Death Reasons - Player coffeebug - grunt

All years 2020 2021 2022 2023

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  Death Count
1 killed by a water moccasin 21
2 killed by a water demon 13
3 killed by a rabid rat 7
4 killed by a jackal 6
4 killed by a hobgoblin 6
5 killed by an iguana 5
5 killed by a small mimic 5
5 killed by a Woodland-elf 5
6 killed by her own bolt of lightning 4
6 killed by an orcish wererat 4
6 killed by a shark 4
6 killed by a kobold wererat 4
6 killed by a kobold mummy 4
6 killed by a jaguar 4
6 killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka, the shopkeeper's magic missile 4
7 zombified by a kobold zombie 3
7 petrified by Medusa 3
7 killed by an owlbear 3
7 killed by a wolf 3
7 killed by a warg 3
7 killed by a rothe 3
7 killed by a minotaur 3
7 killed by a hobbit 3
7 killed by a gnomish werewolf 3
7 killed by a giant rat 3
7 killed by a gecko 3
7 killed by a fox 3
7 killed by a dwarvish zombie 3
7 killed by a dwarf 3
7 killed by a barrow wight's spell 3
8 zombified by a gnomish zombie 2
8 poisoned by a rotted kobold corpse 2
8 petrified by a cockatrice 2
8 killed by the wrath of Lugh 2
8 killed by her own death ray 2
8 killed by her own bolt of cold 2
8 killed by contaminated water 2
8 killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 2
8 killed by an ogre werejackal 2
8 killed by an ogre 2
8 killed by an iron piercer 2
8 killed by an elven werejackal 2
8 killed by an amulet of strangulation 2
8 killed by a wraith 2
8 killed by a titan's finger of death 2
8 killed by a tiger 2
8 killed by a system shock 2
8 killed by a rock piercer 2
8 killed by a lizard 2
8 killed by a land mine 2
8 killed by a kobold werewolf 2
8 killed by a kobold king 2
8 killed by a killer bee 2
8 killed by a human werejackal 2
8 killed by a homunculus, while asleep 2
8 killed by a hobgoblin's arrow 2
8 killed by a gremlin 2
8 killed by a gnomish wererat 2
8 killed by a gnomish werejackal 2
8 killed by a giant mimic 2
8 killed by a giant beetle 2
8 killed by a giant ant 2
8 killed by a ghoul 2
8 killed by a dwarvish mummy 2
8 killed by a djinni 2
8 killed by a dingo 2
8 killed by a coyote 2
8 killed by a boulder 2
8 killed by Ms. Sipaliwini, the shopkeeper's wand 2
8 killed by Ms. Kinojevis, the shopkeeper's wand 2
8 killed by Ms. Kadirli, the shopkeeper's wand 2
8 killed by Ms. Berbek, the shopkeeper's magic missile 2
8 killed by Ms. Bayburt, the shopkeeper's wand 2
8 killed by Mr. Lahinch, the shopkeeper's wand 2
8 killed by Mr. Gaziantep, the shopkeeper's magic missile 2
8 killed by Mr. Eypau, the shopkeeper's wand 2
8 frozen by a brown mold 2
8 burned by a flaming sphere 2
9 zombified by an orcish zombie 1
9 zombified by an ogre zombie 1
9 zombified by an ettin zombie 1
9 zombified by an elven zombie 1
9 zombified by a human zombie 1
9 zombified by a dwarvish zombie 1
9 zapped herself with a wand 1
9 turned to slime by a green slime 1
9 suffocated by a gelatinous cube 1
9 squished under her own boulder 1
9 shocked by an energy vortex 1
9 shocked by an electric eel 1
9 shocked by a shocking sphere 1
9 shocked by a grid bug 1
9 quit while already on Charon's boat 1
9 poisoned by a rotted yellow mold corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted wood nymph corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted valkyrie corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted rock piercer corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted rock mole corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted red mold corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted piranha corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted orc corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted monkey corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted green mold corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted golden naga hatchling corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted giant beetle corpse 1
9 petrified by trying to help a cockatrice out of a pit 1
9 petrified by tasting cockatrice meat 1
9 petrified by a cockatrice, while turning to stone 1
9 petrified by a cockatrice egg 1
9 petrified by a cockatrice corpse 1
9 killed by touching Vorpal Blade 1
9 killed by touching The Tsurugi of Muramasa 1
9 killed by touching The Staff of Aesculapius 1
9 killed by touching The Sceptre of Might 1
9 killed by touching The Platinum Yendorian Express Card 1
9 killed by touching The Orb of Detection 1
9 killed by touching The Mitre of Holiness 1
9 killed by touching The Longbow of Diana 1
