Death Reasons - hackem

All years 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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  Death Count
1 quit 5,646
2 slipped while mounting a saddled pony 2,227
3 escaped 1,497
4 killed by a rabbit 172
5 killed by kicking a wall 166
6 killed by a mountain dwarf 152
7 withered away 149
8 killed by a rabid rabbit 140
9 killed by a serval 123
10 killed by a bolt of lightning 114
11 killed by a bolt of cold 110
12 killed by a gnome lord 104
13 killed by a bolt of fire 102
14 killed by a sewer rat 95
15 killed by a jackal 89
16 killed by a small mimic 88
17 killed by a fox 86
18 killed by a kobold 76
19 killed by a system shock 73
20 killed by a goblin 69
21 killed by a scroll of genocide 66
22 killed by a scroll of earth 58
23 killed by a gas cloud 57
24 killed by a crossbow bolt 56
25 killed by a giant mimic 55
26 killed by a wand 53
26 killed by a scroll of annihilation 53
26 killed by a kitten 53
27 killed by a water moccasin 48
28 killed by a rothe 46
29 killed by a rock gnome 43
29 killed by a falling rock 43
30 killed by a little dog 40
30 killed by a giant mosquito 40
31 killed by a gnome mummy 39
31 killed by a giant ant 39
31 killed by a dingo puppy 39
32 killed by a large mimic 38
32 killed by a brown mold 38
32 ascended 38
33 killed by an arrow 37
33 killed by a hobbit 37
33 killed by a giant bat 37
34 killed by a newt 36
34 killed by a killer bee 36
35 killed by a falling object 35
36 killed by a magic missile 34
37 killed by a soldier ant 32
38 zombified by a gnome zombie 31
38 zombified by a dwarf zombie 31
38 killed by a telamon 31
39 killed by a gnome lady 30
40 zapped himself with a spell 26
40 killed by a flint stone 26
41 killed by a piranha 25
41 killed by a gas spore's explosion 25
42 killed by a parrot 24
42 killed by a boiling potion 24
43 killed by a jaguar 23
44 killed by a dwarf lord 22
45 killed by a wererat 21
45 killed by a water demon 21
45 killed by a sonic beam 21
45 killed by a gnome zombie 21
45 killed by a giant spider 21
45 killed by a bear trap 21
46 killed by a zoo bat 20
46 killed by a sea tortle 20
46 killed by a hedgehog 20
46 killed by a grid bug 20
46 killed by a boulder 20
47 zapped herself with a spell 19
48 zombified by a kobold zombie 18
48 killed by falling down a mine shaft 18
48 killed by a rabid dog 18
48 killed by a leocrotta 18
48 killed by a dart 18
49 killed by an electric shock 17
49 killed by an acid stream 17
49 killed by a hill orc 17
49 killed by a black pudding 17
50 zombified by an elf zombie 16
50 zombified by a hobbit zombie 16
50 killed by a volatile mushroom's explosion 16
50 killed by a little dart 16
50 killed by a hobbit pickpocket 16
50 killed by a gnomish wizard 16
50 killed by a bat 16
50 killed by a baby owlbear 16
50 caught herself in her own ball of lightning 16
51 killed by a pig 15
51 killed by a giant fly 15
51 killed by a death ray 15
51 killed by a coyote 15
52 zombified by an orc zombie 14
52 killed by life drainage 14
53 killed by a redcap 13
53 killed by a llama 13
53 killed by a grizzly bear 13
53 killed by a giant rat 13
53 killed by a gecko 13
54 poisoned by a gray fungus 12
54 killed by an owlbear 12
54 killed by a steel crossbow bolt 12
54 killed by a sling bullet 12
54 killed by a pseudodragon 12
54 killed by a mumak 12
54 killed by a gray unicorn 12
54 killed by a gnoll 12
54 killed by a dagger 12
54 burned by a fireball 12
55 killed by an orcish dagger 11
55 killed by an orc-captain 11
55 killed by an ape 11
55 killed by a wolf 11
55 killed by a werepanther 11
55 killed by a werejackal 11
55 killed by a shotgun shell 11
55 killed by a pony 11
55 killed by a gnome king 11
55 killed by a gargoyle 11
55 caught himself in his own ball of lightning 11
55 burned by an exploding fire bomb 11
56 zombified by a human zombie 10
56 killed by brainlessness 10
56 killed by a rabid rat 10
56 killed by a gnomish psyker 10
56 killed by a dwarf king 10
56 killed by a dog 10
56 killed by a dingo 10
57 killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 9
57 killed by an ogre 9
57 killed by an Uruk-hai 9
57 killed by a tiger 9
57 killed by a saber-toothed tiger 9
