Death Reasons - Player post163 - hackem-2024

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  Death Count
1 slipped while mounting a saddled pony 1,109
2 escaped 547
3 quit 385
4 killed by kicking a wall 85
5 killed by a scroll of genocide 53
6 killed by a bolt of cold 40
7 killed by a bolt of fire 36
8 killed by a system shock 29
8 killed by a bolt of lightning 29
9 killed by a scroll of earth 22
10 zapped himself with a spell 15
11 killed by a falling object 12
12 zapped herself with a spell 9
12 killed by a rabbit 9
13 caught herself in her own ball of lightning 8
14 caught herself in her own ball of cold 7
15 caught himself in his own ball of cold 6
16 killed by life drainage 5
16 killed by an arrow 5
16 killed by a sonic beam 5
17 killed by an acid stream 4
17 killed by a newt 4
17 caught himself in his own ball of lightning 4
18 killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 3
18 killed by a serval 3
18 killed by a little dart 3
18 killed by a fox 3
18 caught herself in her own death field 3
19 zapped herself with an a wand of fire 2
19 shot herself with a death ray 2
19 killed by a steel arrow 2
19 killed by a skunk 2
19 killed by a sea tortle 2
19 killed by a pseudodragon 2
19 killed by a pig 2
19 killed by a jackal 2
19 killed by a goblin 2
19 killed by a gas cloud 2
19 killed by a falling rock 2
19 killed by a crossbow bolt 2
19 killed by a coyote 2
19 killed by a boiling potion 2
19 died of starvation 2
19 caught himself in his own death field 2
19 burned by an exploding fire bomb 2
20 zombified by an orc zombie 1
20 zombified by a gnome zombie 1
20 zombified by a dwarf zombie 1
20 zombified by a diseased hobbit corpse 1
20 zapped himself with an a wand of wonder 1
20 zapped himself with an a wand of lightning 1
20 zapped himself with an a wand of cold 1
20 zapped herself with an a wand of magic missile 1
20 withered away 1
20 shot himself with a death ray 1
20 killed by touching Disrupter 1
20 killed by kicking an iron bar 1
20 killed by handling crossbow bolts that was made of iron 1
20 killed by handling an orcish short sword that was made of iron 1
20 killed by handling an orcish dagger that was made of iron 1
20 killed by handling an orcish chain mail that was made of iron 1
20 killed by handling an iron pea whistle that was made of iron 1
20 killed by handling a tin opener that was made of iron 1
20 killed by handling a crossbow bolt that was made of iron 1
20 killed by falling down a mine shaft 1
20 killed by boiling potions 1
20 killed by an orcish dagger 1
20 killed by an exploding crystal ball 1
20 killed by an acidic corpse 1
20 killed by a wererat 1
20 killed by a steel crossbow bolt 1
20 killed by a shotgun shell 1
20 killed by a sewer rat 1
20 killed by a rock gnome 1
20 killed by a riding accident 1
20 killed by a potion of holy water 1
20 killed by a manes 1
20 killed by a maggot 1
20 killed by a lichen 1
20 killed by a lesser homunculus 1
20 killed by a kitten 1
20 killed by a hobbit pickpocket 1
20 killed by a hedgehog 1
20 killed by a gnome lord 1
20 killed by a glass dart 1
20 killed by a giant rat 1
20 killed by a flash freeze 1
20 killed by a bear trap 1
20 killed by a baby owlbear 1
20 killed by Ms. Tsjernigof; the shopkeeper 1
20 killed by Merlek the orange moldier 1
20 killed by Larry; the shopkeeper 1
20 choked on a food ration 1
20 caught herself in her own fireball 1
Mon Jul 1 00:41:57 2024