Lowest Scoring Games

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  srv var ver name character points turns   duration dlvl  HP time cnd conducts special
1 hdf dnh 3.22.0 Som Hea-Dro-Fem-Neu 218,874 65,792 19:53:57 -5/46 331/368 2023-12-07 16:01 14 arti pile self geno wish athe vegt vegn weap illi paci food noShkID noID pacifist wishless illiterate
2 hdf dnh 3.21.2 KrO2 Brd-Inc-Fem-Neu 576,570 35,605 3, 0:35:13 -5/45 331/377 2022-06-07 01:03 4 pile geno weap paci pacifist
3 hdf dnh 3.14.0 NeroOneTrueKing Brd-Swn-Fem-Neu 1,524,851 63,369 17:38:57 -5/49 247/247 2017-06-22 03:51 0 1st combo
4 hdf dnh 3.19.1 Demo Sam-Clk-Mal-Law 1,792,648 13,553 5:35:52 -5/49 347/505 2020-06-02 15:47 2 pile food
5 asc dnh 3.18.0 VOR Ana-And-Fem-Neu 1,958,830 37,688 1, 6:27:43 -5/45 348/348 2019-12-30 08:03 3 self food noShkID
6 hdf dnh 3.21.1 rikerw Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha 2,094,864 15,717 1:53:54 -5/48 139/331 2021-10-14 03:11 2 arti pile
7 asc dnh 3.12.3 VOR Brd-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,170,916 40,769 1, 9:36:39 -5/45 369/725 2016-06-19 00:35 3 arti self noShkID 1st combo
8 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha 2,480,464 13,787 3:38:31 -5/47 383/388 2015-03-09 22:12 0 streak of 7
9 hdf dnh 3.21.1 malor Ana-Hum-Mal-Cha 3,086,030 25,305 9:44:56 -5/45 744/744 2021-12-29 04:06 0 streak of 4
10 hdf dnh 3.17.1 Tarmunora Ran-Dro-Mal-Law 3,170,874 49,144 14:19:36 -5/49 401/406 2019-06-19 03:30 1 self 1st combo
11 asc dnh 3.8.2 FIQ Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha 3,188,864 13,245 4:28:33 -5/47 99/284 2015-02-28 18:19 2 pile noShkID 1st combo
12 hfe dnh 3.20.0 microlance Brd-Gno-Fem-Neu 3,266,494 50,496 11:58:27 -5/48 534/559 2021-02-25 22:48 1 pile 1st combo
13 hdf dnh 3.19.0 Demo Ana-And-Fem-Neu 3,266,996 41,838 8:35:14 -5/48 910/910 2020-04-29 02:14 4 pile self geno food
14 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Nob-Vam-Fem-Cha 3,403,874 32,182 8:51:26 -5/47 460/460 2015-04-22 17:38 1 arti 1st combo streak of 5
15 hdf dnh 3.20.0 malor Kni-Dwa-Mal-Cha 3,459,303 42,716 13:18:46 -5/45 468/490 2021-01-19 00:28 0 1st combo streak of 12
16 hdf dnh 3.15.0 Demo Nob-Elf-Fem-Cha 3,481,532 48,732 17:07:59 -5/49 621/654 2017-12-26 22:01 1 self streak of 3
17 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Pri-Hum-Mal-Cha 3,503,770 31,704 7:38:03 -5/46 297/349 2015-04-19 11:41 2 arti self 1st combo streak of 3
18 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Con-Vam-Mal-Cha 3,518,844 39,615 10:02:09 -5/49 630/636 2015-03-18 00:29 2 pile self 1st combo
19 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Ran-Elf-Fem-Cha 3,549,206 31,367 7:19:03 -5/49 498/498 2015-03-25 20:53 1 self streak of 2
20 hdf dnh 3.21.1 Demo Ana-Vam-Mal-Cha 3,554,502 25,669 6:48:22 -5/47 806/928 2021-11-03 17:34 2 pile self streak of 2
21 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Brd-Clk-Mal-Cha 3,643,349 50,734 21:38:36 -5/48 570/573 2019-12-11 18:22 2 self food 1st combo
22 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Con-Orc-Mal-Cha 3,689,695 38,164 7:12:35 -5/48 425/449 2015-04-16 14:53 1 self 1st combo
23 hdf dnh 3.19.0 Sig Nob-Hum-Fem-Neu 3,730,864 49,575 2, 22:37:26 -5/45 356/451 2020-05-21 02:16 2 pile noShkID 1st combo
24 hdf dnh 3.21.1 rikerw Bin-Clk-Fem-Non 3,804,608 76,788 7:01:17 -5/46 340/383 2022-01-27 23:49 3 arti pile self streak of 2
