Death Reasons - dnh

All years 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

All NetHack AceHack dNetHack DynaHack EvilHack FIQHack NetHack Fourk GnollHack GruntHack HackEm notdNetHack notnotdNetHack NetHack4 SLASH'EM SlashTHEM SporkHack SpliceHack UnNetHack xNetHack

  Death Count
1 quit 103,319
2 escaped 24,867
3 slipped while mounting a saddled pony 2,196
4 killed by a dwarf 1,582
5 killed by a jackal 1,570
6 killed by a gnome 1,019
7 killed by a grid bug 942
8 killed by a fox 878
9 killed by a sewer rat 775
10 killed by a gnome lord 742
11 killed by a water moccasin 644
12 ascended 609
13 killed by a goblin 416
14 killed by a newt 398
15 killed by a soldier ant 348
16 killed by a kobold 339
17 killed by a marid 319
18 slipped while mounting a saddled giant spider 314
19 killed by a giant bat 287
20 killed by a small mimic 285
21 killed by kicking a wall 264
22 died of starvation 257
23 killed by a crow 255
24 killed by a gnome king 235
25 killed by a riding accident 234
26 killed by a parrot 226
27 killed by a hill orc 205
28 killed by a rothe 198
28 killed by a bat 198
29 killed by a hobbit 193
30 killed by a water demon 190
31 killed by touching The Rod of Seven Parts 186
31 killed by a black pudding 186
32 killed by an Uruk-hai 173
33 killed by a small crossbow bolt 170
34 killed by a giant ant 166
35 killed by a fire ant 159
36 killed by a giant spider 155
37 killed by a dwarf zombie 150
38 killed by a killer bee 149
39 killed by a magic missile 147
40 killed by a gas spore's explosion 139
40 killed by a death ray 139
41 killed by the Oracle 136
41 killed by a coyote 136
42 killed by a small dart 131
42 killed by a poisonous corpse 131
43 killed by a leocrotta 130
44 killed by an acid blob 128
44 absorbing too much energy and exploding 128
45 killed by a bolt of fire 126
46 killed by a wand 125
47 killed by a giant rat 120
48 killed by a falling rock 119
49 killed by a gnome zombie 115
50 killed by a small aklys 114
51 killed by a pony 112
52 killed by shredding of the soul 110
52 killed by a discharging wand 110
53 killed by a falling object 109
53 killed by a bolt of lightning 109
54 killed by a shark 107
55 killed by an owlbear 106
56 killed by an ettin mummy 105
56 killed by a little dog 105
56 killed by a gargoyle 105
57 killed by a bolt of cold 104
58 petrified by a cockatrice 103
58 killed by a flaming sphere 103
59 killed by an air elemental 102
59 killed by a malkuth sephirah 102
60 killed by a shocking sphere 100
61 killed by a piranha 99
62 killed by a giant mimic 98
63 killed by a crossbow bolt 96
64 killed by a boulder 95
65 killed by a gnomish wizard 91
65 killed by Cerberus 91
66 killed by a watch captain 90
67 killed by a freezing sphere 87
68 killed by a dwarf, while fainted from lack of food 85
69 killed by brainlessness 84
69 killed by a dagger 84
70 killed by falling downstairs 82
71 killed by a rabid rat 81
71 fell into a pit 81
72 killed by a blast of fire 80
73 killed by an ochre jelly 78
73 killed by a system shock 78
74 killed by a horned devil 77
75 killed by a phase spider 76
76 killed by a wolf 75
76 killed by a hobgoblin 75
76 killed by a garo 75
76 ascended, having saved the future 75
77 killed by an ape 74
77 killed by a jackal, while praying 74
78 killed by a soldier 73
78 killed by a mumak 73
79 killed by an electric shock 71
79 killed by a Woodland-elf 71
80 killed by a kitten 70
80 killed by a gecko 70
80 crushed to death by an exploding drawbridge 70
81 killed by a rolling boulder trap 69
82 killed by an invisible quinon 68
82 killed by a raven 68
82 killed by a brown mold 68
83 killed by a troll 66
83 killed by a giant beetle 66
83 killed by a Mordor orc 66
84 slipped while mounting a saddled riding pseudodragon 65
84 killed by an arrow trap 65
84 killed by a dwarvish spear 65
85 killed by an Uruk-captain 64
85 killed by a gnome, while fainted from lack of food 64
85 killed by a gnome lord zombie 64
86 killed by a human mummy 62
87 killed by a large kobold 61
87 killed by a blast of frost 61
88 killed by a dwarf lord 60
88 killed by a boiling hot corpse 60
88 killed by a blue jelly 60
89 killed by an arrow 58
90 killed by an iron ball collision 57
91 killed by a xorn 56
91 killed by a kobold zombie 56
91 killed by a dingo 56
92 killed by a small dagger 55
93 killed by a tengu 53
94 killed by an energy vortex 51
94 killed by a dart trap 51
94 killed by a cryonic corpse 51
95 burned by molten lava 50
96 killed by contaminated water 49
96 killed by an imp 49
96 killed by a rope golem 49
96 killed by a minotaur 49
97 poisoned by a dark worm 48
97 killed by a jackal, while fainted from lack of food 48
98 killed by a quasit 47
98 killed by a gnome king zombie 47
99 killed by a chiropteran mummy 46
100 killed by an invisible phantom fungus 45
100 killed by a triton 45
100 killed by a plains centaur 45
100 killed by a maid 45
100 killed by a kobold lord 45
100 killed by a cave spider 45
101 zapped herself with a wand 44
101 killed by a watchman 44
101 killed by a splash of acid 44
101 killed by a droven bolt 44
102 killed by a winter wolf cub 43
102 killed by a homunculus 43
102 killed by a gas cloud 43
102 killed by a boiling potion 43
103 killed by the invisible Grue 42
103 killed by an ice vortex 42
103 killed by a bugbear 42
104 killed by Mr. Izchak, the shopkeeper 41
104 crunched in the head by an iron ball 41
105 petrified by a chickatrice 40
105 killed by an aklys 40
105 killed by a water elemental 40
105 killed by a rock troll 40
105 caught himself in his own blast 40
106 petrified by a cockatrice corpse 39
106 killed by an orc-captain 39
106 killed by an ogre king 39
106 killed by an earth elemental 39
106 killed by a yeti 39
106 killed by a snake 39
107 killed by a guard 38
107 killed by a giant mummy 38
107 killed by a giant eel 38
107 killed by a dreadblossom swarm 38
108 killed by a vampire 37
108 killed by a dwarf king 37
108 killed by Vlad the Impaler 37
108 disintegrated by absorbing too much energy and exploding 37
109 killed by a quaton 36
110 zapped himself with a wand 35
110 killed by an invisible stalker 35
110 killed by a winged gargoyle 35
110 killed by a psychic blast 35
110 killed by a long worm 35
110 killed by a grid bug, while praying 35
110 killed by a grid bug, while fainted from lack of food 35
110 killed by a fire elemental 35
111 killed by an unwound spring 34
111 killed by an iguana 34
111 killed by a quinon 34
111 killed by a lightning paraelemental 34
111 killed by a jabberwock 34
111 killed by a gnome mummy 34
111 killed by a battle-bat 34
111 killed by a Green-elf 34
111 drowned in a moat 34
112 killed by an enormous rat 33
112 killed by a soldier mummy 33
112 killed by a housecat 33
112 killed by Medusa 33
113 killed by a straw golem 32
113 killed by a sewer rat, while praying 32
113 killed by a mountain centaur 32
113 killed by a lightning bolt 32
113 killed by a djinni 32
113 killed by a deeper one 32
113 killed by a deep one 32
114 killed by an invisible quaton 31
114 killed by an acidic corpse 31
114 killed by a dwarf, while praying 31
115 killed by a crow, while praying 30
115 killed by a crocodile 30
115 drowned in a pool of water 30
116 killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 29
116 killed by a dart 29
117 killed by strangulation 28
117 killed by an Angband orc 28
117 killed by a metroid 28
117 killed by a gnome lady 28
118 killed by an ogre 27
118 killed by a wraith 27
118 killed by a sergeant 27
118 killed by a fox, while fainted from lack of food 27
119 killed by their own actions 26
119 killed by a warg 26
119 killed by a priest of Ghaunadaur 26
119 killed by a kobold mummy 26
119 killed by a horse 26
119 killed by a carnivorous bag 26
119 fell into a pit of iron spikes 26
120 killed by an elven arrow 25
120 killed by a sunflower 25
120 killed by a scroll of earth 25
120 killed by a living lectern 25
120 killed by a gold golem 25
120 killed by a goblin zombie 25
120 killed by a falling rock trap 25
120 killed by a Grey-elf 25
121 slipped while mounting a saddled horse 24
121 killed by petrification 24
121 killed by a warhorse 24
121 killed by a tinker gnome 24
121 killed by a priest of Moloch 24
121 killed by a mumak calf 24
121 killed by a dog 24
121 killed by a byakhee 24
121 killed by Master Kaen 24
122 killed by a succubus 23
122 killed by a potion of acid 23
122 killed by a newt, while fainted from lack of food 23
122 killed by a jaguar 23
122 killed by a gnome, while praying 23
122 killed by a gnome lord, while fainted from lack of food 23
122 killed by a contaminated potion 23
122 killed by a clockwork soldier 23
122 killed by Mr. Adjama, the shopkeeper 23
122 caught herself in her own fireball 23
123 petrified by Poseidon's curse 22
123 killed by an explosion 22
123 killed by an edderkop 22
123 killed by a white unicorn 22
123 killed by a wererat 22
123 killed by a silver arrow 22
123 killed by a hedrow warrior 22
123 killed by a giant zombie 22
123 killed by a blast of acid 22
124 killed by a gremlin 21
124 killed by a duton 21
124 killed by a drow mummy 21
124 killed by a crocodile of Offler 21
124 killed by Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper 21
124 dragged downstairs by an iron ball 21
125 poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse 20
125 killed by an invisible dwarf 20
125 killed by a vampire bat 20
125 killed by a titan 20
125 killed by a tinker gnome zombie 20
125 killed by a spotted jelly 20
125 killed by a priestess of Moloch 20
125 killed by a jellyfish 20
125 killed by a hod sephirah 20
125 killed by Ms. Upernavik, the shopkeeper 20
125 killed by Ms. Aklavik, the shopkeeper 20
125 killed by Axus 20
125 caught herself in her own blast 20
126 killed by an elf mummy 19
126 killed by a wolf zombie 19
126 killed by a werejackal 19
126 killed by a tiger 19
126 killed by a small rock 19
126 killed by a rothe, while fainted from lack of food 19
126 killed by a poison paraelemental 19
126 killed by a manes 19
126 killed by a hunting horror 19
126 killed by a human zombie 19
126 killed by a fox, while praying 19
126 killed by Ms. Manlobbi, the shopkeeper 19
126 killed by Mr. Akalapi, the shopkeeper 19
127 killed by life drainage 18
127 killed by an iron piercer 18
127 killed by an invisible id juggernaut 18
127 killed by a winged kobold 18
127 killed by a warbat 18
127 killed by a priest mummy 18
127 killed by a land mine 18
127 killed by a juggernaut 18
127 killed by a hell hound pup 18
127 killed by a faberge sphere's explosion 18
127 killed by a dwarf, while sleeping 18
127 killed by a chuul 18
127 killed by a bullet 18
127 killed by a bone spike 18
127 killed by Ms. Sipaliwini, the shopkeeper 18
127 burned by a fireball 18
128 killed by an ettin zombie 17
128 killed by an ammit 17
128 killed by a winter wolf 17
128 killed by a tower of flame 17
128 killed by a scrap titan 17
128 killed by a quinon, while frozen by a monster's gaze 17
128 killed by a marilith 17
128 killed by a lynx 17
128 killed by a lizard 17
128 killed by a large dog 17
128 killed by a hellfire colossus 17
128 killed by a goblin, while fainted from lack of food 17
128 killed by a gnome, while sleeping 17
128 killed by a gnome zombie, while fainted from lack of food 17
128 killed by a fall onto poison spikes 17
128 killed by a dark young 17
128 killed by a bone devil 17
128 choked on a food ration 17
128 caught himself in his own fireball 17
129 killed by an exploding wand 16
129 killed by a triton, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16
129 killed by a large mimic 16
129 killed by a jackal, while reading a book 16
129 killed by a jackal zombie 16
129 killed by a homunculus, while sleeping 16
129 killed by a gnome lord, while praying 16
129 killed by a dwarf, while reading a book 16
129 killed by a bone devil of Moloch 16
129 killed by a blast 16
129 killed by Mr. Asidonhopo, the shopkeeper 16
129 exploded by overwinding 16
130 killed by inadvisable haste 15
130 killed by discharging wands 15
130 killed by an invisible hedrow warrior 15
130 killed by an Olog-hai 15
130 killed by a watch captain, while praying 15
130 killed by a uranium imp 15
130 killed by a shoggoth 15
130 killed by a rock piercer 15
130 killed by a purple worm 15
130 killed by a parrot, while praying 15
130 killed by a mirkwood elder 15
130 killed by a migo soldier 15
130 killed by a kobold shaman 15
130 killed by a hobbit, while fainted from lack of food 15
130 killed by a heat ray 15
130 killed by a gigantic pseudodragon 15
130 killed by a discharging wands 15
130 killed by Great Cthulhu 15
130 crushed to death by a collapsing drawbridge 15
131 poisoned by a rotted jackal corpse 14
131 petrified by a beholder's eye of petrification. 14
131 petrified by Medusa 14
131 killed by memory loss 14
131 killed by an orc shaman 14
131 killed by an invisible ogre mage 14
131 killed by an incubus 14
131 killed by a yesod sephirah 14
131 killed by a werewolf 14
131 killed by a soldier ant, while praying 14
131 killed by a panther 14
131 killed by a newt zombie 14
131 killed by a mandrake's dying shriek 14
131 killed by a lemure 14
131 killed by a half-dragon mummy 14
131 killed by a garter snake 14
131 killed by a fire ant zombie 14
131 killed by a dwarf mummy 14
131 killed by a dwarf cleric 14
131 killed by a dire sheep 14
131 killed by a baluchitherium 14
131 killed by Mr. Annootok, the shopkeeper 14
131 killed by Mr. Angmagssalik, the shopkeeper 14
131 disintegrated by overwinding 14
131 a scroll of genocide 14
132 killed by an invisible gnome lord 13
132 killed by a zruty 13
132 killed by a trooper 13
132 killed by a red mold 13
132 killed by a quaton, while frozen by a monster's gaze 13
132 killed by a pyrolisk 13
132 killed by a priest of Moloch, while paralyzed by a monster 13
132 killed by a mind flayer 13
132 killed by a giant bat, while fainted from lack of food 13
132 killed by a garo's explosion 13
132 killed by a drow matron 13
132 killed by a clockwork dwarf 13
132 killed by a black unicorn 13
132 killed by a barrow wight 13
132 killed by a baby cave lizard 13
132 killed by a Coure Eladrin 13
132 killed by Mr. Kabalebo, the shopkeeper 13
132 killed by Mr. Inuvik, the shopkeeper 13
133 poisoned by an aspect of The Silence 12
133 poisoned by a rotted wraith corpse 12
133 poisoned by a rotted newt corpse 12
133 killed by trying to drink molten lava 12
133 killed by invisible Center of All 12
133 killed by an orc 12
133 killed by an iron golem 12
133 killed by an invisible gnome 12
133 killed by a water moccasin, while praying 12
133 killed by a vrock 12
133 killed by a small cave lizard 12
133 killed by a large cave lizard 12
133 killed by a gray unicorn 12
133 killed by a gecko, while fainted from lack of food 12
133 killed by a fox, while dragging an iron ball 12
133 killed by a faded shadowsteel spike 12
133 killed by a dwarf queen 12
133 killed by a deepest one 12
133 killed by a changed 12
133 killed by a ball of radiance 12
134 poisoned by a swamp fern 11
134 poisoned by a priest mummy 11
134 killed by life force drain 11
134 killed by an orc zombie 11
134 killed by an orc mummy 11
134 killed by an ogre lord 11
134 killed by an exploding box 11
134 killed by an elf-lord 11
134 killed by an arcadian avenger 11
134 killed by a weeping angel 11
134 killed by a small orcish dagger 11
134 killed by a shuriken 11
134 killed by a rock mole 11
134 killed by a rock 11
134 killed by a quasit of Huhetotl 11
134 killed by a priestess of Moloch, while paralyzed by a monster 11
134 killed by a pit viper 11
134 killed by a nightgaunt, while being tickled to death 11
134 killed by a master mind flayer 11
134 killed by a leprechaun 11
134 killed by a hobgoblin, while fainted from lack of food 11
134 killed by a grid bug, while helpless 11
134 killed by a giant turtle 11
134 killed by a Shiere Eladrin 11
134 killed by Ms. Possogroenoe, the shopkeeper 11
134 choked on a tin of spinach 11
134 burned by a tower of flame 11
135 killed by little shards of metal ripping out of your body 10
135 killed by an umber hulk 10
135 killed by an air elemental, while praying 10
135 killed by a warrior changed 10
135 killed by a stone giant 10
135 killed by a shade, while paralyzed by a monster 10
135 killed by a newt, while praying 10
135 killed by a nalfeshnee of Moloch 10
135 killed by a mirkwood spider 10
135 killed by a lieutenant 10
135 killed by a kobold, while helpless 10
135 killed by a kobold, while fainted from lack of food 10
135 killed by a human 10
135 killed by a hill orc, while fainted from lack of food 10
135 killed by a goblin, while praying 10
135 killed by a gnomish wizard zombie 10
135 killed by a giant ant, while praying 10
135 killed by a fog cloud 10
135 killed by a dwarf zombie, while fainted from lack of food 10
135 killed by a duton, while frozen by a monster's gaze 10
135 killed by a dream quasielemental 10
135 killed by a dog zombie 10
135 killed by a disintegration ray 10
135 killed by a crocodile of Ptah 10
135 killed by a coyote, while fainted from lack of food 10
135 killed by a burning book 10
135 killed by a barbed devil 10
135 killed by a Ferrumach Rilmani 10
135 killed by Oona 10
136 killed by kicking a sink 9
136 killed by an invisible quinon, while frozen by a monster's gaze 9
136 killed by an exploding rune 9
136 killed by an ettin 9
136 killed by a vrock of Moloch 9
136 killed by a vampire lord 9
136 killed by a triton, while mesmerized by a monster 9
136 killed by a stone golem 9
136 killed by a serpent-necked lioness 9
136 killed by a scroll of genocide 9
136 killed by a ninja 9
136 killed by a marilith of Moloch 9
136 killed by a malkuth sephirah, while reading a book 9
136 killed by a magical explosion 9
136 killed by a luminous cloud 9
136 killed by a legion devil grunt 9
136 killed by a jackal, while dragging an iron ball 9
136 killed by a hungry dead 9
136 killed by a hill giant 9
136 killed by a gray ooze 9
136 killed by a goblin, while helpless 9
