srv | var | ver | name | character | points | turns | duration | dlvl | HP | time | cnd | conducts | special | |
1 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | johnnyteapot | Mad-Elf-Mal-Una | 23,329,654 | 72,164 | 1, 13:25:51 | -5/47 | 654/654 | 2024-07-31 16:38 | 1 | self | inheritor 1st combo |
2 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | johnnyteapot | Bin-Inc-Mal-Non | 22,190,125 | 72,707 | 1, 23:52:19 | -5/49 | 548/576 | 2024-08-30 17:55 | 1 | self | 1st combo streak of 3 |
3 | hfe | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | Noisytoot | Ana-Dwa-Mal-Cha | 21,518,358 | 77,637 | 1, 15:56:07 | -5/46 | 739/739 | 2024-06-30 00:30 | 0 | 1st combo | |
4 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | johnnyteapot | Acu-And-Fem-Law | 17,580,438 | 86,484 | 1, 9:45:12 | 29/48 | 711/724 | 2024-06-27 07:34 | 0 | ||
5 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | johnnyteapot | Ana-And-Mal-Neu | 16,303,062 | 75,435 | 1, 15:09:46 | -5/47 | 815/815 | 2024-08-06 22:14 | 0 | streak of 2 | |
6 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | Demo | Acu-And-Fem-Law | 14,546,268 | 35,583 | 7:38:53 | 16/48 | 1014/1014 | 2024-06-13 00:00 | 2 | pile self | |
7 | hfa | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | KRR | Bin-Eth-Mal-Non | 14,461,597 | 108,636 | 1, 21:42:52 | -5/49 | 668/721 | 2024-09-14 05:13 | 2 | self food | 1st combo |
8 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | tkirkby | Mon-Hlf-Fem-Law | 13,385,645 | 42,601 | 18:19:05 | -5/48 | 615/764 | 2024-06-13 06:13 | 0 | inheritor 1st combo | |
9 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | Demo | Hea-Ent-Fem-Neu | 12,641,902 | 46,812 | 6:50:17 | -5/47 | 856/856 | 2024-09-11 23:27 | 3 | arti pile self | 1st combo streak of 3 |
10 | hfa | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | k3ut0i | Bin-Ent-Fem-Non | 11,861,784 | 33,803 | 1, 3:10:16 | -5/47 | 954/954 | 2024-08-12 18:59 | 4 | pile self geno elbe | 1st combo |
11 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | wintergalaxy88 | Ana-And-Fem-Neu | 9,902,381 | 63,969 | 15:37:48 | -5/48 | 619/619 | 2024-06-11 13:55 | 3 | self elbe food | |
12 | hfa | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | k3ut0i | Bin-Oct-Fem-Non | 9,353,783 | 38,499 | 1, 4:01:18 | -5/48 | 707/707 | 2024-08-23 12:11 | 4 | pile self geno elbe | 1st combo |
13 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | malor | Acu-And-Mal-Law | 8,645,026 | 44,830 | 8:27:13 | 27/45 | 751/751 | 2024-05-30 22:14 | 1 | pile | 1st combo |
14 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | Demo | Bar-Eth-Mal-Neu | 8,017,906 | 36,962 | 6:42:20 | -5/46 | 730/730 | 2024-06-17 22:31 | 3 | pile self food | inheritor 1st combo |
15 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | Demo | Mon-Oct-Mal-Cha | 7,667,476 | 31,878 | 7:21:51 | -5/49 | 584/592 | 2024-08-28 22:49 | 3 | arti pile self | |
16 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | Demo | Ran-Orc-Fem-Cha | 7,121,711 | 56,926 | 8:28:44 | -5/49 | 315/671 | 2024-09-01 23:33 | 1 | arti | 1st combo streak of 2 |
17 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | malor | Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha | 6,910,656 | 29,508 | 7:09:48 | -5/48 | 679/762 | 2024-06-06 00:25 | 2 | arti self | inheritor 1st combo streak of 3 |
18 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | malor | Ana-And-Mal-Neu | 6,808,120 | 49,775 | 9:11:54 | -5/49 | 383/498 | 2024-05-25 08:06 | 2 | self food | 1st combo |
19 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | hothraxxa | Bar-Vam-Fem-Cha | 6,731,857 | 62,556 | 2, 2:47:29 | -5/47 | 626/626 | 2024-07-12 16:42 | 0 | ||
20 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | malor | Cav-Ent-Mal-Law | 5,975,798 | 32,999 | 7:01:28 | -5/47 | 644/660 | 2024-06-04 22:41 | 2 | pile self | 1st combo streak of 2 |
21 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | malor | Mon-Oct-Mal-Law | 5,940,082 | 29,981 | 8:12:06 | -5/45 | 441/522 | 2024-06-03 14:18 | 0 | inheritor 1st combo | |
22 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | malor | Mon-Oct-Mal-Cha | 5,929,380 | 35,825 | 7:41:33 | -5/48 | 555/555 | 2024-05-27 15:24 | 3 | pile self vegt | 1st combo streak of 2 |
23 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | malor | Arc-Clk-Mal-Law | 5,070,640 | 17,642 | 7:10:06 | -5/45 | 619/694 | 2024-06-29 21:30 | 3 | pile self food | 1st combo streak of 5 |
24 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | malor | Wiz-Oct-Mal-Neu | 5,032,958 | 45,413 | 10:20:33 | -5/45 | 436/483 | 2024-06-28 17:03 | 1 | self | 1st combo streak of 4 |
25 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | Demo | Ana-Eth-Mal-Neu | 4,430,495 | 35,927 | 6:42:38 | -5/47 | 669/723 | 2024-09-13 23:56 | 2 | self food | 1st combo |
26 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | wintergalaxy88 | Bar-Eth-Fem-Neu | 2,863,888 | 39,981 | 7:48:03 | -5/48 | 337/499 | 2024-06-18 02:55 | 5 | arti pile self elbe food | |
27 | hdf | nndnh | 2024.5.15 | malor | Mon-Eth-Mal-Neu | 2,419,794 | 31,407 | 6:32:38 | -5/46 | 516/594 | 2024-05-29 15:07 | 5 | pile self vegt vegn food | inheritor 1st combo streak of 3 |