Death Reasons - evil

All years 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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  Death Count
1 quit 45,346
2 escaped 42,260
3 killed by a jackal 1,233
4 killed by a piranha 1,186
5 killed by the Goblin King 994
6 killed by a goblin 921
7 killed by a bolt of cold 909
8 killed by a fox 866
9 killed by a bolt of lightning 843
9 killed by a bolt of fire 843
10 killed by a sewer rat 778
11 killed by a falling object 739
12 killed by a scroll of genocide 731
13 killed by a water moccasin 710
14 killed by a mountain dwarf 685
15 killed by a newt 627
16 killed by a giant bat 552
17 killed by a system shock 545
18 killed by a rothe 516
19 killed by a wand 494
20 killed by a gnome lord 451
21 killed by a gnome lady 432
22 killed by a soldier ant 429
23 killed by a giant spider 421
24 killed by a grid bug 414
25 killed by a crossbow bolt 402
26 killed by a giant mosquito 401
27 killed by a scroll of earth 398
28 killed by a water demon 397
29 killed by a magic missile 391
30 killed by a small mimic 383
31 zombified by a kobold zombie 346
32 killed by an arrow 340
33 ascended 330
34 killed by a boulder 321
35 killed by a hobbit 297
36 killed by a giant mimic 295
37 killed by a falling rock 291
38 zombified by a gnome zombie 290
39 killed by a dwarf 276
40 killed by a killer bee 270
41 killed by a bugbear 268
42 killed by a kobold 257
43 killed by a rabid dog 256
43 killed by a hill orc 256
44 killed by a giant ant 255
44 burned by molten lava 255
45 zombified by a dwarf zombie 254
46 killed by a dart 253
47 zombified by an orc zombie 245
48 killed by a potion of holy water 242
48 killed by a death ray 242
49 killed by a warg 241
50 suffocated by a gelatinous cube 240
51 killed by trying to drink molten lava 239
52 killed by a rock gnome 235
53 slipped while mounting a saddled pony 233
54 killed by a gas spore's explosion 231
55 killed by an owlbear 225
56 zombified by a hobbit zombie 223
57 killed by a wererat 206
58 killed by a riding accident 205
59 killed by tumbling down a flight of stairs 200
59 killed by a gnomish wizard 200
60 killed by a hobgoblin 197
61 poisoned by an orcish arrow 189
62 killed by a bear trap 187
63 killed by a leocrotta 184
64 killed by a dwarf lord 179
65 killed by a large spider 178
66 killed by a wolf 172
66 killed by a giant cockroach 172
67 killed by a giant rat 169
68 killed by a white unicorn 167
68 killed by a giant leech 167
69 killed by a dwarf lady 162
69 killed by a baby owlbear 162
70 killed by a rabid rat 159
71 zombified by an elf zombie 155
71 killed by a jaguar 155
72 killed by a pony 154
73 killed by a gnome 150
74 killed by an Uruk-hai 149
74 killed by a kitten 149
75 killed by a large mimic 147
76 killed by a dwarf king 146
77 killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 145
78 killed by a coyote 136
79 killed by a gas cloud 133
80 killed by a fire ant 132
81 withered away 131
81 killed by a mumak 131
81 killed by a black pudding 131
82 killed by a little dog 129
83 killed by an energy vortex 127
84 killed by a flint stone 124
85 killed by an enormous rat 123
86 killed by an orcish dagger 122
87 killed by a poisonous corpse 119
87 crunched in the head by an iron ball 119
88 killed by a gnome zombie 118
88 killed by a boiling potion 118
89 killed by a giant beetle 114
89 killed by a dwarf queen 114
90 killed by an orcish arrow 110
90 killed by a hobbit zombie 110
91 killed by an air elemental 109
92 killed by a gecko 108
93 poisoned by a locust 106
94 killed by a lichen 105
94 killed by a jumping spider 105
95 killed by an ape 103
96 killed by falling down a mine shaft 101
97 poisoned by a gray fungus 98
97 killed by a water elemental 98
97 killed by a gnoll 98
98 dragged downstairs by an iron ball 97
99 killed by an orc zombie 96
100 poisoned by a giant mosquito 92
100 killed by a watchman 92
101 killed by a plains centaur 90
102 killed by a werejackal 87
102 killed by a rope golem 87
102 killed by a dwarf zombie 87
102 killed by a Woodland-elf 87
103 killed by a sharpened bamboo stick 86
104 killed by an electric shock 85
104 killed by a brown mold 85
105 killed by an iguana 84
106 killed by a touch of death 83
106 killed by a gnoll hunter 83
106 killed by a dagger 83
107 petrified by a cockatrice 80
108 killed by a panther 79
109 suffocated by a water elemental 78
109 killed by a kobold zombie 78
109 killed by a gnome queen 78
109 killed by a fall onto poison spikes 78
109 killed by a Green-elf 78
110 zombified by a human zombie 74
110 killed by a gray unicorn 74
111 killed by a sea tortle 73
112 killed by a Grey-elf 72
113 killed by an exploding wand 70
113 killed by a gold golem 70
114 killed by Gollum 69
115 killed by brainlessness 68
115 killed by a mastodon 68
116 killed by a steel crossbow bolt 67
117 killed by a homunculus 66
118 poisoned by a bone orcish arrow 65
118 killed by an iron ball collision 65
118 killed by a jellyfish 65
118 killed by a gnome king 65
119 killed by a gargoyle 64
120 poisoned by a killer bee 63
120 killed by a hobbit pickpocket 63
121 killed by an orc-captain 62
121 killed by a little dart 62
121 killed by a large kobold 62
121 killed by a dust vortex 62
121 killed by a dingo 62
122 killed by a goblin-captain 61
122 caught herself in her own ball of lightning 61
123 killed by contaminated water 60
123 killed by a crocodile 60
124 killed by a contaminated potion 59
124 burned by a fireball 59
125 killed by a yeti 58
125 killed by a spear trap 58
125 fell into a pit 58
126 zapped himself with a wand 57
126 killed by a saber-toothed tiger 57
127 petrified by Medusa 54
127 killed by an elf zombie 54
128 killed by a watch captain 53
128 killed by a raven 53
128 killed by a black unicorn 53
129 killed by a werewolf 52
129 killed by a fire elemental 52
129 killed by a blue jelly 52
130 killed by a troll 51
130 killed by a tiger 51
130 caught himself in his own ball of lightning 51
131 petrified by a beholder 49
131 killed by an ancient pseudodragon 49
131 killed by a pseudodragon 49
132 killed by a tortle shaman 48
132 killed by a mountain centaur 48
133 zapped herself with a wand 47
133 killed by an ettin mummy 47
133 killed by an elven arrow 47
133 killed by an earth elemental 47
133 killed by an acidic corpse 47
133 died of starvation 47
134 petrified by a chickatrice 46
134 killed by a steel dart 46
134 killed by a lesser nightmare 46
134 killed by a ball of cold 46
134 caught herself in her own fireball 46
135 zombified by a diseased gnome corpse 44
135 killed by a lesser homunculus 44
135 killed by a kobold lady 44
135 killed by a djinni 44
136 killed by a manes 43
137 killed while stuck in creature form 41
137 killed by kicking a wall 41
137 killed by a barrow wight 41
138 killed by a tengu 40
138 killed by a giant centipede 40
139 killed by an imp 39
139 killed by an elven king 39
139 killed by a guard 39
140 killed by a snake 38
140 killed by a sling bullet 38
140 caught himself in his own fireball 38
141 killed by a horse 37
141 killed by a centaurian watchman 37
141 killed by a carnivorous bag 37
142 killed by a straw golem 36
142 killed by a human zombie 36
142 killed by a cave spider 36
143 poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse 35
143 killed by a housecat 35
143 killed by a goblin outrider 35
143 killed by a dog 35
143 killed by Yeenoghu 35
144 killed by withering away 34
144 killed by a cadaver 34
144 diseased by an orc zombie 34
145 zombified by a gnoll witherling 33
145 killed by an orc shaman 33
145 killed by a potion of acid 33
145 killed by a kobold lord 33
145 killed by a blast of disintegration 33
146 killed by the Rat King 31
146 killed by an elven dagger 31
146 killed by a bone orcish dagger 31
146 diseased by a dwarf zombie 31
146 caught himself in his own ball of cold 31
147 shot himself with a death ray 30
147 poisoned by a little dart 30
147 killed by a zruty 30
148 killed by strangulation 29
148 killed by imitating a meat popsicle 29
148 killed by an invisible stalker 29
148 killed by a wooden crossbow bolt 29
148 killed by a purple worm 29
148 killed by a human mummy 29
148 killed by a goblin shaman 29
148 killed by a gnoll cleric 29
148 killed by a giant crocodile 29
148 killed by a copper crossbow bolt 29
148 killed by a bone orcish arrow 29
149 killed by a water troll 28
149 killed by a vampire bat 28
149 killed by a mithril crossbow bolt 28
149 killed by a mithril arrow 28
149 killed by a lynx 28
149 killed by a hobbit rogue 28
149 killed by a blast of frost 28
150 zombified by a diseased hobbit corpse 27
150 shot herself with a death ray 27
150 poisoned by a jumping spider 27
150 killed by a lava demon 27
150 killed by a forest centaur 27
150 caught herself in her own ball of cold 27
151 killed by hitting themselves in the face 26
151 killed by an elven watchman 26
151 killed by an elven watch captain 26
151 killed by an elven queen 26
151 killed by a winged gargoyle 26
151 killed by a splash of acid 26
151 killed by a rock mole 26
151 killed by a giant anaconda 26
151 killed by Juiblex 26
151 ascended (in dishonor) 26
152 zombified by a diseased kobold corpse 25
152 poisoned by a kobold zombie 25
152 killed by sitting on a forge 25
152 killed by a torrent of acid 25
152 killed by a steel arrow 25
152 killed by a bone crossbow bolt 25
152 killed by Izchak; the shopkeeper 25
153 killed by a succubus 24
153 killed by a chameleon imitating a giant centipede 24
153 killed by a balrog 24
153 killed by Ms. Sipaliwini; the shopkeeper 24
153 drowned in a moat 24
153 diseased by a gnome zombie 24
153 burned by an exploding fire bomb 24
153 burned by a tower of flame 24
153 ascended (with the Idol) 24
154 poisoned by a gnome zombie 23
154 killed by an ogre 23
154 killed by an ice vortex 23
154 killed by a yellow dragon 23
154 killed by a warhorse 23
154 killed by a steel dagger 23
154 killed by a spotted jelly 23
154 killed by a silver crossbow bolt 23
154 killed by a garter snake 23
154 killed by a dwarven watch captain 23
155 zombified by an ettin zombie 22
155 killed by a stone orcish dagger 22
155 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted fox 22
155 killed by a greater homunculus 22
155 killed by a bat 22
155 killed by Mr. Kabalebo; the shopkeeper 22
156 poisoned by a stone orcish arrow 21
156 poisoned by a rotted newt corpse 21
156 poisoned by a rotted goblin corpse 21
156 poisoned by a rabid rat 21
156 poisoned by a giant spider 21
156 poisoned by a dwarf zombie 21
156 killed by a rock piercer 21
156 killed by Mr. Annootok; the shopkeeper 21
157 poisoned by a rabid dog 20
157 killed by an ettin zombie 20
157 killed by a shambling horror 20
157 killed by a quasit 20
157 killed by a honey badger 20
157 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rothe 20
157 killed by a flind 20
157 killed by a disenchanter 20
157 fell to her death 20
158 zombified by a diseased orc corpse 19
158 zombified by a diseased dwarf corpse 19
158 killed by an orange dragon 19
158 killed by an ogre queen 19
158 killed by a wraith 19
158 killed by a shattered potion 19
158 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted mountain dwarf 19
158 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant ant 19
158 killed by a Mordor orc 19
158 killed by Ms. Wonotobo; the shopkeeper 19
158 killed by Mr. Angmagssalik; the shopkeeper 19
158 killed by Master Kaen 19
158 killed by Lolth 19
158 diseased by a hobbit zombie 19
159 poisoned by a water moccasin 18
159 killed by life drainage 18
159 killed by becoming a doner kebab 18
159 killed by an elder pseudodragon 18
159 killed by an elder minotaur 18
159 killed by a tapered wooden stake 18
159 killed by a mithril dart 18
159 killed by a marilith 18
159 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted water moccasin 18
159 killed by a carnivorous ape 18
159 diseased by an elf zombie 18
160 poisoned by a giant cockroach 17
160 killed by genocidal confusion 17
160 killed by dipping into a forge 17
160 killed by an orcish watchman 17
160 killed by an acid blob 17
160 killed by a vampire king 17
160 killed by a tower of flame 17
160 killed by a sasquatch 17
160 killed by a giant watchman 17
160 killed by a burning scroll 17
