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Overall Stats

games wins wins % scum z-score first game last game realtime
968 75 5.0% 525 25.2000 2019-07-06 10:16 2024-06-30 19:48 2 months, 23 days, 19:57:01
Ascended all roles! Ascended all alignments!

Active Streaks

wins srv var ver start end games
2 hdf nh 3.6.3 2019-12-19 2019-12-25 1Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu 2Kni-Hum-Mal-Law
1 nao nh 3.6.7 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1Val-Hum-Fem-Law
1 hfa nh 3.4.3 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1Val-Hum-Fem-Law

Roles, races, alignments

roles Arc Bar Cav Hea Kni Mon Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz
all games 41 21 71 32 22 80 45 39 41 51 123 219 183
all games %4.2% 2.2% 7.3% 3.3% 2.3% 8.3% 4.6% 4.0% 4.2% 5.3% 12.7% 22.6% 18.9%
ascensions 1 3 3 1 1 3 2 4 3 5 3 35 11
ascensions % 1.3% 4.0% 4.0% 1.3% 1.3% 4.0% 2.7% 5.3% 4.0% 6.7% 4.0% 46.7% 14.7%
win % 2.4% 14.3% 4.2% 3.1% 4.5% 3.8% 4.4% 10.3% 7.3% 9.8% 2.4% 16.0% 6.0%
Remaining Hum‑Law
Orc‑Cha Dwa‑Law
Gno‑Neu Hum‑Law
races Hum Elf Dwa Gno Orc
all games 746 76 33 28 85
all games % 77.1% 7.9% 3.4% 2.9% 8.8%
ascensions 57 7 6 5
ascensions % 76.0% 9.3% 8.0% 6.7%
win % 7.6% 9.2% 18.2% 5.9%
alignments Law Neu Cha
all games 351 376 241
all games % 36.3% 38.8% 24.9%
ascensions 42 19 14
ascensions % 56.0% 25.3% 18.7%
win % 12.0% 5.1% 5.8%

Recent Games

Death Reasons for Merlek
  srv var ver character points turns duration dlvl HP time death reason special
968 nao nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,004,758 40,803 6:46:14 -5/47 173/187 2024-06-30 19:48 ascended with 2 conducts intact (arti self)
967 nao nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 1,057 1,497 0:06:27 6/6 0/49 2024-06-30 12:02 killed by a dwarf
966 nao nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,143,008 43,984 9:49:34 -5/49 187/190 2024-06-30 11:55 ascended with 2 conducts intact (arti self) streak of 2
965 hfa nh 3.4.3 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 3,427,418 52,798 11:32:43 -5/50 90/183 2024-06-30 10:32 ascended with all conducts broken
964 hfa nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 460 731 0:05:47 3/4 0/36 2024-06-29 17:23 killed by a giant bat
963 hdf nh 3.7.0 Sam-Hum-Mal-Law 1,368 1,358 0:11:47 9/9 0/48 2024-06-28 20:31 killed by an ogre king
962 hfa nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 9,315 4,147 0:35:35 2/7 0/70 2024-06-27 22:14 killed by a sasquatch
961 hfa nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 566 1,218 0:44:50 4/4 0/29 2024-06-25 20:34 killed by a small mimic
960 hfa nh 3.7.0 Sam-Hum-Mal-Law 420,959 35,430 9:22:41 27/29 0/141 2024-06-08 18:49 killed by a silver dragon
959 hfa nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 19,873 7,836 1:11:39 3/8 0/87 2024-06-04 09:22 killed by a gargoyle
958 hfa nh 3.4.3 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 3,392 2,244 0:14:27 9/9 -1/49 2024-06-03 10:03 killed by a winter wolf cub
957 hfa nh 3.4.3 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,181 2,099 0:16:31 4/4 -6/54 2024-06-02 13:41 killed by a purple worm, while frozen by a monster's gaze
956 hfa nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 481 761 0:03:23 4/4 0/28 2024-06-02 13:24 killed by a gnome
955 hfa nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,923 4,379 0:25:19 7/7 0/60 2024-06-02 13:19 killed by a Woodland-elf
954 hdf nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 8,964 6,036 0:51:51 8/11 0/51 2024-06-01 16:13 killed by an ettin mummy