25 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Brd-Orc-Mal-Cha 3,831,634 42,246 16:13:20 -5/46 624/751 2020-01-18 11:12 1 self 1st combo
26 hdf dnh 3.15.0 Demo Mon-Clk-Fem-Law 3,834,468 40,773 19:49:46 -5/48 263/490 2017-07-17 18:09 5 arti self weap food noShkID 1st combo streak of 2
27 hdf dnh 3.21.3 shadowrider38 Bar-Orc-Fem-Law 3,836,080 54,798 7:28:01 -5/47 346/679 2022-06-13 01:01 4 arti pile self noShkID
28 hdf dnh 3.20.0 malor Brd-Elf-Fem-Cha 3,846,071 43,010 15:44:55 -5/45 501/507 2021-02-11 14:30 0 1st combo streak of 2
29 hdf dnh 3.22.0 Som Brd-Hlf-Fem-Neu 3,847,032 59,898 19:43:03 -5/46 348/355 2024-01-19 17:39 5 pile self vegt vegn noShkID
30 hdf dnh 3.18.0 Demo Val-Inc-Fem-Cha 3,858,873 28,071 8:01:12 -5/48 213/300 2020-05-29 20:13 4 pile self vegt vegn 1st combo streak of 2
31 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Brd-Inc-Fem-Cha 3,913,109 43,009 15:32:21 -5/46 460/493 2020-02-12 23:03 0 1st combo
32 asc dnh 3.10.0 Tariru Nob-Dwa-Mal-Law 3,934,922 35,475 8:18:36 -5/46 418/489 2015-08-12 13:24 2 self geno 1st combo streak of 2
33 hdf dnh 3.15.1 Demo Sam-Clk-Fem-Law 3,936,333 36,371 17:28:24 -5/46 509/509 2018-04-07 12:45 3 pile self food
34 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Bin-Vam-Mal-Non 4,029,255 34,152 11:17:01 -5/47 411/430 2015-04-06 22:43 3 arti pile geno 1st combo streak of 7
35 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Arc-Vam-Mal-Neu 4,049,042 33,212 9:44:32 -5/48 523/551 2015-03-05 21:09 0 1st combo streak of 4
36 asc dnh 3.9.0 Tariru Bin-Hum-Mal-Non 4,050,771 28,875 8:37:51 -5/49 412/412 2015-05-07 19:23 2 self geno streak of 10
37 did dnh 3.7.1 Khor Nob-Vam-Mal-Cha 4,120,732 55,459 1, 0:31:33 -5/45 294/402 2014-09-14 00:53 2 arti noShkID 1st combo
38 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Rog-Inc-Mal-Cha 4,167,770 36,314 11:12:28 -5/45 549/592 2020-03-13 12:13 1 self 1st combo streak of 2
39 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha 4,205,240 27,809 5:35:59 -5/49 428/439 2015-04-11 18:36 1 self streak of 10
40 hdf dnh 3.20.0 Demo Brd-Vam-Fem-Neu 4,225,874 60,582 9:42:29 -5/49 602/608 2021-02-06 23:09 1 pile 1st combo
41 hdf dnh 3.20.0 KrO2 Brd-Hum-Mal-Cha 4,231,524 53,670 2, 8:19:00 -5/45 104/481 2021-04-18 18:43 2 arti pile
42 asc dnh 3.10.0 Tariru Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha 4,251,434 27,409 7:44:22 -5/48 469/469 2015-08-17 14:02 2 self geno 1st combo
43 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha 4,281,676 45,102 14:10:22 -5/47 549/549 2020-01-14 19:54 0 1st combo
44 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Mon-Swn-Fem-Cha 4,285,294 39,781 11:37:25 -5/49 417/471 2020-04-28 14:06 1 weap 1st combo
45 hdf dnh 3.15.0 Tarmunora Brd-Hlf-Fem-Cha 4,308,806 48,006 12:06:55 -5/45 235/235 2017-08-10 23:57 0 1st combo
46 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha 4,314,118 38,227 7:13:09 -5/45 423/481 2015-04-14 23:27 1 self 1st combo
47 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu 4,329,588 27,983 8:39:40 -5/45 461/489 2015-04-25 18:03 3 self geno weap 1st combo streak of 7
48 hdf dnh 3.19.1 malor Brd-Inc-Mal-Neu 4,343,978 36,368 14:08:59 -5/46 535/607 2020-12-22 03:00 1 self 1st combo