160 killed by a blast of fire 17
160 killed by Ms. Manlobbi; the shopkeeper 17
160 killed by Mr. Asidonhopo; the shopkeeper 17
160 killed by Mr. Akalapi; the shopkeeper 17
160 choked on a food ration 17
161 killed by becoming a döner kebab 16
161 killed by an ochre jelly 16
161 killed by a stone giant 16
161 killed by a shimmering dragon 16
161 killed by a pyrolisk 16
161 killed by a kobold shaman 16
161 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted piranha 16
161 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant bat 16
161 killed by a gray ooze 16
161 killed by a chameleon imitating an elder minotaur 16
161 killed by Mr. Adjama; the shopkeeper 16
161 drowned in a pool of water 16
161 diseased by a drow zombie 16
162 zapped himself with a spell 15
162 poisoned by an orc zombie 15
162 poisoned by an elf zombie 15
162 poisoned by a hobbit zombie 15
162 killed by the hallucinogen-distorted Goblin King 15
162 killed by a winter wolf 15
162 killed by a white dragon 15
162 killed by a vrock 15
162 killed by a vampire 15
162 killed by a stone orcish arrow 15
162 killed by a silver dragon 15
162 killed by a red dragon 15
162 killed by a queen ant 15
162 killed by a nightmare 15
162 killed by a gray dragon 15
162 killed by a giant turtle 15
162 killed by Baphomet 15
162 incinerated in molten lava by a salamander 15
162 diseased by a kobold zombie 15
163 poisoned by a rotted orc corpse 14
163 poisoned by a rotted human corpse 14
163 poisoned by a rotted elf corpse 14
163 poisoned by a rotted dwarf corpse 14
163 killed by hitting herself in the face 14
163 killed by an incubus 14
163 killed by an exploding chest 14
163 killed by a xorn 14
163 killed by a woolly mammoth 14
163 killed by a wooden dart 14
163 killed by a winter wolf cub 14
163 killed by a vampire queen 14
163 killed by a rock troll 14
163 killed by a lizard 14
163 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted sewer rat 14
163 killed by a gnomish watch captain 14
163 killed by a fire giant 14
163 killed by a dwarven watchman 14
163 killed by a drow zombie 14
163 killed by a copper dart 14
163 killed by a bone dart 14
163 killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka; the shopkeeper 14
163 fell onto a sink 14
163 fell into a pit of iron spikes 14
164 poisoned by an orcish dagger 13
164 poisoned by a rotted jackal corpse 13
164 petrified by a cockatrice corpse 13
164 killed by an ogre lady 13
164 killed by an elven lord 13
164 killed by an air elemental of Chih Sung-tzu 13
164 killed by an acidic glob 13
164 killed by a vorpal jabberwock 13
164 killed by a tapered wooden spike 13
164 killed by a shuriken 13
164 killed by a shocking sphere's explosion 13
164 killed by a narrow pointy stake 13
164 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jackal 13
164 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome lord 13
164 killed by a gnomish watchman 13
164 killed by a glass crossbow bolt 13
164 killed by a giant zombie 13
164 killed by a drow raider 13
164 killed by Ms. Aklavik; the shopkeeper 13
164 dissolved in molten lava 13
164 disintegrated by an antimatter vortex 13
165 zombified by a drow zombie 12
165 zapped herself with a spell 12
165 slipped while mounting a saddled horse 12
165 poisoned by a dart 12
165 killed by the wrath of Lolth 12
165 killed by kicking a rock 12
165 killed by handling a heavy iron ball that was made of iron 12
165 killed by dipping a worn object into a forge 12
165 killed by an invisible gnome lady 12
165 killed by an electric chair 12
165 killed by a snow golem 12
165 killed by a paper golem 12
165 killed by a narrow pointy spike 12
165 killed by a human watchman 12
165 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant spider 12
165 killed by a glass dart 12
165 killed by a ghoul 12
165 killed by a champion of Chih Sung-tzu 12
165 killed by a champion of Brigit 12
165 killed by a boojum 12
165 killed by a blue dragon 12
165 killed by a black dragon 12
165 killed by Ms. Upernavik; the shopkeeper 12
165 decapitated by a vorpal jabberwock 12
165 caught himself in his own death field 12
165 caught herself in her own death field 12
165 burned by an explosion 12
166 poisoned by a soldier ant 11
166 poisoned by a rotted rock gnome corpse 11
166 petrified by a basilisk 11
166 killed by the Oracle 11
166 killed by an ogre king 11
166 killed by a wooden arrow 11
166 killed by a large cat 11
166 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted soldier ant 11
166 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kitten 11
166 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant mosquito 11
166 killed by a glass arrow 11
166 killed by a giant mummy 11
166 killed by a couatl of Ptah 11
166 killed by a copper arrow 11
166 killed by a champion of Thoth 11
166 killed by a champion of Odin 11
166 killed by a champion of Mog 11
166 killed by a champion of Grumbar 11
166 fell to his death 11
166 disintegrated by a beholder 11
166 crushed to death by an exploding drawbridge 11
166 choked on a yeti corpse 11
167 zombified by a diseased elf corpse 10
167 suffocated by a sea dragon 10
167 poisoned by a rotted glob of gray ooze 10
167 poisoned by a jellyfish 10
167 poisoned by Demogorgon 10
167 killed by the wrath of Anhur 10
167 killed by kicking an adverse material 10
167 killed by an ogre lord 10
167 killed by an exploding magical bag 10
167 killed by an air elemental of Vhaeraun 10
167 killed by a vampire lord 10
167 killed by a vampire lady 10
167 killed by a thrown potion 10
167 killed by a silver arrow 10
167 killed by a mithril elven dagger 10
167 killed by a locust 10
167 killed by a large dog 10
167 killed by a human watch captain 10
167 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted wererat 10
167 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant rat 10
167 killed by a gnome mummy 10
167 killed by a freezing sphere's explosion 10
167 killed by a champion of Raijin 10
167 killed by a centaurian sergeant 10
167 killed by a bone arrow 10
167 killed by a barbed devil 10
167 killed by Ms. Possogroenoe; the shopkeeper 10
167 killed by Mr. Hebiwerie; the shopkeeper 10
167 killed by Mr. Gweebarra; the shopkeeper 10
167 killed by Mr. Aksaray; the shopkeeper 10
167 killed by Kathryn the Ice Queen 10
167 diseased by a human zombie 10
167 decapitated by a shambling horror 10
168 zombified by a giant zombie 9
168 zapped himself with a wand of lightning 9
168 poisoned by a snake 9
168 killed by the Abominable Snowman 9
168 killed by colliding with the ceiling 9
168 killed by an exploding rune 9
168 killed by an air elemental of Brigit 9
168 killed by a silver dagger 9
168 killed by a leather golem 9
168 killed by a land mine 9
168 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rabid dog 9
168 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome lady 9
168 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant mimic 9
168 killed by a gremlin 9
168 killed by a green mold 9
168 killed by a green dragon 9
168 killed by a dwarvish spear 9
168 killed by a dark elven watch captain 9
168 killed by a cursed amulet of life saving 9
168 killed by a champion of Ishtar 9
168 killed by a champion of Crom 9
168 killed by a champion of Camaxtli 9
168 killed by a cauchemar 9
168 killed by a blast of water 9
168 killed by a Keystone Kop 9
168 killed by Graz'zt 9
168 caught herself in her own burning oil 9
169 slipped while mounting a saddled lesser nightmare 8
169 poisoned by a rotted gecko corpse 8
169 poisoned by a quasit 8
169 poisoned by a lesser nightmare 8
169 petrified by touching a cockatrice corpse bare-handed 8
169 killed by sipping boiling water 8
169 killed by an iron golem 8
169 killed by an invisible elven wizard 8
169 killed by an invisible dwarf 8
169 killed by an Aleax of Ptah 8
169 killed by a vampire mage 8
169 killed by a stone golem 8
169 killed by a spear 8
169 killed by a shadow dragon 8
169 killed by a rodent of unusual size 8
169 killed by a platinum crossbow bolt 8
169 killed by a minotaur 8
169 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted werejackal 8
169 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rock gnome 8
169 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted baby owlbear 8
169 killed by a flesh golem 8
169 killed by a dwarvish soldier 8
169 killed by a displacer beast 8
169 killed by a contact-poisoned spellbook 8
169 killed by a basilisk 8
169 killed by Mr. Inuvik; the shopkeeper 8
169 killed by Mr. Chicoutimi; the shopkeeper 8
169 killed by Mephistopheles 8
169 diseased by a gnoll witherling 8
170 zapped himself with a wand of fire 7
170 poisoned by a vampire bat 7
170 poisoned by a rotted hobgoblin corpse 7
170 petrified by a chickatrice corpse 7
170 killed by touching Dramborleg 7
170 killed by the wrath of Set 7
170 killed by the Minion of Huhetotl 7
170 killed by spear trap 7
170 killed by an iron piercer 7
170 killed by an invisible alhoon 7
170 killed by an exploding crystal ball 7
170 killed by an elven soldier 7
170 killed by an elven lady 7
170 killed by an elf mummy 7
170 killed by an air elemental of Thoth 7
170 killed by an air elemental of Raijin 7
170 killed by an air elemental of Camaxtli 7
170 killed by a scorpion 7
170 killed by a red mold 7
170 killed by a pit viper 7
170 killed by a pit fiend 7
170 killed by a mithril elven arrow 7
170 killed by a mithril dagger 7
170 killed by a kobold mummy 7
170 killed by a jabberwock 7
170 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted water demon 7
170 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jaguar 7
170 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted goblin 7
170 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted fire ant 7
170 killed by a gold dragon 7
170 killed by a gnomish soldier 7
170 killed by a fire elemental of Chih Sung-tzu 7
170 killed by a dwarf mummy 7
170 killed by a drow warrior 7
170 killed by a copper elven arrow 7
170 killed by a clay golem 7
170 killed by a champion of Venus 7
170 killed by a champion of Hermes 7
170 killed by a chameleon imitating an alhoon 7
170 killed by a chameleon imitating a queen ant 7
170 killed by a chameleon imitating a minotaur 7
170 killed by a barbed devil of Moloch 7
170 killed by a baby silver dragon 7
170 killed by a Kop Sergeant 7
170 killed by Ms. Siirt; the shopkeeper 7
170 killed by Mr. Gaziantep; the shopkeeper 7
170 killed by Kas 7
170 killed by Croesus 7
170 drowned in a moat by a giant eel 7
170 choked on a jackal corpse 7
171 zapped himself with a wand of cold 6
171 poisoned by a severe case of the plague 6
171 poisoned by a rotted rothe corpse 6
171 poisoned by a rotted hill orc corpse 6
171 petrified by touching a chickatrice corpse bare-handed 6
171 killed by the wrath of Odin 6
171 killed by the Wizard of Yendor 6
171 killed by the Dark One 6
171 killed by drinking molten lava 6
171 killed by draining their own life force 6
171 killed by bumping into a wall 6
171 killed by an invisible mountain dwarf 6
171 killed by an invisible goblin 6
171 killed by an exploding large box 6
171 killed by an earth elemental of Raijin 6
171 killed by an Olog-hai 6
171 killed by an Angel 6
171 killed by an Aleax of Tyr 6
171 killed by an Aleax of Shan Lai Ching 6
171 killed by a silver dart 6
171 killed by a sea dragon 6
171 killed by a red naga 6
171 killed by a mithril dwarvish spear 6
171 killed by a human soldier 6
171 killed by a hill giant shaman 6
171 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted small mimic 6
171 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted pony 6
171 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted owlbear 6
171 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted newt 6
171 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted large mimic 6
171 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hobbit 6
171 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant beetle 6
171 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf 6
171 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted bugbear 6
171 killed by a guardian naga hatchling 6
171 killed by a giant sergeant 6
171 killed by a fog cloud 6
171 killed by a drow cleric 6
171 killed by a dark elven watchman 6