9 killed by touching The Heart of Ahriman 1
9 killed by touching Stormbringer 1
9 killed by touching Snickersnee 1
9 killed by touching Orcrist 1
9 killed by touching Mjollnir 1
9 killed by touching Magicbane 1
9 killed by touching Grimtooth 1
9 killed by touching Grayswandir 1
9 killed by touching Giantslayer 1
9 killed by touching Excalibur 1
9 killed by the wrath of Kos 1
9 killed by the wrath of Camaxtli 1
9 killed by the wrath of Anhur 1
9 killed by the ghost of jonadab 1
9 killed by the ghost of coffeebug 1
9 killed by the ghost of Michiel 1
9 killed by the ghost of Kenneth Arnold 1
9 killed by leg damage from being pulled out of a bear trap 1
9 killed by invisible Ms. Touverac, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by her own pick-axe 1
9 killed by her own magic missile 1
9 killed by her own bolt of fire 1
9 killed by an orcish wizard 1
9 killed by an orcish werewolf 1
9 killed by an orcish werejackal 1
9 killed by an orcish soldier 1
9 killed by an orcish shaman's spell 1
9 killed by an orcish mummy 1
9 killed by an orcish lord 1
9 killed by an orcish lieutenant's orcish arrow 1
9 killed by an orcish guard 1
9 killed by an ogre zombie 1
9 killed by an ogre wererat 1
9 killed by an ogre nurse 1
9 killed by an ogre mummy 1
9 killed by an ogre lord 1
9 killed by an ogre guard 1
9 killed by an iron ball collision 1
9 killed by an invisible water demon 1
9 killed by an invisible ogre wererat 1
9 killed by an invisible lich's cone of cold 1
9 killed by an invisible elven mage's magic missile 1
9 killed by an invisible elven mage 1
9 killed by an invisible dwarf's magic missile 1
9 killed by an exploding stone chest 1
9 killed by an ettin zombie 1
9 killed by an ettin wererat 1
9 killed by an ettin werejackal 1
9 killed by an ettin mummy 1
9 killed by an elven werewolf, while asleep 1
9 killed by an elven wererat 1
9 killed by an elven soldier 1
9 killed by an elven priestess of Quetzalcoatl 1
9 killed by an elven priestess of Huhetotl 1
9 killed by an elven priestess of Camaxtli 1
9 killed by an elven priest of Quetzalcoatl 1
9 killed by an elven priest of Huhetotl 1
9 killed by an elven priest of Camaxtli 1
9 killed by an elven mummy 1
9 killed by an elven lord 1
9 killed by an elven guard 1
9 killed by an ape 1
9 killed by an Uruk-hai's orcish arrow 1
9 killed by a zruty 1
9 killed by a yellow dragon's blast of acid 1
9 killed by a yellow dragon 1
9 killed by a wumpus 1
9 killed by a wraith's life drainage 1
9 killed by a wood nymph's magic missile 1
9 killed by a winter wolf cub's blast of frost 1
9 killed by a winter wolf cub 1
9 killed by a winter wolf 1
9 killed by a white dragon 1
9 killed by a water demon, while turning to stone 1
9 killed by a water demon, while praying 1
9 killed by a warhorse 1
9 killed by a titan's splash of acid 1
9 killed by a titan's poison gas cloud 1
9 killed by a titan's ball of cold 1
9 killed by a titan 1
9 killed by a tiger, while praying 1
9 killed by a thrown potion 1
9 killed by a snake 1
9 killed by a sewer rat 1
9 killed by a rope golem 1
9 killed by a rock troll 1
9 killed by a residual undead turning effect 1
9 killed by a quasit 1
9 killed by a quantum mechanic, while fainted 1
9 killed by a python 1
9 killed by a potion of acid 1
9 killed by a plains centaur's crossbow bolt 1
9 killed by a plains centaur 1
9 killed by a pit viper 1
9 killed by a mumak 1
9 killed by a mountain centaur 1
9 killed by a monkey 1
9 killed by a mildly contaminated potion 1
9 killed by a manes 1
9 killed by a little dart 1
9 killed by a leprechaun 1
9 killed by a leocrotta 1
9 killed by a leather golem 1
9 killed by a large mimic 1
9 killed by a large cat 1
9 killed by a kobold werejackal 1
9 killed by a kobold soldier 1
9 killed by a kobold sergeant 1
9 killed by a kobold queen 1
9 killed by a kobold nurse 1
9 killed by a kobold lieutenant's bolt of cold 1
9 killed by a kobold lieutenant 1
9 killed by a kobold king's bolt of lightning 1
9 killed by a kobold guard 1
9 killed by a kobold captain's magic missile 1
9 killed by a kitten 1
9 killed by a jellyfish, while paralyzed 1
9 killed by a jackal, while praying 1
9 killed by a human wererat 1
9 killed by a human priestess of Quetzalcoatl 1
9 killed by a human priestess of Huhetotl 1
9 killed by a human priestess of Camaxtli 1
9 killed by a human priest of Quetzalcoatl 1
9 killed by a human priest of Huhetotl 1
9 killed by a human priest 1
9 killed by a human monk 1
9 killed by a human guard 1
9 killed by a horned devil 1
9 killed by a homunculus, while praying 1
9 killed by a homunculus 1
9 killed by a hobgoblin's lucern hammer 1
