
737 killed by a wumpus 71
737 killed by a vampire bat, while praying 71
737 killed by a priestess of Loki, while helpless 71
737 killed by a priest of Amaterasu Omikami 71
737 killed by a giant zombie, while helpless 71
737 killed by a giant bat, while reading a book 71
737 killed by a Keystone Kop, while helpless 71
737 killed by Mr. Gweebarra; the shopkeeper 71
738 killed by touching Demonbane 70
738 killed by kicking an iron bar 70
738 killed by burning scrolls 70
738 killed by an orc 70
738 killed by a sergeant, while sleeping 70
738 killed by a priest of Odin, while helpless 70
738 killed by a kobold lord, while sleeping 70
738 killed by a hobbit, while reading a book 70
738 killed by a hobbit, while frozen by a potion 70
738 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted tengu 70
738 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted snake 70
738 killed by a gnome lord zombie 70
738 killed by Ms. Tirebolu; the shopkeeper 70
738 crushed to death by a falling drawbridge 70
739 poisoned by a bone orcish arrow 69
739 killed by kicking a fountain 69
739 killed by an uninjured goblin 69
739 killed by an Aleax of Tyr 69
739 killed by a warg, while praying 69
739 killed by a little dog, while sleeping 69
739 killed by a lieutenant, while helpless 69
739 killed by a guard, while sleeping 69
739 killed by a ghoul, while frozen by a monster's gaze 69
739 killed by Mr. Akhalataki; the shopkeeper 69
739 killed by Gollum 69
739 choked on a slime mold 69
740 killed by an ogre king, while helpless 68
740 killed by an invisible vampire 68
740 killed by an invisible sergeant 68
740 killed by a touch of death (with the Amulet) 68
740 killed by a ranseur 68
740 killed by a pony, while sleeping 68
740 killed by a lance 68
740 killed by Mr. Iskenderun; the shopkeeper 68
740 drowned in a moat by a couatl 68
740 choked on a troll corpse 68
740 choked on a gecko corpse 68
741 quit after an act of violence 67
741 petrified by a beholder 67
741 killed by an uninjured rothe 67
741 killed by an invisible vampire lord 67
741 killed by an electric eel 67
741 killed by a rock piercer, while helpless 67
741 killed by a priestess of Susanowo 67
741 killed by a giant mummy, while helpless 67
741 killed by a dwarf lord, while praying 67
741 killed by a chameleon imitating a hell hound 67
741 killed by a bolt of fire zapped by himself 67
741 killed by Mr. Ngebel, the shopkeeper 67
741 choked on a gnome corpse 67
741 choked on a deadly slime mold 67
742 killed by invisible Asmodeus 66
742 killed by an Elvenking, while helpless 66
742 killed by a wraith, while helpless 66
742 killed by a vrock of Anhur 66
742 killed by a saber-toothed tiger 66
742 killed by a lizard, while fainted from lack of food 66
742 killed by a gold golem, while frozen by a monster's gaze 66
742 killed by a chameleon imitating an air elemental 66
742 killed by Ms. Siirt; the shopkeeper 66
742 killed by Ms. Hoboken, the shopkeeper 66
742 killed by Mr. Haynin, the shopkeeper 66
742 choked on a hobbit corpse 66
743 poisoned by a rotted brown pudding corpse 65
743 killed by an orc-captain, while helpless 65
743 killed by a water moccasin, while sleeping 65
743 killed by a priestess of Amaterasu Omikami 65
743 killed by a leather golem, while helpless 65
743 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted large cat 65
743 killed by a guard, while praying 65
743 killed by a glass piercer 65
743 killed by a crocodile, while praying 65
743 killed by a couatl of Tyr, while helpless 65
743 killed by a couatl of Quetzalcoatl 65
743 killed by Mr. Demirci, the shopkeeper 65
744 slipped while mounting a saddled warhorse 64
744 killed by his own axe 64
744 killed by an ochre jelly, while helpless 64
744 killed by a water demon, while sleeping off a magical draught 64
744 killed by a gnome king, while frozen by a monster's gaze 64
744 killed by Ms. Massis, the shopkeeper 64
744 killed by Mr. Njezjin, the shopkeeper 64
744 killed by Mr. Bojolali, the shopkeeper 64
744 disintegrated by a blast of disintegration 64
744 choked on a carrot 64
745 killed by touching The Platinum Yendorian Express Card 63
745 killed by an invisible forest centaur 63
745 killed by an invisible fire ant 63
745 killed by a soldier ant, while frozen by a potion 63
745 killed by a minotaur, while praying 63
745 killed by a goblin-captain 63
745 killed by a chameleon imitating a winged gargoyle 63
745 killed by a bolt of fire zapped by herself 63
745 killed by a Woodland-elf, while frozen by a potion 63
745 killed by Ms. Sarangan, the shopkeeper 63
746 poisoned by a rotted small mimic corpse 62
746 killed by an uninjured giant bat 62
746 killed by an uninjured giant ant 62
746 killed by an elf-lord, while sleeping 62
746 killed by an air elemental of Hermes 62
746 killed by a woodchuck 62
746 killed by a winter wolf cub, while frozen by a monster's gaze 62
746 killed by a priestess of Tyr, while helpless 62
746 killed by a gnomish lord 62
746 killed by a gnome, while unconscious from rotten food 62
746 killed by a gnome lord, while sleeping off a magical draught 62
746 killed by a fox, while frozen by a potion 62
746 killed by a captain, while helpless 62
746 killed by a boiling hot corpse 62
746 killed by Mr. Gaziantep; the shopkeeper 62
746 killed by Izchak, the shopkeeper 62
747 poisoned by a rotted gnomish wizard corpse 61
747 killed by an ettin mummy, while frozen by a monster's gaze 61
747 killed by a water moccasin, while fainted from lack of food 61
747 killed by a spetum 61
747 killed by a pseudodragon 61
747 killed by a paper golem, while praying 61
747 killed by a giant spider, while frozen by a monster's gaze 61
747 killed by a geyser of acid 61
747 killed by a gecko, while sleeping 61
747 killed by Mr. Kinsky, the shopkeeper 61
747 killed by Mr. Aksaray; the shopkeeper 61
748 poisoned by a rotted wolf corpse 60
748 killed by an uninjured hill orc 60
748 killed by an invisible mumak 60
748 killed by a ya 60
748 killed by a shotgun shell 60
748 killed by a priest of The Lady 60
748 killed by a hill giant, while helpless 60
748 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted tiger 60
748 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted ettin mummy 60
748 killed by a golden naga hatchling, while helpless 60
748 killed by a deep one 60
748 killed by Ms. Yildizeli; the shopkeeper 60
748 killed by Ms. Juyn, the shopkeeper 60
748 killed by Ms. Djombang, the shopkeeper 60
748 killed by Mr. Gheel, the shopkeeper 60
749 poisoned by a rotted giant corpse 59
749 petrified by tasting Medusa meat 59
749 killed by touching Sunsword 59
749 killed by an orcish spear 59
749 killed by an invisible small mimic 59
749 killed by a wolf, while sleeping 59
749 killed by a small dagger 59
749 killed by a priestess of Odin, while paralyzed by a monster 59
749 killed by a hill orc, while reading a book 59
749 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted crocodile 59
749 killed by Ms. Sneem; the shopkeeper 59
749 killed by Ms. Ennistymon; the shopkeeper 59
749 killed by Mr. Lugnaquillia; the shopkeeper 59
749 choked on an orange 59
750 poisoned by a rotted rock piercer corpse 58
750 poisoned by a rotted kobold lord corpse 58
750 killed by bumping into a boulder 58
750 killed by an ogre queen 58
750 killed by a wounded gnome lady 58
750 killed by a wererat, while sleeping 58
750 killed by a spear trap 58
750 killed by a sasquatch, while helpless 58
750 killed by a priestess of Venus 58
750 killed by a priest of Venus 58
750 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted human mummy 58
750 killed by a bolt of cold zapped by herself 58
750 killed by a Kop Lieutenant, while helpless 58
750 killed by Nalzok 58
750 killed by Ms. Konosja; the shopkeeper 58
750 killed by Ms. Kittamagh; the shopkeeper 58
750 killed by Mr. Lahinch; the shopkeeper 58
750 killed by Mr. Cahersiveen, the shopkeeper 58
750 killed by Mr. Boyabai; the shopkeeper 58
750 choked on an owlbear corpse 58
751 petrified by a lieutenant 57
751 killed by an orc mummy, while frozen by a monster's gaze 57
751 killed by an energy vortex, while helpless 57
751 killed by a tiger, while praying 57
751 killed by a ninja 57
751 killed by a mumak, while fainted from lack of food 57
751 killed by a lynx, while frozen by a monster's gaze 57
751 killed by a kobold, while reading a book 57
751 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kobold lord 57
751 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kobold 57
751 killed by a dwarf, while sleeping off a magical draught 57
751 killed by Mr. Niskal, the shopkeeper 57
751 killed by Mr. Kyzyl; the shopkeeper 57
751 killed by Mr. Hyeghu, the shopkeeper 57
751 dissolved in molten lava (with the Amulet) 57
751 choked on a rothe corpse 57
752 poisoned by a rotted water nymph corpse 56
752 poisoned by a rotted giant beetle corpse 56
752 killed by an ice vortex, while helpless 56
752 killed by an Olog-hai, while helpless 56
752 killed by a yeti, while fainted from lack of food 56
752 killed by a werewolf, while fainted from lack of food 56
752 killed by a soldier, while praying 56
752 killed by a priest of Tyr, while paralyzed by a monster 56
752 killed by a priest of Mitra, while helpless 56
752 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted straw golem 56
