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Overall Stats

games wins wins % scum z-score z-score Race first game last game realtime
102 0 0.0% 51 0 0 2021-12-16 16:38 2025-02-14 23:20 2 days, 14:07:36

Roles, races, alignments

roles Arc Bar Cav Con Dru Hea Inf Kni Mon Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz
all games 7 2 1 1 23 26 4 11 27
all games % 6.9% 2.0% 1.0% 1.0% 22.5% 25.5% 3.9% 10.8% 26.5%
races Cen Dra Dro Dwa Elf Gia Gno Hob Hum Ith Orc Trt
all games 7 2 7 3 51 2 23 7
all games % 6.9% 2.0% 6.9% 2.9% 50.0% 2.0% 22.5% 6.9%
alignments Law Neu Cha Una
all games 16 26 59 1
all games % 15.7% 25.5% 57.8% 1.0%

Recent Games

Death Reasons for McPanther
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death reason
102hfeevil0.9.0Mon-Gia-Mal-Cha21,7398,1821:50:344/100/912025-02-14 23:20withered away
101hfeevil0.8.4Wiz-Gia-Mal-Cha3,5384,8630:50:195/60/602024-12-06 21:26killed by a fire ant
100hfeevil0.8.4Bar-Gia-Mal-Cha1,8131,7530:12:372/30/722024-12-06 17:51killed by a goblin shaman
99hfeevil0.8.4Pri-Gia-Mal-Neu2,5573,1560:21:566/60/632024-12-06 14:45killed by a dwarf lady
98hfeevil0.8.4Pri-Ith-Mal-Cha1,0941,7450:16:233/50/402024-09-01 14:03diseased by a kobold zombie
97hfeevil0.8.4Pri-Gia-Mal-Cha7,4494,6360:57:542/80/832024-08-19 14:52killed by an orcish dagger
96hfeevil0.8.4Mon-Gia-Mal-Cha2821,0080:07:322/30/332024-08-16 14:22killed by Mr. Adjama; the shopkeeper
95hfeevil0.8.4Wiz-Ith-Mal-Cha1,1551,0260:15:596/60/412024-08-16 14:14killed by Mr. Rellenk; the shopkeeper
94hfeevil0.8.4Mon-Gia-Mal-Law9092,4140:21:252/60/472024-06-29 17:55killed by the Goblin King
93hfeevil0.8.4Pri-Gia-Mal-Cha1647290:04:343/30/182024-06-25 14:18killed by a small mimic
92hfeevil0.8.4Mon-Dra-Mal-Cha12,0797,8821:05:022/80/472024-06-04 15:52petrified by a cockatrice
91hfeevil0.8.4Wiz-Dro-Mal-Cha2098750:08:544/40/112024-06-02 15:10killed by a crossbow bolt
90hfeevil0.8.4Bar-Dra-Mal-Cha12,8959,3091:21:245/100/932024-05-31 14:23killed by a Woodland-elf
89hfeevil0.8.3Mon-Gia-Mal-Cha5544090:05:123/40/442024-05-29 14:44killed by a gnome lord
88hdfevil0.8.3Cav-Gia-Mal-Neu1,6272,1130:19:521/60/592023-12-01 17:18killed by a water demon
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 rows
Fri Feb 14 23:32:38 2025