9 killed by a hill orc's wand 1
9 killed by a hill orc's orcish dagger 1
9 killed by a hill orc's magic missile 1
9 killed by a hill orc 1
9 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted rabid rat 1
9 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted ape 1
9 killed by a gray dragon's blast of missiles 1
9 killed by a gray dragon 1
9 killed by a gold golem 1
9 killed by a goblin 1
9 killed by a gnomish zombie 1
9 killed by a gnomish watchman 1
9 killed by a gnomish watch captain 1
9 killed by a gnomish soldier 1
9 killed by a gnomish sergeant 1
9 killed by a gnomish mummy 1
9 killed by a gnomish mage's level drainage 1
9 killed by a gnomish lord 1
9 killed by a gnomish king 1
9 killed by a gnomish guard 1
9 killed by a gnomish archeologist 1
9 killed by a glass golem 1
9 killed by a giant spider 1
9 killed by a giant guard 1
9 killed by a gas cloud 1
9 killed by a garter snake, while asleep 1
9 killed by a garter snake 1
9 killed by a flesh golem 1
9 killed by a fire giant 1
9 killed by a falling slime mold 1
9 killed by a falling rock 1
9 killed by a dwarvish werewolf 1
9 killed by a dwarvish wererat 1
9 killed by a dwarvish werejackal 1
9 killed by a dwarvish watchman 1
9 killed by a dwarvish watch captain 1
9 killed by a dwarvish sergeant 1
9 killed by a dwarvish lord 1
9 killed by a dwarvish king's wand 1
9 killed by a dwarvish guard 1
9 killed by a cobra 1
9 killed by a centipede 1
9 killed by a cave spider 1
9 killed by a carnivorous ape 1
9 killed by a boomerang 1
9 killed by a boiling potion 1
9 killed by a black naga 1
9 killed by a black dragon's blast of disintegration 1
9 killed by a balrog 1
9 killed by a baby red dragon 1
9 killed by a baby orange dragon 1
9 killed by a baby gray dragon 1
9 killed by a baby crocodile 1
9 killed by a Woodland-elf's elven copper arrow 1
9 killed by Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Walbrzych, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Urignac, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Upernavik, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Touverac, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Tjibarusa, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Syktywkar, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Syktywkar, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Sneem, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Siirt, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Sarangan, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Rhydaman, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Ms. Possogroenoe, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Pervari, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Pengalengan, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Ms. Ouiatchouane, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Ms. Njalindoeng, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Narodnaja, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Manlobbi, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Manlobbi, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Krnov, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Konosja, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Klodzko, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Klodzko, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Ms. Kittamagh, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Kittamagh, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Kinnegad, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Kinnegad, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Kilgarvan, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Kilgarvan, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Ms. Kesh, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Kediri, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Karangkobar, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Kanturk, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Kalecik, the shopkeeper's bolt of lightning 1
