1 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | amateurhour | Bar-Eth-Mal-Neu |
669,754 |
12,416 |
2:38:57 |
-5/48 |
162/223 |
2022-07-09 19:01 |
5 |
pile self vegt vegn food |
2 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | shadowrider38 | Bar-Eth-Fem-Neu |
739,454 |
13,495 |
1:58:47 |
-5/49 |
69/211 |
2022-07-16 21:29 |
7 |
arti pile self vegt vegn elbe food |
streak of 2 |
3 | hdf |
ndnh |
2023.5.15 | Demo | Bar-Eth-Mal-Neu |
863,900 |
12,096 |
1:43:07 |
-5/48 |
174/191 |
2023-06-01 01:50 |
3 |
pile self food |
4 | hfe |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | amateurhour | Mon-Eth-Fem-Neu |
1,240,754 |
32,596 |
10:13:17 |
-5/46 |
449/461 |
2021-06-08 19:39 |
9 |
arti pile self wish vegt vegn weap elbe food |
wishless |
5 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Hea-Eth-Mal-Neu |
1,490,006 |
38,437 |
10:07:21 |
-5/48 |
987/1013 |
2021-09-08 14:00 |
2 |
self food |
1st combo |
6 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | amateurhour | Wiz-Eth-Fem-Neu |
1,501,922 |
29,273 |
5:35:12 |
-5/46 |
253/375 |
2022-07-23 22:29 |
6 |
arti self geno vegt vegn food |
7 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | shadowrider38 | Bar-Eth-Fem-Neu |
1,504,004 |
31,562 |
4:23:37 |
-5/46 |
250/466 |
2022-06-14 23:54 |
6 |
pile self vegt vegn elbe food |
8 | hdf |
ndnh |
2020.4.16 | Demo | Bar-Eth-Fem-Neu |
1,727,290 |
20,067 |
7:51:53 |
-5/49 |
736/762 |
2020-06-03 17:31 |
3 |
pile self food |
1st combo |
9 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | amateurhour | Cav-Eth-Fem-Neu |
1,753,754 |
20,713 |
4:34:00 |
-5/49 |
433/457 |
2022-04-22 19:14 |
8 |
arti pile self geno vegt vegn elbe food |
10 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Wiz-Eth-Mal-Neu |
1,908,208 |
32,075 |
9:40:44 |
-5/47 |
688/730 |
2021-08-31 02:58 |
2 |
self food |
1st combo streak of 3 |
11 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | amateurhour | Mon-Eth-Mal-Neu |
1,995,554 |
30,832 |
10:23:33 |
-5/48 |
402/579 |
2022-03-26 16:31 |
9 |
arti pile self wish vegt vegn weap elbe food |
wishless |
12 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | wintergalaxy88 | Cav-Eth-Mal-Neu |
2,060,539 |
35,679 |
16:49:22 |
-5/45 |
271/362 |
2022-06-18 17:08 |
3 |
self elbe food |
13 | hfe |
ndnh |
2020.4.16 | amateurhour | Mon-Eth-Mal-Neu |
2,079,204 |
35,346 |
15:22:12 |
-5/49 |
374/410 |
2020-09-05 22:10 |
6 |
pile vegt vegn weap elbe food |
1st combo |
14 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | Demo | Mon-Eth-Mal-Cha |
2,104,988 |
28,171 |
7:00:30 |
-5/45 |
810/810 |
2022-03-27 19:30 |
4 |
arti pile self food |
15 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.9.18 | Demo | Mon-Eth-Mal-Law |
2,152,462 |
23,799 |
6:05:37 |
-5/45 |
570/570 |
2023-03-11 16:42 |
3 |
pile self food |
streak of 2 |
16 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Bin-Eth-Mal-Non |
2,152,680 |
63,199 |
9:48:23 |
-5/48 |
931/1013 |
2021-09-16 18:54 |
2 |
self food |
1st combo |
17 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | Demo | Bar-Eth-Mal-Cha |
2,197,980 |
25,459 |
6:04:52 |
-5/45 |
1024/1024 |
2022-06-04 15:51 |
4 |
arti pile self food |
18 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.9.18 | Demo | Ana-Eth-Mal-Neu |
2,215,722 |
31,900 |
6:05:22 |
-5/48 |
704/704 |
2023-05-05 16:31 |
3 |
pile self food |
19 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | amateurhour | Wiz-Eth-Mal-Neu |
2,312,488 |
43,754 |
7:16:45 |
-5/46 |
470/503 |
2022-04-09 14:20 |
6 |
pile self vegt vegn elbe food |
20 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.9.18 | Demo | Mon-Eth-Mal-Cha |
2,374,402 |
29,412 |
7:31:40 |
-5/48 |
716/716 |
2022-09-28 22:06 |
3 |
pile self food |
