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Overall Stats

games wins wins % scum z-score first game last game realtime
40 1 1.9% 13 1.0000 2019-05-26 11:14 2020-06-30 23:54 2 days, 03:28:53

Roles, races, alignments

roles Acu Ana Arc Bar Bin Brd Cav Con Hea Kni Mad Mon Nob Pir Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz
all games 15 2 7 8 4 1 3
all games %37.5% 5.0% 17.5% 20.0% 10.0% 2.5% 7.5%
ascensions 1
ascensions % 100.0%
win % 6.7%
races And Bat Clk Dro Dwa Elf Ent Eth Gno Hlf Hum Inc Orc Sal Swn Sym Vam
all games 1 1 1 1 4 4 14 2 4 7 1
all games % 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 10.0% 10.0% 35.0% 5.0% 10.0% 17.5% 2.5%
ascensions 1
ascensions % 100.0%
win % 25.0%
alignments Law Neu Cha Non
all games 21 6 13
all games % 52.5% 15.0% 32.5%
ascensions 1
ascensions % 100.0%
win % 4.8%

Recent Games

Death Reasons for lapis
  srv var ver character points turns duration dlvl HP time death reason special
40 hdf ndnh 2020.4.16 Ana-Dwa-Fem-Cha 108 140 0:01:22 3/3 -1/15 2020-06-30 23:54 killed by kicking an altar
39 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Cav-Hum-Fem-Law 349 696 0:04:05 2/2 -1/22 2019-06-29 11:48 killed by a water demon
38 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Wiz-Inc-Fem-Cha 19,507 3,100 0:42:15 5/6 0/49 2019-06-29 11:44 killed by an ogre king
37 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Wiz-Inc-Fem-Neu 19,498 2,266 0:26:06 6/6 -5/44 2019-06-29 11:00 killed by a fire ant
36 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Mon-Hlf-Fem-Cha 1,281 888 0:11:36 3/3 32/32 2019-06-29 03:32 quit
35 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Cav-Hum-Fem-Law 41,907 7,812 1:23:50 13/15 0/88 2019-06-29 03:19 killed by a large spetum
34 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Cav-Hum-Fem-Law 7,203 3,230 0:30:56 2/6 -1/53 2019-06-28 12:27 burned by molten lava
33 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Cav-Hum-Fem-Law 5,901 4,067 1:54:14 7/7 0/49 2019-06-28 11:56 killed by a killer bee, while praying
32 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Cav-Hum-Fem-Law 123 217 0:01:59 2/2 0/16 2019-06-27 07:17 killed by a jackal
31 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Cav-Hum-Fem-Law 585 1,074 1:32:28 4/4 -2/24 2019-06-27 07:15 killed by a giant bat
30 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Acu-Hlf-Fem-Law 7,839,436 70,680 1, 3:16:59 15/45 602/692 2019-06-26 00:24 ascended with 2 conducts intact (pile geno) 1st combo
29 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Acu-Hum-Fem-Law 9,316 2,212 0:35:18 8/8 -5/72 2019-06-20 06:46 killed by a weeping angel
28 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Acu-Hum-Fem-Law 52 57 0:00:35 1/1 15/16 2019-06-18 13:13 killed by shredding of the soul
27 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Acu-Hum-Fem-Law 15,925 3,273 0:43:38 8/8 -3/83 2019-06-18 02:52 killed by Berith
26 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Acu-Hum-Fem-Law 0 8 0:00:15 1/1 16/16 2019-06-18 02:07 killed by shredding of the soul

Ascended Games

  srv var ver character points turns   duration dlvl  HP time cnd conducts special
1 hdf ndnh 2019.5.24 Acu-Hlf-Fem-Law 7,839,436 70,680 1, 3:16:59 15/45 602/692 2019-06-26 00:24 2 pile geno 1st combo

Ascension Calendar

 1 2 3 4  5 6 7 8  9101112  Σ
2019 1 1

Z-score Breakdown

  Acu Ana Arc Bar Bin Brd Cav Con Hea Kni Mad Mon Nob Pir Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz  Σ
ndnh 1.0000                                         1.0000
Sat Oct 14 10:26:54 2023