752 killed by a dwarf zombie, while sleeping 56
752 killed by a coyote, while reading a book 56
752 killed by a boomerang 56
752 killed by a baby crocodile, while helpless 56
752 killed by Ms. Pengalengan, the shopkeeper 56
752 killed by Ms. Berbek, the shopkeeper 56
752 killed by Mr. Yad, the shopkeeper 56
752 killed by Mr. Ballingeary; the shopkeeper 56
752 killed by Mr. Ardjawinangun, the shopkeeper 56
753 poisoned by a rotted violet fungus corpse 55
753 poisoned by a poison dart 55
753 killed by shattered potions 55
753 killed by his own battle-axe 55
753 killed by an uninjured small mimic 55
753 killed by an acid venom 55
753 killed by a wounded gnome 55
753 killed by a stone giant, while sleeping 55
753 killed by a steam vortex 55
753 killed by a soldier ant, while reading a book 55
753 killed by a priest of Mars 55
753 killed by a mumak, while sleeping 55
753 killed by a large kobold, while sleeping 55
753 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf king 55
753 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted cave spider 55
753 killed by a gnome mummy, while praying 55
753 killed by a dwarf, while unconscious from rotten food 55
753 killed by a dart trap 55
753 killed by a cryonic corpse 55
753 killed by a bat, while reading a book 55
753 killed by a Green-elf, while fainted from lack of food 55
753 killed by Mr. Rellenk, the shopkeeper 55
753 killed by Mr. Picq, the shopkeeper 55
753 killed by Mr. Malasgirt, the shopkeeper 55
753 choked on a huge chunk of meat 55
754 petrified by a cockatrice corpse (with the Amulet) 54
754 killed by using a magical horn on herself 54
754 killed by the Rat King 54
754 killed by sitting on an iron spike 54
754 killed by invisible Demogorgon 54
754 killed by an invisible succubus 54
754 killed by an invisible stalker, while praying 54
754 killed by an invisible pony 54
754 killed by an invisible large kobold 54
754 killed by an ancient pseudodragon 54
754 killed by a wounded gnome lord 54
754 killed by a psionic bolt 54
754 killed by a priestess of Loki, while paralyzed by a monster 54
754 killed by a priestess of Hermes 54
754 killed by a killer bee, while reading a book 54
754 killed by a jackal, while frozen by a trap 54
754 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted winter wolf cub 54
754 killed by a gecko, while reading a book 54
754 killed by a deeper one 54
754 killed by Mr. Tjiwidej, the shopkeeper 54
754 killed by Mr. Stewe, the shopkeeper 54
754 killed by Mr. Sablja; the shopkeeper 54
754 killed by Mr. Raciborz, the shopkeeper 54
754 killed by Mr. Corsh, the shopkeeper 54
754 choked on a red dragon corpse 54
755 petrified by trying to tin a cockatrice without gloves 53
755 killed by using a magical horn on himself 53
755 killed by an uninjured newt 53
755 killed by an orcish wererat 53
755 killed by an invisible watchman 53
755 killed by a scorpion, while helpless 53
755 killed by a puppy 53
755 killed by a poison dart 53
755 killed by a killer bee, while frozen by a potion 53
755 killed by a horse, while fainted from lack of food 53
755 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted vampire bat 53
755 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rothe, while helpless 53
755 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted manes 53
755 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted large kobold 53
755 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted ettin zombie 53
755 killed by a golden naga hatchling, while frozen by a monster's gaze 53
755 killed by a black unicorn, while praying 53
755 killed by Ms. Enniscorthy; the shopkeeper 53
755 killed by Mr. Rath Luirc; the shopkeeper 53
755 killed by Famine, while helpless (with the Amulet) 53
756 poisoned by a rotted Woodland-elf corpse 52
756 killed by the wrath of Mitra 52
756 killed by invisible Juiblex 52
756 killed by an invisible master mind flayer 52
756 killed by an invisible Archon (with the Amulet) 52
756 killed by an incubus of Anhur, while helpless 52
756 killed by a wax golem 52
756 killed by a valkyrie 52
756 killed by a triton 52
756 killed by a sewer rat, while unconscious from rotten food 52
756 killed by a priestess of Mars 52
756 killed by a priest of Quetzalcoatl 52
756 killed by a priest of Loki, while paralyzed by a monster 52
756 killed by a panther, while fainted from lack of food 52
756 killed by a kobold zombie, while sleeping 52
756 killed by a gnome, while sleeping off a magical draught 52
756 killed by a giant mimic, while praying 52
756 killed by a gelatinous cube, while paralyzed by a monster 52
756 killed by a chiropteran mummy 52
756 killed by a Green-elf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 52
756 killed by Mr. Trahnil, the shopkeeper 52
756 killed by Famine, while fainted from lack of food (with the Amulet) 52
756 killed by Demogorgon 52
756 choked on a red mold corpse 52
757 zombified by a diseased gnome corpse 51
757 petrified by losing gloves while wielding a cockatrice corpse 51
757 killed by the invisible Dark One 51
757 killed by an invisible giant mimic 51
757 killed by a wounded hill orc 51
757 killed by a priestess of Tyr, while paralyzed by a monster 51
757 killed by a priest of Odin, while paralyzed by a monster 51
757 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted elf zombie 51
757 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf zombie 51
757 killed by a grizzly bear 51
757 killed by a gray ooze, while frozen by a monster's gaze 51
757 killed by a fire giant, while sleeping 51
757 killed by a bolt of cold zapped by himself 51
757 killed by Mr. Nosnehpets, the shopkeeper 51
757 killed by Mr. Nenilukah, the shopkeeper 51
757 killed by Mr. Gomel; the shopkeeper 51
757 killed by Mr. Eed-morra, the shopkeeper 51
758 zapped himself with a wand of fire 50
758 poisoned by a queen bee 50
758 killed by trying to drink lava 50
758 killed by an invisible phantom fungus 50
758 killed by an invisible mind flayer 50
758 killed by an invisible large mimic 50
758 killed by an invisible incubus 50
758 killed by a zruty, while helpless 50
758 killed by a troll, while fainted from lack of food 50
758 killed by a sling bullet 50
758 killed by a priestess of Offler 50
758 killed by a priest of Moloch (with the Amulet) 50
758 killed by a priest of Hermes 50
758 killed by a mugger 50
758 killed by a lesser nightmare 50
758 killed by a gelatinous cube, while frozen by a monster 50
758 killed by a droven bolt 50
758 killed by Mr. Weliki Oestjoeg; the shopkeeper 50
758 killed by Mr. Bandjar, the shopkeeper 50
759 killed by the wrath of Raijin 49
759 killed by a werepanther 49
759 killed by a water moccasin, while reading a book 49
759 killed by a tortle shaman 49
759 killed by a succubus, while praying 49
759 killed by a steel dart 49
759 killed by a priestess of Quetzalcoatl 49
759 killed by a priest of Mercury 49
759 killed by a maid 49
759 killed by a lesser homunculus 49
759 killed by a large dog, while praying 49
759 killed by a hobgoblin, while praying 49
759 killed by a gnome lord, while unconscious from rotten food 49
759 killed by a giant bat, while frozen by a potion 49
759 killed by a couatl of Ptah 49
759 killed by Ms. Kadirli; the shopkeeper 49
759 killed by Ms. Havic, the shopkeeper 49
759 killed by Mr. Telloc Cyaj, the shopkeeper 49
759 killed by Mr. Siverek; the shopkeeper 49
759 killed by Mr. Corignac, the shopkeeper 49
759 choked on a pancake 49
759 caught himself in his own blast 49
760 suffocated by a gelatinous cube, while paralyzed 48
760 poisoned by a rotted monkey corpse 48
760 poisoned by a dark worm 48
760 petrified by elementary physics 48
760 killed by the wrath of Offler 48
760 killed by bumping into a door 48
760 killed by an orange dragon, while helpless 48
760 killed by a wounded giant mimic 48
760 killed by a trapper 48
760 killed by a samurai 48
760 killed by a priestess of Moloch (with the Amulet) 48
760 killed by a nightmare 48
760 killed by a newt, while frozen by a potion 48
760 killed by a mithril crossbow bolt 48
760 killed by a human mummy, while frozen by a monster's gaze 48
760 killed by a gnome king zombie 48
760 killed by a gargoyle, while fainted from lack of food 48
760 killed by a forest centaur, while praying 48
760 killed by a dretch 48
760 killed by a couatl of Shan Lai Ching 48
760 killed by a chameleon imitating an ettin 48
760 killed by a chameleon imitating a fire vortex 48
760 killed by Mr. Sperc, the shopkeeper 48
760 killed by Mr. Renrut, the shopkeeper 48
760 killed by Mr. Kachzi Rellim, the shopkeeper 48
760 killed by Mr. Htargcm, the shopkeeper 48
760 killed by Mr. Bnowr Falr, the shopkeeper 48
760 choked on a red naga corpse 48
760 choked on a frost giant corpse 48
761 killed by touching Sting 47
761 killed by an invisible owlbear 47
761 killed by a water moccasin, while vomiting 47
761 killed by a vampire, while frozen by a monster's gaze 47
761 killed by a priestess of Camaxtli 47
761 killed by a priest of Offler 47
761 killed by a priest of Camaxtli 47
761 killed by a pony, while reading a book 47
761 killed by a large cat, while praying 47
761 killed by a kitten, while reading a book 47
761 killed by a hill orc, while unconscious from rotten food 47
761 killed by a dwarf lord, while sleeping 47