136 killed by a gnome king, while fainted from lack of food 9
136 killed by a giant spider of Mog 9
136 killed by a giant ant, while fainted from lack of food 9
136 killed by a forest centaur 9
136 killed by a death knight 9
136 killed by a clay golem 9
136 killed by a black naga hatchling 9
136 killed by Warden Arianna 9
136 killed by Croesus 9
136 caught herself in her own magical blast 9
137 zapped himself with a spell 8
137 poisoned by an 8
137 killed by kicking an altar 8
137 killed by destruction of the brain and spinal cord 8
137 killed by bumping into a wall 8
137 killed by an orcish dagger 8
137 killed by an ogre mage 8
137 killed by an invisible quinon, while sleeping 8
137 killed by an invisible gnome king 8
137 killed by an invisible Cuprilach Rilmani 8
137 killed by an elven dagger 8
137 killed by an ancient naga 8
137 killed by an Uruk-hai, while fainted from lack of food 8
137 killed by a yellow dragon 8
137 killed by a wood troll 8
137 killed by a white unicorn zombie 8
137 killed by a sewer rat, while fainted from lack of food 8
137 killed by a pony zombie 8
137 killed by a poisoned blast 8
137 killed by a parrot, while fainted from lack of food 8
137 killed by a malkuth sephirah, while praying 8
137 killed by a loadstone 8
137 killed by a kobold, while praying 8
137 killed by a gug, while paralyzed by a monster 8
137 killed by a goblin, while reading a book 8
137 killed by a gnome, while reading a book 8
137 killed by a gnome lord, while sleeping 8
137 killed by a giant spider, while fainted from lack of food 8
137 killed by a giant beetle zombie 8
137 killed by a giant 8
137 killed by a gelatinous cube, while frozen by a monster 8
137 killed by a fire vortex 8
137 killed by a fire giant 8
137 killed by a fire ant, while praying 8
137 killed by a dreadblossom swarm, while paralyzed by a monster 8
137 killed by a crow, while fainted from lack of food 8
137 killed by a cobra 8
137 killed by a cave lizard 8
137 killed by a carnivorous ape 8
137 killed by a bat, while fainted from lack of food 8
137 killed by a barbed devil of Moloch 8
137 killed by Sir Garland 8
137 killed by Mr. Gaziantep, the shopkeeper 8
137 killed by Mr. Aksaray, the shopkeeper 8
137 killed by Mina Harker 8
137 drowned in a moat by a kraken 8
138 shot herself with a death ray 7
138 poisoned by a swamp fern spore 7
138 petrified by trying to tin a cockatrice without gloves 7
138 petrified by termination of personal timeline. 7
138 killed by touching Nenya 7
138 killed by touching Narya 7
138 killed by leading departed souls to another world 7
138 killed by an invisible fractured Aurumach Rilmani 7
138 killed by an invisible elder brain 7
138 killed by an aphanactonan assessor 7
138 killed by an a spike 7
138 killed by an Aurumach Rilmani 7
138 killed by a water troll 7
138 killed by a water demon, while praying 7
138 killed by a stone dart trap 7
138 killed by a soldier ant, while fainted from lack of food 7
138 killed by a small mimic, while fainted from lack of food 7
138 killed by a skeletal pirate 7
138 killed by a shocking sphere's explosion 7
138 killed by a shade 7
138 killed by a retriever 7
138 killed by a red naga 7
138 killed by a quasit, while praying 7
138 killed by a python 7
138 killed by a plains centaur of Diana 7
138 killed by a parrot zombie 7
138 killed by a parrot of Thoth 7
138 killed by a newt, while reading a book 7
138 killed by a lurking one 7
138 killed by a leocrotta zombie 7
138 killed by a knife 7
138 killed by a killer bee, while fainted from lack of food 7
138 killed by a hill orc, while praying 7
138 killed by a guardian naga hatchling 7
138 killed by a grimlock 7
138 killed by a gnome, while frozen by a potion 7
138 killed by a giant rat, while fainted from lack of food 7
138 killed by a giant ant, while paralyzed by a monster 7
138 killed by a fox, while reading a book 7
138 killed by a flesh golem 7
138 killed by a dwarf, while sleeping off a magical draught 7
138 killed by a dwarf, while frozen by a potion 7
138 killed by a dwarf zombie, while praying 7
138 killed by a burning scroll 7
138 killed by a blast of lightning 7
138 killed by a beartrap 7
138 killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka, the shopkeeper 7
138 killed by Ms. Kittamagh, the shopkeeper 7
138 killed by Ilona Szilagy 7
138 fell into a pit of cold-iron spikes 7
138 drowned in a pool of water by an electric eel 7
138 drowned in a moat by an electric eel 7
138 ascended, but the future refused to change 7
139 shot himself with a death ray 6
139 poisoned by a rotted brown pudding corpse 6
139 petrified by a chickatrice corpse 6
139 petrified by a beholder 6
139 petrified by Illurien of the Myriad Glimpses 6
139 killed by touching Vilya 6
139 killed by touching Lomya 6
139 killed by touching Hellfire 6
139 killed by the Master of Thieves 6
139 killed by overexertion 6
139 killed by kicking a rock 6
139 killed by exhaustion 6
139 killed by dipping a worn object into a forge 6
139 killed by an unearthly drow 6
139 killed by an invisible Woodland-elf 6
139 killed by an invisible Nazgul 6
139 killed by an invisible Aurumach Rilmani 6
139 killed by an ape, while fainted from lack of food 6
139 killed by an Uruk-hai, while praying 6
139 killed by a yuki-onna 6
139 killed by a xan 6
139 killed by a wraithworm, while mesmerized by a monster 6
139 killed by a touch of death 6
139 killed by a son of Typhon 6
139 killed by a skeleton 6
139 killed by a shattered potion 6
139 killed by a sewer rat zombie 6
139 killed by a sasquatch 6
139 killed by a red naga hatchling 6
139 killed by a queen bee 6
139 killed by a priest of Thoth 6
139 killed by a pony, while fainted from lack of food 6
139 killed by a mountain centaur zombie 6
139 killed by a mithril dwarvish spear 6
139 killed by a manticore, while immobilized by paralysis venom 6
139 killed by a little dog zombie 6
139 killed by a killer bee, while praying 6
139 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf 6
139 killed by a gray dragon 6
139 killed by a gnome lady zombie 6
139 killed by a giant bat zombie 6
139 killed by a gaze of death 6
139 killed by a fox zombie 6
139 killed by a dwarf, while helpless 6
139 killed by a dancing flame 6
139 killed by a cave spider, while fainted from lack of food 6
139 killed by a cadaver 6
139 killed by a blue dragon 6
139 killed by a Mordor orc, while fainted from lack of food 6
139 killed by a Monadic Deva of Raijin 6
139 killed by Ms. Tuktoyaktuk, the shopkeeper 6
139 killed by Ms. Tirebolu, the shopkeeper 6
139 killed by Ms. Ouiatchouane, the shopkeeper 6
139 killed by Ms. Kalecik, the shopkeeper 6
139 killed by Ms. Enniscorthy, the shopkeeper 6
139 killed by Mr. Lugnaquillia, the shopkeeper 6
139 killed by Mr. Lahinch, the shopkeeper 6
139 killed by Mr. Kyzyl, the shopkeeper 6
139 killed by Mr. Iskenderun, the shopkeeper 6
139 killed by Lamashtu 6
139 killed by Kary, the Fiend of Fire 6
139 killed by Illurien of the Myriad Glimpses 6
139 killed by Blackbeard's Ghost 6
139 killed by Axus, while mesmerized by a monster 6
139 drowned in a pool of water by a giant eel 6
139 drowned in a moat by a giant eel 6
139 drowned in a drowning (with the Amulet) 6
140 poisoned by a swamp nymph 5
140 poisoned by a rotted rothe corpse 5
140 poisoned by a rotted floating eye corpse 5
140 poisoned by a rotted dwarf corpse 5
140 petrified by tasting cockatrice meat 5
140 killed by touching Grimtooth 5
140 killed by the sight of a weeping angel 5
140 killed by an owlbear, while fainted from lack of food 5
140 killed by an ice vortex of Kos 5
140 killed by an ice troll 5
140 killed by an ice paraelemental 5
140 killed by an erinys 5
140 killed by an enormous rat, while fainted from lack of food 5
140 killed by an elven spear 5
140 killed by an elf zombie 5
140 killed by an aoa droplet 5
140 killed by an alpha metroid 5
140 killed by an acid venom 5
140 killed by an Uiscerre Eladrin 5
140 killed by a warden tree 5
140 killed by a titanothere 5
140 killed by a thrown potion 5
140 killed by a spear 5
140 killed by a sentinel of Mithardir 5
140 killed by a scorpion 5
140 killed by a rodent of unusual size 5
140 killed by a razor-sharp blade 5
140 killed by a quivering blob 5
140 killed by a quinon, while mesmerized by a monster 5
140 killed by a quaton, while praying 5
140 killed by a priestess of Shan Lai Ching 5
140 killed by a potion of confusion 5
140 killed by a pony, while praying 5
140 killed by a peasant 5
140 killed by a paper golem 5
140 killed by a mastodon zombie 5
140 killed by a marid, while praying 5
140 killed by a manes, while fainted from lack of food 5
140 killed by a long sinuous tentacle 5
140 killed by a living mirage 5
140 killed by a little dart 5
140 killed by a leocrotta, while praying 5
140 killed by a legion devil soldier of Moloch 5
140 killed by a large kobold, while fainted from lack of food 5
140 killed by a large cat 5
140 killed by a kunai 5
140 killed by a kobold lord zombie 5
140 killed by a jackal, while helpless 5
140 killed by a hungry dead, while frozen by a monster 5
140 killed by a hobbit, while praying 5
140 killed by a hobbit zombie 5
140 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jackal 5
140 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted crow 5
140 killed by a half-dragon 5
140 killed by a grid bug, while reading a book 5
140 killed by a green mold 5
140 killed by a gnomish wizard, while fainted from lack of food 5
140 killed by a gnome lord zombie, while praying 5
140 killed by a giant rat, while praying 5
140 killed by a giant bat, while praying 5
140 killed by a fox, while helpless 5
140 killed by a fire ant, while fainted from lack of food 5
140 killed by a dwarf lord zombie 5
140 killed by a crow, while helpless 5
140 killed by a crow, while frozen by a potion 5
140 killed by a crionic corpse 5
140 killed by a centipede 5
140 killed by a captain 5
140 killed by a black naga 5
140 killed by a bebelith 5
140 killed by a beauteous one, while taking off clothes 5
140 killed by a bat, while praying 5
140 killed by a balrog 5
140 killed by a baby yellow dragon 5
140 killed by a Tulani 5
140 killed by a Justice Archon of Blind Io 5
140 killed by a Coure Eladrin, while sleeping 5
140 killed by a Coure Eladrin of Tamash, while sleeping 5
140 killed by Ms. Walbrzych, the shopkeeper 5
140 killed by Ms. Siirt, the shopkeeper 5
140 killed by Ms. Kinnegad, the shopkeeper 5
140 killed by Ms. Ermenak, the shopkeeper 5
140 killed by Mr. Ossipewsk, the shopkeeper 5
140 killed by Mr. Ngebel, the shopkeeper 5
140 killed by Mr. Nenagh, the shopkeeper 5
140 killed by Mr. Hebiwerie, the shopkeeper 5
140 killed by Mr. Gweebarra, the shopkeeper 5
140 killed by Mr. Boyabai, the shopkeeper 5
140 killed by Lord Surtur 5
140 killed by Kostchtchie 5
140 killed by Hmnyw-Pharaoh 5
140 killed by Dagon 5
140 fell onto a sink 5
140 drowned in a moat (with the Amulet) 5
140 choked on a rothe corpse 5
140 choked on a gelatinous cube corpse 5
140 caught himself in his own magical blast 5
141 poisoned by a rotted hill orc corpse 4
141 poisoned by a rotted gnome lord corpse 4
141 poisoned by a killer bee 4
141 poisoned by Juiblex 4
141 petrified by a cockatrice egg 4
141 killed while stuck in creature form 4
141 killed by touching Soulmirror 4
141 killed by the wrath of Lobon 4
141 killed by melting from extreme heat 4
141 killed by invisible Yeenoghu 4
141 killed by invisible Illurien of the Myriad Glimpses 4
141 killed by invisible Acererak 4
141 killed by boiling potions 4
141 killed by an undead turning effect 4
141 killed by an owlbear, while praying 4
141 killed by an owlbear zombie 4
141 killed by an orc-captain, while praying 4
141 killed by an invisible xorn 4
141 killed by an invisible troll 4
141 killed by an invisible marid 4
141 killed by an invisible lich 4
141 killed by an invisible golden naga 4
141 killed by an invisible gnomish wizard 4
141 killed by an invisible gargoyle 4
141 killed by an invisible Uruk-hai 4
141 killed by an iguana, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by an ettin mummy, while praying 4
141 killed by an argentum golem 4
141 killed by an air elemental of Hermes 4
141 killed by an Uruk-hai zombie 4
141 killed by an Elvenking 4
141 killed by an Argenach Rilmani 4
141 killed by a zombie 4
141 killed by a ya 4
141 killed by a water moccasin, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a water demon, while sleeping 4
141 killed by a watchman, while praying 4
141 killed by a watch captain zombie 4
141 killed by a warhorse zombie 4
141 killed by a violet fungus 4
141 killed by a transcendent valkyrie 4
141 killed by a spell golem 4
141 killed by a soldier, while frozen by a potion 4
141 killed by a soldier ant, while paralyzed by a monster 4
141 killed by a shimmering dragon 4
141 killed by a sewer rat, while reading a book 4
141 killed by a sewer rat, while dragging an iron ball 4
141 killed by a rothe, while praying 4
141 killed by a rothe, while frozen by a monster's gaze 4
141 killed by a rothe zombie 4
141 killed by a rope golem, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a rock mole, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a quinon, while praying 4
141 killed by a quasit of the Devil 4
141 killed by a priestess of Chih Sung-tzu 4
141 killed by a priestess of Amaterasu Omikami 4
141 killed by a priest of the Devil 4
141 killed by a priest of Holashner 4
141 killed by a potion of blindness 4
141 killed by a piranha, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a newt, while helpless 4
141 killed by a mastodon 4
141 killed by a master lich 4
141 killed by a little dog, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a lightning paraelemental of the deep blue sea 4
141 killed by a large kobold zombie 4
141 killed by a kobold, while reading a book 4
141 killed by a kobold zombie, while praying 4
141 killed by a kitten, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a human zombie, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a horse, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a horned devil, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a homunculus, while praying 4
141 killed by a homunculus, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a hedrow zombie 4
141 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted sewer rat 4
141 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted grid bug 4
141 killed by a gug 4
141 killed by a grid bug, while charging up a purifying blast 4
141 killed by a grappling hook 4
141 killed by a golden naga 4
141 killed by a gnome queen 4
141 killed by a gnome lord, while helpless 4
141 killed by a giant spider, while praying 4
141 killed by a gelatinous cube 4
141 killed by a gecko, while praying 4
141 killed by a garo, while praying 4
141 killed by a garo master 4
141 killed by a gargoyle, while praying 4
141 killed by a gargoyle, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a gargoyle of Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight 4
141 killed by a frost giant 4
141 killed by a dwarf zombie, while reading a book 4
141 killed by a dwarf lord, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a dream quasielemental, while sleeping 4
141 killed by a displacer beast 4
141 killed by a crow zombie 4
141 killed by a chiropteran 4
141 killed by a cave spider, while praying 4
141 killed by a bat zombie 4
141 killed by a ball of lightning 4
141 killed by a ball of cold 4
141 killed by a Woodland-elf, while fainted from lack of food 4
141 killed by a Justice Archon of the Lord 4
141 killed by a Coure Eladrin, while praying 4
141 killed by Shaktari 4
141 killed by Ms. Yildizeli, the shopkeeper 4
141 killed by Ms. Djombang, the shopkeeper 4
141 killed by Mr. Skibbereen, the shopkeeper 4
141 killed by Mr. Siverek, the shopkeeper 4
141 killed by Mr. Rath Luirc, the shopkeeper 4
141 killed by Mr. Enrobwem, the shopkeeper 4
141 killed by Mr. Chicoutimi, the shopkeeper 4
141 killed by Mr. Bojolali, the shopkeeper 4
141 killed by Mr. Akhalataki, the shopkeeper 4
141 killed by Famine, while fainted from lack of food (with the Amulet) 4
141 killed by Axus, while frozen by the gaze of Axus 4
141 killed by Asmodeus 4
141 killed by Acererak 4
141 dissolved in molten lava 4
141 choked on a quick snack 4
141 choked on a protein pill 4
141 burned by a balrog's explosion 4
142 zapped herself with a spell 3
142 slipped while mounting a saddled small cave lizard 3
142 poisoned by a unicorn horn 3
142 poisoned by a rotted sewer rat corpse 3
142 poisoned by a rotted hobbit corpse 3
142 poisoned by a rotted goblin corpse 3
142 poisoned by a rotted giant rat corpse 3
142 poisoned by Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind 3
142 petrified by an arch-lich 3
142 petrified by a nessian pit fiend 3
142 petrified by a hallucinogen-distorted cockatrice 3
142 petrified by a gas spore's explosion 3
142 petrified by a cockatrice zombie 3
142 petrified by Acererak 3
142 killed herself by breaking a wand 3
142 killed by touching The Tie-Dye Shirt of Shambhala 3
142 killed by touching The Singing Sword 3
142 killed by touching The Lance of Longinus 3
142 killed by touching The Cloak of the Unheld One 3
142 killed by touching Mjollnir 3
142 killed by touching Luck Blade 3
142 killed by touching Fuma-itto no Ken 3
142 killed by touching Excalibur 3
142 killed by the Great High Shaman of Kurtulmak 3
142 killed by the Bastard of the Boreal Valley 3
142 killed by the Avatar of Lolth 3
142 killed by seeing something not meant for mortal eyes 3
142 killed by rusting through 3
142 killed by primal darkness 3
142 killed by life-force theft 3
142 killed by invisible Ilona Szilagy 3
142 killed by falling downstairs with a lit lightsaber 3
142 killed by colliding with the ceiling 3
142 killed by an owlbear, while reading a book 3
142 killed by an orcish arrow 3
142 killed by an ogre, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by an ogre zombie 3