57 killed by a maggot 9
57 killed by a gold golem 9
57 killed by a goat 9
57 killed by a dwarf zombie 9
57 killed by a burning eye 9
57 killed by a brown moldier 9
57 diseased by a dwarf zombie 9
57 caught herself in her own ball of cold 9
58 zapped herself with an a wand of fire 8
58 shot herself with a death ray 8
58 killed by a wallaroo 8
58 killed by a snow ant 8
58 killed by a slaughter wight 8
58 killed by a mithril crossbow bolt 8
58 killed by a horse 8
58 killed by a giant zombie 8
58 killed by a giant eel 8
58 killed by a dwarf queen 8
58 killed by a dung worm 8
58 killed by a baby white dragon 8
58 killed by a Woodland-elf 8
58 killed by a Green-elf 8
58 fell into a pit 8
58 caught himself in his own ball of cold 8
59 zombified by a diseased gnome corpse 7
59 poisoned by a little dart 7
59 killed by an iguana 7
59 killed by an energy vortex 7
59 killed by a shattered potion 7
59 killed by a poisonous corpse 7
59 killed by a lichen 7
59 killed by a large kobold 7
59 killed by a large dog 7
59 killed by a fire ant 7
59 killed by a dretch 7
59 killed by a deep one 7
59 killed by a deep gnome 7
59 killed by a contaminated potion 7
59 killed by a bone crossbow bolt 7
59 killed by a black unicorn 7
59 killed by a ball of cold 7
59 died of starvation 7
60 poisoned by an orcish arrow 6
60 killed by the Rat King 6
60 killed by an elven arrow 6
60 killed by an elf zombie 6
60 killed by a steel arrow 6
60 killed by a silver arrow 6
60 killed by a pit bull 6
60 killed by a kobold lord 6
60 killed by a hobgoblin 6
60 killed by a hobbit zombie 6
60 killed by a gnome warrior 6
60 killed by a gnome 6
60 killed by a giant cockroach 6
60 killed by a giant beetle 6
60 killed by a giant badger 6
60 killed by a dwarf lady 6
60 killed by a deeper one 6
60 killed by a chicken 6
60 killed by a bullet ant 6
60 drowned in a moat by a giant eel 6
61 poisoned by a rabid rabbit 5
61 poisoned by a giant mosquito 5
61 petrified by a cockatrice 5
61 petrified by a chickatrice 5
61 killed by an iron ball collision 5
61 killed by an incubus 5
61 killed by an enormous rat 5
61 killed by an ancient pseudodragon 5
61 killed by an acid venom 5
61 killed by a white unicorn 5
61 killed by a wax golem 5
61 killed by a thrown potion 5
61 killed by a skunk 5
61 killed by a purple worm 5
61 killed by a plains centaur 5
61 killed by a manes 5
61 killed by a lesser homunculus 5
61 killed by a large cat 5
61 killed by a human watch captain 5
61 killed by a gnoll chieftain 5
61 killed by a feral hog 5
61 killed by a dust vortex 5
61 killed by a crocodile 5
61 killed by a blue jelly 5
61 diseased by an orc zombie 5
61 diseased by a hobbit zombie 5
62 zombified by a diseased orc corpse 4
62 suffocated by a gel 4
62 poisoned by a snake 4
62 poisoned by a killer bee 4
62 poisoned by a bone orcish arrow 4
62 killed by touching Holy Spear of Light 4
62 killed by an orcish spear 4
62 killed by an orcish arrow 4
62 killed by an acidic corpse 4
62 killed by a tengu 4
62 killed by a steel shotgun shell 4
62 killed by a silver crossbow bolt 4
62 killed by a sheep 4
62 killed by a sasquatch 4
62 killed by a riding accident 4
62 killed by a potion of holy water 4
62 killed by a mugger 4
62 killed by a marilith 4
62 killed by a lion 4
62 killed by a lesser nightmare 4
62 killed by a landshark 4
62 killed by a human watchman 4
62 killed by a housecat 4
62 killed by a hell hound pup 4
62 killed by a giant leech 4
62 killed by a ghost 4
62 killed by a freezing sphere's explosion 4
62 killed by a dwarven watchman 4
62 killed by a drug overdose 4
62 killed by a draugr 4
62 killed by a centaurian watchman 4
62 killed by a bugbear 4
62 killed by a Grey-elf 4
62 killed by Mr. Adjama; the shopkeeper 4
62 killed by Beholder 4
62 diseased by a kobold zombie 4
62 diseased by a gnome zombie 4
62 choked on a food ration 4
62 burned by molten lava 4
62 burned by a flaming sphere's explosion 4
63 shot himself with a death ray 3
63 poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse 3
63 poisoned by a locust 3
63 petrified by an asphynx 3
63 killed by trying to drink molten lava 3
63 killed by the Oracle 3
63 killed by kicking an adverse material 3
63 killed by kicking a tree 3