761 killed by a chameleon imitating a vampire 47
761 killed by a centipede, while helpless 47
761 killed by Orcus 47
761 killed by Ms. Pervari; the shopkeeper 47
761 killed by Mr. Olycan, the shopkeeper 47
761 killed by Mr. Matray, the shopkeeper 47
761 choked on a lizard corpse 47
761 ascended * 47
762 poisoned by a rotted red naga hatchling corpse 46
762 killed by the wrath of Manannan Mac Lir 46
762 killed by an orcish werejackal 46
762 killed by an iguana, while praying 46
762 killed by an ettin zombie, while frozen by a monster's gaze 46
762 killed by an energy vortex, while praying 46
762 killed by an air elemental of The Lady 46
762 killed by a wallaby 46
762 killed by a partisan 46
762 killed by a gnomish werejackal 46
762 killed by a glaive 46
762 killed by a fire ant, while sleeping 46
762 killed by a crocodile, while frozen by a monster's gaze 46
762 killed by a Kop Sergeant, while reading a book 46
762 killed by Ms. Narodnaja; the shopkeeper 46
762 killed by Mr. Nosalnef, the shopkeeper 46
762 killed by Mr. Guizengeard, the shopkeeper 46
763 killed by touching Giantslayer 45
763 killed by the wrath of Poseidon 45
763 killed by kicking a tree 45
763 killed by jumping out of a bear trap 45
763 killed by an invisible ogre king 45
763 killed by an aklys 45
763 killed by a yeti, while frozen by a monster's gaze 45
763 killed by a wounded giant spider 45
763 killed by a vampire, while praying 45
763 killed by a vampire bat, while fainted from lack of food 45
763 killed by a red naga, while helpless 45
763 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted spotted jelly 45
763 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted orc zombie 45
763 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted large dog 45
763 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant ant, while helpless 45
763 killed by a grid bug, while sleeping 45
763 killed by a dwarf mummy, while frozen by a monster's gaze 45
763 killed by a chameleon imitating a mumak 45
763 killed by a Mordor orc, while praying 45
763 killed by Ms. One-eyed Sam, the shopkeeper 45
763 killed by Ms. Baliga, the shopkeeper 45
763 killed by Mr. Neuvicq, the shopkeeper 45
764 killed by touching The Eyes of the Overworld 44
764 killed by reverting to unhealthy doppelganger form 44
764 killed by kicking a door 44
764 killed by an invisible jackal 44
764 killed by an iguana, while sleeping 44
764 killed by an ettin zombie, while fainted from lack of food 44
764 killed by an Uruk-hai, while frozen by a potion 44
764 killed by a soldier mummy 44
764 killed by a silver crossbow bolt 44
764 killed by a red naga hatchling, while frozen by a monster's gaze 44
764 killed by a priestess of Mog 44
764 killed by a priestess of Kos 44
764 killed by a priestess of Issek 44
764 killed by a priest of Huhetotl 44
764 killed by a jackal * 44
764 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome mummy 44
764 killed by a carnivorous ape, while praying 44
764 killed by Ms. Urignac, the shopkeeper 44
764 killed by Ms. Syktywkar; the shopkeeper 44
764 killed by Mr. Yelpur, the shopkeeper 44
764 killed by Mr. Cire Htims, the shopkeeper 44
764 killed by Mr. Aned, the shopkeeper 44
764 choked on a fox corpse 44
765 zapped himself with a wand of cold 43
765 poisoned by a rotted guardian naga hatchling corpse 43
765 killed by wedging into a narrow crevice 43
765 killed by the wrath of Mog 43
765 killed by the wrath of Huhetotl 43
765 killed by the invisible Grue 43
765 killed by an uninjured giant mimic 43
765 killed by an orc mummy, while fainted from lack of food 43
765 killed by an ogre, while praying 43
765 killed by an invisible gnome lord, while helpless 43
765 killed by a winter wolf cub, while fainted from lack of food 43
765 killed by a tiger, while frozen by a monster's gaze 43
765 killed by a small mimic, while praying 43
765 killed by a magical blast 43
765 killed by a kobold zombie, while praying 43
765 killed by a ki-rin 43
765 killed by a jackal, while dragging an iron ball 43
765 killed by a jabberwock, while helpless 43
765 killed by a human mummy, while fainted from lack of food 43
765 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Mordor orc 43
765 killed by a giant centipede 43
765 killed by a couatl of Tyr, while praying 43
765 killed by a chameleon imitating a master lich 43
765 killed by Ms. Walbrzych; the shopkeeper 43
765 killed by Mr. Nieb, the shopkeeper 43
765 killed by Mr. Enrobwem, the shopkeeper 43
765 died of strangulation 43
765 committed trickery 43
765 choked on a blue jelly corpse 43
765 burned by an exploding fire bomb 43
766 poisoned by a rotted wraith corpse 42
766 poisoned by a rotted golden naga hatchling corpse 42
766 poisoned by a rotted blue jelly corpse 42
766 petrified by a hallucinogen-distorted cockatrice 42
766 killed by vicarious suffering 42
766 killed by touching Vorpal Blade 42
766 killed by the wrath of Tymora 42
766 killed by kicking a jackal corpse 42
766 killed by an unrefrigerated sip of juice 42
766 killed by an invisible jaguar 42
766 killed by an elven king 42
766 killed by a winged gargoyle, while praying 42
766 killed by a vampire lord, while praying 42
766 killed by a quaton 42
766 killed by a priestess of Lugh 42
766 killed by a priest of Crom, while helpless 42
766 killed by a mumak, while frozen by a monster's gaze 42
766 killed by a large mimic, while praying 42
766 killed by a kobold, while praying 42
766 killed by a kobold werewolf 42
766 killed by a javelin 42
766 killed by a hobgoblin, while reading a book 42
766 killed by a goblin, while frozen by a potion 42
766 killed by a forest centaur, while sleeping 42
766 killed by a baluchitherium, while helpless 42
766 killed by Ms. Tjibarusa, the shopkeeper 42
766 killed by Ms. Kalecik; the shopkeeper 42
766 killed by Ms. Gorlowka; the shopkeeper 42
766 disintegrated by absorbing too much energy and exploding 42
766 ascended (in dishonor) 42
767 poisoned by a rotted soldier ant corpse 41
767 killed by touching Mjollnir 41
767 killed by the Minion of Huhetotl 41
767 killed by the Chromatic Dragon 41
767 killed by invisible Dispater 41
767 killed by contaminated potion 41
767 killed by an invisible stone giant 41
767 killed by an invisible leocrotta 41
767 killed by an incubus, while praying 41
767 killed by a wounded giant ant 41
767 killed by a priest of Blind Io 41
767 killed by a marilith of Anhur 41
767 killed by a leocrotta, while fainted from lack of food 41
767 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted warhorse 41
767 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jackal, while helpless 41
767 killed by a guardian naga, while paralyzed by a monster 41
767 killed by a gremlin, while praying 41
767 killed by a giant rat, while frozen by a potion 41
767 killed by a dwarf king, while sleeping 41
767 killed by a centaurian watchman 41
767 killed by Ms. Vanzac, the shopkeeper 41
767 killed by Ms. Kilgarvan; the shopkeeper 41
767 killed by Ms. Glenbeigh, the shopkeeper 41
767 killed by Ms. Fleac, the shopkeeper 41
767 drowned in a moat by an electric eel 41
767 choked on a yellow dragon corpse 41
767 choked on a goblin corpse 41
768 poisoned by a rotted kobold shaman corpse 40
768 killed by invisible Master Kaen 40
768 killed by an orc zombie, while sleeping 40
768 killed by an invisible wraith 40
768 killed by an invisible killer bee 40
768 killed by an elf mummy, while frozen by a monster's gaze 40
768 killed by a wooden crossbow bolt 40
768 killed by a wolf, while reading a book 40
768 killed by a vampire bat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 40
768 killed by a soldier ant, while dressing up 40
768 killed by a shocking sphere's explosion 40
768 killed by a shimmering dragon 40
768 killed by a panther, while frozen by a monster's gaze 40
768 killed by a maggot 40
768 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome, while helpless 40
768 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome zombie 40
768 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted djinni 40
768 killed by a gray ooze, while fainted from lack of food 40
768 killed by a gnomish wererat 40
768 killed by a dreadblossom swarm 40
768 killed by a chameleon imitating a zruty 40
768 killed by a battle-bat 40
768 killed by a Keystone Kop, while reading a book 40
768 killed by Ms. Zlaw, the shopkeeper 40
768 killed by Mr. Papar, the shopkeeper 40
768 killed by Mr. Noskcirdneh, the shopkeeper 40
768 killed by Master Kaen, while helpless 40
768 diseased by a dwarf zombie 40
769 poisoned by a rotted giant spider corpse 39
769 petrified by a cockatrice, while unable to move due to turning to stone 39
769 killed by the wrath of Mercury 39
769 killed by brainlessness (with the Amulet) 39
769 killed by an invisible dwarf, while helpless 39
769 killed by an incubus of Set 39
769 killed by an imperious order 39
769 killed by an iguana, while reading a book 39
769 killed by an elf zombie, while praying 39
769 killed by an air elemental of Odin 39
769 killed by a wounded leocrotta 39
769 killed by a wolf, while frozen by a potion 39
769 killed by a werewolf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 39
769 killed by a rock troll, while praying 39
769 killed by a priestess of Mercury 39
