Death Reasons - Player GreyMario - All

All years 2020 2021 2022 2023

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  Death Count
1 quit 67
2 escaped 34
3 killed by a water moccasin 7
4 killed by kicking a wall 6
5 killed by a soldier ant 5
5 killed by a jackal 5
6 killed by a sewer rat 4
6 killed by a kitten 4
6 killed by a giant bat 4
6 killed by a fox 4
6 killed by a black pudding 4
7 killed by a scroll of genocide 3
7 killed by a gnome 3
7 killed by a falling rock 3
7 killed by a falling object 3
8 zapped himself with a wand 2
8 shot himself with a death ray 2
8 killed by a wand 2
8 killed by a rothe 2
8 killed by a kobold zombie 2
8 killed by a housecat 2
8 killed by a hill orc 2
8 killed by a gnome lord 2
8 killed by a giant spider 2
8 killed by a giant ant 2
8 killed by a gas spore's explosion 2
8 killed by a dwarf lord 2
8 killed by a dwarf 2
8 killed by a dart 2
8 killed by a bolt of lightning 2
9 poisoned by a rotted rothe corpse 1
9 poisoned by a rotted kobold corpse 1
9 killed by kicking a rock 1
9 killed by kicking a blessed +1 quarterstaff named giant ant 1
9 killed by kicking 21 gold pieces 1
9 killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 1
9 killed by an owlbear 1
9 killed by an orcish arrow 1
9 killed by an iron ball collision 1
9 killed by an invisible gold golem 1
9 killed by an iguana 1
9 killed by an ettin zombie 1
9 killed by an energy vortex 1
9 killed by an electric shock 1
9 killed by an arrow 1
9 killed by an ape 1
9 killed by an acidic corpse 1
9 killed by an Uruk-hai 1
9 killed by a winter wolf cub 1
9 killed by a white unicorn 1
9 killed by a werewolf 1
9 killed by a water elemental, while helpless 1
9 killed by a water elemental 1
9 killed by a water demon 1
9 killed by a tengu 1
9 killed by a small mimic 1
9 killed by a rothe, while helpless 1
9 killed by a rope golem 1
9 killed by a red mold 1
9 killed by a pyrolisk 1
9 killed by a priestess of Ptah 1
9 killed by a poisonous corpse 1
9 killed by a newt, while helpless 1
9 killed by a little dog, while helpless 1
9 killed by a little dog 1
9 killed by a large mimic 1
9 killed by a large dog 1
9 killed by a kobold zombie, while helpless 1
9 killed by a kobold lord, while helpless 1
9 killed by a kobold 1
9 killed by a kitten, while helpless 1
9 killed by a killer bee 1
9 killed by a jaguar, while helpless 1
9 killed by a jaguar 1
9 killed by a homunculus 1
9 killed by a hobgoblin, while helpless 1
9 killed by a hill orc, while helpless 1
9 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted water elemental 1
9 killed by a hallucinogen-distorted pony 1
9 killed by a gold golem 1
9 killed by a goblin 1
9 killed by a gnome zombie 1
9 killed by a garter snake, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
9 killed by a fire ant 1
9 killed by a crocodile 1
9 killed by a coyote, while frozen by a monster's gaze 1
9 killed by a coyote 1
9 killed by a bugbear, while helpless 1
9 killed by a brown mold 1
9 killed by a Grey-elf, while helpless 1
9 killed by a Green-elf 1
9 killed by Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Mr. Lerignac, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Mr. Inuvik, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Mr. Asidonhopo, the shopkeeper 1
9 killed by Mr. Adjama, the shopkeeper 1
9 fell onto a sink 1
9 caught himself in his own fireball 1
9 ascended 1
Sun Sep 10 02:57:00 2023