
All NetHack AceHack

Overall Stats

games wins wins % scum z-score first game last game realtime
200 3 1.1% 65 2.5000 2009-07-24 19:23 2014-12-18 22:57 15 days, 01:54:29

Roles, races, alignments

roles Arc Bar Cav Hea Kni Mon Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz
all games 1 20 2 3 1 15 2 35 24 97
all games %0.5% 10.0% 1.0% 1.5% 0.5% 7.5% 1.0% 17.5% 12.0% 48.5%
ascensions 1 2
ascensions % 33.3% 66.7%
win % 2.9% 2.1%
races Hum Elf Dwa Gno Orc
all games 118 36 17 25 4
all games % 59.0% 18.0% 8.5% 12.5% 2.0%
ascensions 1 1 1
ascensions % 33.3% 33.3% 33.3%
win % 0.8% 2.8% 4.0%
alignments Law Neu Cha
all games 27 77 96
all games % 13.5% 38.5% 48.0%
ascensions 2 1
ascensions % 66.7% 33.3%
win % 2.6% 1.0%

Recent Games

Death Reasons for imphasing
  srv var ver character points turns duration dlvl HP time death reason special
200 nao nh 3.4.3 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 117,267 15,611 8:46:07 21/22 100/102 2014-12-18 22:57 quit
199 nao nh 3.4.3 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 1,941 1,647 0:57:41 4/4 0/65 2012-06-04 16:54 killed by a homunculus, while frozen by a monster's gaze
198 nao nh 3.4.3 Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,050 2,840 0:41:23 5/5 -18/52 2012-06-04 15:05 killed by a wand
197 nao nh 3.4.3 Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha 874 2,403 0:22:15 3/4 -7/28 2012-06-04 14:11 killed by a wand
196 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 1,873,110 40,476 15:13:56 -5/48 143/149 2012-06-01 18:07 ascended with 4 conducts intact (arti pile self geno)
195 nao nh 3.4.3 Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha 1,420 1,973 0:23:34 4/4 0/36 2012-05-30 14:12 killed by a gnome, while unconscious from rotten food
194 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 166 481 0:09:47 2/2 -1/11 2012-05-30 13:24 killed by a small mimic
193 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 4,046 3,852 1:15:47 7/8 0/39 2012-05-30 13:13 killed by a horse
192 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 1,261 1,647 0:19:33 3/4 -11/22 2012-05-29 16:16 killed by a bolt of fire
191 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 9,507 6,305 5:36:22 8/9 0/57 2012-05-25 19:05 killed by an owlbear
190 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 40 248 0:01:45 1/1 0/11 2012-05-16 17:51 killed by a kobold zombie, while reading a book
189 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 435 829 0:11:50 2/3 0/16 2012-05-16 17:49 killed by a sewer rat
188 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 172 876 0:15:29 2/3 -3/11 2012-05-15 19:43 killed by a small mimic
187 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha 0 520 0:00:35 1/1 3/3 2012-05-15 19:26 killed by the wrath of Anhur
186 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 18,219 7,663 3:19:27 12/12 -5/44 2012-05-08 16:13 killed by a human mummy

Ascended Games

  srv var ver character points turns   duration dlvl  HP time cnd conducts special
1 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu 2,698,662 61,981 1, 12:13:27 -5/50 127/196 2011-06-30 20:05 3 arti pile self
2 nao nh 3.4.3 Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,206,883 45,958 1, 1:07:51 -5/45 60/100 2011-07-11 20:46 2 self geno
3 nao nh 3.4.3 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 1,873,110 40,476 15:13:56 -5/48 143/149 2012-06-01 18:07 4 arti pile self geno

Ascension Calendar

 1 2 3 4  5 6 7 8  9101112  Σ
2011 1 1 2
2012 1 1

Z-score Breakdown

  Arc Bar Cav Hea Kni Mon Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz  Σ
nh                     1.0000   1.5000 2.5000
Sun Sep 10 03:31:48 2023