769 killed by a master mind flayer, while helpless 39
769 killed by a leocrotta, while frozen by a monster's gaze 39
769 killed by a kobold mummy, while praying 39
769 killed by a human zombie, while praying 39
769 killed by a hobbit, while sleeping off a magical draught 39
769 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted quasit 39
769 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf, while helpless 39
769 killed by a giant fly 39
769 killed by a giant beetle, while sleeping 39
769 killed by a fire elemental of Hermes 39
769 killed by a demilich 39
769 killed by Ms. Kiltamagh, the shopkeeper 39
769 killed by Ms. Kanturk; the shopkeeper 39
769 killed by Mr. Ymla, the shopkeeper 39
769 killed by Mr. Lerignac, the shopkeeper 39
769 killed by Mr. Cubask, the shopkeeper 39
769 diseased by an orc zombie 39
769 choked on a gray ooze corpse 39
770 zapped herself with a wand of fire 38
770 poisoned by a fall onto poison spikes 38
770 killed by touching Cleaver 38
770 killed by the wrath of Susanowo 38
770 killed by an uninjured kitten 38
770 killed by an uninjured giant rat 38
770 killed by an uninjured coyote 38
770 killed by an owlbear, while sleeping 38
770 killed by an orange dragon, while sleeping 38
770 killed by an ogre, while fainted from lack of food 38
770 killed by an ogre king, while sleeping 38
770 killed by an invisible guard 38
770 killed by an invisible barrow wight 38
770 killed by an incubus of Anhur, while praying 38
770 killed by an elf-lord, while praying 38
770 killed by a wallaroo 38
770 killed by a tengu, while fainted from lack of food 38
770 killed by a soldier ant, while unconscious from rotten food 38
770 killed by a priestess of Shan Lai Ching, while helpless 38
770 killed by a priest of Issek 38
770 killed by a plains centaur, while frozen by a potion 38
770 killed by a monkey, while frozen by a monster's gaze 38
770 killed by a mind flayer, while helpless 38
770 killed by a lynx, while fainted from lack of food 38
770 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted warg 38
770 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Grey-elf 38
770 killed by a giant bat, while unconscious from rotten food 38
770 killed by a chicken 38
770 killed by a baby crocodile, while frozen by a monster's gaze 38
770 killed by Ms. Touverac, the shopkeeper 38
770 drained of life by a wraith 38
770 choked on a coyote corpse 38
771 poisoned by a cobra 37
771 killed by the wrath of Issek 37
771 killed by the Wizard of Yendor (with the Amulet) 37
771 killed by kicking an iron chain 37
771 killed by invisible Pestilence (with the Amulet) 37
771 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Yeenoghu 37
771 killed by an owlbear, while reading a book 37
771 killed by an invisible water moccasin 37
771 killed by an invisible manes 37
771 killed by an earth elemental, while helpless 37
771 killed by a wounded owlbear 37
771 killed by a water moccasin, while frozen by a potion 37
771 killed by a telamon 37
771 killed by a rock piercer, while fainted from lack of food 37
771 killed by a quinon 37
771 killed by a priest of Chih Sung-tzu, while helpless 37
771 killed by a pig 37
771 killed by a lightning paraelemental 37
771 killed by a human 37
771 killed by a hill orc, while sleeping off a magical draught 37
771 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted winged gargoyle 37
771 killed by a halberd 37
771 killed by a gnome king, while frozen by a potion 37
771 killed by a chameleon imitating a disenchanter 37
771 killed by Ms. Annootok, the shopkeeper 37
771 killed by Mr. Rewuorb, the shopkeeper 37
771 killed by Mr. Djasinga, the shopkeeper 37
771 choked on a homunculus corpse 37
771 choked on a black pudding corpse 37
772 killed by their own actions 36
772 killed by an unwound spring 36
772 killed by an ice vortex, while praying 36
772 killed by an Angel of Tyr 36
772 killed by a tiger, while fainted from lack of food 36
772 killed by a succubus of Kos 36
772 killed by a priestess of Brigit 36
772 killed by a lurker above 36
772 killed by a horse, while frozen by a monster's gaze 36
772 killed by a giant turtle 36
772 killed by a giant ant, while unconscious from rotten food 36
772 killed by a couatl of Anu 36
772 killed by a cockatrice 36
772 killed by a bone orcish dagger 36
772 killed by a black pudding, while praying 36
772 killed by a black naga hatchling, while frozen by a monster's gaze 36
772 killed by Ixoth 36
772 choked on an iguana corpse 36
772 choked on a flesh golem corpse 36
772 choked on a Green-elf corpse 36
773 zapped themself with a spell 35
773 killed by invisible Mr. Izchak, the shopkeeper 35
773 killed by an uninjured little dog 35
773 killed by an invisible quaton 35
773 killed by an incubus of Kos 35
773 killed by an ettin mummy, while fainted from lack of food 35
773 killed by an ape, while reading a book 35
773 killed by a wounded hobbit 35
773 killed by a watch captain, while fainted from lack of food 35
773 killed by a succubus of Anhur, while helpless 35
773 killed by a soldier ant * 35
773 killed by a residual undead turning effect 35
773 killed by a priestess of Poseidon 35
773 killed by a priest of Shan Lai Ching, while helpless 35
773 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted iguana, while helpless 35
773 killed by a guardian naga hatchling, while frozen by a monster's gaze 35
773 killed by a goblin shaman 35
773 killed by a goblin outrider 35
773 killed by a giant spider, while reading a book 35
773 killed by a giant spider, while frozen by a potion 35
773 killed by a fox, while dragging an iron ball 35
773 killed by a dwarf zombie, while praying 35
773 killed by a copper crossbow bolt 35
773 killed by Mr. Yawolloh, the shopkeeper 35
773 killed by Mr. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper 35
773 killed by Mr. Donmyar, the shopkeeper 35
773 choked on a brown mold corpse 35
773 choked on a K-ration 35
774 zombified by a gnoll witherling 34
774 zapped herself with a wand of cold 34
774 killed by withering away 34
774 killed by her own axe 34
774 killed by an uninjured gnome lady 34
774 killed by an invisible water troll 34
774 killed by an invisible gremlin 34
774 killed by an exploding ring 34
774 killed by a warg, while frozen by a monster's gaze 34
774 killed by a troll, while frozen by a monster's gaze 34
774 killed by a shambling horror 34
774 killed by a sewer rat * 34
774 killed by a sergeant, while praying 34
774 killed by a priestess of Mitra, while helpless 34
774 killed by a priestess of Huhetotl 34
774 killed by a priestess of Blind Io 34
774 killed by a priest of Brigit 34
774 killed by a plains centaur, while sleeping 34
774 killed by a large dog, while frozen by a monster's gaze 34
774 killed by a jaguar, while reading a book 34
774 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted mountain centaur 34
774 killed by a ghoul, while fainted from lack of food 34
774 killed by a gecko, while praying 34
774 killed by a fire elemental of The Lady 34
774 killed by a disenchanter, while helpless 34
774 killed by a chameleon imitating a salamander 34
774 killed by a bone crossbow bolt 34
774 killed by a baby shimmering dragon 34
774 killed by a Mordor orc, while sleeping 34
774 killed by Ms. Zonguldak; the shopkeeper 34
774 killed by Ms. Zonguldak, the shopkeeper 34
774 killed by Ms. Massis; the shopkeeper 34
774 killed by Ms. Krnov, the shopkeeper 34
774 killed by Ms. Flugi, the shopkeeper 34
774 killed by Mr. Regien, the shopkeeper 34
774 killed by Master Kaen, while paralyzed by a monster 34
774 deliberately plunged into a pit 34
774 choked on a mind flayer corpse 34
774 burned by a flaming sphere's explosion 34
775 teleported out of the dungeon and fell to her death 33
775 shocked by a grid bug 33
775 poisoned by a rotted quivering blob corpse 33
775 poisoned by a rotted fire ant corpse 33
775 petrified by catching the eye of Medusa 33
775 killed by kicking 0 gold pieces 33
775 killed by an ogre lord, while sleeping 33
775 killed by an ogre lady 33
775 killed by an ochre jelly, while frozen by a monster's gaze 33
775 killed by an invisible ogre lord 33
775 killed by a sunflower 33
775 killed by a priestess of Athena 33
775 killed by a priest of Kos 33
775 killed by a poisonous cloak 33
775 killed by a pit viper, while helpless 33
775 killed by a lightning bolt 33
775 killed by a large cat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 33
775 killed by a jermlaine 33
775 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted minotaur 33
775 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hobbit, while helpless 33
775 killed by a grid bug, while frozen by a potion 33
775 killed by a goat 33
775 killed by a fire ant, while reading a book 33
775 killed by a chameleon imitating a warhorse 33
775 killed by a chameleon imitating a queen bee 33
775 killed by a Woodland-elf, while sleeping off a magical draught 33
775 killed by Mr. Y-crad, the shopkeeper 33
775 killed by Mr. Kilmihil, the shopkeeper 33
775 escaped * 33
775 choked on tins of spinach 33
775 choked on an orange dragon corpse 33
776 poisoned by a rotted mountain nymph corpse 32
776 killed by self-genocide 32
776 killed by leg damage from being pulled out of a bear trap 32
776 killed by an uninjured gnome lord 32
776 killed by an uninjured giant spider 32