142 killed by an ogre king, while praying 3
142 killed by an invisible titan 3
142 killed by an invisible spell golem 3
142 killed by an invisible soldier ant 3
142 killed by an invisible parasitized embraced alider 3
142 killed by an invisible kobold 3
142 killed by an invisible hobbit 3
142 killed by an invisible gnome lady 3
142 killed by an invisible chuul 3
142 killed by an invisible ancient of death 3
142 killed by an invisible alider 3
142 killed by an incantifier zombie 3
142 killed by an imp, while praying 3
142 killed by an imp, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by an iguana zombie 3
142 killed by an ice vortex, while praying 3
142 killed by an exploding large box 3
142 killed by an exploding chest 3
142 killed by an enormous rat zombie 3
142 killed by an electric eel 3
142 killed by an earth elemental, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by an earth elemental of Shan Lai Ching 3
142 killed by an aphanactonan audient's explosion 3
142 killed by an ape, while praying 3
142 killed by an air elemental of Mother Earth 3
142 killed by an air elemental of Crom 3
142 killed by an a bone spike 3
142 killed by an Uruk-hai, while frozen by a potion 3
142 killed by an Angel of Eilistraee 3
142 killed by an Angband orc, while frozen by a potion 3
142 killed by absorbing too much energy and exploding 3
142 killed by a xorn, while praying 3
142 killed by a xorn, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a xorn zombie 3
142 killed by a wood troll, while praying 3
142 killed by a wolf, while praying 3
142 killed by a wolf zombie, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a winter wolf cub, while praying 3
142 killed by a white dragon 3
142 killed by a werewolf, while praying 3
142 killed by a water moccasin, while helpless 3
142 killed by a warhorse of Odin 3
142 killed by a vrock of Huhetotl 3
142 killed by a vrock of Anhur 3
142 killed by a vampire lady 3
142 killed by a uranium imp, while praying 3
142 killed by a troll, while praying 3
142 killed by a troll, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a tiny pseudodragon 3
142 killed by a tinker gnome zombie, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a tengu zombie 3
142 killed by a stumbling horror 3
142 killed by a storm giant 3
142 killed by a stone giant zombie 3
142 killed by a stone arrow trap 3
142 killed by a spike 3
142 killed by a soldier, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a soldier ant, while reading a book 3
142 killed by a silver droven bolt 3
142 killed by a silver arrow (with the Amulet) 3
142 killed by a shopkeeper 3
142 killed by a shayateen 3
142 killed by a sewer rat, while helpless 3
142 killed by a serpent-necked lioness, while praying 3
142 killed by a serpent man of Yoth 3
142 killed by a samurai 3
142 killed by a rope golem, while praying 3
142 killed by a razorvine 3
142 killed by a rapier 3
142 killed by a rabid rat, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a quinon, while sleeping 3
142 killed by a quasit of Set, while praying 3
142 killed by a quasit of Set 3
142 killed by a prison guard 3
142 killed by a priestess of the deep blue sea 3
142 killed by a priestess of the Lord 3
142 killed by a priestess of Thoth 3
142 killed by a priestess of Shan Lai Ching, while paralyzed by a monster 3
142 killed by a priestess of Quetzalcoatl 3
142 killed by a priestess of Pan 3
142 killed by a priestess of Kiaransali 3
142 killed by a priestess of Issek 3
142 killed by a priestess of Huan Ti 3
142 killed by a priest of Susanowo 3
142 killed by a priest of Mahal 3
142 killed by a priest of Huan Ti 3
142 killed by a priest of Chih Sung-tzu 3
142 killed by a potion of sleeping 3
142 killed by a potion of holy water 3
142 killed by a plains centaur of Apollo 3
142 killed by a pharaoh 3
142 killed by a phantasm, while taking off clothes 3
142 killed by a partisan 3
142 killed by a parrot, while reading a book 3
142 killed by a parrot, while helpless 3
142 killed by a parrot, while frozen by a potion 3
142 killed by a parasitized embraced alider 3
142 killed by a musimon 3
142 killed by a mumak calf zombie 3
142 killed by a monkey 3
142 killed by a migo worker 3
142 killed by a mace 3
142 killed by a lurking one, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a lucern hammer 3
142 killed by a lizard, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a living mirage, while mesmerized by a monster 3
142 killed by a little dog, while praying 3
142 killed by a lillend 3
142 killed by a lich 3
142 killed by a leocrotta, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a legion devil captain 3
142 killed by a large partisan 3
142 killed by a large kobold, while praying 3
142 killed by a lamb 3
142 killed by a kraken 3
142 killed by a kobold, while dragging an iron ball 3
142 killed by a kobold mummy, while praying 3
142 killed by a knight 3
142 killed by a killer bee, while helpless 3
142 killed by a killer bee zombie 3
142 killed by a jaguar, while praying 3
142 killed by a jackal, while charging up a purifying blast 3
142 killed by a human mummy, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a horned devil, while praying 3
142 killed by a homunculus, while frozen by a monster's gaze 3
142 killed by a hobbit, while frozen by a monster's gaze 3
142 killed by a hill orc, while unconscious from rotten food 3
142 killed by a hill orc, while reading a book 3
142 killed by a hill orc zombie 3
142 killed by a hedrow warrior, while praying 3
142 killed by a hedrow blademaster 3
142 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome 3
142 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted fungal brain 3
142 killed by a halberd 3
142 killed by a guardian naga, while paralyzed by a monster 3
142 killed by a guardian naga 3
142 killed by a green dragon, while praying 3
142 killed by a golden heart 3
142 killed by a gnomish wizard zombie, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a gnome, while helpless 3
142 killed by a gnome lord, while sleeping off a magical draught 3
142 killed by a gnome king, while praying 3
142 killed by a gnome king zombie, while praying 3
142 killed by a giant spider, while reading a book 3
142 killed by a giant rat, while helpless 3
142 killed by a giant beetle, while praying 3
142 killed by a giant bat, while sleeping 3
142 killed by a giant bat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 3
142 killed by a giant ant, while helpless 3
142 killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 3
142 killed by a garter snake, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a garo, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a gamma metroid 3
142 killed by a fox, while charging up a purifying blast 3
142 killed by a fireball 3
142 killed by a fire ant, while sleeping off a magical draught 3
142 killed by a fire ant, while frozen by a potion 3
142 killed by a faded silver arrow 3
142 killed by a dwarf, while charging up a purifying blast 3
142 killed by a dwarf lord, while praying 3
142 killed by a drow matron-mother 3
142 killed by a dog, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a diplodocus 3
142 killed by a deeper one, while frozen by a potion 3
142 killed by a coyote, while praying 3
142 killed by a contact-poisoned spellbook 3
142 killed by a cloud of poison gas 3
142 killed by a clockwork automaton 3
142 killed by a blasphemous lurker, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a bec de corbin 3
142 killed by a battle-bat, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a barrow wight, while sleeping 3
142 killed by a bardiche 3
142 killed by a ball of radiance of Diana 3
142 killed by a Woodland-elf, while sleeping off a magical draught 3
142 killed by a Woodland-elf, while praying 3
142 killed by a Tulani Eladrin 3
142 killed by a Throne Archon 3
142 killed by a Shiere 3
142 killed by a Plumach Rilmani 3
142 killed by a Mordor orc, while praying 3
142 killed by a Mordor orc elite 3
142 killed by a Justice Archon of Mitra 3
142 killed by a Justice Archon of Anu 3
142 killed by a Grey-elf, while praying 3
142 killed by a Grey-elf, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a Green-elf, while sleeping 3
142 killed by a Green-elf, while praying 3
142 killed by a Green-elf, while frozen by a potion 3
142 killed by a Green-elf, while fainted from lack of food 3
142 killed by a Firre Eladrin of Susanowo 3
142 killed by a Firre Eladrin 3
142 killed by a Firre 3
142 killed by a Coure Eladrin of Tamash 3
142 killed by Yeenoghu 3
142 killed by Shadowlock 3
142 killed by Seyll Auzkovyn 3
142 killed by Ms. Urignac, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Ms. Syktywkar, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Ms. Siboga, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Ms. Pengalengan, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Ms. Matagami, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Ms. Konosja, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Ms. Kinojevis, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Ms. Berbek, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mr. Ymla, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mr. Yad, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mr. Swidnica, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mr. Stewe, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mr. Niskal, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mr. Lerignac, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mr. Joao, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mr. Gomel, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mr. Corsh, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mr. Cahersiveen, the shopkeeper 3
142 killed by Mother Hydra 3
142 killed by Master Kaen, while paralyzed by a monster 3
142 killed by Father Dagon 3
142 killed by Ashikaga Takauji 3
142 genocidal confusion 3
142 escaped (in celestial disgrace) 3
142 drowned in a moat by a swarm of snaking tentacles 3
142 crushed to death by a falling drawbridge 3
142 choked on a wraith corpse 3
142 choked on a slime mold 3
142 choked on a lembas wafer 3
142 choked on a giant beetle corpse 3
142 choked on a cram ration 3
142 choked on a black pudding corpse 3
142 a trickery 3
142 a blast of disintegration 3
143 poisoned by an aligned priest 2
143 poisoned by a rotted kobold corpse 2
143 poisoned by a rotted gray ooze corpse 2
143 poisoned by a rotted gecko corpse 2
143 poisoned by a rabid rat 2
143 poisoned by a (with the Amulet) 2
143 poisoned by Zuggtmoy 2
143 poisoned by Hmnyw-Pharaoh 2
143 petrified by tasting cockatrice blood 2
143 petrified by pit fiend 2
143 petrified by gas spore's explosion 2
143 petrified by garo's explosion 2
143 petrified by cockatrice 2
143 petrified by a soldier 2
143 petrified by a garo's explosion 2
143 petrified by a faberge sphere's explosion 2
143 petrified by Levistus 2
143 killed himself with his bullwhip 2
143 killed himself by breaking a wand 2
143 killed herself with her bullwhip 2
143 killed by touching The Rod of the Ram 2
143 killed by touching The Platinum Dragon Plate 2
143 killed by touching The Chromatic Dragon Scales 2
143 killed by touching Sunsword 2
143 killed by touching Sky Render 2
143 killed by touching Ogresmasher 2
143 killed by touching Mirror Brand 2
143 killed by touching Limited Moon 2
143 killed by the wrath of Tamash 2
143 killed by the wrath of Set 2
143 killed by the militant cleric 2
143 killed by the hallucinogen-distorted clairvoyant changed 2
143 killed by the clairvoyant changed 2
143 killed by the Stranger 2
143 killed by the Good Neighbor 2
143 killed by the Blibdoolpoolp, graven-into-flesh 2
143 killed by sipping boiling water 2
143 killed by memmory loss 2
143 killed by kicking an iron chain 2
143 killed by kicking an iron bar 2
143 killed by kicking a jackal corpse 2
143 killed by kicking a headstone 2
143 killed by invisible Oona 2
143 killed by invisible Ms. Possogroenoe, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by invisible Mr. Izchak, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by invisible Graz'zt 2
143 killed by invisible Demogorgon 2
143 killed by invisible Baalphegor 2
143 killed by invisible Asmodeus 2
143 killed by her own seismic hammer 2
143 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Lamashtu, while praying 2
143 killed by forcible head removal 2
143 killed by burning scrolls 2
143 killed by antimagic 2
143 killed by an uvuudaum 2
143 killed by an unrefrigerated sip of juice 2
143 killed by an orc-captain zombie 2
143 killed by an orc mummy, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by an orange dragon 2
143 killed by an ogre king, while sleeping 2
143 killed by an ogre emperor 2
143 killed by an invisible water demon 2
143 killed by an invisible uranium imp 2
143 killed by an invisible tengu 2
143 killed by an invisible rock troll 2
143 killed by an invisible quinon, while mesmerized by a monster 2
143 killed by an invisible quaton, while frozen by a monster's gaze 2
143 killed by an invisible priest of Moloch, while paralyzed by a monster 2
143 killed by an invisible phantasm, while taking off clothes 2
143 killed by an invisible orc-captain 2
143 killed by an invisible orc shaman 2
143 killed by an invisible ogre lord 2
143 killed by an invisible myrkalfar warrior 2
143 killed by an invisible mountain centaur 2
143 killed by an invisible migo worker 2
143 killed by an invisible hellcat 2
143 killed by an invisible hedrow warrior of Ver'tas 2
143 killed by an invisible hedrow blademaster, while sleeping 2
143 killed by an invisible hedrow blademaster 2
143 killed by an invisible goblin 2
143 killed by an invisible dwarf lord 2
143 killed by an invisible Throne Archon 2
143 killed by an invisible Sharab Kamerel 2
143 killed by an invisible Green-elf 2
143 killed by an incantifier 2
143 killed by an imp of Kurtulmak 2
143 killed by an ice devil of Moloch 2
143 killed by an exploding crystal ball 2
143 killed by an ettin mummy, while reading a book 2
143 killed by an ettin mummy, while frozen by a monster's gaze 2
143 killed by an elf-lord, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by an elder brain 2
143 killed by an earth elemental, while reading a book 2
143 killed by an earth elemental, while paralyzed by a monster 2
143 killed by an earth elemental of Camaxtli 2
143 killed by an ape, while reading a book 2
143 killed by an ape of the hunshi sihou 2
143 killed by an ancient of death's explosion 2
143 killed by an ammit, while jumping around 2
143 killed by an ammit of Anhur 2
143 killed by an air elemental, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by an Uruk-hai, while sleeping off a magical draught 2
143 killed by an Uruk-hai, while sleeping 2
143 killed by an Uruk-captain, while praying 2
143 killed by an Astral Deva of Thoth 2
143 killed by an Astral Deva of Raijin 2
143 killed by an Angel of Tamash 2
143 killed by an Angel of God the Father 2
143 killed by an Angel of Amaterasu Omikami 2
143 killed by an Angband orc, while helpless 2
143 killed by an Amm Kamerel 2
143 killed by an Alabaster elf, while mesmerized by a monster 2
143 killed by a zruty zombie 2
143 killed by a yochlol 2
143 killed by a yeti, while praying 2
143 killed by a xorn monk 2
143 killed by a xan, while praying 2
143 killed by a worm that walks 2
143 killed by a wolf, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a wizard 2
143 killed by a winter wolf, while praying 2
143 killed by a winter wolf cub, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a winged kobold zombie 2
143 killed by a winged gargoyle of Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight 2
143 killed by a weeping angel, while praying 2
143 killed by a water demon, while vomiting 2
143 killed by a watchman zombie 2
143 killed by a warg, while praying 2
143 killed by a warg, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a warbat, while praying 2
143 killed by a vampire, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a troll, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a troll zombie 2
143 killed by a triton, while frozen by the gaze of Axus 2
143 killed by a tinker gnome zombie, while praying 2
143 killed by a terracotta soldier 2
143 killed by a tengu, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a succubus, while praying 2
143 killed by a soldier, while sleeping 2
143 killed by a soldier, while praying 2
143 killed by a soldier mummy, while praying 2
143 killed by a soldier ant zombie 2
143 killed by a snake zombie 2
143 killed by a small silver dagger 2
143 killed by a small silver crossbow bolt 2
143 killed by a small shuriken 2
143 killed by a small mithril crossbow bolt 2
143 killed by a small mimic, while praying 2
143 killed by a small bo-shuriken 2
143 killed by a silver dragon 2
143 killed by a silver bullet 2
143 killed by a shocking sphere, while praying 2
143 killed by a shocking sphere, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a shepherd's crook 2
143 killed by a shade, while praying 2
143 killed by a rothe, while reading a book 2
143 killed by a rothe, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a rock troll, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a rock mole of Holashner 2
143 killed by a riding pseudodragon 2
143 killed by a red dragon 2
143 killed by a raven, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a rabid rat, while praying 2
143 killed by a rabid rat zombie 2
143 killed by a quaton, while mesmerized by a monster 2
143 killed by a quasit of Anshar 2
143 killed by a quarterstaff 2
143 killed by a quantum mechanic 2
143 killed by a priestess of the Satan, while paralyzed by a monster 2
143 killed by a priestess of the Devil 2
143 killed by a priestess of Tyr 2
143 killed by a priestess of Tymora 2
143 killed by a priestess of Mog 2