63 killed by eating an egg 3
63 killed by contaminated water 3
63 killed by an orcish watchman 3
63 killed by an orc shaman 3
63 killed by an ogre lord 3
63 killed by an invisible mountain dwarf 3
63 killed by an ice elemental 3
63 killed by an exploding wand 3
63 killed by an elven dagger 3
63 killed by an echidna 3
63 killed by an earth elemental 3
63 killed by an air elemental 3
63 killed by an acid blob 3
63 killed by a yeti 3
63 killed by a wooden crossbow bolt 3
63 killed by a winter wolf cub 3
63 killed by a werewolf 3
63 killed by a wallaby 3
63 killed by a troll 3
63 killed by a tower of flame 3
63 killed by a straw golem 3
63 killed by a steel dart 3
63 killed by a statue gargoyle 3
63 killed by a skeleton 3
63 killed by a shade 3
63 killed by a screamer 3
63 killed by a rock piercer 3
63 killed by a rock kobold 3
63 killed by a red moldier 3
63 killed by a red mold 3
63 killed by a poisonous cloak 3
63 killed by a panther 3
63 killed by a mountain centaur 3
63 killed by a mind flayer 3
63 killed by a large dingo 3
63 killed by a kobold mummy 3
63 killed by a homunculus 3
63 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rabbit 3
63 killed by a glass dart 3
63 killed by a giant centipede 3
63 killed by a giant anaconda 3
63 killed by a freezing cloud 3
63 killed by a fog cloud 3
63 killed by a fire vampire 3
63 killed by a fall onto poison spikes 3
63 killed by a cockatoo 3
63 killed by a blast of frost 3
63 killed by a blast of fire 3
63 killed by Mr. Regien; the shopkeeper 3
63 killed by Mr. Asidonhopo; the shopkeeper 3
63 killed by Mr. Annootok; the shopkeeper 3
63 killed by Mr. Angmagssalik; the shopkeeper 3
63 killed by Mr. Akalapi; the shopkeeper 3
63 killed by Mephistopheles 3
63 killed by Lolth 3
63 killed by Juiblex 3
63 drowned in a pool of water 3
63 diseased by an elf zombie 3
63 diseased by a human zombie 3
63 caught herself in her own death field 3
64 zombified by a diseased hobbit corpse 2
64 zapped himself with an a wand of lightning 2
64 zapped himself with an a wand of cold 2
64 zapped herself with an a wand of striking 2
64 zapped herself with an a wand of magic missile 2
64 zapped herself with an a wand of corrosion 2
64 poisoned by an orc zombie 2
64 poisoned by a swamp fern 2
64 poisoned by a rotted rothe corpse 2
64 poisoned by a rotted jackal corpse 2
64 poisoned by a rabid dog 2
64 poisoned by a lesser nightmare 2
64 poisoned by a gnome zombie 2
64 poisoned by a bad pill 2
64 killed by zor's ghost 2
64 killed by zor the centaur zombie 2
64 killed by willisllama's ghost 2
64 killed by tumbling down a flight of stairs 2
64 killed by touching Spear of Light 2
64 killed by the wrath of Anhur 2
64 killed by opening a silver container 2
64 killed by hitting themselves with a cursed projectile 2
64 killed by handling crossbow bolts that was made of iron 2
64 killed by handling an orcish dagger that was made of iron 2
64 killed by drinking too much booze 2
64 killed by bumping into a wall 2
64 killed by boiling potions 2
64 killed by an orc zombie 2
64 killed by an orange moldier 2
64 killed by an invisible ghoul mage 2
64 killed by an ice vortex 2
64 killed by an ethereal light 2
64 killed by an elven watchman 2
64 killed by an elven watch captain 2
64 killed by an earth elemental of Frost 2
64 killed by an arc bug 2
64 killed by an anti-magic implosion 2
64 killed by an air elemental of Odin 2
64 killed by acid fumes 2
64 killed by a yellow moldier 2
64 killed by a yellow dragon 2
64 killed by a wraith 2
64 killed by a wombat 2
64 killed by a wolverine 2
64 killed by a winter wolf 2
64 killed by a water elemental 2
64 killed by a warg 2
64 killed by a vrock of the storm 2
64 killed by a vampire bat 2
64 killed by a two-headed troll 2
64 killed by a touch of death 2
64 killed by a stone orcish arrow 2
64 killed by a steel dagger 2
64 killed by a spotted jelly 2
64 killed by a spear 2
64 killed by a snow orc 2
64 killed by a snake 2
64 killed by a silver sling bullet 2
64 killed by a silver dart 2
64 killed by a silver dagger 2
64 killed by a scramper 2
64 killed by a saber-toothed cat 2
64 killed by a rope golem 2
64 killed by a red naga hatchling 2
