Death | Count | |
1 | escaped | 2,149 |
2 | quit | 43 |
3 | ascended | 19 |
4 | killed by a fox | 15 |
5 | killed by a jackal | 12 |
6 | killed by a newt | 11 |
6 | killed by a grid bug | 11 |
7 | killed by a sewer rat | 9 |
8 | killed by a gnome lord | 8 |
9 | killed by a magic missile | 7 |
9 | killed by a dwarf | 7 |
10 | killed by an uninjured sewer rat | 6 |
10 | killed by a soldier ant | 6 |
10 | killed by a goblin | 6 |
10 | killed by a gnome | 6 |
11 | killed by a water moccasin | 5 |
11 | killed by a killer bee | 5 |
11 | killed by a bolt of cold | 5 |
11 | crunched in the head by an iron ball | 5 |
12 | zombified by an elf zombie | 4 |
12 | killed by a kobold | 4 |
12 | killed by a death ray | 4 |
12 | killed by a crossbow bolt | 4 |
13 | petrified by a cockatrice | 3 |
13 | petrified by a chickatrice | 3 |
13 | killed by brainlessness | 3 |
13 | killed by an arrow trap | 3 |
13 | killed by an Uruk-hai | 3 |
13 | killed by a watch captain | 3 |
13 | killed by a small dart | 3 |
13 | killed by a rothe | 3 |
13 | killed by a fox, while dragging an iron ball | 3 |
13 | killed by a dwarf, while praying | 3 |
13 | killed by a dwarf zombie | 3 |
13 | killed by a dwarf lord | 3 |
13 | killed by a dart | 3 |
13 | killed by a bolt of fire | 3 |
14 | poisoned by a rotted jackal corpse | 2 |
14 | petrified by touching a cockatrice corpse bare-handed | 2 |
14 | petrified by Poseidon's curse | 2 |
14 | killed by strangulation | 2 |
14 | killed by an uninjured werejackal | 2 |
14 | killed by an uninjured water moccasin | 2 |
14 | killed by an uninjured mumak | 2 |
14 | killed by an uninjured kobold | 2 |
14 | killed by an uninjured killer bee | 2 |
14 | killed by an uninjured jaguar | 2 |
14 | killed by an uninjured jackal | 2 |
14 | killed by an uninjured giant ant | 2 |
14 | killed by an uninjured fox | 2 |
14 | killed by an uninjured dwarf | 2 |
14 | killed by an ettin mummy | 2 |
14 | killed by an ape | 2 |
14 | killed by an air elemental of Crom | 2 |
14 | killed by a wounded rock troll | 2 |
14 | killed by a wolf | 2 |
14 | killed by a winter wolf cub | 2 |
14 | killed by a wererat | 2 |
14 | killed by a water troll | 2 |
14 | killed by a watchman | 2 |
14 | killed by a wand | 2 |
14 | killed by a straw golem | 2 |
14 | killed by a small crossbow bolt | 2 |
14 | killed by a slightly wounded rabid rat | 2 |
14 | killed by a silver arrow | 2 |
14 | killed by a piranha | 2 |
14 | killed by a mastodon | 2 |
14 | killed by a marid | 2 |
14 | killed by a leocrotta | 2 |
14 | killed by a large kobold | 2 |
14 | killed by a jackal, while praying | 2 |
14 | killed by a hobbit | 2 |
14 | killed by a hill orc | 2 |
14 | killed by a goblin-captain | 2 |
14 | killed by a gnome lord, while praying | 2 |
14 | killed by a gnome lady | 2 |
14 | killed by a gnome king | 2 |
14 | killed by a giant spider | 2 |
14 | killed by a giant mimic | 2 |
14 | killed by a gas spore's explosion | 2 |
14 | killed by a gargoyle | 2 |
14 | killed by a dwarf, while fainted from lack of food | 2 |
14 | killed by a djinni | 2 |
14 | killed by a bolt of lightning | 2 |
14 | killed by Cerberus | 2 |
14 | disintegrated by overwinding | 2 |
14 | choked on a rothe corpse | 2 |
15 | zombified by an orc zombie | 1 |
15 | zombified by a gnome zombie | 1 |
15 | zombified by a dwarf zombie | 1 |
15 | shot himself with a death ray | 1 |
15 | poisoned by an aligned priest | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a water moccasin | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted wraith corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted stone giant corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted rust monster corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted rothe corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted newt corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted hill orc corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted elf corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted dwarf corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted brown pudding corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a rotted baby crocodile corpse | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a hobbit zombie | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a dwarf zombie | 1 |
15 | poisoned by a cursed amulet of life saving | 1 |
15 | poisoned by Lamashtu | 1 |
15 | petrified by a cockatrice corpse | 1 |
15 | petrified by a basilisk | 1 |
15 | petrified by Levistus | 1 |
15 | killed by withering away | 1 |
15 | killed by touching Grimtooth | 1 |
15 | killed by the wrath of Set | 1 |
15 | killed by the wounded high priest of Ptah (with the Amulet) | 1 |
15 | killed by the slightly wounded invisible Wizard of Yendor | 1 |
15 | killed by slightly wounded invisible Nalzok | 1 |
15 | killed by memory loss (with the Amulet) | 1 |
15 | killed by invisible hallucinogen-distorted Lugribossk of Ilsensine (with the Amulet), and the future | 1 |
15 | killed by heavily wounded Death (with the Amulet) | 1 |