143 killed by a priestess of Mitra 2
143 killed by a priestess of Lugh 2
143 killed by a priestess of Lolth 2
143 killed by a priestess of Kos 2
143 killed by a priestess of Crom 2
143 killed by a priestess of Camaxtli 2
143 killed by a priestess of Anhur 2
143 killed by a priest of the deep blue sea 2
143 killed by a priest of the Satan 2
143 killed by a priest of the Lord 2
143 killed by a priest of Shan Lai Ching 2
143 killed by a priest of Set 2
143 killed by a priest of Raijin 2
143 killed by a priest of Offler 2
143 killed by a priest of Odin 2
143 killed by a priest of Lugh 2
143 killed by a priest of Issek 2
143 killed by a priest of Brigit 2
143 killed by a priest of Blind Io 2
143 killed by a priest of Amaterasu Omikami 2
143 killed by a priest mummy, while paralyzed by a monster 2
143 killed by a priest 2
143 killed by a pony, while dragging an iron ball 2
143 killed by a pony zombie, while praying 2
143 killed by a plains centaur, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a plains centaur zombie 2
143 killed by a pit fiend 2
143 killed by a piranha, while praying 2
143 killed by a phase spider, while sleeping 2
143 killed by a peasant zombie 2
143 killed by a paper golem, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a panther zombie 2
143 killed by a nurse 2
143 killed by a newt, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a newt, while frozen by a monster's gaze 2
143 killed by a newt, while charging up a purifying blast 2
143 killed by a myrkalfar warrior 2
143 killed by a mumak, while praying 2
143 killed by a mountain centaur, while praying 2
143 killed by a mountain centaur, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a mountain centaur of Apollo 2
143 killed by a monkey, while praying 2
143 killed by a mithril elven arrow 2
143 killed by a mithril droven bolt 2
143 killed by a mithril crossbow bolt 2
143 killed by a minotaur priestess 2
143 killed by a metroid, while praying 2
143 killed by a marilith of Anhur 2
143 killed by a marid, while vomiting 2
143 killed by a marid, while sleeping off a magical draught 2
143 killed by a marid, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a manticore 2
143 killed by a malkuth sephirah, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a malkuth sephirah, while dressing up 2
143 killed by a malkuth sephirah, while disrobing 2
143 killed by a mad seer 2
143 killed by a long worm finger 2
143 killed by a long sword 2
143 killed by a living lecturn 2
143 killed by a living lectern, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a little dog zombie, while praying 2
143 killed by a lilitu 2
143 killed by a lightning paraelemental of Hermes 2
143 killed by a leprechaun, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a leather golem, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a leather golem 2
143 killed by a large dog, while praying 2
143 killed by a large dog zombie 2
143 killed by a kobold lord, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a kitten zombie 2
143 killed by a killer bee, while sleeping 2
143 killed by a killer bee, while disrobing 2
143 killed by a juggernaut, while frozen by a trap 2
143 killed by a jellyfish, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a jackal, while unconscious from rotten food 2
143 killed by a jackal, while sleeping 2
143 killed by a hungry dead, while praying 2
143 killed by a human mummy, while praying 2
143 killed by a human mummy, while paralyzed by a monster 2
143 killed by a hod sephirah, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a hobgoblin, while reading a book 2
143 killed by a hobgoblin, while praying 2
143 killed by a hobgoblin, while frozen by a monster's gaze 2
143 killed by a hobgoblin zombie 2
143 killed by a hobbit, while sleeping 2
143 killed by a hill orc, while sleeping 2
143 killed by a hill orc, while helpless 2
143 killed by a hill orc, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a hezrou of Moloch 2
143 killed by a hezrou 2
143 killed by a hellcat 2
143 killed by a hedrow wizard 2
143 killed by a hedrow blademaster, while sleeping 2
143 killed by a heavy iron ball 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted water elemental 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted star spawn 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted soldier ant 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted shark 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rock troll 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted pony 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kobold 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted human mummy 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hobgoblin 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Uruk-hai 2
143 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Green-elf 2
143 killed by a half-dragon mummy, while sleeping 2
143 killed by a grove guardian, while sleeping 2
143 killed by a grimlock zombie 2
143 killed by a grid bug, while dragging an iron ball 2
143 killed by a great white shark 2
143 killed by a gray unicorn zombie 2
143 killed by a gray ooze, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a gold golem, while praying 2
143 killed by a gold golem, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a goblin, while sleeping 2
143 killed by a gnome, while unconscious from rotten food 2
143 killed by a gnome, while sleeping off a magical draught 2
143 killed by a gnome, while dragging an iron ball 2
143 killed by a gnome zombie, while praying 2
143 killed by a gnome mummy, while reading a book 2
143 killed by a gnome mummy, while praying 2
143 killed by a gnome lord, while reading a book 2
143 killed by a gnome lady, while praying 2
143 killed by a glass piercer 2
143 killed by a giant turtle zombie 2
143 killed by a giant spider, while sleeping off a magical draught 2
143 killed by a giant spider of Mog, while praying 2
143 killed by a giant rat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 2
143 killed by a giant mimic, while praying 2
143 killed by a giant bat, while reading a book 2
143 killed by a giant bat, while dragging an iron ball 2
143 killed by a giant bat zombie, while praying 2
143 killed by a giant ant zombie 2
143 killed by a ghoul, while paralyzed by a monster 2
143 killed by a ghoul 2
143 killed by a garter snake finger 2
143 killed by a gargoyle zombie 2
143 killed by a fungal brain 2
143 killed by a freezing sphere's explosion 2
143 killed by a fractured Sharab Kamerel 2
143 killed by a fractured Amm Kamerel 2
143 killed by a forest centaur zombie, while praying 2
143 killed by a ford guardian 2
143 killed by a flaming sphere, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a fire elemental of Prince Nezha 2
143 killed by a fire elemental of Laozi 2
143 killed by a dwarf zombie, while helpless 2
143 killed by a dryad 2
143 killed by a drow zombie 2
143 killed by a drow mummy of the black web, while praying 2
143 killed by a drow matron, while paralyzed by a monster 2
143 killed by a dingo, while praying 2
143 killed by a deepest one, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a deep one, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a deep dragon 2
143 killed by a dao lao gui monk 2
143 killed by a crow, while unconscious from rotten food 2
143 killed by a crow, while reading a book 2
143 killed by a crow, while frozen by a monster's gaze 2
143 killed by a crocodile, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a crocodile zombie 2
143 killed by a coyote, while helpless 2
143 killed by a couatl of Quetzalcoatl, while praying 2
143 killed by a colossal clockwork war-machine herd 2
143 killed by a chuul zombie 2
143 killed by a chiropteran zombie 2
143 killed by a chiropteran mummy, while helpless 2
143 killed by a cave spider zombie 2
143 killed by a carnivorous book 2
143 killed by a captain zombie 2
143 killed by a bugbear, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a brain golem 2
143 killed by a black unicorn zombie 2
143 killed by a black pudding, while praying 2
143 killed by a black pudding, while fainted from lack of food 2
143 killed by a bill-guisarme 2
143 killed by a battle-bat, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a bat, while reading a book 2
143 killed by a bat, while immobilized by slipping gears. 2
143 killed by a bat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 2
143 killed by a barbed devil, while paralyzed by a monster 2
143 killed by a barbed devil of Moloch, while praying 2
143 killed by a ball of light 2
143 killed by a baby long worm 2
143 killed by a baby gray dragon 2
143 killed by a baby blue dragon 2
143 killed by a Woodland-elf, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a Shiere Eladrin, while praying 2
143 killed by a Sharab Kamerel 2
143 killed by a Mordor orc, while sleeping off a magical draught 2
143 killed by a Monadic Deva of Raijin, while praying 2
143 killed by a Monadic Deva of Pan 2
143 killed by a Justice Archon of Ilmater 2
143 killed by a Justice Archon of God the Father 2
143 killed by a Grey-elf, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by a Firre Eladrin of Brigit 2
143 killed by a Coure Eladrin of Ishtar, while sleeping 2
143 killed by Zuggtmoy 2
143 killed by Vlad the Impaler, while frozen by a potion 2
143 killed by Smaug 2
143 killed by Shelob 2
143 killed by Ms. Wirix, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Vanzac, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Touverac, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Sneem, the shopkeeper, while sleeping 2
143 killed by Ms. Sneem, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Sarangan, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Narodnaja, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Melac, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Matagami, the shopkeeper, while helpless 2
143 killed by Ms. Klodzko, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Kilgarvan, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Kanturk, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Kadirli, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Holmavik, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Havic, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Ennistymon, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Chicoutimi, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Ms. Akalapi, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Y-crad, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Weliki Oestjoeg, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Sperc, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Sablja, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Rellenk, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Raciborz, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Queyssac, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Patjitan, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Papar, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Noskcirdneh, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Njezjin, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Neuvicq, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Maesteg, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Lonzac, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Llanrwst, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Kipawa, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Izchak, the shopkeeper, while disrobing 2
143 killed by Mr. Haynin, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Gheel, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Eed-morra, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Djasinga, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Cire Htims, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Budereyri, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Beddgelert, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Ballingeary, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Ardjawinangun, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Aned, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Akureyri, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mr. Abitibi, the shopkeeper 2
143 killed by Mina Harker, while taking off clothes 2
143 killed by Lolth's bite 2
143 killed by Juiblex 2
143 killed by Ixoth 2
143 killed by Chaos 2
143 killed by Carmilla 2
143 killed by Belial 2
143 killed by Baphomet 2
143 killed by Bael 2
143 impaled by tentacles 2
143 fell into a chasm 2
143 escaped (in celestial disgrace), after completing the mission 2
143 drowned in a moat by a Kraken, the Fiend of Water 2
143 drowned in a moat by a Dagon 2
143 disintegrated by an aspect of The Silence 2
143 choked on a gunyoki 2
143 choked on a gnome corpse 2
143 choked on a blue jelly corpse 2
143 caught himself in his own ball of lightning 2
143 burned by a flaming sphere's explosion 2
143 amateur-hour horseshit 2
144 went to heaven prematurely 1
144 squished under a heavy object 1
144 slipped while mounting the white unicorn of Lugh 1
144 slipped while mounting the warhorse of Lugh 1
144 slipped while mounting a saddled warhorse 1
144 slipped while mounting a saddled cave lizard 1
144 ripped apart by Demogorgon 1
144 poisoned by the elder priest (with the Amulet) 1
144 poisoned by an orcish arrow 1
144 poisoned by an embraced drowess 1
144 poisoned by a rotted watch captain corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted tengu corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted stone giant corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted small mimic corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted shrieker corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted sheep corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted rust monster corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted rock mole corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted python corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted orc corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted lamb corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted killer bee corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted homunculus corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted hobgoblin corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted gnome lady corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted giant beetle corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted garter snake corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted fox corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted dryad corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted coyote corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted cave spider corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted blue jelly corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted baby crocodile corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted ape corpse 1
144 poisoned by a rotted Woodland-elf corpse 1
144 poisoned by a giant spider 1
144 poisoned by a filth-crusted crossbow bolt 1
144 poisoned by a filth-crusted arrow (with the Amulet) 1
144 poisoned by a filth-crusted arrow 1
144 poisoned by a filth-coated weapon 1
144 poisoned by a dagger 1
144 poisoned by a cursed unicorn's horn 1
144 poisoned by a centipede 1
144 poisoned by Stranger 1
144 poisoned by Scorpius 1
144 poisoned by Master Kaen 1
144 poisoned by Lamashtu 1
144 poisoned by Demogorgon 1
144 petrified by swamp fern spore's explosion 1
144 petrified by shambling horror 1
144 petrified by nessian pit fiend 1
144 petrified by mandrake's explosion 1
144 petrified by kicking a cockatrice corpse without boots 1
144 petrified by kicking a chickatrice corpse without boots 1
144 petrified by beholder 1
144 petrified by an object 1
144 petrified by an aphanactonan assessor 1
144 petrified by an ancient of ice's explosion 1
144 petrified by a troll 1
144 petrified by a shocking sphere's explosion 1
144 petrified by a shambling horror 1
144 petrified by a sergeant 1
144 petrified by a mind flayer 1
144 petrified by a hedrow warrior 1
144 petrified by a gnome lord 1
144 petrified by a gnome 1
144 petrified by a flaming sphere's explosion 1
144 petrified by a firework cart's explosion 1
144 petrified by a dwarf 1
144 petrified by a dungeon fern spore's explosion 1
144 petrified by a Throne Archon 1
144 petrified by a Chromatic Dragon 1
144 petrified by Throne Archon 1
144 petrified by Dark One 1
144 killed herself with her whip 1
144 killed by turned into a weeping angel 1
144 killed by troll corpse 1
144 killed by touching Xiuhcoatl 1
144 killed by touching Water Flowers 1
144 killed by touching Vorpal Blade 1
144 killed by touching Tobiume 1
144 killed by touching The Vampire Killer 1
144 killed by touching The Silver Key 1
144 killed by touching The Second Key of Chaos 1
144 killed by touching The Rod of Lordly Might 1
144 killed by touching The Marauder's Map 1
144 killed by touching The Iconoclast 1
144 killed by touching The Helm of the Dark Lord 1
144 killed by touching The First Key of Chaos 1
144 killed by touching The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords 1
144 killed by touching Stormbringer 1
144 killed by touching Sting 1
144 killed by touching Slave to Armok 1
144 killed by touching Reaver 1
144 killed by touching Mirrorbright 1
144 killed by touching Epoch's Curve 1
144 killed by touching Demonbane 1
144 killed by touching Beastmaster's Duster 1
144 killed by the wrath of the Black Mother 1
144 killed by the wrath of someone 1
144 killed by the wrath of Zo-Kalar 1
144 killed by the wrath of Vhaeraun 1
144 killed by the wrath of Tymora 1
144 killed by the wrath of Quetzalcoatl 1
144 killed by the wrath of Lugh 1
144 killed by the wrath of Lolth 1