776 killed by an air elemental of Chih Sung-tzu 32
776 killed by an Aleax of Ptah 32
776 killed by a warhorse, while praying 32
776 killed by a vampire lady 32
776 killed by a troll, while frozen by a potion 32
776 killed by a priestess of Crom, while helpless 32
776 killed by a mithril arrow 32
776 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted ogre 32
776 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kobold mummy 32
776 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted forest centaur 32
776 killed by a gnomish wizard, while fainted from lack of food 32
776 killed by a freezing sphere's explosion 32
776 killed by a fog cloud, while helpless 32
776 killed by a flesh golem, while helpless 32
776 killed by a crow, while praying 32
776 killed by a crocodile, while fainted from lack of food 32
776 killed by a chameleon imitating an Olog-hai 32
776 killed by a chameleon imitating a water troll 32
776 killed by a chameleon 32
776 killed by a bat, while frozen by a potion 32
776 killed by Mr. Skibbereen; the shopkeeper 32
776 killed by Mr. Sipaliwini, the shopkeeper 32
776 killed by Mr. Ossipewsk; the shopkeeper 32
776 killed by Mr. Demirci; the shopkeeper 32
776 drowned in a moat (with the Amulet) 32
776 choked on an ape corpse 32
776 choked on a Woodland-elf corpse 32
776 choked on a C-ration 32
777 zombified by an ettin zombie 31
777 poisoned by a rotted large mimic corpse 31
777 killed by the wrath of Brigit 31
777 killed by the wrath of Athena 31
777 killed by invisible Famine (with the Amulet) 31
777 killed by invisible Croesus 31
777 killed by contaminated tap water 31
777 killed by an invisible jabberwock 31
777 killed by an invisible giant spider 31
777 killed by an Angband orc 31
777 killed by an Aleax of Amaterasu Omikami 31
777 killed by a water moccasin, while jumping around 31
777 killed by a steel arrow 31
777 killed by a priestess of Anshar 31
777 killed by a priest of Poseidon 31
777 killed by a kitten, while frozen by a potion 31
777 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted vampire lord 31
777 killed by a cockatoo 31
777 killed by a chillbug 31
777 killed by a chameleon imitating a soldier ant 31
777 killed by a cave spider, while sleeping 31
777 killed by Yeenoghu, while being terrified of a demon 31
777 killed by Ms. Melac, the shopkeeper 31
777 killed by Ms. Klodzko; the shopkeeper 31
777 killed by Mr. Rhaeader, the shopkeeper 31
777 killed by Mr. Malasgirt; the shopkeeper 31
777 killed by Mr. Annootok, the shopkeeper, while helpless 31
777 killed by Mr. Akalapi, the shopkeeper, while helpless 31
777 fell into a chasm 31
777 eaten by a Grue * 31
777 choked on a shrieker corpse 31
777 choked on a cream pie 31
778 poisoned by a rotted horse corpse 30
778 poisoned by Pestilence 30
778 petrified by attempting to saddle a cockatrice 30
778 killed by sitting on a forge 30
778 killed by an uninjured kobold zombie 30
778 killed by an owlbear, while frozen by a potion 30
778 killed by an invisible plains centaur, while helpless 30
778 killed by an invisible marilith 30
778 killed by an invisible hill orc, while helpless 30
778 killed by an air elemental, while helpless (with the Amulet) 30
778 killed by a werejackal, while reading a book 30
778 killed by a water elemental of Odin 30
778 killed by a water demon, while vomiting 30
778 killed by a watchman, while fainted from lack of food 30
778 killed by a rock troll, while sleeping 30
778 killed by a quasit, while frozen by a monster's gaze 30
778 killed by a purple worm, while helpless 30
778 killed by a psibeam 30
778 killed by a priestess of Manannan Mac Lir 30
778 killed by a priestess of Chih Sung-tzu, while helpless 30
778 killed by a priest of Moloch, while paralyzed by a monster 30
778 killed by a priest of Manannan Mac Lir 30
778 killed by a little dog, while reading a book 30
778 killed by a large mimic, while sleeping 30
778 killed by a jitterbug 30
778 killed by a jaguar, while sleeping 30
778 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant rat, while helpless 30
778 killed by a gnomish werewolf 30
778 killed by a giant crocodile 30
778 killed by a gargoyle, while frozen by a monster's gaze 30
778 killed by a dwarf mummy, while fainted from lack of food 30
778 killed by a byakhee 30
778 killed by a boojum 30
778 killed by a bone orcish arrow 30
778 killed by a barrow wight, while praying 30
778 killed by Mr. Maesteg, the shopkeeper 30
778 killed by Mr. Lonzac, the shopkeeper 30
778 drowned in a pool of water by a couatl 30
778 choked on a white dragon corpse 30
779 zombified by a diseased hobbit corpse 29
779 poisoned by a rotted winter wolf cub corpse 29
779 poisoned by a rotted owlbear corpse 29
779 poisoned by a rotted glob of brown pudding 29
779 petrified by a cockatrice (with the Amulet) 29
779 killed by kicking a statue of a jackal 29
779 killed by invisible Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper 29
779 killed by imitating a meat popsicle 29
779 killed by an uninjured mumak 29
779 killed by an orc-captain, while sleeping 29
779 killed by an invisible soldier 29
779 killed by an invisible kitten 29
779 killed by an invisible fox 29
779 killed by an invisible blue jelly 29
779 killed by an invisible air elemental 29
779 killed by an ice troll, while helpless 29
779 killed by an ettin zombie, while praying 29
779 killed by an elven watchman 29
779 killed by an elf-lady 29
779 killed by an air elemental of Thoth, while helpless 29
779 killed by a wounded fire ant 29
779 killed by a winged kobold 29
779 killed by a wererat, while reading a book 29
779 killed by a warg, while fainted from lack of food 29
779 killed by a swamp kobold 29
779 killed by a small mimic * 29
779 killed by a shade, while paralyzed by a monster 29
779 killed by a pony, while frozen by a potion 29
779 killed by a monkey, while fainted from lack of food 29
779 killed by a metroid 29
779 killed by a lucern hammer 29
779 killed by a lava demon 29
779 killed by a large dog, while fainted from lack of food 29
779 killed by a large cat, while fainted from lack of food 29
779 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted soldier 29
779 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rock mole 29
779 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted killer bee, while helpless 29
779 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gecko, while helpless 29
779 killed by a gnome zombie, while sleeping 29
779 killed by a gnome warrior 29
779 killed by a gnoll cleric 29
779 killed by a giant mimic, while sleeping 29
779 killed by a giant anaconda 29
779 killed by a falling rock trap 29
779 killed by a dung worm 29
779 killed by a djinni, while praying 29
779 killed by a dark young 29
779 killed by a Green-elf, while frozen by a potion 29
779 killed by Ms. Vergt, the shopkeeper 29
779 killed by Ms. Tsjernigof; the shopkeeper 29
779 killed by Ms. Sipaliwini, the shopkeeper, while helpless 29
779 killed by Ms. Matagami, the shopkeeper 29
779 killed by Ms. Curig, the shopkeeper 29
779 killed by Mr. Tjisolok, the shopkeeper 29
779 killed by Mr. Kabalebo, the shopkeeper, while helpless 29
779 killed by Mr. Feyfer, the shopkeeper 29
779 killed by Mr. Ayancik, the shopkeeper 29
779 crushed to death by a closing drawbridge 29
779 choked on a killer bee corpse 29
780 poisoned by a rotted plains centaur corpse 28
780 poisoned by a rotted jaguar corpse 28
780 petrified by trying to help a cockatrice out of a pit 28
780 killed by touching The Magic Mirror of Merlin 28
780 killed by kicking a kobold corpse 28
780 killed by kicking a human corpse 28
780 killed by an uninjured werejackal 28
780 killed by an uninjured fire ant 28
780 killed by an invisible water demon, while helpless 28
780 killed by an invisible orc shaman 28
780 killed by an ettin, while helpless 28
780 killed by an elven watch captain 28
780 killed by an earth elemental of The Lady 28
780 killed by an ape, while sleeping 28
780 killed by an Uruk-hai, while reading a book 28
780 killed by a zoo bat 28
780 killed by a xorn, while fainted from lack of food 28
780 killed by a wizard 28
780 killed by a succubus, while fainted from lack of food 28
780 killed by a rothe, while dressing up 28
780 killed by a queen bee, while helpless 28
780 killed by a priest of Shan Lai Ching, while paralyzed by a monster 28
780 killed by a priest of Ghaunadaur 28
780 killed by a priest of Athena 28
780 killed by a mountain centaur, while praying 28
780 killed by a hobbit rogue 28
780 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted homunculus, while helpless 28
780 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant bat, while helpless 28
780 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted carnivorous ape 28
780 killed by a gnome * 28
780 killed by a frost giant, while helpless 28
780 killed by a fire elemental of Odin 28
780 killed by a fire elemental of Chih Sung-tzu 28
780 killed by a clockwork soldier 28
780 killed by a chameleon imitating a sasquatch 28
780 killed by Ms. Kinojevis, the shopkeeper 28
780 killed by Ms. Havic; the shopkeeper 28
780 killed by Mr. Swidnica; the shopkeeper 28
780 killed by Mr. Papar; the shopkeeper 28
780 killed by Mr. Ouiatchouane, the shopkeeper 28
780 diseased by a gnome zombie 28