streak of 2 |
21 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Ana-Vam-Mal-Cha |
2,410,611 |
28,842 |
9:33:37 |
-5/47 |
847/944 |
2021-10-07 21:01 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 2 |
22 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | amateurhour | Hea-Eth-Fem-Cha |
2,591,732 |
30,193 |
7:09:38 |
-5/45 |
670/741 |
2022-04-21 19:15 |
7 |
arti pile self wish vegt vegn food |
wishless |
23 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | amateurhour | Cav-Eth-Mal-Neu |
2,609,723 |
27,033 |
7:37:48 |
-5/48 |
645/655 |
2022-04-05 16:34 |
5 |
pile self vegt vegn food |
1st combo |
24 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | amateurhour | Bar-Eth-Mal-Neu |
2,657,222 |
24,015 |
6:01:43 |
-5/49 |
716/748 |
2022-04-19 16:57 |
8 |
arti pile self wish vegt vegn elbe food |
wishless streak of 2 |
25 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | amateurhour | Bar-Eth-Fem-Neu |
2,730,938 |
27,153 |
7:30:07 |
-5/45 |
695/695 |
2022-06-02 23:35 |
8 |
arti pile self wish vegt vegn elbe food |
wishless |
26 | hdf |
ndnh |
2023.5.15 | wintergalaxy88 | Cav-Eth-Fem-Neu |
2,766,102 |
39,511 |
10:41:45 |
-5/45 |
374/374 |
2023-12-09 20:09 |
3 |
pile self food |
27 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | wintergalaxy88 | Bar-Eth-Fem-Neu |
3,040,425 |
40,408 |
21:17:48 |
-5/47 |
549/571 |
2022-03-31 23:03 |
2 |
self food |
28 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.9.18 | amateurhour | Bin-Eth-Fem-Non |
3,069,060 |
32,888 |
8:27:47 |
-5/45 |
643/643 |
2022-09-29 20:06 |
6 |
pile self vegt vegn elbe food |
29 | hdf |
ndnh |
2019.4.8 | Demo | Brd-Orc-Fem-Cha |
3,284,063 |
52,549 |
11:30:21 |
-5/46 |
358/423 |
2019-04-14 02:54 |
2 |
pile self |
1st combo |
30 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | malor | Ana-Vam-Mal-Neu |
3,346,660 |
29,763 |
8:52:06 |
-5/45 |
851/851 |
2022-05-20 17:59 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 5 |
31 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Brd-Hlf-Fem-Neu |
3,357,198 |
40,311 |
9:41:01 |
-5/45 |
753/795 |
2021-11-10 19:47 |
1 |
weap |
1st combo streak of 3 |
32 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Brd-Clk-Mal-Cha |
3,391,248 |
33,992 |
11:28:49 |
-5/47 |
740/893 |
2021-10-11 05:35 |
1 |
food |
1st combo |
33 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Ana-Hlf-Mal-Neu |
3,416,410 |
57,822 |
14:16:04 |
-5/47 |
363/593 |
2021-09-29 15:54 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 3 |
34 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.9.18 | amateurhour | Ana-Eth-Fem-Neu |
3,495,876 |
23,728 |
6:16:36 |
-5/47 |
694/694 |
2022-10-16 12:37 |
8 |
arti pile self wish vegt vegn elbe food |
wishless |
35 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Ran-Gno-Mal-Neu |
3,507,992 |
45,869 |
11:57:44 |
-5/48 |
692/795 |
2021-10-04 11:52 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 5 |
36 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Nob-Dwa-Mal-Cha |
3,548,691 |
29,267 |
8:01:36 |
-5/49 |
825/853 |
2021-10-18 16:12 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 2 |
37 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Arc-Inc-Mal-Neu |
3,558,962 |
34,633 |
9:17:32 |
-5/49 |
663/816 |
2022-01-05 21:36 |
1 |
self |
1st combo |
38 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Kni-Dwa-Mal-Law |
3,700,392 |
32,831 |
7:39:11 |
-5/45 |
529/707 |
2022-02-22 11:06 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 2 |
39 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | Demo | Hea-Eth-Mal-Cha |
3,703,566 |
32,411 |
7:44:20 |
-5/45 |
1124/1145 |
2022-04-02 18:04 |
2 |
self food |
streak of 2 |
40 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Pir-Inc-Mal-Law |