171 killed by a dark elven crossbow bolt 6
171 killed by a champion of The Lady 6
171 killed by a chameleon imitating a vorpal jabberwock 6
171 killed by a chameleon 6
171 killed by a centaurian soldier 6
171 killed by a cave lizard 6
171 killed by a burning book 6
171 killed by a bone devil 6
171 killed by a blast of missiles 6
171 killed by a baluchitherium 6
171 killed by a baby red dragon 6
171 killed by a baby blue dragon 6
171 killed by Ms. Ouiatchouane; the shopkeeper 6
171 killed by Ms. Kinnegad; the shopkeeper 6
171 killed by Ms. Ennistymon; the shopkeeper 6
171 killed by Mr. Iskenderun; the shopkeeper 6
171 killed by Mr. Demirci; the shopkeeper 6
171 killed by Lucifer (with the Amulet) 6
171 diseased by an ettin zombie 6
171 diseased by a diseased gnome corpse 6
171 choked on a wraith corpse 6
171 choked on a tin of spinach 6
171 choked on a stone giant corpse 6
171 caught himself in his own burning oil 6
171 caught herself in her own magical blast 6
172 zapped herself with a wand of cold 5
172 poisoned by a rotted gnome noble corpse 5
172 poisoned by a rotted Mordor orc corpse 5
172 poisoned by a human zombie 5
172 poisoned by a bad case of the plague 5
172 killed by the wrath of Thoth 5
172 killed by the wrath of Huan Ti 5
172 killed by the the Rat King 5
172 killed by opening a iron container 5
172 killed by molten lava from kicking a forge 5
172 killed by hitting himself in the face 5
172 killed by an orcish soldier 5
172 killed by an invisible wererat 5
172 killed by an invisible rothe 5
172 killed by an invisible arch-lich 5
172 killed by an ettin 5
172 killed by an elf-lord 5
172 killed by an earth elemental of Thoth 5
172 killed by an earth elemental of Chih Sung-tzu 5
172 killed by an arch-lich 5
172 killed by an Angel of Shan Lai Ching 5
172 killed by a vampire in bat form 5
172 killed by a touch of death (with the Amulet) 5
172 killed by a storm giant 5
172 killed by a stone crossbow bolt 5
172 killed by a steel sling bullet 5
172 killed by a red naga hatchling 5
172 killed by a queen bee 5
172 killed by a magical explosion 5
172 killed by a horned devil 5
172 killed by a hezrou 5
172 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted wolf 5
172 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted warg 5
172 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted little dog 5
172 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted killer bee 5
172 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf lady 5
172 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf king 5
172 killed by a gnomish sergeant 5
172 killed by a giant watch captain 5
172 killed by a gargantuan spider 5
172 killed by a fire elemental of Vhaeraun 5
172 killed by a fell beast 5
172 killed by a dwarven soldier 5
172 killed by a chameleon imitating a woolly mammoth 5
172 killed by a chameleon imitating a saber-toothed tiger 5
172 killed by a black naga hatchling 5
172 killed by a baby green dragon 5
172 killed by a Kop Kaptain 5
172 killed by Orcus 5
172 killed by Ms. Tuktoyaktuk; the shopkeeper 5
172 killed by Ms. Syktywkar; the shopkeeper 5
172 killed by Ms. Kalecik; the shopkeeper 5
172 killed by Mr. Siverek; the shopkeeper 5
172 killed by Mr. Nenagh; the shopkeeper 5
172 killed by Mr. Lugnaquillia; the shopkeeper 5
172 killed by Mr. Boyabai; the shopkeeper 5
172 killed by Mr. Akhalataki; the shopkeeper 5
172 crushed to death underneath a drawbridge 5
172 crushed to death by a collapsing drawbridge 5
172 blasted himself with a wand of light 5
173 zombified by a H‹é…! 4
173 zapped himself with a wand of magic missile 4
173 zapped herself with a wand of striking 4
173 zapped herself with a wand of lightning 4
173 zapped herself with a wand of fire 4
173 suffocated by the water elemental of Chih Sung-tzu 4
173 slipped while mounting a saddled warhorse 4
173 poisoned by an ettin zombie 4
173 poisoned by a rotted kobold corpse 4
173 poisoned by a nightmare 4
173 poisoned by a crossbow bolt 4
173 poisoned by Juiblex 4
173 killed by the wrath of Quetzalcoatl 4
173 killed by the wrath of Chih Sung-tzu 4
173 killed by the wrath of Amaterasu Omikami 4
173 killed by overexertion 4
173 killed by kicking the stairs 4
173 killed by kicking an iron chain 4
173 killed by kicking an altar 4
173 killed by kicking a tree 4
173 killed by handling an orcish helm that was made of iron 4
173 killed by boiling potions 4
173 killed by an orcish sergeant 4
173 killed by an invisible shambling horror 4
173 killed by an invisible golden naga 4
173 killed by an invisible gnome lord 4
173 killed by an invisible dwarf lady 4
173 killed by an exploding potion 4
173 killed by an elf-lady 4
173 killed by an anti-magic implosion 4
173 killed by an air elemental of Odin 4
173 killed by an air elemental of Mog 4
173 killed by an air elemental of Grumbar 4
173 killed by an Angel of Ptah 4
173 killed by an Aleax of Mitra 4
173 killed by an Aleax 4
173 killed by a wood golem 4
173 killed by a weredemon 4
173 killed by a vrock of Loki 4
173 killed by a spectre 4
173 killed by a skeleton 4
173 killed by a silver sling bullet 4
173 killed by a poisoned needle 4
173 killed by a nurse 4
173 killed by a monkey 4
173 killed by a mind flayer 4
173 killed by a master mind flayer 4
173 killed by a large cave lizard 4
173 killed by a horned devil of Moloch 4
173 killed by a hell hound 4
173 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted watchman 4
173 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted watch captain 4
173 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kobold 4
173 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome queen 4
173 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome king 4
173 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant leech 4
173 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant cockroach 4
173 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf queen 4
173 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted djinni 4
173 killed by a guardian naga 4
173 killed by a golden naga hatchling 4
173 killed by a gold dart 4
173 killed by a gold crossbow bolt 4
173 killed by a gold arrow 4
173 killed by a gnoll witherling 4
173 killed by a frost giant 4
173 killed by a fire vortex 4
173 killed by a fire elemental of Odin 4
173 killed by a fire elemental of Mog 4
173 killed by a fire elemental of Grumbar 4
173 killed by a dark elven arrow 4
173 killed by a couatl of Ilmater 4
173 killed by a couatl of Athena 4
173 killed by a couatl 4
173 killed by a chameleon imitating an arch-lich 4
173 killed by a chameleon imitating a bone devil 4
173 killed by a chameleon imitating a balrog 4
173 killed by a Kop Lieutenant 4
173 killed by Ozzy 4
173 killed by Ms. Urignac; the shopkeeper 4
173 killed by Ms. Tirebolu; the shopkeeper 4
173 killed by Ms. Sneem; the shopkeeper 4
173 killed by Ms. Ossipewsk; the shopkeeper 4
173 killed by Ms. Enniscorthy; the shopkeeper 4
173 killed by Mr. Weliki Oestjoeg; the shopkeeper 4
173 killed by Mr. Swidnica; the shopkeeper 4
173 killed by Mr. Sipaliwini; the shopkeeper 4
173 killed by Mr. Picq; the shopkeeper 4
173 killed by Cerberus 4
173 killed by Arahael's ghost 4
173 killed by Annam 4
173 drowned in a pool of water by an electric eel 4
173 burned by an exploding forge 4
174 zombified by a diseased gnoll corpse 3
174 suffocated by the water elemental of Camaxtli 3
174 suffocated by the water elemental of Brigit 3
174 suffocated by a water elemental of Thoth 3
174 poisoned by a shuriken 3
174 poisoned by a scorpion 3
174 poisoned by a rotted mountain dwarf corpse 3
174 poisoned by a rotted iguana corpse 3
174 poisoned by a rotted hobbit corpse 3
174 poisoned by a rotted goblin shaman corpse 3
174 poisoned by a rotted garter snake corpse 3
174 poisoned by a rotted cave spider corpse 3
174 poisoned by a rotted bugbear corpse 3
174 poisoned by a cursed amulet of life saving 3
174 killed by touching Sunsword 3
174 killed by the wrath of The Lady 3
174 killed by the wrath of Moloch 3
174 killed by the wrath of Mog 3
174 killed by the Wizard of Yendor (with the Amulet) 3
174 killed by the Cyclops 3
174 killed by reverting to unhealthy human form 3
174 killed by microlance's ghost 3
174 killed by kicking a sink 3
174 killed by kicking a boulder 3
174 killed by exhaustion 3
174 killed by eraserhead97's ghost 3
174 killed by draining her own life force 3
174 killed by dbanethacker's ghost 3
174 killed by bouquet's ghost 3
174 killed by an invisible water demon 3
174 killed by an invisible titan 3
174 killed by an invisible master lich 3
174 killed by an invisible large mimic 3
174 killed by an invisible human priest 3
174 killed by an invisible gnomish wizard 3
174 killed by an invisible dwarf queen 3
174 killed by an invisible dwarf lord 3
174 killed by an invisible drow mage 3
174 killed by an invisible agent of Anhur 3
174 killed by an exploding stone large box 3
174 killed by an elven sergeant 3
174 killed by an earth elemental of Camaxtli 3
174 killed by an antimatter vortex 3
174 killed by an alhoon 3
174 killed by an air elemental of The Lady 3
174 killed by an Angel of Tyr 3
174 killed by an Angel of Moloch (with the Amulet) 3
174 killed by an Aleax of Issek 3
174 killed by a xan 3
174 killed by a water elemental of Thoth 3
174 killed by a water elemental of Chih Sung-tzu 3
174 killed by a vrock of Susanowo 3
174 killed by a vrock of Kos 3
174 killed by a succubus of Loki 3
174 killed by a stone arrow 3
174 killed by a steel shuriken 3
174 killed by a steel dwarvish spear 3
174 killed by a sergeant 3
174 killed by a salamander 3
174 killed by a revenant 3
174 killed by a psychic blast 3
174 killed by a poisoned blast 3
174 killed by a poisoned blade 3
174 killed by a platinum dagger 3
174 killed by a master lich 3
174 killed by a marilith of Huhetotl 3
174 killed by a leprechaun 3
174 killed by a human sergeant 3
174 killed by a human priest 3
174 killed by a human healer 3
174 killed by a hobbit mummy 3
174 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted troll 3
174 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted plains centaur 3
174 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted large spider 3
174 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted housecat 3
174 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hobbit pickpocket 3
174 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnoll hunter 3
174 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gargoyle 3
174 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf lord 3
174 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted coyote 3
174 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted black pudding 3
174 killed by a gold dagger 3
174 killed by a glass golem 3
174 killed by a giant lieutenant 3
174 killed by a giant captain 3
174 killed by a ghost 3
174 killed by a frost salamander 3
174 killed by a fire elemental of Thoth 3
174 killed by a fire elemental of Camaxtli 3
174 killed by a dwarvish sergeant 3
174 killed by a dark elven soldier 3
174 killed by a crossbow bolt of fire 3
174 killed by a couatl of Issek 3
174 killed by a couatl of Blind Io 3
174 killed by a copper elven dagger 3
174 killed by a champion of Vhaeraun 3
174 killed by a chameleon imitating a warhorse 3
174 killed by a chameleon imitating a red dragon 3
174 killed by a chameleon imitating a purple worm 3
174 killed by a chameleon imitating a hell hound 3
174 killed by a chameleon imitating a green dragon 3
174 killed by a chameleon imitating a giant crocodile 3
174 killed by a chameleon imitating a blue dragon 3
174 killed by a centipede 3
174 killed by a bone spear 3
174 killed by a bone dagger 3
174 killed by a blast of lightning 3
174 killed by a baby shimmering dragon 3
174 killed by Vecna 3