780 choked on a leprechaun corpse 28
780 choked on a cave spider corpse 28
781 wiped out by a blessed scroll of genocide 27
781 poisoned by a rotted stone giant corpse 27
781 poisoned by a jumping spider 27
781 poisoned by Demogorgon (with the Amulet) 27
781 petrified by kicking a chickatrice corpse without boots 27
781 killed by touching Snickersnee 27
781 killed by touching Magicbane 27
781 killed by kicking a lichen corpse 27
781 killed by kicking a kitten corpse 27
781 killed by elementary chemistry 27
781 killed by an orc zombie, while praying 27
781 killed by an ogre, while frozen by a monster's gaze 27
781 killed by an invisible samurai 27
781 killed by an invisible gnome, while helpless 27
781 killed by an elf mummy, while praying 27
781 killed by an elder minotaur 27
781 killed by a water elemental of The Lady 27
781 killed by a quasit, while fainted from lack of food 27
781 killed by a priestess of Mitra, while paralyzed by a monster 27
781 killed by a priestess of Anu 27
781 killed by a mumak calf 27
781 killed by a marilith, while helpless 27
781 killed by a living lectern 27
781 killed by a leather golem, while frozen by a monster's gaze 27
781 killed by a jabberwock (with the Amulet) 27
781 killed by a housecat, while sleeping 27
781 killed by a hill giant, while sleeping 27
781 killed by a hedrow warrior 27
781 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted vampire 27
781 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted soldier ant, while helpless 27
781 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted newt, while helpless 27
781 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted garter snake 27
781 killed by a goblin zombie 27
781 killed by a gnome king, while reading a book 27
781 killed by a giant beetle, while reading a book 27
781 killed by a coyote, while frozen by a potion 27
781 killed by a chameleon imitating an energy vortex 27
781 killed by a cave spider, while reading a book 27
781 killed by a bullet 27
781 killed by a barrow wight, while sleeping 27
781 killed by a barrow wight, while frozen by a monster's gaze 27
781 killed by a baby long worm 27
781 killed by a Grey-elf, while fainted from lack of food 27
781 killed by Ms. Adjama, the shopkeeper 27
781 killed by Mr. Kinsky; the shopkeeper 27
781 killed by Mr. Dirk, the shopkeeper 27
781 killed by Mr. Asidonhopo, the shopkeeper, while helpless 27
781 drowned in a swamp 27
781 choked on a winter wolf cub corpse 27
781 choked on a hill orc corpse 27
781 choked on a gnome lord corpse 27
782 zombified by a dwarvish zombie 26
782 zombified by a diseased kobold corpse 26
782 poisoned by a kobold zombie 26
782 petrified by punching a cockatrice barehanded 26
782 petrified by Poseidon's curse 26
782 killed by kicking a gray stone 26
782 killed by hitting themselves in the face 26
782 killed by her own battle-axe 26
782 killed by dangerous winds 26
782 killed by an uninjured wererat 26
782 killed by an uninjured hobgoblin 26
782 killed by an uninjured gecko 26
782 killed by an invisible homunculus, while helpless 26
782 killed by an imp, while sleeping 26
782 killed by an elven queen 26
782 killed by an air elemental of Crom 26
782 killed by a xorn, while praying 26
782 killed by a water elemental of Chih Sung-tzu 26
782 killed by a tinker gnome 26
782 killed by a rabid rat, while reading a book 26
782 killed by a priestess of Moloch, while paralyzed by a monster 26
782 killed by a priest of Huan Ti, while helpless 26
782 killed by a priest of Chih Sung-tzu, while paralyzed by a monster 26
782 killed by a nearly deceased dwarf 26
782 killed by a mumak, while reading a book 26
782 killed by a lizard, while praying 26
782 killed by a large mimic, while fainted from lack of food 26
782 killed by a jaguar, while frozen by a potion 26
782 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted fire elemental 26
782 killed by a gnomish zombie 26
782 killed by a giant zombie, while frozen by a monster's gaze 26
782 killed by a giant bat * 26
782 killed by a dwarf mummy, while praying 26
782 killed by a duton 26
782 killed by a black naga, while helpless 26
782 killed by a barbarian 26
782 killed by a Woodland-elf, while reading a book 26
782 killed by Ms. Y-Fenni, the shopkeeper 26
782 killed by Ms. Sadelin, the shopkeeper 26
782 killed by Ms. Berbek; the shopkeeper 26
782 killed by Mr. Voulgezac, the shopkeeper 26
782 killed by Mr. Chibougamau, the shopkeeper 26
782 choked on a storm giant corpse 26
782 choked on a giant spider corpse 26
783 poisoned by a rotten lump of royal jelly 25
783 poisoned by a rotted wood nymph corpse 25
783 poisoned by a rotted snake corpse 25
783 poisoned by a gnome zombie 25
783 killed by the wrath of Blind Io 25
783 killed by the wrath of Anshar 25
783 killed by kicking a gnome corpse 25
783 killed by an uninjured watch captain 25
783 killed by an uninjured kobold 25
783 killed by an uninjured homunculus 25
783 killed by an orc zombie, while reading a book 25
783 killed by an orc mummy, while praying 25
783 killed by an invisible rope golem 25
783 killed by an invisible mastodon 25
783 killed by an invisible little dog 25
783 killed by an invisible fire giant 25
783 killed by an earth elemental of Hermes 25
783 killed by a yeti, while reading a book 25
783 killed by a wounded kitten 25
783 killed by a wounded homunculus 25
783 killed by a winter wolf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 25
783 killed by a watchman, while reading a book 25
783 killed by a vampire lord, while frozen by a monster's gaze 25
783 killed by a torrent of acid 25
783 killed by a steel dagger 25
783 killed by a rope golem, while sleeping 25
783 killed by a priestess of Ishtar 25
783 killed by a priest of Lugh 25
783 killed by a lieutenant, while sleeping 25
783 killed by a leocrotta, while sleeping 25
783 killed by a knight 25
783 killed by a jackal, while dressing up 25
783 killed by a human zombie, while sleeping 25
783 killed by a heavily wounded small mimic 25
783 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted sewer rat, while helpless 25
783 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted paper golem 25
783 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted human zombie 25
783 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hill orc, while helpless 25
783 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted acid blob 25
783 killed by a gold dragon 25
783 killed by a flind 25
783 killed by a dingo, while sleeping 25
783 killed by a devteam member 25
783 killed by a couatl, while helpless 25
783 killed by a chameleon imitating a rock troll 25
783 killed by a chameleon imitating a giant centipede 25
783 killed by a bugbear, while frozen by a potion 25
783 killed by Ms. Siboga, the shopkeeper 25
783 killed by Ms. Rhydaman, the shopkeeper 25
783 killed by Ms. Glenbeigh; the shopkeeper 25
783 killed by Ms. Djombang; the shopkeeper 25
783 killed by Ms. Asidonhopo, the shopkeeper 25
783 killed by Mr. Possogroenoe, the shopkeeper 25
783 killed by Mr. Imbyze; the shopkeeper 25
783 killed by Mr. Guizengeard; the shopkeeper 25
783 choked on a green dragon corpse 25
783 choked on a gray dragon corpse 25
783 ascended (with the Idol) 25
784 turned to slime by a cockatrice egg 24
784 petrified by a chickatrice, while unable to move due to turning to stone 24
784 killed by the invisible Wizard of Yendor (with the Amulet) 24
784 killed by invisible Mr. Adjama, the shopkeeper 24
784 killed by an uninjured rabid rat 24
784 killed by an uninjured pony 24
784 killed by an invisible wolf 24
784 killed by an invisible stalker, while frozen by a monster's gaze 24
784 killed by an invisible energy vortex 24
784 killed by an invisible ape 24
784 killed by a xan, while helpless 24
784 killed by a wounded wererat 24
784 killed by a werejackal, while frozen by a potion 24
784 killed by a watchman, while frozen by a potion 24
784 killed by a warbat 24
784 killed by a succubus, while frozen by a monster's gaze 24
784 killed by a straw golem, while sleeping 24
784 killed by a straw golem, while reading a book 24
784 killed by a rothe * 24
784 killed by a rock piercer, while frozen by a monster's gaze 24
784 killed by a rock kobold 24
784 killed by a priestess of Chih Sung-tzu, while paralyzed by a monster 24
784 killed by a priest of Set, while helpless 24
784 killed by a priest mummy 24
784 killed by a nurse, while helpless 24
784 killed by a mithril dart 24
784 killed by a minotaur (with the Amulet) 24
784 killed by a manes, while sleeping 24
784 killed by a juggernaut 24
784 killed by a hunting horror 24
784 killed by a hedgehog 24
784 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted winter wolf 24
784 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted incubus 24
784 killed by a guisarme 24
784 killed by a guardian naga, while helpless 24
784 killed by a guardian naga hatchling, while fainted from lack of food 24
784 killed by a gnome zombie, while reading a book 24
784 killed by a gnome lord * 24
784 killed by a giant mimic, while fainted from lack of food 24
784 killed by a fox, while unconscious from rotten food 24
784 killed by a fox, while frozen by a trap 24
784 killed by a fire elemental of Crom 24
784 killed by a dwarven watch captain 24