144 killed by the wrath of Ilmater 1
144 killed by the wrath of Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight 1
144 killed by the wrath of Dionysus 1
144 killed by the wrath of Dark Sun Gwyndolin 1
144 killed by the wrath of Chaos 1
144 killed by the wrath of Amaterasu Omikami 1
144 killed by the twitching four-armed changed 1
144 killed by the scream of an old one 1
144 killed by the parasitized embraced alider 1
144 killed by the militant cleric, while sleeping 1
144 killed by the invisible broken shadow of Karnizo 1
144 killed by the invisible Necromancer 1
144 killed by the invisible Minion of Huhetotl 1
144 killed by the invisible Grue, while jumping around 1
144 killed by the invisible Grue, while disrobing 1
144 killed by the invisible Good Neighbor 1
144 killed by the invisible Chromatic Dragon 1
144 killed by the high shaman of Moloch 1
144 killed by the high priestess of Kiaransali (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by the ghost of Tori 1
144 killed by the ghost of Ron, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by the ghost of Luxidream 1
144 killed by the ghost of Lance Braccus 1
144 killed by the ghost of Heliokopis 1
144 killed by the ghost of Caligula 1
144 killed by the elder priestess of Moloch, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by the elder priest of Moloch, while paralyzed by a monster (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by the elder priest of Moloch, while panic 1
144 killed by the elder priest of Moloch, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by the elder priest of Moloch, while helpless 1
144 killed by the broken shadow of Tempest4, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by the broken shadow of Tempest11 1
144 killed by the broken shadow of JinAlt, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by the broken shadow of FIQ, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by the broken shadow of Abldabl, while helpless 1
144 killed by the ancient breath of death 1
144 killed by the alider 1
144 killed by the Rebel Ringleader, while sleeping 1
144 killed by the Rebel Ringleader 1
144 killed by the Platinum Dragon 1
144 killed by the Minion of Huhetotl 1
144 killed by the Chromatic Dragon, while praying 1
144 killed by the Chromatic Dragon 1
144 killed by the Bastard of the Boreal Valley, while praying 1
144 killed by the Arsenal 1
144 killed by suffocation 1
144 killed by stolen soul 1
144 killed by sitting on an iron spike 1
144 killed by sitting on a forge 1
144 killed by shreading of the soul 1
144 killed by shattered potions 1
144 killed by petrification (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by memory loss (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by kicking an unlabeled scroll 1
144 killed by kicking a statue of a newt 1
144 killed by kicking a splint mail 1
144 killed by kicking a partly eaten dwarf corpse 1
144 killed by kicking a newt corpse 1
144 killed by kicking a kobold corpse 1
144 killed by kicking a goblin corpse 1
144 killed by kicking a fountain 1
144 killed by kicking a figurine of a goblin 1
144 killed by kicking a door 1
144 killed by kicking a boulder 1
144 killed by kicking 35 stones 1
144 killed by kicking 2 jackal corpses 1
144 killed by invisible hallucinogen-distorted Thoth Amon 1
144 killed by invisible hallucinogen-distorted Lugribossk of Ilsensine (with the Amulet), and the future 1
144 killed by invisible hallucinogen-distorted Lamashtu 1
144 killed by invisible Zuggtmoy 1
144 killed by invisible Orcus 1
144 killed by invisible Nimune 1
144 killed by invisible Ms. Zonguldak, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by invisible Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by invisible Ms. Pakka Pakka, the shopkeeper, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by invisible Ms. Ouiatchouane, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by invisible Ms. Llandrindod, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by invisible Ms. Gorlowka, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by invisible Mr. Tegal, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by invisible Mr. Izchak, the shopkeeper, while praying 1
144 killed by invisible Mr. Cahersiveen, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by invisible Mr. Bandjar, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by invisible Mr. Asidonhopo, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by invisible Mr. Adjama, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by invisible Mother Hydra 1
144 killed by invisible Master Kaen 1
144 killed by invisible Lugribossk of Ilsensine (with the Amulet), and the future remained unchanged 1
144 killed by invisible Lich, the Fiend of Earth 1
144 killed by invisible Ilona Szilagy, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by invisible Hmnyw-Pharaoh 1
144 killed by invisible Graz'zt, while posing in front of a mirror. 1
144 killed by invisible Graz'zt, while dressing up 1
144 killed by invisible Father Dagon 1
144 killed by invisible Demogorgon, while vomiting 1
144 killed by invisible Demogorgon, while mesmerized by Aameul 1
144 killed by invisible Death, while fainted from lack of food (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by invisible Center of All, while improvising a tune 1
144 killed by invisible Belial, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by invisible Baphomet 1
144 killed by invisible Axus 1
144 killed by his own pick-axe 1
144 killed by his own battle-axe 1
144 killed by his own axe 1
144 killed by her own dwarvish mattock 1
144 killed by her own battle-axe 1
144 killed by head trauma 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Zuggtmoy 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Walbrzych, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Tsjernigof, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Possogroenoe, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Pakka Pakka, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Kilmihil, the shopkeeper 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mr. Chibougamau, the shopkeeper, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Mother Hydra, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Lamashtu, while vomiting 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Lamashtu 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Dagon 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Axus, while frozen by the gaze of Axus 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Axus 1
144 killed by hallucinogen-distorted Asmodeus 1
144 killed by getting lost in a book 1
144 killed by genocidal confusion 1
144 killed by drilling tentacles 1
144 killed by dipping into a forge 1
144 killed by destruction of the brain and spinal cord (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by claws 1
144 killed by bumping into a heavy object 1
144 killed by brainlessness (with the Amulet), and the future remained unchanged 1
144 killed by an unearthly drow, while jumping around 1
144 killed by an umber hulk zombie 1
144 killed by an owlbear, while helpless 1
144 killed by an owlbear, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an owlbear, while disrobing 1
144 killed by an owlbear zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by an owlbear zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an orc zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by an orc zombie, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an orc zombie, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by an orc of the ages of stars 1
144 killed by an orc mummy, while helpless 1
144 killed by an ogre, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by an ogre, while reading a book 1
144 killed by an ogre, while helpless 1
144 killed by an ogre, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an ogre, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by an ogre, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by an ogre zombie, while reading a book 1
144 killed by an ogre zombie, while disrobing 1
144 killed by an ogre mage, while praying 1
144 killed by an ogre lord, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by an ogre lord, while praying 1
144 killed by an ogre lord, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by an ogre lord, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an ogre lord zombie 1
144 killed by an ogre king, while struggling with the Necronomicon 1
144 killed by an ogre king, while helpless 1
144 killed by an ogre king zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an ochre jelly, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an obsidian ember-runed elven broadsword named Fire Brand 1
144 killed by an iron piercer, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an iron piercer zombie 1
144 killed by an invisible wolf zombie 1
144 killed by an invisible winged gargoyle, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an invisible winged gargoyle 1
144 killed by an invisible weeping angel 1
144 killed by an invisible watch captain 1
144 killed by an invisible warhorse 1
144 killed by an invisible vrock 1
144 killed by an invisible uranium imp, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible umber hulk 1
144 killed by an invisible storm giant 1
144 killed by an invisible star spawn 1
144 killed by an invisible stalker, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an invisible spotted jelly 1
144 killed by an invisible snake of Dark Sun Gwyndolin, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible sewer rat 1
144 killed by an invisible serpent man of Yoth 1
144 killed by an invisible samurai 1
144 killed by an invisible rogue, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an invisible rabid rat 1
144 killed by an invisible quinon, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible quinon, while helpless 1
144 killed by an invisible quinon, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an invisible quaton, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by an invisible quaton, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an invisible quasit 1
144 killed by an invisible quantum mechanic 1
144 killed by an invisible priestess of Moloch, while sleeping 1
144 killed by an invisible priestess of Moloch, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible priest of Ghaunadaur 1
144 killed by an invisible pony 1
144 killed by an invisible plains centaur 1
144 killed by an invisible phantom fungus, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an invisible phantasm, while sleeping 1
144 killed by an invisible parrot zombie 1
144 killed by an invisible orc shaman, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an invisible ogre mage, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible ogre 1
144 killed by an invisible ninja 1
144 killed by an invisible mumak 1
144 killed by an invisible mountain centaur, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible mirkwood elder 1
144 killed by an invisible mind flayer 1
144 killed by an invisible metroid 1
144 killed by an invisible master mind flayer 1
144 killed by an invisible master lich 1
144 killed by an invisible little dog 1
144 killed by an invisible lillend 1
144 killed by an invisible lightning paraelemental 1
144 killed by an invisible legion devil soldier of Moloch, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible kobold shaman 1
144 killed by an invisible knight 1
144 killed by an invisible jackal 1
144 killed by an invisible imp 1
144 killed by an invisible id juggernaut, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by an invisible id juggernaut, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an invisible ice troll 1
144 killed by an invisible human 1
144 killed by an invisible hill orc, while sleeping 1
144 killed by an invisible hill orc, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible hill orc 1
144 killed by an invisible hill giant 1
144 killed by an invisible hedrow warrior, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by an invisible hedrow warrior, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible hedrow warrior of Ptah 1
144 killed by an invisible hedrow blademaster, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible hedrow blademaster of Eilistraee, while sleeping 1
144 killed by an invisible hallucinogen-distorted phantom fungus 1
144 killed by an invisible hallucinogen-distorted lemure, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an invisible hallucinogen-distorted Aurumach Rilmani 1
144 killed by an invisible gug, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by an invisible grid bug 1
144 killed by an invisible gremlin 1
144 killed by an invisible golden naga, while getting stoned 1
144 killed by an invisible golden heart 1
144 killed by an invisible gnome lady, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible giant bat 1
144 killed by an invisible fulvous nobleman 1
144 killed by an invisible fractured phantasm, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by an invisible fractured Amm Kamerel 1
144 killed by an invisible fox 1
144 killed by an invisible forest centaur 1
144 killed by an invisible fire giant 1
144 killed by an invisible fire ant 1
144 killed by an invisible eye of doom 1
144 killed by an invisible elf-lord, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an invisible elf-lady, while sleeping 1
144 killed by an invisible dwarf, while sleeping 1
144 killed by an invisible dwarf, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an invisible dwarf king, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by an invisible dwarf king 1
144 killed by an invisible dryad 1
144 killed by an invisible drow mummy 1
144 killed by an invisible drow matron of Odin 1
144 killed by an invisible drow matron of Lolth, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible dokkalfar eternal matriarch 1
144 killed by an invisible deeper one, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible deeper one 1
144 killed by an invisible deep one 1
144 killed by an invisible death knight 1
144 killed by an invisible darkness given hunger of the Dread Fracture 1
144 killed by an invisible darkness given hunger 1
144 killed by an invisible coven leader 1
144 killed by an invisible chuul, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an invisible byakhee 1
144 killed by an invisible bugbear, while helpless 1
144 killed by an invisible bugbear, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an invisible bugbear 1
144 killed by an invisible bone devil of Moloch 1
144 killed by an invisible bone devil 1
144 killed by an invisible black pudding 1
144 killed by an invisible balrog 1
144 killed by an invisible awakened valkyrie, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
144 killed by an invisible aspect of The Silence, while helpless 1
144 killed by an invisible aspect of The Silence, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an invisible apprentice 1
144 killed by an invisible ancient naga 1
144 killed by an invisible Y-cultist matron 1
144 killed by an invisible Shiere, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by an invisible Nazgul, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by an invisible Mordor orc 1
144 killed by an invisible Hudor Kamerel 1
144 killed by an invisible Grey-elf, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible Grey-elf, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an invisible Grey-elf 1
144 killed by an invisible Green-elf, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible Elvenqueen, while sleeping 1
144 killed by an invisible Elvenqueen 1
144 killed by an invisible Dracae Eladrin 1
144 killed by an invisible Argenach Rilmani, while praying 1
144 killed by an invisible Argenach Rilmani 1
144 killed by an invisible Angel of the Devil 1
144 killed by an invisible Alabaster elf, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by an invidiak, while immobilized by night-terrors 1
144 killed by an intoner, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by an intoner 1
144 killed by an incubus, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by an iguana, while praying 1
144 killed by an iguana, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an iguana, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by an ice vortex of Kos, while praying 1
144 killed by an ice troll, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by an ice paraelemental of Manannan Mac Lir 1
144 killed by an ice devil of Moloch, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an ice devil of Kurtulmak 1
144 killed by an ettin zombie, while reading a book 1
144 killed by an ettin zombie, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
144 killed by an ettin zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an ettin mummy, while sleeping 1
144 killed by an ettin mummy, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
144 killed by an ettin mummy, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an ettin mummy, while charging up a stargate 1
144 killed by an erinys, while trying to turn the undead 1
144 killed by an erinys, while helpless 1
144 killed by an erinys, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an erinys, while charging up a stargate 1
144 killed by an enormous rat, while reading a book 1
144 killed by an enormous rat, while praying 1
144 killed by an enormous rat zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an energy vortex, while praying 1
144 killed by an elf-lord, while jumping around 1
144 killed by an elf-lord, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an elf-lord of Eilistraee, while praying 1
144 killed by an elf-lord of Eilistraee 1
144 killed by an elf-lady, while praying 1