64 killed by a raven 2
64 killed by a queen bee 2
64 killed by a queen ant 2
64 killed by a quasit 2
64 killed by a polar bear 2
64 killed by a poisoned blast 2
64 killed by a plastic golem 2
64 killed by a pit viper 2
64 killed by a paper golem 2
64 killed by a monkey 2
64 killed by a mithril shotgun shell 2
64 killed by a mithril dwarvish spear 2
64 killed by a magma elemental 2
64 killed by a lynx 2
64 killed by a lizard 2
64 killed by a lemur 2
64 killed by a larva 2
64 killed by a komodo dragon 2
64 killed by a kobold zombie 2
64 killed by a kobold warrior 2
64 killed by a kamadan 2
64 killed by a jumping spider 2
64 killed by a jellyfish 2
64 killed by a human mummy 2
64 killed by a honey badger 2
64 killed by a hezrou 2
64 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant mosquito 2
64 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted centaurian watchman 2
64 killed by a guard 2
64 killed by a gremlin 2
64 killed by a grappling hook 2
64 killed by a goblin-captain 2
64 killed by a gnomish watchman 2
64 killed by a gnomish watch captain 2
64 killed by a glass crossbow bolt 2
64 killed by a giant watchman 2
64 killed by a giant praying mantis 2
64 killed by a ghast 2
64 killed by a garter snake 2
64 killed by a flind 2
64 killed by a dwarf thief 2
64 killed by a dwarf 2
64 killed by a duergar 2
64 killed by a dream thief 2
64 killed by a djinni 2
64 killed by a deepest one 2
64 killed by a crystal dwarvish spear 2
64 killed by a copper elven dagger 2
64 killed by a chameleon imitating a wolverine 2
64 killed by a centaur mummy 2
64 killed by a cave spider 2
64 killed by a caterwaul 2
64 killed by a carnivorous ape 2
64 killed by a cadaver 2
64 killed by a bone orcish spear 2
64 killed by a bone arrow 2
64 killed by a blue dragon 2
64 killed by a blast of lightning 2
64 killed by a black naga hatchling 2
64 killed by a black bear 2
64 killed by Nightmare 2
64 killed by Ms. Tuktoyaktuk; the shopkeeper 2
64 killed by Ms. Sipaliwini; the shopkeeper 2
64 killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka; the shopkeeper 2
64 killed by Mr. Sarande; the shopkeeper 2
64 killed by Mr. Kabalebo; the shopkeeper 2
64 killed by Mr. Iskenderun; the shopkeeper 2
64 killed by Mr. Inuvik; the shopkeeper 2
64 killed by Mr. Hebiwerie; the shopkeeper 2
64 killed by Izchak; the shopkeeper 2
64 killed by Baphomet 2
64 drowned in a moat 2
64 dissolved in molten lava 2
64 crushed to death by a collapsing drawbridge 2
64 caught himself in his own magical blast 2
64 caught himself in his own death field 2
64 burned by a tower of flame 2
64 betrayed by a winged gargoyle 2
65 zombified by an ettin zombie 1
65 zombified by a gnoll witherling 1
65 zombified by a diseased kobold corpse 1
65 zombified by a diseased elf corpse 1
65 zombified by a diseased dwarf corpse 1
65 zapped himself with an a wand of wonder 1
65 zapped herself with an a wand of wonder 1
65 zapped herself with an a wand of lightning 1
65 zapped herself with an a wand of cold 1
65 suffocated by the mud elemental of The Lady 1
65 suffocated by the mud elemental of Osiris 1
65 staked by a hill orc 1
65 slipped while mounting a saddled horse 1
65 poisoned by an elven arrow 1
65 poisoned by a water moccasin 1
65 poisoned by a stone orcish dagger 1
65 poisoned by a spore cloud 1
65 poisoned by a soldier ant 1
65 poisoned by a rotted shrieker corpse 1
65 poisoned by a rotted sewer rat corpse 1
65 poisoned by a rotted rock gnome corpse 1
65 poisoned by a rotted rabbit corpse 1
65 poisoned by a rotted orc corpse 1
65 poisoned by a rotted kobold corpse 1
65 poisoned by a rotted hobbit pickpocket corpse 1
65 poisoned by a rotted dwarf corpse 1
65 poisoned by a rotted coyote corpse 1
65 poisoned by a rot worm 1
65 poisoned by a recluse spider 1
65 poisoned by a ranger 1
65 poisoned by a rabid rat 1
65 poisoned by a pseudodragon 1
65 poisoned by a kobold zombie 1
65 poisoned by a hobbit zombie 1
65 poisoned by a dwarf zombie 1
65 poisoned by a dart 1
65 poisoned by a centipede 1
65 poisoned by a bone devil 1
65 petrified by tasting cockatrice meat 1
65 petrified by a green moldier 1
65 petrified by a cockatrice corpse 1
65 petrified by a beholder 1