174 killed by Ms. Yildizeli; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Ms. Walbrzych; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Ms. Vanzac; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Ms. Rhydaman; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Ms. Kilgarvan; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Ms. Ermenak; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Ms. Curig; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Ms. Budereyri; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Ms. Angmagssalik; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Ms. Akalapi; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Rhaeader; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Renrut; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Papar; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Malasgirt; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Maesteg; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Lonzac; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Kipawa; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Eed-morra; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Corsh; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Cire Htims; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Mr. Ballingeary; the shopkeeper 3
174 killed by Medusa 3
174 killed by King Arthur 3
174 killed by Kathryn the Enchantress 3
174 killed by Famine (with the Amulet) 3
174 killed by Dispater 3
174 killed by Asmodeus 3
174 drowned in deep water 3
174 drowned in a moat by a kraken 3
174 diseased by a diseased orc corpse 3
174 choked on a quick snack 3
174 choked on a lichen corpse 3
174 choked on a goblin shaman corpse 3
174 choked on a giant turtle corpse 3
174 choked on a black dragon corpse 3
174 burned by a flaming sphere's explosion 3
174 blasted herself with a wand of light 3
175 zombified by orc zombie 2
175 zombified by a h¢ 2
175 zombified by a Hƒì8ºƒÞC1ödH‹%( 2
175 zapped himself with an expensive camera 2
175 zapped himself with a wand of striking 2
175 zapped himself with a wand of light 2
175 zapped herself with a wand of magic missile 2
175 suffocated by the water elemental of Vhaeraun 2
175 suffocated by the water elemental of Thoth 2
175 suffocated by an invisible gelatinous cube 2
175 suffocated by a sea dragon (with the Amulet) 2
175 poisoned by an elven dagger 2
175 poisoned by an arrow 2
175 poisoned by a wooden dagger 2
175 poisoned by a silver arrow 2
175 poisoned by a shambling horror 2
175 poisoned by a rotted rock piercer corpse 2
175 poisoned by a rotted red mold corpse 2
175 poisoned by a rotted piranha corpse 2
175 poisoned by a rotted mountain nymph corpse 2
175 poisoned by a rotted giant mosquito corpse 2
175 poisoned by a rotted floating eye corpse 2
175 poisoned by a rotted drow corpse 2
175 poisoned by a rotted dingo corpse 2
175 poisoned by a rotted baby owlbear corpse 2
175 poisoned by a rotted Uruk-hai corpse 2
175 poisoned by a pit viper 2
175 poisoned by a hill orc 2
175 poisoned by a drow zombie 2
175 poisoned by a dagger 2
175 poisoned by a centipede 2
175 poisoned by a bone crossbow bolt 2
175 poisoned by Pestilence (with the Amulet) 2
175 petrified by tasting cockatrice meat 2
175 petrified by losing gloves while wielding a cockatrice corpse 2
175 petrified by a forest centaur 2
175 killed herself by breaking a wand 2
175 killed by touching The Ring of P'hul 2
175 killed by touching The Platinum Yendorian Express Card 2
175 killed by touching The Eye of the Aethiopica 2
175 killed by touching Stormbringer 2
175 killed by tinklebear's ghost 2
175 killed by the wrath of Mars 2
175 killed by the wrath of Manannan Mac Lir 2
175 killed by the wrath of Loki 2
175 killed by the wrath of Ishtar 2
175 killed by the wrath of Crom 2
175 killed by splungetoo's ghost 2
175 killed by reverting to unhealthy orcish form 2
175 killed by reverting to unhealthy illithid form 2
175 killed by reverting to unhealthy dwarven form 2
175 killed by nabru's ghost 2
175 killed by krm26's human zombie 2
175 killed by krm26's ghost 2
175 killed by kicking a loadstone 2
175 killed by kicking a forge 2
175 killed by karibou's ghost 2
175 killed by k2's ghost 2
175 killed by invisible Ms. Kittamagh; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by invisible Ms. Enniscorthy; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by invisible Mr. Lahinch; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by invisible Mr. Gweebarra; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by invisible Mr. Ballingeary; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by handling darts that was made of iron 2
175 killed by handling crossbow bolts that was made of iron 2
175 killed by handling an orcish dagger that was made of iron 2
175 killed by handling a pair of dwarvish boots that was made of iron 2
175 killed by handling a mace that was made of iron 2
175 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Yeenoghu 2
175 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Pasawahan; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Gollum 2
175 killed by bouquet the giant zombie 2
175 killed by boulders 2
175 killed by an orcish priestess of Set 2
175 killed by an orcish priestess of Offler 2
175 killed by an orcish priestess of Anhur 2
175 killed by an orcish priest of Huan Ti 2
175 killed by an orc mummy 2
175 killed by an invisible watch captain 2
175 killed by an invisible vampire mage 2
175 killed by an invisible troll 2
175 killed by an invisible rope golem 2
175 killed by an invisible plains centaur 2
175 killed by an invisible nalfeshnee 2
175 killed by an invisible killer bee 2
175 killed by an invisible hobgoblin 2
175 killed by an invisible hobbit 2
175 killed by an invisible gargoyle 2
175 killed by an invisible forest centaur 2
175 killed by an invisible elven soldier 2
175 killed by an invisible earth elemental 2
175 killed by an invisible dwarven watch captain 2
175 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a minotaur 2
175 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a master lich 2
175 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a baby red dragon 2
175 killed by an invisible balrog 2
175 killed by an invisible agent of Kos 2
175 killed by an invisible Woodland-elf 2
175 killed by an invisible Uruk-hai 2
175 killed by an invisible Green-elf 2
175 killed by an incubus of Huhetotl 2
175 killed by an illithid priestess of Anhur 2
175 killed by an ice troll 2
175 killed by an ice devil 2
175 killed by an elven spear 2
175 killed by an earth elemental of Odin 2
175 killed by an earth elemental of Ishtar 2
175 killed by an earth elemental of Hermes 2
175 killed by an earth elemental of Grumbar 2
175 killed by an earth elemental of Crom 2
175 killed by an air elemental of Venus 2
175 killed by an air elemental of Hermes 2
175 killed by an abbot 2
175 killed by an Archon 2
175 killed by an Angel of Mitra 2
175 killed by an Angel of Mercury 2
175 killed by an Angel of Athena 2
175 killed by a vrock of Moloch 2
175 killed by a vrock of Lolth 2
175 killed by a vrock of Huhetotl 2
175 killed by a vampire royal in bat form 2
175 killed by a tortle priestess of Shan Lai Ching 2
175 killed by a tortle priestess of Chih Sung-tzu 2
175 killed by a titan 2
175 killed by a succubus of Kos 2
175 killed by a priestess of Shan Lai Ching 2
175 killed by a priest of Huan Ti 2
175 killed by a priest of Brigit 2
175 killed by a platinum dart 2
175 killed by a nalfeshnee 2
175 killed by a mildly contaminated potion 2
175 killed by a marilith of Moloch 2
175 killed by a marilith of Lolth 2
175 killed by a marilith of Anshar 2
175 killed by a magical orcish arrow 2
175 killed by a lava gremlin 2
175 killed by a knife 2
175 killed by a human priest of Shan Lai Ching 2
175 killed by a human priest of Odin 2
175 killed by a human barbarian 2
175 killed by a hezrou of Loki 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted water elemental 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted tortle shaman 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted snake 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted sea tortle 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted saber-toothed tiger 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rabid rat 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted orc shaman 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted lesser homunculus 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted leocrotta 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted iguana 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hobgoblin 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hill orc 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted guard 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted grid bug 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gold golem 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted goblin-captain 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnomish wizard 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnomish watchman 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnomish watch captain 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant crocodile 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted enormous rat 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted elven watch captain 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dog 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dingo 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted chameleon imitating an elder minotaur 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted brown mold 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted blue jelly 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted acid blob 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Uruk-hai 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Grey-elf 2
175 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Aleax 2
175 killed by a gnomish lieutenant 2
175 killed by a giant priestess of Thoth 2
175 killed by a giant priestess of Shan Lai Ching 2
175 killed by a giant priestess of Set 2
175 killed by a giant priest of Shan Lai Ching 2
175 killed by a giant priest of Ptah 2
175 killed by a gelatinous cube 2
175 killed by a freezing mist 2
175 killed by a fire elemental of Raijin 2
175 killed by a fire elemental of Hermes 2
175 killed by a fire elemental of Crom 2
175 killed by a fire elemental of Brigit 2
175 killed by a dwarven priestess of Ptah 2
175 killed by a dwarven priestess of Eilistraee 2
175 killed by a dwarven priestess of Chih Sung-tzu 2
175 killed by a dwarven priest of The Lady 2
175 killed by a dwarven priest of Mitra 2
175 killed by a doppelganger imitating an elder minotaur 2
175 killed by a doppelganger imitating a giant centipede 2
175 killed by a dark elven sergeant 2
175 killed by a crystal dwarvish spear 2
175 killed by a couatl of Tyr 2
175 killed by a couatl of Mercury 2
175 killed by a couatl of Eilistraee 2
175 killed by a copper sling bullet 2
175 killed by a copper shuriken 2
175 killed by a copper dagger 2
175 killed by a cobra 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating an energy vortex 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating an air elemental 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating an Olog-hai 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a zruty 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a yellow dragon 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a vampire royal 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a titan 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a silver dragon 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a salamander 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a mumak 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a mastodon 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a marilith 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a jabberwock 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a gray dragon 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a gold dragon 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a frost salamander 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a fire vortex 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a cauchemar 2
175 killed by a chameleon imitating a black dragon 2
175 killed by a centaurian lieutenant 2
175 killed by a baby yellow dragon 2
175 killed by a baby sea dragon 2
175 killed by a baby orange dragon 2