144 killed by an elf-lady 1
144 killed by an elf zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an elf mummy, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an elf 1
144 killed by an elder brain, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by an edderkop, while praying 1
144 killed by an edderkop, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by an earth elemental, while praying 1
144 killed by an earth elemental of Grumbar 1
144 killed by an argentum golem, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an archeologist 1
144 killed by an arch-lich 1
144 killed by an arcadian avenger, while praying 1
144 killed by an arcadian avenger, while jumping around 1
144 killed by an arcadian avenger, while frozen by a trap 1
144 killed by an apprentice witch 1
144 killed by an aphanactonan assessor herd 1
144 killed by an ape, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by an ape, while helpless 1
144 killed by an ape, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an ape zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an aoa 1
144 killed by an anuban jackal, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by an ancient of thought's explosion 1
144 killed by an ancient of ice, while unconscious from rotten food 1
144 killed by an ancient of ice's explosion 1
144 killed by an ancient of ice 1
144 killed by an anachrononaut 1
144 killed by an ammit, while praying 1
144 killed by an alpha metroid, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by an aligned priest 1
144 killed by an alider 1
144 killed by an alchemic blast 1
144 killed by an air elemental, while sleeping 1
144 killed by an air elemental, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by an air elemental of Laozi, while praying 1
144 killed by an air elemental of Hermes, while praying 1
144 killed by an air elemental of Grumbar 1
144 killed by an air elemental of Chaos 1
144 killed by an air elemental of Camaxtli 1
144 killed by an acid paraelemental, while praying 1
144 killed by an acid paraelemental 1
144 killed by an abbot, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by an Uruk-hai, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by an Uruk-hai, while helpless 1
144 killed by an Uruk-hai, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by an Uruk-hai, while dressing up 1
144 killed by an Uruk-hai, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by an Uruk-hai, while disrobing 1
144 killed by an Uruk-captain, while helpless 1
144 killed by an Uruk-captain, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by an Olog-hai, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an Elvenqueen 1
144 killed by an Elvenking, while dressing up 1
144 killed by an Elvenking zombie 1
144 killed by an Aurumach Rilmani, while helpless 1
144 killed by an Astral Deva of The Lady, while praying 1
144 killed by an Astral Deva of The Lady 1
144 killed by an Astral Deva of Raijin, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by an Astral Deva of Lobon 1
144 killed by an Ara Kamerel 1
144 killed by an Angel of the void (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by an Angel of the Lord 1
144 killed by an Angel of Yaldabaoth 1
144 killed by an Angel of Tymora 1
144 killed by an Angel of Susanowo 1
144 killed by an Angel of Pan, while praying (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by an Angel of Moloch (with the Amulet), after completing the mission 1
144 killed by an Angel of Mitra 1
144 killed by an Angel of Kos 1
144 killed by an Angel of Huan Ti 1
144 killed by an Angel of Dark Sun Gwyndolin 1
144 killed by an Alabaster elf, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by an Alabaster elf 1
144 killed by an 1
144 killed by a zruty, while praying 1
144 killed by a zruty of Offler, while praying 1
144 killed by a zeta metroid, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a zarielite heretic 1
144 killed by a yeti, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a yeti, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a yeti, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a yeti zombie 1
144 killed by a yesod sephirah, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a yesod sephirah, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a xorn, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a xan, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a wumpus 1
144 killed by a wraithworm, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a wraithworm 1
144 killed by a wood troll, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a wood troll, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a wood golem 1
144 killed by a wolf, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a wolf, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a wolf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a wolf zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by a wolf zombie, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a winter wolf, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a winter wolf, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a winter wolf zombie 1
144 killed by a winter wolf cub, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a winged kobold, while praying 1
144 killed by a winged kobold, while helpless 1
144 killed by a winged kobold, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a winged gargoyle, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a winged gargoyle, while praying 1
144 killed by a winged gargoyle, while peering into a crystal ball 1
144 killed by a winged gargoyle, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a white unicorn, while improvising a tune 1
144 killed by a white dragon, while praying 1
144 killed by a wererat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a werejackal, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a werejackal, while praying 1
144 killed by a werejackal, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a werejackal, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a weeping angel, while praying (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by a weeping angel (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by a water troll, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a water moccasin, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a water moccasin, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a water moccasin, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a water moccasin, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a water moccasin, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a water moccasin finger 1
144 killed by a water elemental, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a water elemental of Manannan Mac Lir 1
144 killed by a water elemental of Latona 1
144 killed by a water elemental of Ishtar 1
144 killed by a water elemental of Crom, while praying 1
144 killed by a water elemental of Anu 1
144 killed by a water demon, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a water demon, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a water demon, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a watchman, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a watchman, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a watchman, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a watchman zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by a watch captain, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a watch captain, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a watch captain, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a watch captain, while being terrified of a demon 1
144 killed by a warrior changed, while helpless 1
144 killed by a warhorse, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a warhorse, while praying 1
144 killed by a warhorse zombie, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a warhorse of Lugh, while praying 1
144 killed by a warhorse of Lugh, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a warbat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a warbat zombie 1
144 killed by a wandering horror, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a vrock, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a vrock of Set 1
144 killed by a vrock of Moloch, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a vrock of Anhur, while praying 1
144 killed by a viper tree 1
144 killed by a violet gems 1
144 killed by a violet fungus, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a vampire, while helpless 1
144 killed by a vampire, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a vampire of Kiaransali 1
144 killed by a vampire lord, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a vampire lord, while fumbling 1
144 killed by a vampire lord, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a vampire lady, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a vampire bat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a vampire bat, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a vampire bat, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a vampire bat, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a uncursed blue gems 1
144 killed by a turned into a weeping angel 1
144 killed by a troll, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a troll, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a troll, while helpless 1
144 killed by a triton, while praying 1
144 killed by a triton, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a treasury golem 1
144 killed by a trapper 1
144 killed by a torch 1
144 killed by a titan, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a titan, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a titan, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a tinker gnome, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a tinker gnome, while praying 1
144 killed by a tinker gnome, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a tinker gnome zombie, while helpless 1
144 killed by a tiger, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a tiger, while praying 1
144 killed by a tiger, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a tiger, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a thug, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a tengu, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a tengu, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a tengu, while praying 1
144 killed by a swamp fern spore's explosion 1
144 killed by a sunflower, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a succubus, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a straw golem, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a straw golem, while praying 1
144 killed by a straw golem, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a straw golem, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a storm giant vitrean 1
144 killed by a stone golem, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a stone giant, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a stone giant, while helpless 1
144 killed by a stone giant, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a stone dart 1
144 killed by a stjarna-alfr 1
144 killed by a sprow 1
144 killed by a soldier, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a soldier, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a soldier of Huan Ti 1
144 killed by a soldier of Athena 1
144 killed by a soldier mummy, while helpless 1
144 killed by a soldier ant, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a soldier ant, while peering into a crystal ball 1
144 killed by a soldier ant, while helpless 1
144 killed by a soldier ant, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a snake, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a snake of Dark Sun Gwyndolin 1
144 killed by a snake finger 1
144 killed by a small wooden crossbow bolt 1
144 killed by a small platinum dart 1
144 killed by a small mimic, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a small mimic zombie 1
144 killed by a small hira-shuriken 1
144 killed by a small cave lizard zombie 1
144 killed by a skeleton, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a skeleton, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a skeletal pirate, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a sister, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
144 killed by a singing sand of Tymora 1
144 killed by a silver dragon, while praying 1
144 killed by a shoggoth, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a shocking sphere, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a shocking sphere, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a shayateen, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a shark, while helpless 1
144 killed by a shard of a morgul-blade 1
144 killed by a shadowsteel spike 1
144 killed by a shade, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a shade, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a sewer rat, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a sewer rat, while frozen by a trap 1
144 killed by a sewer rat, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a sewer rat, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a serpent-necked lioness of Ptah 1
144 killed by a sergeant, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a sergeant, while praying 1
144 killed by a sergeant, while frozen by a trap 1
144 killed by a sergeant, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a sergeant zombie, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
144 killed by a scrap titan of the hunshi sihou 1
144 killed by a scorpion, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a sasquatch, while praying 1
144 killed by a sasquatch, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a rust monster 1
144 killed by a rothe, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a rothe, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a rothe, while fumbling 1
144 killed by a rothe, while frozen by a trap 1
144 killed by a rothe, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a rothe zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a rope golem, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a rogue 1
144 killed by a rock troll, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a rock troll, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a rock troll, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a rock piercer, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a rock mole, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a red naga, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a red naga hatchling, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a raven, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a raven, while praying 1
144 killed by a raven, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a raven, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a raven, while charging up a stargate 1
144 killed by a raven zombie 1
144 killed by a rabid rat, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a rabid rat, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a quaton, while helpless 1
144 killed by a quasit, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a quasit of the Satan 1
144 killed by a quasit of Lobon 1
144 killed by a quasit of Huhetotl, while praying 1
144 killed by a quasit of Armok, while praying 1
144 killed by a quasit of Anshar, while praying 1
144 killed by a quantum mechanic, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a python zombie 1
144 killed by a purple worm, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a priestess of the Lord, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priestess of the Black Mother 1
144 killed by a priestess of Yavanna, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priestess of Vhaeraun 1
144 killed by a priestess of Varda Elentari 1
144 killed by a priestess of Vaire 1
144 killed by a priestess of The Lady 1
144 killed by a priestess of Tamash 1
144 killed by a priestess of Susanowo, while praying 1
144 killed by a priestess of Set 1
144 killed by a priestess of Raijin, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priestess of Raijin 1
144 killed by a priestess of Quetzalcoatl, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priestess of Ptah, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a priestess of Ptah, while improvising a tune 1
144 killed by a priestess of Ptah, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a priestess of Ptah 1
144 killed by a priestess of Offler 1
144 killed by a priestess of Odin, while praying 1
144 killed by a priestess of Mother Earth, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a priestess of Mother Earth 1
144 killed by a priestess of Moloch, while fainted from lack of food (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by a priestess of Moloch, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a priestess of Manannan Mac Lir, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priestess of Mahal 1
144 killed by a priestess of Lolth, while praying 1
144 killed by a priestess of Loki 1
144 killed by a priestess of Lobon, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a priestess of Kos, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priestess of Issek, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priestess of Ishtar 1
144 killed by a priestess of Ilmater, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priestess of Huan Ti, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priestess of Holashner 1
144 killed by a priestess of Hermes, while praying 1
144 killed by a priestess of Hermes 1
144 killed by a priestess of Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight 1
