Death Reasons - Player Bau - ndnh

All years 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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  Death Count
1 quit 1,777
2 zapped herself with a wand 1
2 poisoned by a rotted gnome lord corpse 1
2 poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse 1
2 poisoned by a rotted drow corpse 1
2 killed by using a magical horn on herself 1
2 killed by touching Nenya 1
2 killed by an invisible Uruk-hai, while sleeping 1
2 killed by an air elemental 1
2 killed by a winged gargoyle 1
2 killed by a wand 1
2 killed by a rock kobold 1
2 killed by a lightning paraelemental 1
2 killed by a gnome lord 1
2 killed by a gnome 1
2 killed by a fire ant 1
2 killed by a dwarf, while sleeping 1
2 killed by a dwarf, while fainted from lack of food 1
2 killed by a dwarf king 1
2 killed by a dancing flame of Brigit 1
2 killed by Ms. Tringanoe, the shopkeeper 1
2 caught himself in his own blast 1
2 burned by a tower of flame 1
Thu Jul 11 16:52:55 2024