784 killed by a dire bear 24
784 killed by a chameleon imitating a tiger 24
784 killed by a chameleon imitating a balrog 24
784 killed by a black naga hatchling, while fainted from lack of food 24
784 killed by Ms. Maganasipi; the shopkeeper 24
784 killed by Mr. Tjiwidej; the shopkeeper 24
784 killed by Mr. Kipawa, the shopkeeper 24
784 diseased by a hobbit zombie 24
784 choked on a silver dragon corpse 24
784 choked on a master mind flayer corpse 24
784 choked on a giant ant corpse 24
785 zombified by a diseased orc corpse 23
785 zapped themself with a wand 23
785 teleported out of the dungeon and fell to his death 23
785 poisoned by a rotted ogre corpse 23
785 poisoned by a couatl 23
785 petrified by swallowing a cockatrice whole 23
785 petrified by picking up a cockatrice corpse 23
785 killed by touching The Orb of Detection 23
785 killed by the Master of Thieves 23
785 killed by kicking a statue of a newt 23
785 killed by an invisible titan, while helpless 23
785 killed by an air elemental of Camaxtli 23
785 killed by a wolf zombie 23
785 killed by a winter wolf, while fainted from lack of food 23
785 killed by a werewolf, while sleeping 23
785 killed by a water elemental, while fainted from lack of food 23
785 killed by a water demon, while frozen by a monster's gaze 23
785 killed by a stone orcish dagger 23
785 killed by a scrap titan 23
785 killed by a nearly deceased gnome 23
785 killed by a magic missile zapped by a gnome lord 23
785 killed by a little dog, while frozen by a potion 23
785 killed by a large kobold, while reading a book 23
785 killed by a hobbit * 23
785 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted succubus 23
785 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rock troll 23
785 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hobgoblin, while helpless 23
785 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant zombie 23
785 killed by a greater homunculus 23
785 killed by a gnomish wizard, while sleeping 23
785 killed by a giant ant, while paralyzed by a monster 23
785 killed by a fox, while dressing up 23
785 killed by a drow mummy 23
785 killed by a cobra, while helpless 23
785 killed by a carnivorous ape, while frozen by a monster's gaze 23
785 killed by a blood pudding 23
785 killed by a barbed devil of Moloch 23
785 killed by a Grey-elf, while frozen by a potion 23
785 killed by a Green-elf, while reading a book 23
785 killed by Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper, while helpless 23
785 killed by Ms. Rouffiac, the shopkeeper 23
785 killed by Ms. Maganasipi, the shopkeeper 23
785 killed by Ms. Kiltamagh; the shopkeeper 23
785 killed by Ms. Hoboken; the shopkeeper 23
785 killed by Ms. Chicoutimi, the shopkeeper 23
785 killed by Ms. Akranes, the shopkeeper 23
785 killed by Ms. Akalapi, the shopkeeper 23
785 killed by Mr. Svaving, the shopkeeper 23
785 killed by Durin's Bane 23
785 dismembered by a dwarf 23
785 choked on a fire ant corpse 23
786 taken down by a dwarf 22
786 quit while already on Charon's boat 22
786 poisoned by a rotted yeti corpse 22
786 poisoned by a rotted watchman corpse 22
786 poisoned by a rotted gnome king corpse 22
786 poisoned by a rotted gelatinous cube corpse 22
786 poisoned by a rotted dingo corpse 22
786 poisoned by a rotted Green-elf corpse 22
786 poisoned by a rabid dog 22
786 poisoned by a dwarf zombie 22
786 petrified by feeling around for a cockatrice corpse 22
786 petrified by a basilisk 22
786 killed by something while blind and helpless 22
786 killed by kicking a loadstone 22
786 killed by an uninjured wolf 22
786 killed by an invisible lynx 22
786 killed by an invisible homunculus, while sleeping 22
786 killed by an invisible hill giant 22
786 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a titan 22
786 killed by an edderkop 22
786 killed by an earth elemental of Thoth, while helpless 22
786 killed by an air elemental of Thoth, while praying 22
786 killed by an Archon (with the Amulet) 22
786 killed by a wooden arrow 22
786 killed by a water elemental, while vomiting 22
786 killed by a troll, while unconscious from rotten food 22
786 killed by a tinker gnome zombie 22
786 killed by a small rock 22
786 killed by a silver dragon, while helpless 22
786 killed by a scorpion, while frozen by a monster's gaze 22
786 killed by a rodent of unusual size 22
786 killed by a rabid rat, while frozen by a potion 22
786 killed by a priestess of Set, while helpless 22
786 killed by a priest of Ishtar 22
786 killed by a priest of Huan Ti, while paralyzed by a monster 22
786 killed by a plains centaur, while sleeping off a magical draught 22
786 killed by a panther, while reading a book 22
786 killed by a nearly deceased giant bat 22
786 killed by a mountain centaur, while sleeping 22
786 killed by a lemure 22
786 killed by a leather golem, while fainted from lack of food 22
786 killed by a kobold lord, while praying 22
786 killed by a kitten, while unconscious from rotten food 22
786 killed by a honey badger 22
786 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted wraith 22
786 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted watch captain, while helpless 22
786 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted iguana, while frozen by a monster's gaze 22
786 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted fox, while helpless 22
786 killed by a guardian naga hatchling, while praying 22
786 killed by a glass dart 22
786 killed by a glass crossbow bolt 22
786 killed by a garter snake, while praying 22
786 killed by a freezing cloud 22
786 killed by a couatl of Mercury 22
786 killed by a chameleon imitating a xorn 22
786 killed by a blast of frost exhaled by a winter wolf cub 22
786 killed by Ms. Tjibarusa; the shopkeeper 22
786 killed by Ms. Parbalingga; the shopkeeper 22
786 killed by Ms. Fleac; the shopkeeper 22
786 killed by Ms. Akureyri, the shopkeeper 22
786 killed by Mr. Ngebel; the shopkeeper 22
786 killed by Mr. Izchak, the shopkeeper, while helpless 22
786 killed by Mr. Cahersiveen; the shopkeeper 22
786 killed by Mr. Budereyri, the shopkeeper 22
786 killed by Mr. Beddgelert, the shopkeeper 22
786 killed by Mr. Angmagssalik, the shopkeeper, while helpless 22
786 killed by Mr. Akureyri, the shopkeeper 22
786 killed by Lolth 22
786 fell to her death 22
786 died of exhaustion 22
786 crushed by a falling boulder 22
786 choked on a sprig of wolfsbane 22
786 choked on a meatball 22
786 caught herself in her own blast 22
787 slain by a dwarf 21
787 poisoned by a stone orcish arrow 21
787 killed by the ghost of atorox 21
787 killed by invisible Yeenoghu, while helpless 21
787 killed by invisible Mr. Annootok, the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by invisible Mr. Akalapi, the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by invisible Death (with the Amulet) 21
787 killed by an uninjured iguana 21
787 killed by an umber hulk, while helpless 21
787 killed by an invisible valkyrie 21
787 killed by an invisible ogre mage 21
787 killed by an invisible newt 21
787 killed by an elf mummy, while fainted from lack of food 21
787 killed by an earth elemental of Odin 21
787 killed by an earth elemental of Camaxtli 21
787 killed by an ammit 21
787 killed by an acid ray 21
787 killed by an Elvenking, while sleeping 21
787 killed by a wounded wolf 21
787 killed by a wounded pony 21
787 killed by a wounded Woodland-elf 21
787 killed by a white unicorn, while fainted from lack of food 21
787 killed by a water elemental of Hermes 21
787 killed by a tengu, while reading a book 21
787 killed by a small mimic, while frozen by a potion 21
787 killed by a silver dart 21
787 killed by a silver dagger 21
787 killed by a sewer rat, while dressing up 21
787 killed by a queen bee, while praying 21
787 killed by a python, while helpless 21
787 killed by a priest of Raijin, while helpless 21
787 killed by a priest of Moloch, while helpless 21
787 killed by a priest of Mog 21
787 killed by a leocrotta, while frozen by a potion 21
787 killed by a large kobold, while praying 21
787 killed by a jackal, while jumping around 21
787 killed by a housecat, while reading a book 21
787 killed by a hod sephirah 21
787 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted sasquatch 21
787 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted raven 21
787 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted orc-captain 21
787 killed by a golden naga hatchling, while fainted from lack of food 21
787 killed by a gold golem, while sleeping 21
787 killed by a gnomish watchman 21
787 killed by a gnome's crossbow bolt 21
787 killed by a ghoul, while paralyzed by a monster's touch 21
787 killed by a fox * 21
787 killed by a fire ant, while unconscious from rotten food 21
787 killed by a finger of death 21
787 killed by a crystal ice golem 21
787 killed by a crocodile of Offler 21
787 killed by a chuul 21
787 killed by a chameleon imitating a purple worm 21
787 killed by a chameleon imitating a panther 21
787 killed by a chameleon imitating a giant mummy 21
787 killed by a chameleon imitating a cobra 21
787 killed by a bolt of cold zapped by a gnome 21
787 killed by a baby purple worm 21
787 killed by a Grey-elf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 21