144 killed by a priestess of Grumbar 1
144 killed by a priestess of God the Father 1
144 killed by a priestess of Ghaunadaur 1
144 killed by a priestess of Eilistraee 1
144 killed by a priestess of Dionysus 1
144 killed by a priestess of Diana 1
144 killed by a priestess of Blind Io 1
144 killed by a priestess of Apollo 1
144 killed by a priestess of Anu, while charging up a stargate 1
144 killed by a priestess of Anu 1
144 killed by a priestess of Anshar 1
144 killed by a priestess of Anhur, while praying 1
144 killed by a priest of Zo-Kalar 1
144 killed by a priest of Tyr, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priest of Tyr 1
144 killed by a priest of Tymora 1
144 killed by a priest of The Lady, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priest of Tamash, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priest of Set, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priest of Raijin, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priest of Quetzalcoatl 1
144 killed by a priest of Prince Nezha, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a priest of Pan 1
144 killed by a priest of Moloch, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a priest of Moloch, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a priest of Moloch, while being frightened to death 1
144 killed by a priest of Mog 1
144 killed by a priest of Mitra 1
144 killed by a priest of Mercury 1
144 killed by a priest of Loki 1
144 killed by a priest of Kos 1
144 killed by a priest of Ilmater 1
144 killed by a priest of Grumbar 1
144 killed by a priest of God the Father, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priest of Ghaunadaur, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a priest of Ghaunadaur, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a priest of Ghaunadaur of Ghaunadaur 1
144 killed by a priest of Dionysus, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a priest of Dionysus, while helpless 1
144 killed by a priest of Diana, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a priest of Crom 1
144 killed by a priest of Camaxtli 1
144 killed by a priest of Athena 1
144 killed by a priest of Armok 1
144 killed by a priest of Apollon 1
144 killed by a priest of Anhur, while improvising a tune 1
144 killed by a priest of Amaterasu Omikami, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a priest mummy, while frozen by a trap 1
144 killed by a potion of unholy water 1
144 killed by a pony, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a poisoned needle 1
144 killed by a poison paraelemental, while praying 1
144 killed by a poison gas cloud 1
144 killed by a platinum dwarvish spear 1
144 killed by a plains centaur, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a plains centaur, while praying 1
144 killed by a plains centaur, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a plains centaur, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a plains centaur, while helpless 1
144 killed by a plains centaur zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by a plains centaur of Diana, while praying 1
144 killed by a pit viper, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a pirate herd 1
144 killed by a piranha, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a piranha, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a piranha, while helpless 1
144 killed by a piranha, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a piranha zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by a piranha zombie 1
144 killed by a pick-axe 1
144 killed by a phase spider, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a phase spider, while praying 1
144 killed by a phase spider, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a phase spider, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a phase spider zombie 1
144 killed by a phantasm 1
144 killed by a peasant zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by a parrot, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a parrot zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a parrot of Thoth, while praying 1
144 killed by a parasitized gynoid, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a paper golem, while praying 1
144 killed by a panther, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a nurse, while praying 1
144 killed by a noblewoman 1
144 killed by a ninja, while praying 1
144 killed by a ninja, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a ninja, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a nightgaunt 1
144 killed by a newt, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a newt, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a newt, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a newt zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a newt zombie, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a neverwas, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a nessian pit fiend 1
144 killed by a nalfeshnee, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a nalfeshnee of Moloch, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a nalfeshnee 1
144 killed by a naiad 1
144 killed by a myrkalfr 1
144 killed by a myrkalfar matron 1
144 killed by a mumak, while helpless 1
144 killed by a mumak, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a mumak, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a mumak calf, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a mumak calf, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a mumak calf, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a mumak calf, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a mumak calf, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a movanic deva of Raijin 1
144 killed by a mountain centaur, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a mountain centaur zombie, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a mortai of Chih Sung-tzu (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by a monoton, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a monkey, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a monadic deva of The Lady 1
144 killed by a mithril knife 1
144 killed by a mithril dart trap 1
144 killed by a mirkwood spider, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a mirkwood elder, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a minotaur, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a mind flayer, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a mildly contaminated potion 1
144 killed by a migo worker, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a migo soldier, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a metroid, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a master mind flayer, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a master mind flayer, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a master mind flayer, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a master lich, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a marilith, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a marilith, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a marilith of the Devil 1
144 killed by a marilith of Tamash 1
144 killed by a marilith of Moloch, while praying 1
144 killed by a marid, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a marid, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a mandrake's explosion 1
144 killed by a malkuth sephirah, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a malkuth sephirah, while fumbling 1
144 killed by a maid, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a maid, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a mad Mahadeva 1
144 killed by a mad Aleax 1
144 killed by a lynx, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a lynx, while praying 1
144 killed by a lynx, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a lynx, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a lynx zombie 1
144 killed by a lurking one, while praying 1
144 killed by a lurker above 1
144 killed by a luminous cloud of Kos 1
144 killed by a long worm, while helpless 1
144 killed by a long worm zombie 1
144 killed by a long worm of Urdlen 1
144 killed by a lizard zombie 1
144 killed by a living mirage, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a living lectern, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a little dog, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a little dog, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a little dog, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a little dog, while helpless 1
144 killed by a little dog, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a little dog, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a lightning paraelemental, while praying 1
144 killed by a lightning paraelemental of Laozi 1
144 killed by a lightning paraelemental of Hermes, while praying 1
144 killed by a lieutenant, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a leprechaun, while praying 1
144 killed by a leprechaun zombie 1
144 killed by a leocrotta, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a leocrotta, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a leocrotta, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a leocrotta, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
144 killed by a leocrotta, while helpless 1
144 killed by a leocrotta, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a leocrotta, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a leocrotta, while frozen by a monster 1
144 killed by a leocrotta, while being tickled to death 1
144 killed by a leocrotta zombie, while trying to turn the undead 1
144 killed by a lemure, while praying 1
144 killed by a lemure, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a legion devil soldier, while praying 1
144 killed by a legion devil soldier, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a legion devil sergeant 1
144 killed by a laser beam 1
144 killed by a large mimic, while praying 1
144 killed by a large mimic zombie 1
144 killed by a large kobold, while unconscious from rotten food 1
144 killed by a large kobold, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a large kobold, while helpless 1
144 killed by a large kobold, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a large kobold zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a large glaive 1
144 killed by a large dagger 1
144 killed by a large cave lizard, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a large cat, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a lamb zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a lamb zombie 1
144 killed by a kuo toa 1
144 killed by a kobold, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a kobold zombie, while helpless 1
144 killed by a kobold zombie, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a kobold zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a kobold zombie, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a kobold mummy, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a kobold mummy, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a kobold lord, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a kitten, while praying 1
144 killed by a killer bee, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a killer bee, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a ki-rin 1
144 killed by a juggernaut, while praying 1
144 killed by a juggernaut, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a jellyfish, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a jaguar zombie 1
144 killed by a jackal, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a jackal, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a jackal, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a jackal, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a jackal, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a jackal, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a jackal zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a hunting horror, while unconscious from rotten food 1
144 killed by a hunting horror, while praying 1
144 killed by a hunting horror, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a hungry dead, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a human mummy, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a huge crossbow bolt 1
144 killed by a housecat, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a horse, while praying 1
144 killed by a horse, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a horse, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a horned devil, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a horned devil, while helpless 1
144 killed by a horned devil, while guessing at the passtune 1
144 killed by a horned devil, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a horned devil of Moloch 1
144 killed by a homunculus, while charging up a stargate 1
144 killed by a hod sephirah, while praying 1
144 killed by a hobgoblin, while unconscious from rotten food 1
144 killed by a hobgoblin, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a hobgoblin, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a hobgoblin, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a hobgoblin, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a hobbit, while helpless 1
144 killed by a hobbit, while fumbling 1
144 killed by a hira-shuriken 1
144 killed by a hill orc, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a hill orc, while fumbling 1
144 killed by a hill orc, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a hill orc, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a hill orc zombie, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a hill giant zombie 1
144 killed by a hezrou of the Devil 1
144 killed by a hellfire colossus, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a hellfire colossus, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a hellfire colossus, while praying 1
144 killed by a hellfire colossus, while helpless 1
144 killed by a hellfire colossus, while getting stoned 1
144 killed by a hell hound pup, while helpless 1
144 killed by a hedrow warrior, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a hedrow warrior, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a hedrow warrior, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
144 killed by a hedrow master-wizard 1
144 killed by a hedrow blademaster of Eilistraee, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a hedrow blademaster of Eilistraee 1
144 killed by a heavy blaster bolt 1
144 killed by a healer 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted yeti 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted xorn 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted winter wolf 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted wererat 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted water moccasin 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted watchman 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted watch captain 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted warhorse of Odin 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted warhorse 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted vampire 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted trooper 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted straw golem, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted stone giant, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted star spawn, while being tickled to death 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted small mimic, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted sewer rat, while praying 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted serpent-necked lioness 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted sasquatch 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted quinon, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted quasit, while praying 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted quasit 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted parrot 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted parasitized gynoid 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted owlbear, while frozen by a monster 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted orc-captain 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted mind flayer 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted migo soldier 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted metroid 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kuo toa 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kitten, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted juggernaut 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted incubus 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted iguana 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hunting horror, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted human mummy, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted housecat 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted hobbit 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted grid bug, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted green dragon, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gray ooze 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted goblin, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome lord 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gnome king 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant beetle 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant bat 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted giant ant 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gecko, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted garo 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted gargoyle 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted fire elemental 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted fire ant 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted elf-lord, while praying 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted elder brain 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf king 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted drow matron 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted displacer beast 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted deepest one 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted coyote 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted clockwork soldier 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted clay golem 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted clairvoyant changed 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted bugbear 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted brown mold 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted bat 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted barrow wight 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted aphanactonan assessor, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted ancient naga 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted acid blob 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Uruk-hai, while praying 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Noviere Eladrin of the deep blue sea 1