3,720,024 |
29,595 |
10:05:14 |
-5/46 |
486/638 |
2021-09-18 18:01 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 2 |
41 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Cav-Bat-Mal-Law |
3,760,504 |
25,995 |
7:43:59 |
-5/49 |
708/708 |
2021-11-07 13:32 |
1 |
self |
1st combo |
42 | hdf |
ndnh |
2023.5.15 | malor | Ana-Hlf-Mal-Cha |
3,791,766 |
38,155 |
9:01:34 |
-5/48 |
425/752 |
2023-06-06 00:42 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 2 |
43 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Mon-Hlf-Mal-Law |
3,813,648 |
36,022 |
6:11:34 |
-5/49 |
767/816 |
2022-02-26 10:23 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 2 |
44 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Arc-Inc-Mal-Law |
3,816,268 |
37,254 |
12:00:04 |
-5/48 |
882/944 |
2021-10-16 15:29 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 2 |
45 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | malor | Brd-Inc-Mal-Cha |
3,820,667 |
52,794 |
12:23:00 |
-5/45 |
632/706 |
2022-08-18 14:16 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 22 |
46 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | malor | Ana-Sal-Mal-Neu |
3,832,172 |
37,030 |
8:52:29 |
-5/45 |
708/921 |
2022-04-08 13:38 |
3 |
pile self vegt |
1st combo streak of 2 |
47 | hdf |
ndnh |
2023.5.15 | malor | Arc-Clk-Mal-Neu |
3,841,340 |
19,931 |
5:54:47 |
-5/47 |
341/476 |
2023-12-19 11:53 |
3 |
pile self food |
1st combo streak of 2 |
48 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | malor | Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha |
3,867,742 |
25,810 |
5:46:09 |
-5/46 |
866/914 |
2022-06-01 16:22 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 8 |
49 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Bar-Hum-Fem-Neu |
3,875,282 |
26,787 |
7:05:31 |
-5/47 |
643/643 |
2022-02-27 16:20 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 3 |
50 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Kni-Inc-Mal-Law |
3,901,606 |
34,928 |
12:00:42 |
-5/49 |
810/853 |
2021-09-15 06:41 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 3 |
51 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Pir-Inc-Mal-Neu |
3,908,076 |
32,597 |
8:15:57 |
-5/46 |
592/780 |
2022-02-15 04:32 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 2 |
52 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Bar-Sym-Mal-Cha |
3,961,250 |
23,695 |
9:09:46 |
-5/45 |
94/184 |
2021-10-13 23:58 |
0 |
1st combo |
53 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | amateurhour | Tou-Eth-Mal-Neu |
3,971,734 |
31,694 |
6:27:41 |
-5/46 |
164/465 |
2022-07-16 19:47 |
6 |
pile self geno vegt vegn food |
streak of 2 |
54 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Nob-Inc-Mal-Cha |
4,025,894 |
36,997 |
8:17:19 |
-5/46 |
993/1020 |
2021-11-04 12:01 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 3 |
55 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Bar-Sal-Mal-Cha |
4,032,452 |
30,716 |
8:13:08 |
-5/45 |
667/734 |
2021-10-27 17:32 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 3 |
56 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | malor | Ana-Dro-Fem-Cha |
4,054,240 |
34,544 |
10:49:04 |
-5/47 |
800/818 |
2022-04-15 03:00 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 4 |
57 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | malor | Sam-Clk-Fem-Law |
4,072,770 |
23,565 |
5:54:20 |
-5/46 |
639/694 |
2022-08-22 01:22 |
2 |
self food |
1st combo streak of 24 |
58 | hdf |
ndnh |
2019.4.8 | Demo | Cav-Inc-Fem-Cha |
4,087,262 |
4,425,774 |
11:15:53 |
-5/47 |
429/714 |
2023-04-18 19:41 |
1 |
self |
1st combo |
59 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Ran-Inc-Mal-Cha |
4,164,412 |
33,834 |