65 petrified by Medusa 1
65 killed while stuck in creature form 1
65 killed by zor the human zombie 1
65 killed by zor the giant zombie 1
65 killed by wvc's ghost 1
65 killed by willisllama the centaur zombie 1
65 killed by touching The Eye of the Aethiopica 1
65 killed by touching Sword of Justice 1
65 killed by touching Secespita 1
65 killed by touching Mouser's Scalpel 1
65 killed by touching Dramborleg 1
65 killed by touching Disrupter 1
65 killed by touching Deathsword 1
65 killed by the wrath of His Holiness 1
65 killed by the hallucinogen-distorted Oracle 1
65 killed by the elven high priestess of Ptah (with the Amulet) 1
65 killed by the Cyclops 1
65 killed by post163's ghost 1
65 killed by overexertion 1
65 killed by opening a iron container 1
65 killed by kicking an orc corpse 1
65 killed by kicking an iron bar 1
65 killed by kicking a human corpse 1
65 killed by kicking a boulder 1
65 killed by her own green lightsaber 1
65 killed by handling darts that was made of iron 1
65 killed by handling an orcish spear that was made of iron 1
65 killed by handling an orcish short sword that was made of iron 1
65 killed by handling an orcish chain mail that was made of iron 1
65 killed by handling an iron ring of cold resistance that was made of iron 1
65 killed by handling an iron pea whistle that was made of iron 1
65 killed by handling a tin opener that was made of iron 1
65 killed by handling a spiked chain that was made of iron 1
65 killed by handling a mithril axe that was made of mithril 1
65 killed by handling a fire bomb that was made of iron 1
65 killed by handling a crossbow bolt that was made of iron 1
65 killed by handling a battle-axe that was made of iron 1
65 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Dharma; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Ringo; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Inishbofin; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Enniscorthy; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Kas 1
65 killed by enfulfed in an explosion 1
65 killed by draining her own life force 1
65 killed by contaminated sewage 1
65 killed by carrying live explosives 1
65 killed by burning scrolls 1
65 killed by becoming a döner kebab 1
65 killed by asphyxiation 1
65 killed by an orange jelly 1
65 killed by an ogre king 1
65 killed by an iron chain 1
65 killed by an invisible rock troll 1
65 killed by an invisible rabid rabbit 1
65 killed by an invisible ogre mage 1
65 killed by an invisible master lich 1
65 killed by an invisible leprechaun wizard 1
65 killed by an invisible gnome lord 1
65 killed by an invisible gnome lady 1
65 killed by an invisible gnome 1
65 killed by an invisible giant watch captain 1
65 killed by an invisible elven cultist 1
65 killed by an invisible dwarf king 1
65 killed by an invisible dwarf 1
65 killed by an invisible deep one 1
65 killed by an invisible centaurian watchman 1
65 killed by an invisible blue jelly 1
65 killed by an invisible Planetar 1
65 killed by an incubus of the Dark Side 1
65 killed by an imp 1
65 killed by an ichneumon larva 1
65 killed by an ice devil 1
65 killed by an exploding rune 1
65 killed by an exploding ring 1
65 killed by an exploding potion 1
65 killed by an exploding mithril chest 1
65 killed by an exploding crystal ball 1
65 killed by an exploding chest 1
65 killed by an ettin zombie 1
65 killed by an ettin mummy 1
65 killed by an elven priestess of Moloch (with the Amulet) 1
65 killed by an elven priestess of Blind Io 1
65 killed by an elven king 1
65 killed by an electric chair 1
65 killed by an earth elemental of Raijin 1
65 killed by an earth elemental of Odin 1
65 killed by an armanite of Seth 1
65 killed by an armanite of Kos 1
65 killed by an armanite 1
65 killed by an air elemental of the Force 1
65 killed by an air elemental of Thoth 1
65 killed by an air elemental of The Lady 1
65 killed by an air elemental of Ishtar 1
65 killed by an air elemental of Grumbar 1
65 killed by an air elemental of Crom 1
65 killed by an adherer 1
65 killed by an acidic glob 1
65 killed by an acid sphere's explosion 1
65 killed by an acid elemental 1
65 killed by an Elvenking 1