144 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted Angel of Moloch (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by a half-dragon mummy, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a half-dragon mummy, while praying 1
144 killed by a half-dragon mummy, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a gug, while fainted from lack of food (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by a gug, while being tickled to death 1
144 killed by a guardian naga, while praying 1
144 killed by a guard, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a grove guardian 1
144 killed by a grimlock, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a grid bug, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a grid bug, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a grid bug, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a gremlin, while praying 1
144 killed by a gremlin, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a gremlin, while helpless 1
144 killed by a gremlin, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a gremlin, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a green-steel golem 1
144 killed by a green dragon 1
144 killed by a gray unicorn, while praying 1
144 killed by a gray unicorn, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a golden naga of Thoth 1
144 killed by a golden naga hatchling 1
144 killed by a golden heart, while praying 1
144 killed by a golden heart, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a golden dart trap 1
144 killed by a goblin, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a goblin, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a goblin, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a goblin, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a goblin zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by a goblin zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a gnomish wizard, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a gnomish wizard, while praying 1
144 killed by a gnomish wizard, while helpless 1
144 killed by a gnome, while moving through the air 1
144 killed by a gnome, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a gnome, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
144 killed by a gnome, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a gnome, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a gnome zombie, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a gnome zombie, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a gnome zombie, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a gnome mummy, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a gnome lord, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a gnome lord, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a gnome lord, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a gnome lord, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a gnome lord zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a gnome lady, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a gnome lady, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a gnome lady, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a gnome lady zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a gnome lady zombie, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a gnome king, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a gnome king, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a gnome king, while helpless 1
144 killed by a gnome king zombie, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a gnome king zombie, while helpless 1
144 killed by a gnome king zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a gigantic pseudodragon, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a giant, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a giant zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a giant spider, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a giant spider of Mog, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a giant rat, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a giant rat, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a giant rat, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a giant rat, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a giant rat zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a giant rat zombie 1
144 killed by a giant mummy, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a giant mummy, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a giant mummy, while praying 1
144 killed by a giant mummy, while frozen by a monster 1
144 killed by a giant mimic, while helpless 1
144 killed by a giant eel, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a giant eel, while praying 1
144 killed by a giant eel, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a giant beetle, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a giant beetle, while helpless 1
144 killed by a giant beetle, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a giant beetle, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a giant beetle, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a giant bat, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a giant bat, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a giant ant, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a giant ant, while charging up a purifying blast 1
144 killed by a giant ant, while being frightened to death 1
144 killed by a giant ant zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by a gevurah sephirah, while praying 1
144 killed by a gevurah sephirah 1
144 killed by a gelatinous cube, while praying 1
144 killed by a gelatinous cube, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a gelatinous cube, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a gecko, while helpless 1
144 killed by a gecko, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a garter snake, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a garter snake, while praying 1
144 killed by a garo, while vomiting 1
144 killed by a garo, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a gargoyle, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a gargoyle, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a gargoyle, while improvising a tune 1
144 killed by a gargoyle, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a gargoyle of Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight, while praying 1
144 killed by a gargoyle of Dark Sun Gwyndolin 1
144 killed by a gamma metroid, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
144 killed by a fulvous red dragon, while praying 1
144 killed by a fulvous lilitu 1
144 killed by a fulvous human, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a fulvous coiling brawn 1
144 killed by a frost giant, while helpless 1
144 killed by a freezing sphere, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a freezing sphere, while praying 1
144 killed by a freezing sphere, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a freezing sphere, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a freezing sphere, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a fractured gray dragon 1
144 killed by a fractured Amm Kamerel, while praying 1
144 killed by a fox, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a fox, while moving through the air 1
144 killed by a fox, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a fox, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a forest centaur of Diana 1
144 killed by a ford elemental, while praying 1
144 killed by a fog cloud, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a flux slime 1
144 killed by a flint stone 1
144 killed by a flesh golem, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a flesh golem zombie 1
144 killed by a flaming sphere, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a flaming sphere, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a fire vortex, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a fire vortex of Brigit 1
144 killed by a fire giant, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a fire elemental, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a fire elemental, while praying 1
144 killed by a fire elemental, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a fire elemental of Tamash 1
144 killed by a fire elemental of Ishtar, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a fire elemental of Ishtar 1
144 killed by a fire elemental of Crom 1
144 killed by a fire ant, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a fire ant, while helpless 1
144 killed by a fallen angel 1
144 killed by a dwarf, while trying to turn the undead 1
144 killed by a dwarf, while immobilized by slipping gears. 1
144 killed by a dwarf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a dwarf, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a dwarf, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a dwarf, while disrobing 1
144 killed by a dwarf zombie, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a dwarf zombie, while dragging an iron ball 1
144 killed by a dwarf queen, while praying 1
144 killed by a dwarf queen, while being tickled to death 1
144 killed by a dwarf mummy, while performing a sword dance 1
144 killed by a dwarf mummy, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a dwarf lord, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a dwarf lord, while helpless 1
144 killed by a dwarf lord, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a dwarf lord zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by a dwarf lord zombie, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a dwarf king, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a dwarf king, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a dwarf king, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a dwarf king zombie 1
144 killed by a dwarf cleric zombie 1
144 killed by a duton, while praying 1
144 killed by a duton, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a duton, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a dust storm 1
144 killed by a drow mummy, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a drow mummy, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a drow mummy of the black web 1
144 killed by a drow mummy of Kiaransali 1
144 killed by a drow matron, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a drow matron, while praying 1
144 killed by a drow matron of Ver'tas 1
144 killed by a drow matron of Quetzalcoatl, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a drow matron of Latona, while praying 1
144 killed by a drow matron of Kiaransali, while praying 1
144 killed by a drow matron of Kiaransali, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a drow matron of Kiaransali 1
144 killed by a drow alienist of the black web 1
144 killed by a drow 1
144 killed by a droven dagger 1
144 killed by a dream quasielemental, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a dream quasielemental, while praying 1
144 killed by a dream quasielemental, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a dreadblossom swarm, while praying 1
144 killed by a dreadblossom swarm, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a dread seraph (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by a dread seraph 1
144 killed by a dog, while praying 1
144 killed by a dog, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a dog zombie, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a djinni, while praying 1
144 killed by a displacer beast, while praying 1
144 killed by a displacer beast, while helpless 1
144 killed by a disenchanter 1
144 killed by a dire sheep, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a dire sheep, while praying 1
144 killed by a dire sheep, while frozen by a trap 1
144 killed by a dire sheep, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a dire sheep zombie 1
144 killed by a dingo, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a dingo, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a dingo, while charging up a stargate 1
144 killed by a dingo zombie 1
144 killed by a demonic black widow 1
144 killed by a deminymph, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a deminymph 1
144 killed by a deepest one, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a deepest one, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a deepest one (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by a deeper one, while praying 1
144 killed by a deeper one, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a deeper one, while being tickled to death 1
144 killed by a deeper one, while being frightened to death 1
144 killed by a deep one, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a death knight of Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight 1
144 killed by a daughter of bedlam, while immobilized by paralysis venom 1
144 killed by a daughter of Naunet, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a daughter of Naunet 1
144 killed by a dark worm 1
144 killed by a dao lao gui monk, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a dancing flame, while praying 1
144 killed by a dancing flame of Brigit 1
144 killed by a daat sephirah, while praying 1
144 killed by a cursed throne 1
144 killed by a crow, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a crow zombie, while praying 1
144 killed by a crocodile, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a crocodile of Offler, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a cream pie 1
144 killed by a coyote, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a coven leader 1
144 killed by a couatl 1
144 killed by a corvian knight, while helpless 1
144 killed by a cone of cold 1
144 killed by a cloud of spores 1
144 killed by a clockwork dwarf, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a clockwork dwarf, while praying 1
144 killed by a clay golem, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a clairvoyant changed 1
144 killed by a chokhmah sephirah, while praying 1
144 killed by a chiropteran, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a chiropteran mummy, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a chiropteran mummy, while praying 1
144 killed by a chiropteran mummy, while mesmerized by a monster 1
144 killed by a chiropteran mummy, while improvising a tune 1
144 killed by a chiropteran mummy, while frozen by a monster 1
144 killed by a chiropteran mummy, while fainted from lack of food 1
144 killed by a chieftain, while praying 1
144 killed by a cave spider, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a cave spider, while helpless 1
144 killed by a cave spider, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
144 killed by a captain zombie, while trying to turn the undead 1
144 killed by a byakhee, while performing a sword dance 1
144 killed by a byakhee, while paralyzed by a monster 1
144 killed by a burning potion of oil 1
144 killed by a bullwhip 1
144 killed by a bugbear, while sleeping off a magical draught 1
144 killed by a bugbear, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a bugbear, while frozen by a potion 1
144 killed by a bugbear, while dressing up 1
144 killed by a brainblossom patch 1
144 killed by a boomerang named Windrider 1
144 killed by a bone elven arrow 1
144 killed by a bone devil, while reading a book 1
144 killed by a bone devil of Moloch, while praying 1
144 killed by a bone devil of Moloch, while helpless 1
144 killed by a bo-shuriken 1
144 killed by a blessed, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a blaster bolt 1
144 killed by a blast of missiles 1
144 killed by a blast of disintegration 1
144 killed by a black pudding, while taking off clothes 1
144 killed by a black pudding, while sleeping 1
144 killed by a black pudding, while helpless 1
144 killed by a black naga, while jumping around 1
144 killed by a black dragon 1
144 killed by a binah sephirah (with the Amulet) 1
144 killed by a beholder 1
144 killed by a beauteous one 1
144 killed by a battle-bat zombie 1
Sat Jul 27 08:21:18 2024