6:30:03 |
-5/45 |
408/446 |
2022-02-13 04:51 |
1 |
self |
1st combo |
60 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Val-Inc-Fem-Law |
4,181,890 |
35,040 |
9:31:21 |
-5/47 |
621/713 |
2021-09-24 00:57 |
1 |
self |
1st combo |
61 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.9.18 | amateurhour | Ana-Eth-Mal-Neu |
4,209,591 |
24,779 |
7:32:15 |
-5/47 |
678/719 |
2022-09-25 18:33 |
5 |
pile self vegt vegn food |
1st combo |
62 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Hea-Inc-Mal-Neu |
4,210,472 |
32,957 |
10:09:27 |
-5/45 |
926/999 |
2021-10-26 01:24 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 2 |
63 | hdf |
ndnh |
2023.5.15 | wintergalaxy88 | Bar-Eth-Mal-Neu |
4,213,625 |
47,991 |
10:48:16 |
-5/48 |
445/483 |
2023-12-07 03:20 |
3 |
self elbe food |
64 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Bar-Hum-Mal-Cha |
4,225,614 |
32,435 |
9:05:03 |
-5/48 |
800/800 |
2021-09-20 07:58 |
1 |
self |
1st combo |
65 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Sam-Hum-Mal-Law |
4,293,989 |
36,493 |
10:45:49 |
-5/45 |
670/745 |
2021-09-27 15:30 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 2 |
66 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | malor | Arc-Clk-Fem-Law |
4,326,446 |
17,665 |
6:57:08 |
-5/49 |
655/695 |
2022-06-13 03:54 |
1 |
food |
1st combo streak of 12 |
67 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu |
4,353,560 |
48,781 |
9:54:54 |
-5/48 |
657/712 |
2022-02-25 15:38 |
0 |
1st combo |
68 | hdf |
ndnh |
2019.5.24 | Demo | Ana-Clk-Fem-Neu |
4,405,456 |
18,634 |
9:29:06 |
-5/47 |
561/623 |
2019-06-01 22:58 |
1 |
food |
1st combo |
69 | hdf |
ndnh |
2023.5.15 | malor | Mon-Clk-Mal-Neu |
4,414,776 |
17,919 |
7:32:20 |
-5/49 |
628/628 |
2023-12-14 15:49 |
4 |
vegt vegn weap food |
1st combo streak of 9 |
70 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Rog-Inc-Mal-Cha |
4,419,720 |
41,438 |
11:04:45 |
-5/46 |
913/960 |
2021-10-12 17:38 |
1 |
self |
1st combo |
71 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | malor | Ran-Hum-Mal-Cha |
4,451,596 |
26,925 |
7:14:50 |
-5/45 |
319/321 |
2022-08-22 19:35 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 25 |
72 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Nob-Dro-Fem-Cha |
4,504,800 |
54,077 |
12:58:43 |
-5/46 |
665/716 |
2021-09-14 09:06 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 2 |
73 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Cav-Sal-Mal-Neu |
4,505,678 |
41,318 |
12:14:02 |
-5/46 |
786/1046 |
2021-10-02 15:38 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 4 |
74 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | amateurhour | Tou-Eth-Fem-Neu |
4,531,303 |
37,913 |
8:36:58 |
-5/49 |
423/774 |
2022-04-03 19:36 |
8 |
arti pile self wish vegt vegn elbe food |
wishless 1st combo |
75 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha |
4,537,918 |
32,408 |
7:34:54 |
-5/47 |
869/874 |
2021-10-09 14:41 |
1 |
pile |
1st combo |
76 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | malor | Mon-Bat-Mal-Cha |
4,549,088 |
29,106 |
6:07:15 |
-5/46 |
667/667 |
2022-08-26 01:17 |
2 |
self vegt |
1st combo streak of 28 |
77 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Sam-Hlf-Mal-Law |
4,554,336 |
44,325 |
8:24:24 |
-5/47 |
833/844 |
2021-11-01 04:21 |
0 |
78 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | malor | Cav-Dwa-Mal-Law |
4,556,618 |
36,984 |
8:06:32 |
-5/45 |
622/661 |
2022-08-28 05:47 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 29 |
79 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Ana-Inc-Mal-Neu |
4,577,944 |
30,747 |
8:49:18 |
-5/48 |
646/807 |
2021-11-17 17:24 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 4 |