65 killed by an Angel of Mitra 1
65 killed by an Aleax of Ptah 1
65 killed by a zruty 1
65 killed by a woolly mammoth 1
65 killed by a wooden dart of lightning 1
65 killed by a wooden dagger 1
65 killed by a wooden arrow 1
65 killed by a winged gargoyle 1
65 killed by a will-o'-the-wisp 1
65 killed by a wight 1
65 killed by a weretiger 1
65 killed by a water stream 1
65 killed by a warhorse 1
65 killed by a vorpal jabberwock 1
65 killed by a violet fungus 1
65 killed by a violet dragon 1
65 killed by a vampire lord 1
65 killed by a vampire in bat form 1
65 killed by a tortle shaman 1
65 killed by a tortle priestess of Hermes 1
65 killed by a tapered wooden stake 1
65 killed by a swamp fern spore's explosion 1
65 killed by a stormtrooper 1
65 killed by a stone orcish dagger 1
65 killed by a stone dart 1
65 killed by a stone dagger 1
65 killed by a stone crossbow bolt 1
65 killed by a steel sling bullet 1
65 killed by a steel dwarvish spear 1
65 killed by a steel crossbow bolt of frost 1
65 killed by a squealer 1
65 killed by a spark bug 1
65 killed by a snow golem 1
65 killed by a skeletal pirate 1
65 killed by a silver spear 1
65 killed by a silver elven dagger 1
65 killed by a silver dwarvish spear 1
65 killed by a silver dragon 1
65 killed by a shimmering dragon 1
65 killed by a shattered wand 1
65 killed by a shambling horror 1
65 killed by a serpopard 1
65 killed by a selkie 1
65 killed by a scorpion 1
65 killed by a rutterkin 1
65 killed by a rock mole 1
65 killed by a rock 1
65 killed by a red dragon 1
65 killed by a recluse spider 1
65 killed by a rat in a bag 1
65 killed by a quivering blob 1
65 killed by a python 1
65 killed by a potion of acid 1
65 killed by a platypus 1
65 killed by a platinum crossbow bolt 1
65 killed by a platinum arrow 1
65 killed by a nosferatu 1
65 killed by a monstrous spider 1
65 killed by a mithril elven dagger 1
65 killed by a mithril dagger 1
65 killed by a mithril arrow 1
65 killed by a mist wolf 1
65 killed by a mastodon 1
65 killed by a master mind flayer 1
65 killed by a marilith of Manannan Mac Lir 1
65 killed by a large pile of killer coins 1
65 killed by a land mine 1
65 killed by a lamb 1
65 killed by a lamassu of Tyr 1
65 killed by a kobold shaman 1
65 killed by a kobold lady 1
65 killed by a knife 1
65 killed by a jabberwock 1
65 killed by a human zombie 1
65 killed by a human priestess of Brigit 1
65 killed by a hellrat 1
65 killed by a hell hound pup of Set 1
65 killed by a hecatoncheire 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted water demon 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted vampire in bat form 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted tiger 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted statue gargoyle 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted small mimic 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted screamer 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rock gnome 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted red moldier 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rabid rabbit 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted newt 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted mountain dwarf 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted lesser nightmare 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted large kobold 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kobold lord 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jaguar 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hill orc 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted grave troll 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome lord 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome lady 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant praying mantis 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant ant 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted elven queen 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarven watchman 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf king 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted disenchanter 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted deep gnome 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted chasme 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted brown mold 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted blue jelly 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted arc bug 1