9 killed by Ms. Kabalebo, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Hoboken, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Ms. Gliwice, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Gliwice, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Glenbeigh, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Enontekis, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Enniscorthy, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Chicoutimi, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Chicoutimi, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Baliga, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Baliga, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Ms. Ardjawinangun, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Angmagssalik, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Ms. Aklavik, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Mr. Yr Wyddgrug, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Yad, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Tringanoe, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Tjiwidej, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Telloc Cyaj, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Telloc Cyaj, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Swidnica, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Siverek, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Sablja, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Sablja, the shopkeeper's bolt of lightning 1
9 killed by Mr. Sablja, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Mr. Renrut, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Rath Luirc, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Rath Luirc, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Pameunpeuk, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Ouiatchouane, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Ossipewsk, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Noskcirdneh, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Niskal, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Neuvicq, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Nenilukah, the shopkeeper's bolt of fire 1
9 killed by Mr. Kyzyl, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Kyzyl, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Kilmihil, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Kanturk, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Kabalebo, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Izchak, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Izchak, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Inuvik, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Inuvik, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Mr. Imbyze, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Mr. Hebiwerie, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Gomel, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Gaziantep, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Fenouilledes, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Mr. Eed-morra, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Djombang, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Culdaff, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Chicoutimi, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Cahersiveen, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Budereyri, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Bojolali, the shopkeeper's death ray 1
9 killed by Mr. Bnowr Falr, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Asidonhopo, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Ardjawinangun, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Ardjawinangun, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Ardjawinangun, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Mr. Annootok, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Annootok, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Angmagssalik, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Angmagssalik, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Aned, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Aksaray, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Aksaray, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Akalapi, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Akalapi, the shopkeeper's magic missile 1
9 killed by Mr. Adjama, the shopkeeper's wand 1
9 killed by Mr. Adjama, the shopkeeper's bolt of lightning 1
9 killed by Medusa 1
9 frozen by a lich 1
9 frozen by a freezing sphere 1
9 frozen by a blue jelly 1
9 fell into a pit 1
9 fell into a chasm 1
9 escaped 1
9 eaten by a lurker above 1
9 drowned in water 1
9 drowned in a moat 1
9 choked on an invisible food ration 1
9 caught himself in his own fireball 1
9 caught herself in her own magical blast 1
9 caught herself in her own fireball 1
9 caught herself in her own death field 1
9 caught herself in her own ball of lightning 1
9 caught herself in her own ball of cold 1
9 burned by a pyrolisk 1
9 burned by a fire elemental 1
9 burned by a booby-trapped door 1
9 a trickery 1
Sat Sep 9 09:37:17 2023