Death | Count | |
1 | quit | 19 |
2 | killed by a wounded small mimic | 4 |
2 | killed by a wand | 4 |
2 | killed by a crossbow bolt | 4 |
3 | killed by an uninjured wererat | 3 |
3 | killed by an uninjured watch captain | 3 |
3 | killed by an uninjured small mimic | 3 |
3 | killed by an uninjured gnome | 3 |
3 | killed by an uninjured dwarf | 3 |
3 | killed by an orcish arrow | 3 |
3 | killed by a magic missile | 3 |
3 | killed by a falling rock | 3 |
3 | killed by a boulder | 3 |
4 | killed by an uninjured jackal | 2 |
4 | killed by an uninjured hobgoblin | 2 |
4 | killed by an uninjured hill orc | 2 |
4 | killed by an uninjured goblin | 2 |
4 | killed by an uninjured giant bat | 2 |
4 | killed by an uninjured giant ant | 2 |
4 | killed by an uninjured fox | 2 |
4 | killed by an uninjured coyote | 2 |
4 | killed by a wounded gnome lady | 2 |
4 | killed by a wounded black pudding | 2 |
4 | killed by a slightly wounded invisible stalker | 2 |
4 | killed by a moderately wounded gecko | 2 |
4 | killed by a moderately wounded dwarf | 2 |
5 | poisoned by a rotted gnome leader corpse | 1 |
5 | killed by wounded Ms. Manlobbi; the shopkeeper | 1 |
5 | killed by uninjured Ashikaga Takauji | 1 |
5 | killed by touching Demonbane | 1 |
5 | killed by the slightly wounded nabru's ghost of nabru | 1 |
5 | killed by brainlessness | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured wolf | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured werejackal | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured sewer rat | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured rothe | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured rock piercer | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured rock mole | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured rabid rat | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured kobold zombie | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured kobold | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured hobbit | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured guard | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured gnome lord | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured giant rat | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured giant mimic | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured gecko | 1 |
5 | killed by an uninjured bat | 1 |
5 | killed by an electric shock | 1 |
5 | killed by an arrow | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded watchman | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded watch captain | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded mumak | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded homunculus | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded hobbit | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded hill orc | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded giant bat | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded fire elemental | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded coyote | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded black unicorn | 1 |
5 | killed by a wounded Grey-elf | 1 |
5 | killed by a slightly wounded housecat | 1 |
5 | killed by a slightly wounded giant bat | 1 |
5 | killed by a seriously wounded small mimic | 1 |
5 | killed by a residual undead turning effect | 1 |
5 | killed by a nearly deceased gnome lord | 1 |
5 | killed by a moderately wounded orc-captain | 1 |
5 | killed by a moderately wounded invisible elf-lord | 1 |
5 | killed by a moderately wounded goblin | 1 |
5 | killed by a moderately wounded gnome zombie | 1 |
5 | killed by a moderately wounded gnome | 1 |
5 | killed by a moderately wounded giant spider | 1 |
5 | killed by a moderately wounded giant bat | 1 |
5 | killed by a moderately wounded Uruk-hai | 1 |
5 | killed by a magical explosion | 1 |
5 | killed by a killer bee | 1 |
5 | killed by a heavily wounded owlbear | 1 |
5 | killed by a heavily wounded homunculus | 1 |
5 | killed by a gas spore's explosion | 1 |
5 | killed by a critically wounded pony | 1 |
5 | killed by a critically wounded invisible stalker | 1 |
5 | killed by a critically wounded invisible gnome lord | 1 |
5 | killed by a critically wounded hobbit | 1 |
5 | killed by a critically wounded dwarf | 1 |
5 | killed by a critically damaged clay golem | 1 |
5 | killed by a badly wounded soldier ant | 1 |
5 | killed by a badly wounded panther | 1 |
5 | killed by a badly wounded jackal | 1 |
5 | killed by a badly wounded gnome lord | 1 |
5 | killed by a badly wounded gnome | 1 |
5 | drowned in a pool of water by a giant eel | 1 |
5 | died of starvation | 1 |
5 | crushed to death by a collapsing drawbridge | 1 |
5 | ascended | 1 |