175 killed by a baby gray dragon 2
175 killed by a baby gold dragon 2
175 killed by a baby black dragon 2
175 killed by a Hecubus 2
175 killed by Vlad the Impaler 2
175 killed by Pelias 2
175 killed by NetSysFire's ghost 2
175 killed by Ms. Zonguldak; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Touverac; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Tjibarusa; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Rath Luirc; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Pengalengan; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Moy; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Mallwyd; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Kopasker; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Konosja; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Kittamagh; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Kinojevis; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Kabalebo; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Htargcm; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Hebiwerie; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Fleac; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Ms. Akureyri; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Yr Wyddgrug; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Yad; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Wonotobo; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Trenggalek; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Stewe; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Sablja; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Rath Luirc; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Queyssac; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Pakka Pakka; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Ouiatchouane; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Ossipewsk; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Ngebel; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Lahinch; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Kyzyl; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Kopasker; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Karangkobar; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Gomel; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Fenouilledes; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Elan Lapinski; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Brzeg; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Bnowr Falr; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Bandjar; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Aned; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Mr. Akureyri; the shopkeeper 2
175 killed by Master Po 2
175 killed by Lucifer 2
175 killed by Ixoth 2
175 killed by Gutso's ghost 2
175 killed by Geryon 2
175 killed by Cronos' ghost 2
175 killed by Ashikaga Takauji 2
175 incinerated in molten lava by a couatl 2
175 drowned in a pool of water by a giant eel 2
175 drowned in a moat by an electric eel 2
175 diseased by a giant zombie 2
175 diseased by a diseased kobold corpse 2
175 diseased by a diseased elf corpse 2
175 decapitated by a vorpal jabberwock (with the Amulet) 2
175 choked on the Goblin King's corpse 2
175 choked on an ice troll corpse 2
175 choked on a snark corpse 2
175 choked on a small glob of gray ooze 2
175 choked on a lembas wafer 2
175 choked on a gunyoki 2
175 choked on a giant soldier corpse 2
175 choked on a fortune cookie 2
175 choked on a fire giant corpse 2
175 choked on a deadly slime mold 2
175 choked on a cram ration 2
175 choked on a Woodland-elf corpse 2
175 choked on a Grey-elf corpse 2
175 choked on a Green-elf corpse 2
175 caught himself in his own magical blast 2
175 blasted himself with a scroll labeled XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXA 2
175 blasted himself with a scroll labeled KERNOD WEL 2
176 zombified by an [] 1
176 zombified by a ¶„À„œ 1
176 zombified by a zombie 1
176 zombified by a unicorn horn 1
176 zombified by a knight 1
176 zombified by a diseased human corpse 1
176 zombified by a bad case of the plague 1
176 zapped himself with an iridium wand 1
176 zapped himself with an ebony wand 1
176 zapped himself with a zinc wand 1
176 zapped himself with a tin wand 1
176 zapped himself with a marble wand 1
176 zapped himself with a maple wand 1
176 zapped himself with a glass wand 1
176 zapped himself with a crystal wand 1
176 zapped herself with an iron wand 1
176 zapped herself with a platinum wand 1
176 withered away (with the Amulet) 1
176 turned to slime by a green slime 1
176 suffocated by the water elemental of Raijin 1
176 suffocated by the water elemental of Odin 1
176 suffocated by the water elemental of Grumbar 1
176 suffocated by the water elemental of Crom 1
176 suffocated by a water elemental (with the Amulet) 1
176 suffocated by a human mummy 1
176 suffocated by a giant mimic 1
176 suffocated by a gelatinous cube (with the Amulet) 1
176 suffocated by a gas spore 1
176 slipped while mounting a saddled barded pony 1
176 shot herself with a death ray (with the Amulet) 1
176 quit while already on Charon's boat 1
176 poisoned by an orc mummy 1
176 poisoned by an elder pseudodragon 1
176 poisoned by a unicorn horn 1
176 poisoned by a stone dart 1
176 poisoned by a steel dart 1
176 poisoned by a soldier 1
176 poisoned by a silver spear 1
176 poisoned by a silver dart 1
176 poisoned by a rotted wood nymph corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted wolf corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted water nymph corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted thug corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted student corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted soldier ant corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted small mimic corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted shrieker corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted sewer rat corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted sea tortle corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted rock mole corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted quasit corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted pony corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted orc shaman corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted lesser homunculus corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted large spider corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted large kobold corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted kobold shaman corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted kobold noble corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted killer bee corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted human knight corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted homunculus corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted hobbit rogue corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted golden naga hatchling corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted gnomish wizard corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted gnome lady corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted gnoll corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted glob of brown pudding 1
176 poisoned by a rotted giant rat corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted fox corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted fire ant corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted coyote corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted convict corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted blue jelly corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted ape corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted agent corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted Woodland-elf corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rotted Kop Sergeant corpse 1
176 poisoned by a rock gnome 1
176 poisoned by a locust (with the Amulet) 1
176 poisoned by a goblin 1
176 poisoned by a gnome noble 1
176 poisoned by a glass crossbow bolt 1
176 poisoned by a giant zombie 1
176 poisoned by a dwarf noble 1
176 poisoned by a dark elven arrow 1
176 poisoned by a couatl 1
176 poisoned by a copper elven dagger 1
176 poisoned by a copper dart 1
176 poisoned by a copper dagger 1
176 poisoned by a cobra 1
176 poisoned by a bone orcish arrow of fire 1
176 poisoned by a Woodland-elf 1
176 poisoned by Aphrodite's rotted corpse 1
176 petrified by wielding a chickatrice corpse bare-handed 1
176 petrified by trying to tin a chickatrice without gloves 1
176 petrified by trying to tin a basilisk without gloves 1
176 petrified by trying to help a basilisk out of a pit 1
176 petrified by tasting basilisk meat 1
176 petrified by removing gloves while wielding a chickatrice corpse 1
176 petrified by attempting to saddle a basilisk 1
176 petrified by a watchman 1
176 petrified by a troll 1
176 petrified by a stolen cockatrice corpse 1
176 petrified by a soldier 1
176 petrified by a sergeant 1
176 petrified by a ranger 1
176 petrified by a mountain centaur 1
176 petrified by a human knight 1
176 petrified by a gnomish soldier 1
176 petrified by a dwarvish lieutenant 1
176 petrified by a cockatrice egg 1
176 petrified by a captain 1
176 petrified by a bone devil 1
176 petrified by a basilisk corpse 1
176 petrified by a Grey-elf 1
176 petrified by Tal'Gath 1
176 killed while stuck in creature form (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed himself with his axe 1
176 killed himself by breaking a wand 1
176 killed by using a magical horn on herself 1
176 killed by touching Vorpal Blade 1
176 killed by touching The Staff of Aesculapius 1
176 killed by touching Snickersnee 1
176 killed by touching Secespita 1
176 killed by touching Magicbane 1
176 killed by touching Luck Blade 1
176 killed by touching Keolewa 1
176 killed by touching Grimtooth 1
176 killed by touching Grayswandir 1
176 killed by touching Glamdring 1
176 killed by touching Gauntlets of Purity 1
176 killed by touching Cleaver 1
176 killed by the wrath of Tymora 1
176 killed by the wrath of Shan Lai Ching 1
176 killed by the wrath of Ptah 1
176 killed by the wrath of Mitra 1
176 killed by the wrath of Kos 1
176 killed by the wrath of Huhetotl 1
176 killed by the wrath of Hermes 1
176 killed by the wrath of Eilistraee 1
176 killed by the wrath of Camaxtli 1
176 killed by the wrath of Blind Io 1
176 killed by the the Abominable Snowman 1
176 killed by the invisible Cyclops 1
176 killed by the illithid high priest of Anhur (with the Idol) 1
176 killed by the human high priestess of Athena (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by the flames of hell (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by the Pale Horse (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by the Paladin of Mitra 1
176 killed by the Paladin of Lugh 1
176 killed by the Master of Thieves 1
176 killed by the Grand Master 1
176 killed by the Black Horse (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by the Arch Priest 1
176 killed by terrapin the invisible Necromancer's indifference 1
176 killed by strangulation (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by shattered potions 1
176 killed by reverting to unhealthy hobbit form 1
176 killed by reverting to unhealthy gnomish form 1
176 killed by reverting to unhealthy giant form 1
176 killed by reverting to unhealthy elven form 1
176 killed by qt's ghost 1
176 killed by petrification 1
176 killed by opening a silver container 1
176 killed by omnisnow's ghost 1
176 killed by ocnda's ghost 1
176 killed by molten lava 1
176 killed by mitsilvan's ghost 1
176 killed by microlance the giant zombie 1
176 killed by life drainage (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by lgxia the human zombie 1
176 killed by leg damage from being pulled out of a bear trap 1
176 killed by lacca's ghost 1
176 killed by krm26 the human zombie 1
176 killed by krm26 the giant zombie 1
176 killed by kicking nothing 1
176 killed by kicking a ring mail 1
176 killed by kicking a magic chest 1