15 | killed by hallucinogen-distorted Ms. Kerloch; the shopkeeper | 1 |
15 | killed by barely wounded Mr. Akureyri; the shopkeeper | 1 |
15 | killed by barely wounded Asmodeus | 1 |
15 | killed by an unsuccessful polymorph | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured werewolf | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured water demon | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured watch captain | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured warhorse | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured vampire lord in bat form | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured soldier ant | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured rabid rat | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured panther | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured orange dragon | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured ogre | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured newt | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured little dog | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured large kobold | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured kobold zombie | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured invisible wererat | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured invisible tengu | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured invisible chameleon imitating a displacer beast | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured hobbit | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured hill orc | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured hill giant | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured grid bug | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured gnome | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured giant bat | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured garter snake | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured coyote | 1 |
15 | killed by an uninjured black dragon | 1 |
15 | killed by an orcish dagger | 1 |
15 | killed by an orc-captain, while praying | 1 |
15 | killed by an iron ball collision | 1 |
15 | killed by an invisible water demon | 1 |
15 | killed by an invisible quinon, while frozen by a monster's gaze | 1 |
15 | killed by an invisible quaton, while fainted from lack of food | 1 |
15 | killed by an invisible quaton | 1 |
15 | killed by an invisible phantom fungus | 1 |
15 | killed by an invisible gnome lord | 1 |
15 | killed by an invisible Mordor orc | 1 |
15 | killed by an iguana, while praying | 1 |
15 | killed by an ice vortex, while praying | 1 |
15 | killed by an exploding wand | 1 |
15 | killed by an enormous rat, while fainted from lack of food | 1 |
15 | killed by an elven king | 1 |
15 | killed by an elven dagger | 1 |
15 | killed by an elven arrow | 1 |
15 | killed by an elf-lord of Eilistraee, while praying | 1 |
15 | killed by an elf mummy, while fainted from lack of food | 1 |
15 | killed by an electric shock | 1 |
15 | killed by an ancient naga | 1 |
15 | killed by an ammit, while praying | 1 |
15 | killed by an air elemental of Thoth (with the Amulet) | 1 |
15 | killed by an air elemental of Mother Earth | 1 |
15 | killed by an acidic corpse | 1 |
15 | killed by an Uruk-hai, while dragging an iron ball | 1 |
15 | killed by an Angel of Pan, while praying (with the Amulet) | 1 |
15 | killed by a yeti, while praying | 1 |
15 | killed by a yesod sephirah, while fainted from lack of food | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded yeti | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded winged gargoyle | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded white unicorn | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded werejackal | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded watch captain | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded soldier ant | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded rothe | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded priestess of Poseidon | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded pony | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded little dog | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded leocrotta | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded kobold lord | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded kitten | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded ice vortex | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded homunculus | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded hill orc | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded hallucinogen-distorted watch captain | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded gnome | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded giant spider | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded giant mimic | 1 |
15 | killed by a wounded giant ant | 1 |