49 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Sam-Clk-Mal-Law 4,347,335 33,298 7:13:29 -5/47 283/362 2015-03-19 23:47 1 geno 1st combo streak of 2
50 hdf dnh 3.20.0 malor Arc-Gno-Fem-Neu 4,363,332 59,848 18:41:08 -5/47 414/425 2021-01-12 17:22 0 1st combo streak of 9
51 hdf dnh 3.22.0 malor Sam-Clk-Mal-Law 4,365,224 21,248 6:43:33 -5/49 367/521 2023-12-03 23:22 4 self vegt vegn food streak of 6
52 hdf dnh 3.18.0 Demo Nob-Elf-Fem-Cha 4,368,491 50,431 7:15:41 -5/45 226/323 2021-10-14 02:12 0
53 hdf dnh 3.21.1 Demo Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu 4,376,819 45,117 8:44:57 -5/45 699/783 2021-09-06 15:42 2 arti pile
54 asc dnh 3.12.3 Khor Cav-Dwa-Mal-Law 4,402,886 50,869 1, 13:52:05 -5/45 354/505 2016-06-13 15:36 3 arti self wish wishless 1st combo
55 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Kni-Clk-Mal-Law 4,407,610 36,684 20:37:56 -5/47 536/562 2019-12-07 14:48 1 self 1st combo
56 asc dnh 3.12.3 Tariru Bin-Hum-Fem-Non 4,409,396 29,798 11:12:21 -5/48 285/408 2016-05-08 09:33 1 self
57 hdf dnh 3.21.1 Som Kni-Clk-Fem-Law 4,412,189 44,920 11:29:45 -5/48 346/442 2021-09-29 16:34 6 pile self vegt vegn food noShkID
58 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu 4,433,020 47,262 9:18:32 -5/48 566/598 2015-03-08 19:12 0 streak of 6
59 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Brd-Hlf-Mal-Neu 4,435,482 55,956 15:03:35 -5/48 413/413 2020-01-02 16:30 0 1st combo
60 asc dnh 3.12.3 Khor Ran-Gno-Mal-Neu 4,437,824 33,422 18:27:17 -5/48 117/360 2016-05-25 12:08 2 pile self 1st combo
61 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Bin-Hum-Mal-Non 4,457,916 37,137 9:24:59 -5/46 479/529 2015-03-22 22:05 1 self 1st combo
62 asc dnh 3.7.2 Khor Val-Dwa-Fem-Cha 4,491,312 33,135 21:34:28 -5/46 384/384 2015-02-04 11:31 2 self noShkID 1st combo
63 hdf dnh 3.19.1 malor Cav-Hum-Mal-Cha 4,491,504 62,615 20:10:02 -5/45 565/597 2020-12-03 12:47 0 1st combo
64 hdf dnh 3.20.0 malor Con-Swn-Fem-Law 4,503,318 52,967 15:32:07 -5/46 785/806 2021-01-28 06:47 0 1st combo
65 hdf dnh 3.19.1 malor Ran-Hum-Mal-Cha 4,513,474 43,406 15:23:35 -5/48 422/483 2020-12-14 22:56 1 self 1st combo streak of 3
66 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Mon-Swn-Fem-Law 4,526,842 45,008 16:07:08 -5/47 279/279 2020-01-12 00:52 0 1st combo
67 hdf dnh 3.15.0 noty Wiz-Hlf-Mal-Cha 4,555,410 74,533 19:42:57 -5/48 297/297 2017-08-01 12:13 2 self noShkID 1st combo
68 hfe dnh 3.22.0 malor Hea-Elf-Fem-Cha 4,563,228 31,669 10:21:25 -5/49 643/643 2023-08-20 21:12 0 1st combo
69 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Pri-Inc-Mal-Neu 4,594,597 24,705 7:58:54 -5/49 440/458 2015-03-24 01:11 3 self vegt vegn 1st combo
70 asc dnh 3.9.0 Tariru Bin-Inc-Mal-Non 4,600,020 33,429 12:20:53 -5/48 399/417 2015-08-09 17:17 1 self
71 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Rog-Dro-Fem-Law 4,604,510 45,708 9:57:53 -5/48 312/443 2015-03-28 02:44 1 arti 1st combo streak of 4
72 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu 4,618,304 39,381 9:14:31 -5/45 461/467 2015-04-18 17:37 0 streak of 2
73 hdf dnh 3.22.0 malor Hea-Elf-Mal-Law 4,626,182 41,902 11:07:33 -5/46 416/653 2023-06-14 12:24 1 self 1st combo streak of 3
74 hdf dnh 3.21.1 malor Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha 4,630,602 15,140 5:35:58 -5/48 620/701 2022-02-06 19:07 2 pile self streak of 9