Ascended Games

  srv var ver character points turns   duration dlvl  HP time cnd conducts special
1 nnt nh 3.6.3 Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,940,488 65,364 1, 4:31:56 -5/50 291/358 2019-11-06 11:20 2 arti self
2 nnt nh 3.6.3 Arc-Hum-Fem-Neu 3,125,304 55,754 1, 0:06:55 -5/46 296/298 2019-11-08 20:34 1 self
3 nnt nh 3.6.3 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 3,741,710 113,695 22:56:13 -5/50 241/274 2019-11-14 21:19 2 arti self
4 nnt nh 3.6.3 Sam-Hum-Mal-Law 3,139,968 67,734 19:53:44 -5/49 200/266 2019-11-18 16:50 2 arti self
5 nnt nh 3.6.3 Val-Hum-Fem-Neu 2,783,060 81,324 21:14:01 -5/49 332/332 2019-11-24 15:45 2 arti elbe
6 nnt nh 3.6.3 Val-Dwa-Fem-Law 2,122,332 42,998 16:40:03 -5/49 196/235 2019-11-27 19:20 0
7 nnt nh 3.6.3 Val-Dwa-Fem-Law 2,486,328 52,683 18:07:37 -5/49 236/240 2019-11-30 13:14 3 arti self elbe
8 nao nh 3.6.3 Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha 2,205,334 65,042 1, 1:15:29 -5/51 307/307 2019-12-08 14:34 2 arti self
9 hdf nh 3.6.3 Bar-Hum-Mal-Cha 2,987,460 61,772 1, 4:35:52 -5/50 261/302 2019-12-08 20:22 2 arti self
10 hdf nh 3.6.3 Pri-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,571,116 58,507 19:09:47 -5/46 219/219 2019-12-10 20:26 1 self
11 nao nh 3.6.3 Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha 2,117,244 60,694 21:33:05 -5/51 193/193 2019-12-15 20:12 1 self
12 hdf nh 3.6.3 Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,571,716 63,417 22:01:46 -5/50 261/268 2019-12-19 10:09 1 self
13 hdf nh 3.6.3 Kni-Hum-Mal-Law 2,497,238 54,408 22:20:51 -5/46 176/185 2019-12-25 15:02 2 arti self streak of 2
14 hdf nh 3.7.0 Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,529,198 56,630 19:27:27 -5/50 214/234 2019-12-27 18:29 2 arti self
15 hdf nh 3.7.0 Wiz-Orc-Mal-Law 1,424,740 50,144 19:47:33 -5/47 237/237 2020-01-06 17:14 1 self
16 hdf nh 3.7.0 Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha 2,688,742 59,097 22:27:34 -5/47 388/388 2020-01-09 20:10 3 arti self elbe
17 hdf nh 3.7.0 Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha 2,209,032 137,587 23:39:54 -5/48 371/371 2020-01-12 21:13 1 arti
18 hfe nh 3.7.0 Cav-Hum-Mal-Law 2,228,176 51,143 14:46:46 -5/48 151/228 2020-02-22 15:32 3 pile self elbe
19 hfe nh 3.7.0 Ran-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,779,600 77,187 19:08:24 -5/50 138/213 2020-04-25 18:12 2 arti self
20 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha 1,917,944 51,878 20:40:49 -5/45 186/187 2020-04-27 11:48 2 arti self
21 hfe nh 3.7.0 Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,236,134 30,939 11:33:09 -5/49 280/280 2020-12-16 18:52 1 self
22 hdf nh 3.7.0 Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha 1,862,878 55,982 15:34:01 -5/48 173/173 2020-12-16 20:26 2 self elbe
23 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Dwa-Fem-Law 2,279,086 46,851 16:03:20 -5/45 235/235 2020-12-17 15:16 2 arti self
24 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,100,570 37,312 11:19:08 -5/48 192/193 2020-12-25 23:53 2 arti self
25 hfe nh 3.7.0 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 1,719,030 43,783 13:28:38 -5/48 151/182 2020-12-29 19:14 2 self soko
26 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 2,001,872 46,765 13:10:08 -5/51 168/179 2021-01-24 13:33 3 arti pile self
27 hfe nh 3.7.0 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 1,755,140 47,941 14:50:45 -5/48 173/179 2021-01-24 15:08 1 self
28 nao nh 3.6.6 Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha 1,810,728 32,088 10:52:08 -5/49 143/163 2021-01-29 15:46 2 arti self
29 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha 1,460,054 35,126 10:13:33 -5/49 170/196 2021-02-05 20:05 2 arti self streak of 2
30 hdf nh 3.7.0 Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu 1,846,966 44,205 13:51:09 -5/48 164/168 2021-02-27 14:53 2 self arti