787 killed by Ms. Pontarfynach, the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by Ms. Bayburt, the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by Ms. Angmagssalik, the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by Mr. Raciborz; the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by Mr. Queyssac, the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by Mr. Picq; the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by Mr. Matray; the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by Mr. Llanfair-ym-muallt, the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by Mr. Ardjawinangun; the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by Mr. Aned; the shopkeeper 21
787 killed by Baphomet 21
787 killed by Axus 21
787 diseased by an elf zombie 21
787 crushed to death underneath a drawbridge 21
787 choked on a quivering blob corpse 21
787 choked on a brown pudding corpse 21
788 zombified by a diseased dwarf corpse 20
788 poisoned by a rotted rabid rat corpse 20
788 petrified by a troll 20
788 petrified by a hallucinogen-distorted chickatrice 20
788 killed by kicking a statue of a goblin 20
788 killed by dipping a worn object into a forge 20
788 killed by an uninjured grid bug 20
788 killed by an orcish watchman 20
788 killed by an invisible ice troll 20
788 killed by an invisible gnome lady 20
788 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a minotaur 20
788 killed by an invisible Woodland-elf, while helpless 20
788 killed by an incubus, while frozen by a monster's gaze 20
788 killed by an ettin mummy, while reading a book 20
788 killed by an elf-lord, while frozen by a potion 20
788 killed by an elf zombie, while sleeping 20
788 killed by an air elemental, while fainted from lack of food 20
788 killed by an air elemental of Venus 20
788 killed by an Angel of Ptah 20
788 killed by a wounded werejackal 20
788 killed by a wounded rabid rat 20
788 killed by a wounded bugbear 20
788 killed by a worthless piece of yellowish brown glass 20
788 killed by a wererat, while frozen by a potion 20
788 killed by a water elemental of Thoth, while helpless 20
788 killed by a tourist 20
788 killed by a succubus of Mars 20
788 killed by a priestess of Susanowo, while helpless 20
788 killed by a priestess of Huan Ti, while helpless 20
788 killed by a priest of Anshar 20
788 killed by a pony, while unconscious from rotten food 20
788 killed by a nearly deceased jackal 20
788 killed by a nearly deceased fox 20
788 killed by a larva 20
788 killed by a kobold zombie, while frozen by a potion 20
788 killed by a human zombie, while reading a book 20
788 killed by a hellfire colossus 20
788 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted watch captain, while praying 20
788 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted mountain dwarf 20
788 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jackal, while frozen by a monster's gaze 20
788 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Keystone Kop 20
788 killed by a gnomish watch captain 20
788 killed by a giant mummy, while praying 20
788 killed by a giant bat, while dressing up 20
788 killed by a giant ant * 20
788 killed by a dwarvish werejackal 20
788 killed by a dwarf, while dressing up 20
788 killed by a dwarf zombie, while reading a book 20
788 killed by a dwarf cleric 20
788 killed by a deepest one 20
788 killed by a deep gnome 20
788 killed by a couatl of Amaterasu Omikami, while helpless 20
788 killed by a chameleon imitating an owlbear 20
788 killed by a chameleon imitating a displacer beast 20
788 killed by a bolt of lightning zapped by himself 20
788 killed by a bolt of cold played by a gnome 20
788 killed by a Kop Kaptain, while helpless 20
788 killed by Ms. Wirix, the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Ms. Upernavik, the shopkeeper, while helpless 20
788 killed by Ms. Trenggalek, the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Ms. Sarangan; the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Ms. Pengalengan; the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Ms. Manlobbi, the shopkeeper, while helpless 20
788 killed by Ms. Inuvik, the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Ms. Bordeyri, the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Ms. Berhala, the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Mr. Tjibarusa, the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Mr. Mallwyd, the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Mr. Maganasipi, the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Mr. Haynin; the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Mr. Chibougamau; the shopkeeper 20
788 killed by Mr. Banjoewangi, the shopkeeper 20
788 drowned in a pool of water by a kraken 20
788 dismembered by a gnome lord 20
788 choked on a winter wolf corpse 20
788 choked on a sewer rat corpse 20
788 choked on a rock troll corpse 20
788 choked on a giant corpse 20
788 choked on a Grey-elf corpse 20
789 zombified by an orcish zombie 19
789 zapped himself with a wand of lightning 19
789 killed by the wrath of Thoth * 19
789 killed by the ghost of Stephan 19
789 killed by dipping into a forge 19
789 killed by an orc-captain, while fainted from lack of food 19
789 killed by an invisible water elemental 19
789 killed by an incubus, while fainted from lack of food 19
789 killed by an incubus of Mars 19
789 killed by an ice vortex, while frozen by a monster's gaze 19
789 killed by an air elemental, while sleeping 19
789 killed by a yesod sephirah 19
789 killed by a wounded mumak 19
789 killed by a wounded little dog 19
789 killed by a white unicorn, while sleeping 19
789 killed by a water demon, while dragging an iron ball 19
789 killed by a titanothere, while helpless 19
789 killed by a tengu, while sleeping 19
789 killed by a tapered wooden stake 19
789 killed by a succubus of Set 19
789 killed by a stone orcish arrow 19
789 killed by a soldier, while frozen by a monster's gaze 19
789 killed by a shoggoth 19
789 killed by a scramper 19
789 killed by a scorpion, while praying 19
789 killed by a rothe, while dragging an iron ball 19
789 killed by a raven, while sleeping 19
789 killed by a rabbit, while helpless 19
789 killed by a priestess of Raijin, while paralyzed by a monster 19
789 killed by a priest of Crom, while paralyzed by a monster 19
789 killed by a poison paraelemental 19
789 killed by a nearly deceased sewer rat 19
789 killed by a mastodon, while helpless 19
789 killed by a kobold mummy, while sleeping 19
789 killed by a jackal, while being frightened to death 19
789 killed by a horse, while reading a book 19
789 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hobgoblin, while frozen by a monster's gaze 19
789 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gray ooze 19
789 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant mummy 19
789 killed by a halfling 19
789 killed by a green slime 19
789 killed by a giant watchman 19
789 killed by a giant ant, while dragging an iron ball 19
789 killed by a faberge sphere's explosion 19
789 killed by a dwarf king, while praying 19
789 killed by a dwarf * 19
789 killed by a chameleon imitating a white dragon 19
789 killed by a chameleon imitating a red dragon 19
789 killed by a chameleon imitating a marilith 19
789 killed by a chameleon imitating a lynx 19
789 killed by a chameleon imitating a bone devil 19
789 killed by a centipede, while frozen by a monster's gaze 19
789 killed by a bolt of lightning zapped by a gnome 19
789 killed by a Mr. Kabalebo, the shopkeeper 19
789 killed by a Grey-elf, while reading a book 19
789 killed by Ms. Pasawahan, the shopkeeper 19
789 killed by Ms. Llandrindod, the shopkeeper 19
789 killed by Mr. Llanrwst, the shopkeeper 19
789 killed by Mr. Brzeg, the shopkeeper 19
789 killed by Mr. Bordeyri, the shopkeeper 19
789 killed by Mr. Bandjar; the shopkeeper 19
789 killed by Mr. Aklavik, the shopkeeper 19
789 drowned in a moat by a Watcher in the Water 19
789 dispatched by a dwarf 19
789 diseased by a kobold zombie 19
789 choked on a knife 19
789 choked on a garter snake corpse 19
790 poisoned by an elven arrow 18
790 poisoned by a rotted dwarf lord corpse 18
790 poisoned by a rotted centipede corpse 18
790 petrified by kicking a cockatrice corpse barefoot 18
790 petrified by attacking a cockatrice directly 18
790 killed by touching The Mitre of Holiness 18
790 killed by invisible Ms. Sipaliwini, the shopkeeper 18
790 killed by becoming a doner kebab 18
790 killed by an ogre king, while praying 18
790 killed by an iron piercer, while helpless 18
790 killed by an invisible id juggernaut 18
790 killed by an invisible gnome lord, while sleeping 18
790 killed by an invisible baluchitherium 18
790 killed by an invisible balrog 18
790 killed by an elder pseudodragon 18
790 killed by an earth elemental of Chih Sung-tzu 18
790 killed by an Olog-hai, while praying 18
790 killed by an Elvenking, while praying 18
790 killed by a yellow dragon, while helpless 18
790 killed by a wraith, while frozen by a monster's gaze 18
790 killed by a water troll, while helpless 18
790 killed by a water moccasin * 18
790 killed by a water demon, while reading a book 18
790 killed by a uranium imp 18
790 killed by a triton, while frozen by a monster's gaze 18
Sat Jul 27 03:10:44 2024