176 killed by kicking a leash 1
176 killed by kicking a heavy iron ball 1
176 killed by kicking a gnome corpse 1
176 killed by invisible Vlad the Impaler 1
176 killed by invisible Pestilence (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by invisible Ms. Sneem; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Ms. Possogroenoe; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Ms. Pontarfynach; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Ms. Kiltamagh; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Ms. Ennistymon; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Ms. Aklavik; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Mr. Stewe; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Mr. Rath Luirc; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Mr. Lugnaquillia; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Mr. Kinnegad; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Mr. Kabalebo; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Mr. Enniscorthy; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Mr. Angmagssalik; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Mr. Adjama; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by invisible Croesus 1
176 killed by invisible Asmodeus 1
176 killed by hothraxxa's ghost 1
176 killed by her own battle-axe 1
176 killed by handling an iron safe that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling an arrow that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling a wand of sleep that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling a wand of polymorph that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling a splint mail that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling a silver lantern that was made of silver 1
176 killed by handling a silver dagger that was made of silver 1
176 killed by handling a shuriken that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling a ring of teleportation that was made of silver 1
176 killed by handling a ring of polymorph control that was made of silver 1
176 killed by handling a ring mail that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling a pick-axe that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling a pair of silver gauntlets that was made of silver 1
176 killed by handling a pair of gauntlets of power that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling a mithril aklys that was made of mithril 1
176 killed by handling a lucern hammer that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling a heavy mace that was made of iron 1
176 killed by handling a can of grease that was made of iron 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Zum Loch; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Ypey; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Thun; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Siverek; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Melody; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Lulea; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Llanrwst; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Krnov; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Kilmihil; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Kerloch; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Kabalebo; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Jonzac; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Gweebarra; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Demirci; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Cahersiveen; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Banjoewangi; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Avasaksa; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Zum Loch; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Pengalengan; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Makin; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Hoboken; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Ganden; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Eypau; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Clonegal; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Cazelon; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Cahersiveen; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Banjoewangi; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Ayancik; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ixoth 1
176 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Baphomet 1
176 killed by gpsalmoncannon's ghost 1
176 killed by freezing to death 1
176 killed by elron's ghost 1
176 killed by elenmirie's ghost 1
176 killed by eggandhull the giant zombie 1
176 killed by eating the Eye of Vecna 1
176 killed by eating an egg 1
176 killed by draining his own life force 1
176 killed by dbanethacker the giant zombie 1
176 killed by coplate's ghost 1
176 killed by bumping into a boulder 1
176 killed by an unrefrigerated sip of juice 1
176 killed by an orcish turncoat 1
176 killed by an orcish spear 1
176 killed by an orcish priestess of Moloch 1
176 killed by an orcish priest of Set 1
176 killed by an orcish priest of Offler 1
176 killed by an orcish dagger of frost 1
176 killed by an orcish curate 1
176 killed by an orcish arrow of frost 1
176 killed by an orcish arrow of fire 1
176 killed by an ogre queen (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by an invisible winged gargoyle 1
176 killed by an invisible werejackal 1
176 killed by an invisible water troll 1
176 killed by an invisible vrock 1
176 killed by an invisible vampire mage in bat form 1
176 killed by an invisible vampire king in bat form 1
176 killed by an invisible vampire king 1
176 killed by an invisible succubus 1
176 killed by an invisible spotted jelly 1
176 killed by an invisible soldier ant of Anhur 1
176 killed by an invisible soldier ant 1
176 killed by an invisible sewer rat 1
176 killed by an invisible saber-toothed tiger 1
176 killed by an invisible rock gnome 1
176 killed by an invisible red dragon 1
176 killed by an invisible rabid rat 1
176 killed by an invisible rabid dog 1
176 killed by an invisible orc-captain 1
176 killed by an invisible orc shaman 1
176 killed by an invisible mumak 1
176 killed by an invisible marilith 1
176 killed by an invisible leocrotta 1
176 killed by an invisible large spider 1
176 killed by an invisible large kobold 1
176 killed by an invisible kobold 1
176 killed by an invisible ki-rin 1
176 killed by an invisible jaguar 1
176 killed by an invisible human wizard 1
176 killed by an invisible human tourist 1
176 killed by an invisible human priestess 1
176 killed by an invisible human infidel 1
176 killed by an invisible human cavewoman 1
176 killed by an invisible human barbarian 1
176 killed by an invisible human archeologist 1
176 killed by an invisible homunculus 1
176 killed by an invisible hobbit rogue 1
176 killed by an invisible hobbit pickpocket 1
176 killed by an invisible hill orc 1
176 killed by an invisible hallucinogen-distorted arch-lich 1
176 killed by an invisible guardian naga 1
176 killed by an invisible grid bug 1
176 killed by an invisible greater homunculus 1
176 killed by an invisible goblin outrider 1
176 killed by an invisible gnome queen 1
176 killed by an invisible gnome king 1
176 killed by an invisible gnoll hunter 1
176 killed by an invisible giant spider 1
176 killed by an invisible giant soldier 1
176 killed by an invisible giant mimic 1
176 killed by an invisible fire giant 1
176 killed by an invisible energy vortex 1
176 killed by an invisible elven cultist 1
176 killed by an invisible eldritch ki-rin 1
176 killed by an invisible dwarvish soldier 1
176 killed by an invisible dwarvish sergeant 1
176 killed by an invisible doppelganger imitating a vampire mage 1
176 killed by an invisible doppelganger 1
176 killed by an invisible champion of Mog 1
176 killed by an invisible champion of Ishtar 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating an iron golem 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating an ancient pseudodragon 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating an alhoon 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a zruty 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a titan 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a hell hound pup 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a gray dragon 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a giant mummy 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a giant mimic 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a giant centipede 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a gargoyle 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a drow mage 1
176 killed by an invisible chameleon imitating a baby silver dragon 1
176 killed by an invisible bugbear 1
176 killed by an invisible blue dragon 1
176 killed by an invisible barrow wight 1
176 killed by an invisible baby red dragon 1
176 killed by an invisible agent of Poseidon 1
176 killed by an invisible agent of Offler 1
176 killed by an invisible agent of Mars 1
176 killed by an invisible agent of Manannan Mac Lir 1
176 killed by an invisible agent of Loki 1
176 killed by an invisible agent of Huhetotl 1
176 killed by an invisible agent of Huan Ti 1
176 killed by an invisible agent of Anshar 1
176 killed by an invisible Soko 1
176 killed by an invisible Angel of Tyr 1
176 killed by an invisible Angel of Shan Lai Ching (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by an invisible Aleax of Ptah 1
176 killed by an invisible Aleax of Mitra 1
176 killed by an incubus of Manannan Mac Lir 1
176 killed by an incubus of Lolth 1
176 killed by an incubus of Huan Ti 1
176 killed by an incubus of Anhur 1
176 killed by an imperious order 1
176 killed by an ice devil of Loki 1
176 killed by an ice devil of Huan Ti 1
176 killed by an exploding stone chest 1
176 killed by an exploding steel large box 1
176 killed by an exploding mithril large box 1
176 killed by an exploding mithril chest 1
176 killed by an elven wizard 1
176 killed by an elven priestess of Offler 1
176 killed by an elven priest of Venus 1
176 killed by an elven priest of Thoth 1
176 killed by an elven priest of Chih Sung-tzu 1
176 killed by an elven priest of Brigit 1
176 killed by an elven lieutenant 1
176 killed by an elven captain 1
176 killed by an elven arrow of fire 1
176 killed by an earth elemental of Vhaeraun 1
176 killed by an earth elemental of The Lady 1
176 killed by an earth elemental of Brigit 1
176 killed by an arrow of venom 1
176 killed by an arrow of lightning 1
176 killed by an arrow of frost 1
176 killed by an air elemental of Thoth (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by an air elemental of Ishtar 1
176 killed by an air elemental of Crom 1
176 killed by an acid sphere's explosion 1
176 killed by an Angel of Tymora 1
176 killed by an Angel of Moloch 1
176 killed by an Angel of Lugh 1
176 killed by an Angel of Ilmater 1
176 killed by an Angel of Grumbar (with the Idol) 1
176 killed by an Angel of Eilistraee 1
176 killed by an Angel of Chih Sung-tzu 1
176 killed by an Angel of Athena (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by an Aleax of Quetzalcoatl 1
176 killed by an Aleax of Lugh 1
176 killed by an Aleax of Ilmater 1
176 killed by an Aleax of Blind Io 1
176 killed by an Akalapi the human zombie 1
176 killed by a woolly mammoth (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by a wooden lucern hammer 1
176 killed by a wooden dagger 1
176 killed by a water elemental of Odin 1
176 killed by a water elemental of Mog 1
176 killed by a vrock of Mars 1
176 killed by a vrock of Huan Ti 1
176 killed by a violet fungus 1
176 killed by a vampire queen in warg form 1
176 killed by a tortle priestess of Tyr 1
176 killed by a tortle priestess of Raijin 1
176 killed by a tortle priestess of Quetzalcoatl 1
176 killed by a tortle priestess of Lugh 1
176 killed by a tortle priestess of Issek 1
176 killed by a tortle priest of Tyr 1
176 killed by a tortle priest of Quetzalcoatl 1
176 killed by a tortle priest of Anu 1
176 killed by a tortle dresser 1