65 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Uruk-hai 1
65 killed by a gug 1
65 killed by a guardian naga hatchling 1
65 killed by a guardian naga 1
65 killed by a green moldier 1
65 killed by a green mold 1
65 killed by a greater nightmare 1
65 killed by a greater homunculus 1
65 killed by a gray dragon 1
65 killed by a grape shot 1
65 killed by a gold dragon 1
65 killed by a gnome queen 1
65 killed by a gnoll warrior 1
65 killed by a glass arrow 1
65 killed by a giant watch captain 1
65 killed by a giant sergeant 1
65 killed by a giant priestess of Thoth 1
65 killed by a giant priestess of Smoke 1
65 killed by a giant priest of Smoke 1
65 killed by a giant crocodile 1
65 killed by a frost giant 1
65 killed by a flesh golem 1
65 killed by a flash freeze 1
65 killed by a fishing hook 1
65 killed by a fire elemental of the deep blue sea 1
65 killed by a fire elemental of Thoth 1
65 killed by a fire elemental of Grumbar 1
65 killed by a fire elemental of Chih Sung-tzu 1
65 killed by a dwarvish spear 1
65 killed by a dwarven watch captain 1
65 killed by a dwarven priest of Thoth 1
65 killed by a dwarf mummy 1
65 killed by a droid 1
65 killed by a displacer beast 1
65 killed by a disenchanter 1
65 killed by a demon orc 1
65 killed by a dart of scream 1
65 killed by a dart of fire 1
65 killed by a crossbow bolt of sizzle 1
65 killed by a cow 1
65 killed by a couatl of Ptah 1
65 killed by a couatl of Ilmater 1
65 killed by a couatl of His Majesty 1
65 killed by a couatl of Davy Jones 1
65 killed by a copper shotgun shell 1
65 killed by a copper crossbow bolt 1
65 killed by a copper arrow 1
65 killed by a contact-poisoned spellbook 1
65 killed by a concussive sphere's explosion 1
65 killed by a compsognathus 1
65 killed by a chimera 1
65 killed by a champion of Zugguthobal 1
65 killed by a champion of Venus 1
65 killed by a champion of Raijin 1
65 killed by a champion of Frost 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating an arch-lich 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a vorpal jabberwock 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a star vampire 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a squealer 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a rothe 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a mountain centaur 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a monstrous spider 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a mobat 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a minotaur 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a leocrotta 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a juggernaut 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a giant centipede 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a flind 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a disenchanter 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a deepest one 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a death dog 1
65 killed by a chameleon imitating a banshee 1
65 killed by a chameleon 1
65 killed by a cerastes 1
65 killed by a centipede 1
65 killed by a burning scroll 1
65 killed by a bullet 1
65 killed by a bull 1
65 killed by a bone orcish dagger 1
65 killed by a bone orcish arrow 1
65 killed by a bone devil of Offler 1
65 killed by a bone dart 1
65 killed by a black wasp 1
65 killed by a black rat 1
65 killed by a black mold 1
65 killed by a barrow wight of Raijin 1
65 killed by a barrow wight 1
65 killed by a barbed devil of Moloch 1
65 killed by a banshee 1
65 killed by a bandit 1
65 killed by a balrog 1
65 killed by a baby violet dragon 1
65 killed by a baby green dragon 1
65 killed by a baby crocodile 1
65 killed by a babau 1
65 killed by a Nazgul 1
65 killed by a Mordor orc 1
65 killed by a Keystone Kop 1
65 killed by Vecna 1
65 killed by Tiamat 1