80 | hdf |
ndnh |
2019.12.24 | Demo | Wiz-Inc-Fem-Cha |
4,635,182 |
45,638 |
9:28:39 |
-5/48 |
635/714 |
2022-07-28 19:15 |
1 |
self |
1st combo |
81 | hfe |
ndnh |
2020.4.16 | amateurhour | Mon-Sym-Mal-Cha |
4,662,553 |
29,805 |
11:37:59 |
-5/47 |
66/66 |
2020-09-28 18:06 |
5 |
pile vegt vegn weap elbe |
1st combo |
82 | hdf |
ndnh |
2023.5.15 | malor | Bin-Clk-Mal-Non |
4,668,298 |
39,595 |
7:19:15 |
-5/46 |
576/640 |
2023-12-18 06:24 |
5 |
pile self vegt vegn food |
1st combo |
83 | hfe |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | amateurhour | Tou-Eth-Mal-Neu |
4,674,112 |
30,132 |
7:03:42 |
-5/48 |
711/804 |
2022-09-10 19:22 |
5 |
pile self vegt vegn food |
84 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | malor | Rog-Vam-Mal-Cha |
4,680,576 |
48,554 |
11:40:07 |
-5/48 |
902/911 |
2022-05-13 13:58 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 2 |
85 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.9.18 | malor | Hea-Ent-Mal-Neu |
4,687,670 |
34,404 |
9:49:23 |
-5/46 |
876/885 |
2022-10-07 17:27 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 3 |
86 | hdf |
ndnh |
2020.4.16 | Demo | Acu-Elf-Fem-Law |
4,700,874 |
28,929 |
7:09:56 |
31/48 |
983/1044 |
2020-06-26 18:16 |
2 |
pile self |
1st combo |
87 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.3.22 | malor | Brd-Dro-Fem-Cha |
4,709,628 |
56,807 |
13:43:07 |
-5/45 |
768/846 |
2022-04-28 12:27 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 7 |
88 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.9.18 | Demo | Tou-Eth-Mal-Cha |
4,718,674 |
31,323 |
5:52:55 |
-5/48 |
744/757 |
2023-04-25 23:34 |
3 |
pile self food |
streak of 5 |
89 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Con-Inc-Mal-Cha |
4,725,952 |
41,992 |
9:52:16 |
-5/48 |
845/1010 |
2021-10-21 17:25 |
3 |
self vegt vegn |
1st combo |
90 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | malor | Pri-Clk-Mal-Law |
4,738,086 |
19,209 |
6:02:45 |
-5/45 |
565/573 |
2022-08-24 23:56 |
3 |
self geno food |
1st combo streak of 27 |
91 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Mon-Swn-Fem-Cha |
4,818,484 |
35,295 |
10:04:20 |
-5/46 |
823/823 |
2021-10-17 20:10 |
0 |
1st combo |
92 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Bin-Swn-Fem-Non |
4,821,006 |
52,949 |
12:02:44 |
-5/49 |
1017/1083 |
2021-10-30 14:25 |
0 |
1st combo |
93 | hdf |
ndnh |
2021.5.21 | malor | Val-Hum-Fem-Law |
4,874,362 |
37,826 |
8:38:31 |
-5/47 |
515/701 |
2022-02-18 15:59 |
0 |
1st combo |
94 | hdf |
ndnh |
2023.5.15 | malor | Wiz-Hum-Mal-Law |
4,898,082 |
30,814 |
5:52:15 |
-5/45 |
108/139 |
2023-12-05 22:14 |
1 |
arti |
1st combo streak of 2 |
95 | hdf |
ndnh |
2023.5.15 | malor | Bar-Vam-Mal-Neu |
4,904,158 |
30,357 |
6:22:27 |
-5/48 |
522/697 |
2024-01-24 19:56 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 11 |
96 | hdf |
ndnh |
2023.5.15 | malor | Mon-Inc-Mal-Neu |
4,911,598 |
27,612 |
6:32:59 |
-5/49 |
345/317 |
2024-01-19 01:32 |
2 |
vegt vegn |
1st combo streak of 9 |
97 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.9.18 | malor | Wiz-Ent-Mal-Neu |
4,914,738 |
31,841 |
7:25:31 |
-5/47 |
448/436 |
2022-10-12 18:31 |
1 |
arti |
1st combo streak of 2 |
98 | hdf |
ndnh |
2020.4.16 | malor | Bin-Inc-Mal-Non |
4,930,568 |
38,606 |
13:34:23 |
-5/45 |
572/829 |
2021-03-10 09:28 |
1 |
self |
1st combo streak of 2 |
99 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | malor | Nob-Vam-Mal-Cha |
4,934,862 |
57,427 |
9:58:45 |
-5/48 |
525/510 |
2022-08-24 10:38 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 26 |
100 | hdf |
ndnh |
2022.5.30 | malor | Val-Swn-Fem-Law |
4,967,512 |
19,502 |
6:44:58 |
-5/45 |
393/267 |
2022-06-13 20:25 |
0 |
1st combo streak of 13 |