176 killed by a thrown potion (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by a succubus of Tymora 1
176 killed by a succubus of Moloch 1
176 killed by a succubus of Lolth 1
176 killed by a stone dart 1
176 killed by a stone dagger 1
176 killed by a steel knife 1
176 killed by a steel arrow of venom 1
176 killed by a spetum 1
176 killed by a soldier 1
176 killed by a silver elven arrow 1
176 killed by a shuriken of lightning 1
176 killed by a shadow dragon (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by a shade 1
176 killed by a rock troll of Tyr 1
176 killed by a red dragon (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by a ranseur 1
176 killed by a quivering blob 1
176 killed by a python 1
176 killed by a priestess of Ptah 1
176 killed by a priestess of Poseidon 1
176 killed by a priestess of Offler 1
176 killed by a priestess of Lugh 1
176 killed by a priestess of Huhetotl 1
176 killed by a priestess of Crom 1
176 killed by a priest of Venus 1
176 killed by a priest of Susanowo 1
176 killed by a priest of Offler 1
176 killed by a priest of Mercury 1
176 killed by a priest of Huhetotl 1
176 killed by a priest of Grumbar 1
176 killed by a priest of Chih Sung-tzu 1
176 killed by a priest of Anhur 1
176 killed by a potion of unholy water 1
176 killed by a potion of drow poison 1
176 killed by a platinum sling bullet 1
176 killed by a platinum shuriken 1
176 killed by a pit fiend of Susanowo 1
176 killed by a pit fiend (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by a partisan 1
176 killed by a mithril spear 1
176 killed by a mithril sling bullet 1
176 killed by a mithril shuriken 1
176 killed by a mithril crossbow bolt of lightning 1
176 killed by a mind flayer of Thoth 1
176 killed by a marilith of Susanowo 1
176 killed by a marilith of Manannan Mac Lir 1
176 killed by a marilith of Loki 1
176 killed by a magical wooden crossbow bolt 1
176 killed by a magical steel dagger 1
176 killed by a magical steel crossbow bolt 1
176 killed by a magical silver dagger 1
176 killed by a magical elven arrow 1
176 killed by a magical crossbow bolt 1
176 killed by a magical copper elven arrow 1
176 killed by a long worm 1
176 killed by a lieutenant 1
176 killed by a kobold noble 1
176 killed by a kobold (with the Idol) 1
176 killed by a human priestess of Thoth 1
176 killed by a human priestess of Lugh 1
176 killed by a human priestess of Eilistraee 1
176 killed by a human priestess of Camaxtli 1
176 killed by a human priestess of Brigit 1
176 killed by a human priestess of Anhur 1
176 killed by a human priest of Thoth 1
176 killed by a human priest of Mars 1
176 killed by a human priest of Huan Ti 1
176 killed by a human priest of Hermes 1
176 killed by a human priest of Crom 1
176 killed by a human priest of Chih Sung-tzu 1
176 killed by a human priest of Brigit 1
176 killed by a human priest of Athena 1
176 killed by a human priest of Anhur 1
176 killed by a human medicus ossium 1
176 killed by a human lieutenant 1
176 killed by a human knight 1
176 killed by a human curate 1
176 killed by a human cavewoman 1
176 killed by a hezrou of Manannan Mac Lir 1
176 killed by a hezrou of Anhur 1
176 killed by a healer 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted wraith 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted woolly mammoth 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted winged gargoyle 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted white dragon 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted were-rabbit of Mercury 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted vrock of Lolth 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted vrock of Anhur 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted vampire bat 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted tiger 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted tengu 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted succubus 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted straw golem 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted shambling horror 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted scorpion 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted salamander 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rope golem 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rock mole 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted queen ant 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted priest of Amaterasu Omikami 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted panther 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted orc zombie 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted mumak 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted mountain centaur 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted master lich 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted marilith 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted lieutenant 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted lichen 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted lesser nightmare 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kobold shaman 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jumping spider 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted imp 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted illithid priest of Anhur 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted human soldier 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted horned devil 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted honey badger 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted homunculus 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted green mold 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted greater homunculus 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted goblin shaman 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted goblin outrider 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome zombie 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnoll cleric 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnoll 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant watchman 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gargantuan spider 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted frost salamander 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted forest centaur 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted flind 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted elven watchman 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted elven lady 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted elven king 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarven watchman 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf zombie 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted drow raider 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted crocodile 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted couatl of Amaterasu Omikami 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted champion of Raijin 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted chameleon imitating an owlbear 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted chameleon imitating a vampire bat 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted chameleon imitating a minotaur 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted chameleon imitating a blue dragon 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted centaurian watchman 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted cave spider 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted black naga hatchling 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted black dragon 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted bat 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted barrow wight 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted ape 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted ancient pseudodragon 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Woodland-elf 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Keystone Kop 1
176 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Green-elf 1
176 killed by a gray fungus 1
176 killed by a gold shuriken 1
176 killed by a gold elven spear 1
176 killed by a gold elven dagger 1
176 killed by a gold elven arrow 1
176 killed by a gold crossbow bolt of fire 1
176 killed by a glass shuriken 1
176 killed by a giant soldier 1
176 killed by a giant priestess of Susanowo 1
176 killed by a giant priestess of Mitra 1
176 killed by a giant priestess of Lugh 1
176 killed by a giant priestess of Grumbar 1
176 killed by a giant priestess of Crom 1
176 killed by a giant priestess of Chih Sung-tzu 1
176 killed by a giant priestess of Athena 1
176 killed by a giant priest of Raijin 1
176 killed by a giant priest of Odin 1
176 killed by a giant priest of Hermes 1
176 killed by a giant priest of Eilistraee 1
176 killed by a giant priest of Chih Sung-tzu 1
176 killed by a giant centipede of Thoth 1
176 killed by a genetic engineer 1
176 killed by a gemstone dwarvish spear 1
176 killed by a freezing sphere 1
176 killed by a fox (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by a fireball 1
176 killed by a fire elemental of Venus 1
176 killed by a fire elemental of Ishtar 1
176 killed by a dwarvish lieutenant 1
176 killed by a dwarvish captain 1
176 killed by a dwarven sergeant 1
176 killed by a dwarven priestess of Odin 1
176 killed by a dwarven priestess of Mog 1
176 killed by a dwarven priestess of Lugh 1
176 killed by a dwarven priest of Thoth 1
176 killed by a dwarven priest of Shan Lai Ching 1
176 killed by a dwarven priest of Quetzalcoatl 1
176 killed by a dwarven priest of Chih Sung-tzu 1
176 killed by a dwarven priest of Blind Io 1
176 killed by a dwarven dresser 1
176 killed by a dwarven captain 1
176 killed by a drow mage 1
176 killed by a drider 1
176 killed by a doppelganger imitating an alhoon 1
176 killed by a doppelganger imitating a yellow dragon 1
176 killed by a doppelganger imitating a winged gargoyle 1
176 killed by a doppelganger imitating a red dragon 1
176 killed by a doppelganger imitating a minotaur 1
176 killed by a doppelganger 1
176 killed by a disorienting blast 1
176 killed by a dart of lightning 1
176 killed by a dart of frost 1
176 killed by a dark elven prison guard 1
176 killed by a dark elven priestess of Offler 1
176 killed by a dark elven priestess of Anhur 1
176 killed by a dark elven dagger 1
176 killed by a dark elven arrow of frost 1
176 killed by a crossbow bolt of lightning 1
176 killed by a couatl of Shan Lai Ching 1
176 killed by a couatl of Quetzalcoatl 1
176 killed by a couatl of Lugh 1
176 killed by a copper spear 1
176 killed by a copper elven spear 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating an owlbear 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating an iron golem 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating an earth elemental 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a xorn 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a white dragon 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a vrock 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a vampire noble 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a trapper 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a soldier ant 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a queen bee 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a pyrolisk 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a master lich 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a lynx 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a leocrotta 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a gold golem 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a giant turtle 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a forest centaur 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a drow mage 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a displacer beast 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a crocodile 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a black pudding 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a basilisk 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a barbed devil 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a baby white dragon 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a baby silver dragon 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a baby orange dragon 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a baby gray dragon 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a baby gold dragon 1