65 killed by Shelob 1
65 killed by Ruggo the Gnome King 1
65 killed by Ms. Zhangmu; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Walbrzych; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Upernavik; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Tsjernigof; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Trallwng; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Toni; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Tjisolok; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Tirebolu; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Sneem; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Rouffiac; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Rhydaman; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Possogroenoe; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Pervari; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. One-eyed Sam; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Manlobbi; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Librazhd; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Knock-knee Tuktoyaktuk; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Kinnegad; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Kalecik; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Kabalebo; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Imbyze; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Ennistymon; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Djombang; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Berbek; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Bandjar; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Aklavik; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ms. Akalapi; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Yawolloh; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Weliki Oestjoeg; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Sperc; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Rellenk; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Queyssac; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Niskal; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Neuvicq; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Hyeghu; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Franz; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Enrobwem; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Dorohoi; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Crazy-eyed Lerignac; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Chicoutimi; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Chibougamau; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Mr. Boyabai; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Merlek the orange moldier 1
65 killed by Master Kaen 1
65 killed by Lukethecool1001's ghost 1
65 killed by Lucrezia; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Lord Sidious 1
65 killed by Larry; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Kroo the Kobold King 1
65 killed by King Arthur 1
65 killed by Jumbo; the shopkeeper 1
65 killed by Ixoth 1
65 killed by Graz'zt 1
65 killed by Adine the skeletal pirate 1
65 incinerated in molten lava by a salamander 1
65 fell to his death 1
65 fell to her death 1
65 fell onto a sink 1
65 fell into a pit of iron spikes 1
65 escaped (with a fake Amulet) 1
65 drowned in a pool of water by a giant eel 1
65 drowned in a moat by an electric eel 1
65 disintegrated by an antimatter vortex (with the Amulet) 1
65 diseased by a giant zombie 1
65 diseased by a diseased gnome corpse 1
65 diseased by a diseased elf corpse 1
65 diseased by a centaur zombie 1
65 decapitated by an it 1
65 crushed to death underneath a drawbridge 1
65 crushed to death by an exploding drawbridge 1
65 crunched in the head by an iron ball 1
65 choked on a tin of spinach 1
65 choked on a quick snack 1
65 choked on a newt corpse 1
65 choked on a mountain dwarf corpse 1
65 choked on a lesser nightmare corpse 1
65 choked on a lembas wafer 1
65 choked on a hill giant corpse 1
65 caught herself in her own fireball 1
65 betrayed by a two-headed troll 1
65 betrayed by a nightgaunt 1
65 ascended (with the Idol) 1
Sat Jul 27 06:41:27 2024