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Overall Stats

games wins wins % scum z-score first game last game realtime
145 0 0.0% 22 0 2015-02-22 20:56 2018-06-05 05:05 5 days, 01:22:38

Roles, races, alignments

roles Ana Arc Bar Bin Cav Con Hea Kni Mad Mon Nob Pir Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Brd Val Wiz
all games 3 2 1 6 26 3 5 11 10 6 8 6 4 12 3 14 7 14
all games %2.1% 1.4% 0.7% 4.1% 17.9% 2.1% 3.4% 7.6% 6.9% 4.1% 5.5% 4.1% 2.8% 8.3% 2.1% 9.7% 4.8% 9.7%
races And Bat Clk Dro Dwa Elf Gno Hlf Hum Inc Orc Swn Vam
all games 1 21 16 6 8 5 18 41 22 1 6
all games % 0.7% 14.5% 11.0% 4.1% 5.5% 3.4% 12.4% 28.3% 15.2% 0.7% 4.1%
alignments Law Neu Cha Non
all games 38 41 60 6
all games % 26.2% 28.3% 41.4% 4.1%

Recent Games

Death Reasons for engelson
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death reason
145hfednh3.16.0Brd-Hum-Mal-Neu3661,2490:24:333/3-2/132018-06-05 05:05killed by a red mold
144hfednh3.16.0Bar-Hum-Mal-Cha6822,3190:18:094/40/372018-06-02 19:14killed by a rothe, while fainted from lack of food
143ascdnh3.14.0Sam-Clk-Mal-Law10,7996,3174:49:5214/14-1/802017-06-27 20:22killed by a mumak
142ascdnh3.14.0Val-Hum-Fem-Neu2,0523,2974:31:155/5-1/382017-06-27 11:26killed by an elf zombie, while fainted from lack of food
141ascdnh3.14.0Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha3858800:14:263/3-8/122017-06-22 21:24killed by a gas spore's explosion
140ascdnh3.14.0Val-Hum-Fem-Law3,3482,9240:59:577/7-4/372017-06-22 21:07killed by a killer bee
139ascdnh3.14.0Sam-Hum-Mal-Law6836241:24:475/5-8/322017-06-22 20:04killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf
138ascdnh3.14.0Pri-Inc-Fem-Law9071,7890:22:436/6-3/192017-06-13 13:43killed by an orc zombie
137ascdnh3.14.0Pri-Hlf-Fem-Cha1314030:16:261/1-9/162017-06-13 12:17killed by a system shock
136ascdnh3.14.0Pir-Dro-Mal-Neu8491,9130:47:025/5-4/282017-06-06 09:30killed by a magic missile
135ascdnh3.14.0Nob-Vam-Mal-Neu3461,0500:24:003/3-10/172017-06-04 21:51slipped while mounting a saddled pony
134ascdnh3.14.0Nob-Inc-Mal-Law010:00:251/10/122017-06-04 21:23slipped while mounting a saddled pony
133ascdnh3.14.0Nob-Inc-Fem-Law32840:07:071/1-10/122017-06-04 21:22slipped while mounting a saddled pony
132ascdnh3.14.0Brd-Hlf-Mal-Cha1,0842,1060:36:494/4-3/312017-06-03 21:15killed by a giant bat
131ascdnh3.14.0Brd-Hum-Mal-Neu7132,4564:33:405/5-1/272017-06-02 14:51killed by an enormous rat
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 rows
Sat Sep 9 10:18:17 2023