Death Reasons - Player Tangles - nh-2021

All years 2020 2021 2022 2023

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  Death Count
1 killed by an uninjured gnome 7
1 killed by a gnome 7
1 killed by a dwarf 7
2 killed by an uninjured dwarf 6
2 killed by a wounded gnome lady 6
3 killed by an arrow 5
4 killed by a wounded dwarf 4
4 killed by a gnome lord 4
5 slipped while mounting a saddled pony 3
5 quit 3
5 killed by an uninjured fox 3
5 killed by an electric shock 3
5 killed by a wounded rothe 3
5 killed by a wounded hobbit 3
5 killed by a wounded gnome lord 3
5 killed by a wounded giant bat 3
5 killed by a wand 3
5 killed by a soldier ant 3
5 killed by a small mimic 3
5 killed by a jackal 3
5 killed by a crossbow bolt 3
5 ascended 3
6 killed by the ghost of Tangles 2
6 killed by an uninjured small mimic 2
6 killed by an uninjured leocrotta 2
6 killed by an uninjured kobold zombie 2
6 killed by an uninjured giant ant 2
6 killed by a wounded small mimic 2
6 killed by a wounded large mimic 2
6 killed by a wounded giant spider 2
6 killed by a wounded bugbear 2
6 killed by a water moccasin 2
6 killed by a sewer rat 2
6 killed by a newt 2
6 killed by a large mimic 2
6 killed by a killer bee 2
6 killed by a hill orc 2
6 killed by a fire ant 2
6 killed by a falling rock 2
6 killed by a dagger 2
6 killed by a boulder 2
6 killed by a bolt of fire 2
6 killed by a bolt of cold 2
7 poisoned by a soldier ant 1
7 poisoned by a rotted hill orc corpse 1
7 poisoned by a rotted elf corpse 1
7 poisoned by a giant spider 1
7 killed by wounded Mr. Akalapi; the shopkeeper 1
7 killed by the wounded invisible Wizard of Yendor 1
7 killed by slightly wounded Mr. Sperc; the shopkeeper 1
7 killed by slightly wounded Mr. Niknar; the shopkeeper 1
7 killed by invisible Thoth Amon 1
7 killed by brainlessness 1
7 killed by an uninjured water moccasin 1
7 killed by an uninjured water demon 1
7 killed by an uninjured rothe 1
7 killed by an uninjured raven 1
7 killed by an uninjured paper golem 1
7 killed by an uninjured manes 1
7 killed by an uninjured killer bee 1
7 killed by an uninjured jackal 1
7 killed by an uninjured hobbit 1
7 killed by an uninjured hallucinogen-distorted garter snake 1
7 killed by an uninjured goblin 1
7 killed by an uninjured gnome zombie 1
7 killed by an uninjured gnome queen 1
7 killed by an uninjured gnome lord 1
7 killed by an uninjured dwarf mummy 1
7 killed by an uninjured coyote 1
7 killed by an uninjured bat 1
7 killed by an uninjured Green-elf 1
7 killed by an orc zombie 1
7 killed by an orc shaman 1
7 killed by an invisible stalker 1
7 killed by an iguana 1
7 killed by a wounded xorn 1
7 killed by a wounded wererat 1
7 killed by a wounded pit viper 1
7 killed by a wounded leocrotta 1
7 killed by a wounded kobold lord 1
7 killed by a wounded killer bee 1
7 killed by a wounded human mummy 1
7 killed by a wounded homunculus 1
7 killed by a wounded gnome 1
7 killed by a wounded giant ant 1
7 killed by a wounded gecko 1
7 killed by a wounded fire ant 1
7 killed by a wounded brown mold 1
7 killed by a wounded black unicorn 1
7 killed by a wounded air elemental 1
7 killed by a wounded Uruk-hai 1
7 killed by a wererat 1
7 killed by a straw golem 1
7 killed by a slightly wounded small mimic 1
7 killed by a slightly wounded invisible gnome lord 1
7 killed by a slightly wounded horse 1
7 killed by a slightly wounded gnome lady 1
7 killed by a slightly wounded gnome king 1
7 killed by a slightly wounded giant mimic 1
7 killed by a slightly wounded gargoyle 1
7 killed by a scroll of earth 1
7 killed by a salamander 1
7 killed by a rothe 1
7 killed by a riding accident 1
7 killed by a priestess of Issek 1
7 killed by a poisonous corpse 1
7 killed by a nearly defunct kobold zombie 1
7 killed by a nearly deceased homunculus 1
7 killed by a nearly deceased gnome 1
7 killed by a nearly deceased giant rat 1
7 killed by a nearly deceased dwarf 1
7 killed by a mind flayer 1
7 killed by a hobbit 1
7 killed by a heavily wounded snake 1
7 killed by a heavily wounded small mimic 1
7 killed by a heavily wounded jaguar 1
7 killed by a heavily wounded gnome lady 1
7 killed by a heavily wounded gargoyle 1
7 killed by a heavily wounded black unicorn 1
7 killed by a guardian naga hatchling 1
7 killed by a guard 1
7 killed by a grid bug 1
7 killed by a gray unicorn 1
7 killed by a gray ooze 1
7 killed by a gnome king 1
7 killed by a giant rat 1
7 killed by a giant mimic 1
7 killed by a giant bat 1
7 killed by a giant ant 1
7 killed by a gas spore's explosion 1
7 killed by a dwarf lord 1
7 killed by a death ray 1
7 killed by a coyote 1
7 killed by a bolt of lightning 1
7 killed by a blast of fire 1
7 killed by a bat 1
7 killed by a barely wounded ettin mummy 1
7 killed by a Woodland-elf 1
7 choked on a wraith corpse (with the Amulet) 1
7 burned by a tower of flame 1
Thu Apr 20 19:34:33 2023