75 hdf dnh 3.20.0 malor Con-Dwa-Mal-Cha 4,635,442 57,955 11:23:32 -5/48 411/508 2021-02-03 04:33 0 1st combo
76 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Pir-Inc-Mal-Neu 4,640,864 34,389 9:17:18 -5/47 358/443 2015-03-14 22:27 1 self 1st combo
77 hdf dnh 3.19.1 malor Ran-Hum-Mal-Neu 4,641,122 39,952 15:04:27 -5/48 523/579 2020-12-18 20:19 0 1st combo
78 hdf dnh 3.20.0 Som Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha 4,654,276 50,642 15:06:35 -5/48 539/539 2021-05-12 16:36 2 pile self
79 hdf dnh 3.20.0 malor Arc-Hum-Mal-Law 4,683,466 48,731 15:41:42 -5/49 445/445 2021-01-06 01:05 0 1st combo streak of 6
80 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Rog-Dro-Fem-Cha 4,693,972 44,560 9:50:49 -5/48 524/558 2015-04-08 20:49 1 self streak of 8
81 hdf dnh 3.20.0 malor Nob-Hlf-Fem-Neu 4,740,348 41,537 15:31:47 -5/46 485/487 2020-12-31 02:05 0 1st combo streak of 2
82 hdf dnh 3.22.0 Demo Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha 4,762,422 31,662 6:33:39 -5/47 518/633 2023-07-16 23:15 2 arti self
83 hdf dnh 3.21.3 hothraxxa Wiz-Inc-Fem-Law 4,787,944 46,289 2, 7:42:30 -5/47 331/392 2022-06-07 17:39 2 self noShkID
84 hdf dnh 3.20.0 malor Cav-Hum-Mal-Neu 4,805,191 50,786 15:20:46 -5/47 447/451 2021-01-08 03:48 0 1st combo streak of 7
85 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Bin-Orc-Fem-Non 4,815,543 35,435 9:46:30 -5/48 442/560 2015-03-15 23:31 0 1st combo
86 hdf dnh 3.21.4 Disruptor Brd-Swn-Fem-Cha 4,831,848 109,470 1, 6:31:01 -5/49 420/420 2023-01-04 04:55 2 self noShkID
87 hdf dnh 3.19.1 malor Pri-Elf-Mal-Law 4,833,316 37,528 13:59:53 -5/45 565/658 2020-12-13 01:59 1 self 1st combo streak of 2
88 hdf dnh 3.20.0 malor Nob-Hlf-Fem-Cha 4,846,092 44,928 13:58:51 -5/45 513/575 2020-12-24 21:31 1 self 1st combo streak of 2
89 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Sam-Hum-Mal-Law 4,855,886 32,804 7:40:29 -5/49 487/487 2015-04-23 21:37 4 arti pile self wish wishless streak of 6
90 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Bin-Dwa-Mal-Non 4,863,842 41,191 10:41:18 -5/47 408/520 2015-04-20 21:55 1 geno 1st combo streak of 4
91 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Ran-Bat-Mal-Cha 4,886,414 52,608 21:07:36 -5/48 620/736 2020-02-05 15:14 1 self 1st combo
92 hdf dnh 3.21.4 fakepass Ana-And-Fem-Neu 4,891,025 31,968 12:41:06 -5/47 240/393 2022-10-26 20:05 7 pile self geno athe food noShkID noID streak of 5
93 asc dnh 3.8.2 Tariru Pri-Dro-Mal-Law 4,896,884 50,085 11:01:05 -5/46 417/517 2015-04-13 23:11 1 arti 1st combo streak of 11
94 hdf dnh 3.20.0 malor Mon-Bat-Fem-Cha 4,905,326 30,123 10:07:57 -5/48 406/505 2021-01-02 12:29 2 self weap 1st combo streak of 4
95 hdf dnh 3.20.0 rikerw Ana-And-Fem-Neu 4,927,515 43,533 5:46:38 -5/49 279/579 2021-03-09 03:14 5 pile self vegt vegn food
96 hdf dnh 3.19.1 malor Wiz-Vam-Mal-Neu 4,952,804 38,948 11:51:06 -5/46 507/546 2020-12-08 19:14 1 self 1st combo
97 hdf dnh 3.22.0 malor Sam-Clk-Mal-Law 4,993,248 37,999 7:42:41 -5/46 595/619 2023-12-21 11:06 3 pile self food
98 hdf dnh 3.21.1 Demo Con-Vam-Fem-Cha 4,995,964 28,663 6:54:18 -5/49 833/833 2021-10-24 21:11 2 pile self
99 hdf dnh 3.21.1 Demo Hea-Inc-Mal-Cha 5,050,784 36,957 5:59:44 -5/46 848/912 2021-11-01 00:52 4 pile self vegt vegn
100 hdf dnh 3.18.0 malor Ran-Hlf-Mal-Cha 5,051,460 84,015 22:09:16 -5/49 410/618 2019-12-29 21:30 0 1st combo
Sat Jul 27 03:11:24 2024