176 killed by a chameleon imitating a baby blue dragon 1
176 killed by a centaurian priestess of Venus 1
176 killed by a centaurian priestess of Thoth 1
176 killed by a centaurian priestess of Susanowo 1
176 killed by a centaurian priestess of Offler 1
176 killed by a centaurian priestess of Grumbar 1
176 killed by a centaurian priest of Set 1
176 killed by a centaurian priest of Mars 1
176 killed by a centaurian priest of Hermes 1
176 killed by a centaurian priest of Brigit 1
176 killed by a centaurian dresser 1
176 killed by a centaurian brigand 1
176 killed by a centaurian bachelorette 1
176 killed by a centaurian adept 1
176 killed by a caveman 1
176 killed by a burning potion of oil 1
176 killed by a bone shuriken 1
176 killed by a bone orcish dagger of fire 1
176 killed by a bone orcish arrow of lightning 1
176 killed by a bone devil of Poseidon 1
176 killed by a black fungus 1
176 killed by a beholder 1
176 killed by a barbed devil (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by a baby white dragon 1
176 killed by a baby shadow dragon 1
176 killed by a Vita Fidelia 1
176 killed by a Skibbereen the mind flayer 1
176 killed by a Nazgul 1
176 killed by a Hecubus Jr. 1
176 killed by a Bessie the Cow 1
176 killed by Warden Arianna 1
176 killed by Twoflower 1
176 killed by Tiamat 1
176 killed by SuzuneTakada's ghost 1
176 killed by Shrigis' ghost 1
176 killed by ShivanHunter's ghost 1
176 killed by Shaman Karnov 1
176 killed by Shadowhawk's ghost 1
176 killed by Ron's ghost 1
176 killed by Robert the Lifer 1
176 killed by Rat King 1
176 killed by Pestilence (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by Pestilence 1
176 killed by Nightsorrow's ghost 1
176 killed by Nalzok 1
176 killed by Ms. Wirix; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Vergt; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Trallwng; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Tegal; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Tefenni; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Siverek; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Siboga; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Semai; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Sadelin; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Rouffiac; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Raciborz; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Pontarfynach; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Pervari; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Papar; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Olycan; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Narodnaja; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Matagami; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Maganasipi; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Llanfair-ym-muallt; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Llandrindod; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Liorac; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Leuk; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Lerignac; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Kipawa; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Kiltamagh; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Kediri; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Kanturk; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Kadirli; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Jiangji; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Inuvik; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Inniscrone; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Imbyze; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Hoboken; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Haynin; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Havic; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Gaziantep; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Ga'er; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Eymoutiers; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Djombang; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Chicoutimi; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Birecik; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Beddgelert; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Ardjawinangun; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Annootok; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Aksaray; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Akranes; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Adjama; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Ms. Abitibi; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Zonguldak; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Yelpur; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Yawolloh; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Upernavik; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Turriff; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Tuktoyaktuk; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Tegal; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Tefenni; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Sneem; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Skibbereen; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Shigatse; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Senna Hut; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Rewuorb; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Rebrol-nek; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Raciborz; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Possogroenoe; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Patjitan; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Nosalnef; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Niskal; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Niknar; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Neuvicq; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Monbazillac; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Matagami; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Manlobbi; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Mallwyd; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Malazgirt; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Maganasipi; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Llanrwst; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Linzhi; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Lhasa; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Laguiolet; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Kirikkale; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Kinojevis; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Kilmihil; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Kars; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Kalecik; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Kachzi Rellim; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Echourgnac; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Donmyar; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Djasinga; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Culdaff; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Cubask; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Corignac; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Chibougamau; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Caergybi; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Bordeyri; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Bojolali; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Balya; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Ardjawinangun; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. AlliWar Wickson; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Alaca; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Mr. Aklavik; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Moonjava; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Lord Surtur 1
176 killed by Inishbofin the giant zombie 1
176 killed by Grouchy's ghost 1
176 killed by FIQ's ghost 1
176 killed by Disruptor's ghost 1
176 killed by Dirk; the shopkeeper 1
176 killed by Dirk's ghost 1
176 killed by Demogorgon's ghost 1
176 killed by Demogorgon 1
176 killed by Death (with the Amulet) 1
176 killed by Azura; the shopkeeper 1
176 incinerated in molten lava by a salamander (with the Amulet) 1
176 incinerated by magical crystal long sword named Sunsword 1
176 incinerated by long sword (with the Amulet) 1
176 fell into a chasm 1
176 escaped (with a fake Amulet) 1
176 drowned in a pool of raw sewage 1
176 drowned in a moat by a mind flayer larva 1
176 diseased by a unicorn horn 1
176 diseased by a diseased hobbit corpse 1
176 digested by an orange dragon 1
176 crushed to death by a closing drawbridge 1
176 committed suicide 1
176 choked on tins of spinach 1
176 choked on an owlbear corpse 1
176 choked on an orange dragon corpse 1
176 choked on an orange 1
176 choked on an ogre royal corpse 1
176 choked on an elven royal corpse 1
176 choked on an apple 1
176 choked on a wolf corpse 1
176 choked on a winter wolf corpse 1
176 choked on a warrior corpse 1
176 choked on a tin of mind flayer meat 1
176 choked on a tin of elven sergeant meat 1
176 choked on a tengu corpse 1
176 choked on a stalker corpse 1
176 choked on a small glob of black pudding 1
176 choked on a silver dragon corpse 1
176 choked on a sea tortle corpse 1
176 choked on a rock piercer corpse 1
176 choked on a red mold corpse 1
176 choked on a nightmare corpse 1
176 choked on a newt corpse 1
176 choked on a mountain nymph corpse 1
176 choked on a mountain dwarf corpse 1
176 choked on a monkey corpse 1
176 choked on a mind flayer larva corpse 1
176 choked on a lump of royal jelly 1
176 choked on a lizard corpse 1
176 choked on a lesser homunculus corpse 1
176 choked on a leocrotta corpse 1
176 choked on a human corpse 1
176 choked on a hobbit rogue corpse 1
176 choked on a hill giant shaman corpse 1
176 choked on a hill giant corpse 1
176 choked on a green dragon corpse 1
176 choked on a gold dragon corpse 1
176 choked on a goblin corpse 1
176 choked on a gnome noble corpse 1
176 choked on a giant spider corpse 1
176 choked on a giant rat corpse 1
176 choked on a giant mimic corpse 1
176 choked on a giant crocodile corpse 1
176 choked on a fox corpse 1
176 choked on a bugbear corpse 1
176 choked on a black unicorn corpse 1
176 choked on a banana 1
176 choked on Tal'Gath's corpse 1
176 caught himself in his own splash of acid 1
176 caught himself in his own explosion 1
176 caught herself in her own explosion 1
176 burned by molten lava (with the Amulet) 1
176 burned by being pulled into molten lava by a salamander 1
176 burned by a being pulled into molten lava by a salamander 1
176 blasted himself with scrolls labeled THARR 1
176 blasted himself with a shiny shield 1
176 blasted himself with a scroll labeled VENZAR BORGAVVE 1
176 blasted himself with a scroll labeled VE FORBRYDERNE 1
176 blasted himself with a scroll labeled VAS CORP BET MANI 1
176 blasted himself with a scroll labeled THARR 1
176 blasted himself with a scroll labeled PHOL ENDE WODAN 1
176 blasted himself with a scroll labeled NR 9 1
176 blasted himself with a scroll labeled KO BATE 1
176 blasted himself with a scroll labeled ELBIB YLOH 1
176 blasted himself with a scroll labeled ELAM EBOW 1
176 blasted himself with a scroll labeled ASHPD SODALG 1
176 blasted herself with a scroll labeled ZELGO MER 1
176 blasted herself with a scroll labeled LOREM IPSUM 1
176 became a parasitic host to a mind flayer larva 1
176 a trickery 1
Sat Jul 27 02:51:27 2024