
All NetHack

Overall Stats

games wins wins % scum z-score first game last game realtime
262 2 0.4% 226 1.5000 2016-09-02 21:53 2019-10-11 21:32 3 months, 8 days, 17:30:28

Roles, races, alignments

roles Arc Bar Cav Hea Kni Mon Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz
all games 1 2 46 1 5 207
all games % 0.4% 0.8% 17.6% 0.4% 1.9% 79.0%
ascensions 2
ascensions % 100.0%
win % 1.0%
races Hum Elf Dwa Gno Orc
all games 1 253 5 2 1
all games % 0.4% 96.6% 1.9% 0.8% 0.4%
ascensions 2
ascensions % 100.0%
win % 0.8%
alignments Law Neu Cha
all games 6 2 254
all games % 2.3% 0.8% 96.9%
ascensions 2
ascensions % 100.0%
win % 0.8%

Recent Games

Death Reasons for nekochan448
  srv var ver character points turns duration dlvl HP time death reason special
262 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 369 1,560 0:10:40 3/3 0/24 2019-10-11 21:32 killed by a bolt of cold
261 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 256 1,335 0:05:16 5/5 0/11 2019-10-11 21:21 killed by a little dog
260 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 0 92 0:01:49 1/1 0/11 2019-10-11 21:15 killed by an incubus of Anhur
259 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 671 1,433 0:10:22 6/6 0/31 2019-10-11 21:13 killed by a gnome lord
258 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 186 1,093 0:08:50 2/2 0/11 2019-10-11 21:02 killed by a jackal
257 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 266 1,560 0:13:07 4/4 0/15 2019-09-27 19:02 killed by a large mimic
256 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 113 1,639 3:03:57 1/2 0/11 2019-09-27 18:43 killed by a water demon
255 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 45 456 0:10:31 1/1 0/11 2019-09-26 16:11 killed by a falling rock
254 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 258 1,492 2:22:41 4/4 0/11 2019-09-13 21:15 killed by a gas spore's explosion
253 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 1,443 2,826 0:44:43 3/3 0/24 2019-07-25 21:34 killed by an iguana
252 nao nh 3.6.1 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 26 118 0:01:42 1/1 -1/11 2019-02-04 18:06 killed by an electric shock
251 nao nh 3.6.1 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 397 1,685 0:12:00 4/4 0/29 2019-02-04 18:04 killed by an iguana
250 nao nh 3.6.1 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 2 96 0:01:04 1/1 0/11 2019-02-04 17:51 killed by a dart
249 nao nh 3.6.1 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 81 302 0:02:57 2/2 -7/11 2019-02-04 17:50 killed by a boulder
248 nao nh 3.6.1 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 137 883 0:08:42 3/3 0/11 2019-02-04 17:33 killed by a gas spore's explosion

Ascended Games

  srv var ver character points turns   duration dlvl  HP time cnd conducts special
1 nao nh 3.6.0 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 5,557,724 110,105 -5/52 229/229 2016-10-27 02:37 1 arti
2 nao nh 3.6.0 Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha 1,792,526 42,264 -5/51 142/185 2016-11-20 20:44 1 arti

Ascension Calendar

 1 2 3 4  5 6 7 8  9101112  Σ
2016 1 1 2

Z-score Breakdown

  Arc Bar Cav Hea Kni Mon Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz  Σ
nh                         1.5000 1.5000
Sun Sep 10 03:34:50 2023