31 hfe nh 3.7.0 Sam-Hum-Mal-Law 2,293,252 51,811 12:14:00 -5/51 205/246 2021-02-27 14:54 3 self arti soko
32 hfa nh 3.7.0 Val-Dwa-Fem-Law 2,096,390 38,901 13:04:24 -5/51 243/243 2021-02-27 14:54 2 self arti
33 nao nh 3.6.6 Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,867,270 60,252 12:59:48 -5/50 182/198 2021-06-19 14:40 1 arti
34 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,743,426 46,216 21:07:54 -5/48 233/233 2022-03-23 10:09 2 arti self
35 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,321,500 48,386 9:50:33 -5/51 239/289 2022-03-25 12:51 1 arti
36 nao nh 3.6.6 Pri-Hum-Mal-Neu 3,516,838 65,681 14:20:03 -5/47 430/430 2022-04-05 19:25 1 self
37 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,148,698 42,471 9:25:24 -5/50 174/181 2022-04-07 07:43 2 arti self
38 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,075,382 28,995 8:07:06 -5/51 153/161 2022-04-07 19:45 2 pile self streak of 2
39 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Mal-Law 2,586,112 41,107 8:57:12 -5/52 205/205 2022-04-08 22:24 1 self streak of 3
40 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,991,742 68,019 18:09:47 -5/50 233/243 2022-04-29 18:42 1 arti
41 hfe nh 3.7.0 Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu 3,198,488 65,746 19:26:18 -5/50 89/161 2022-07-24 18:45 3 pile self soko
42 hdf nh 3.7.0 Val-Dwa-Fem-Law 2,367,998 62,897 12:47:53 -5/47 234/242 2022-07-24 19:42 1 self
43 hfe nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,154,994 53,355 11:05:29 -5/49 170/205 2022-08-13 00:08 2 self elbe streak of 2
44 nao nh 3.6.6 Bar-Hum-Fem-Neu 2,687,104 46,293 11:58:33 -5/50 314/314 2022-08-23 10:21 1 arti
45 nnt nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 5,067,582 112,699 1, 0:36:55 -5/48 355/355 2022-11-06 19:14 1 arti
46 nnt nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,345,964 49,361 11:03:55 -5/51 192/215 2022-11-09 20:17 3 arti self elbe
47 nnt nh 3.6.6 Sam-Hum-Mal-Law 5,922,026 202,627 1, 0:23:08 -5/53 385/401 2022-11-18 16:02 1 elbe
48 nnt nh 3.6.6 Sam-Hum-Fem-Cha 5,712,144 290,248 1, 3:53:56 -5/49 358/543 2022-11-18 23:21 2 arti elbe
49 nnt nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,827,870 44,596 14:07:47 -5/51 91/233 2022-11-21 20:48 2 arti pile
50 nnt nh 3.6.6 Val-Dwa-Fem-Law 1,923,806 48,150 10:08:24 -5/50 205/222 2022-11-23 20:16 3 arti self elbe
51 nnt nh 3.6.6 Rog-Hum-Mal-Law 2,103,569 103,951 23:49:52 -5/49 269/269 2022-11-30 19:21 1 arti
52 hfa nh 3.7.0 Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,572,310 53,223 18:07:10 -5/51 157/221 2022-12-01 17:27 2 arti elbe
53 hfa nh 3.4.3 Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha 2,652,694 44,385 12:18:10 -5/50 164/164 2022-12-02 14:10 1 self
54 hfe nh 3.7.0 Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu 3,323,690 59,733 18:25:48 -5/50 519/568 2022-12-02 17:12 3 self arti elbe
55 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 1,907,796 31,980 9:01:04 -5/48 252/252 2022-12-03 14:29 2 arti self
56 nao nh 3.6.6 Sam-Hum-Mal-Law 2,382,582 46,924 8:17:20 -5/50 183/190 2022-12-21 14:43 0
57 hfe nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 3,395,784 57,004 15:58:28 -5/51 150/150 2023-06-30 19:32 0
58 nao nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,035,236 25,984 7:40:51 -5/46 201/202 2023-08-04 09:26 3 arti pile self
59 nao nh 3.6.7 Cav-Hum-Mal-Law 2,770,560 39,861 8:21:01 -5/49 283/283 2023-08-30 17:50 2 arti self
60 nao nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,253,422 34,711 6:55:28 -5/48 254/254 2023-09-01 19:58 2 pile self
61 nao nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,231,462 26,680 5:48:22 -5/51 183/183 2023-09-03 15:59 2 arti self
62 nao nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,266,432 34,097 6:49:06 -5/50 205/205 2023-09-04 15:09 1 self streak of 2
63 hdf nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,386,686 38,345 8:00:34 -5/51 172/180 2023-09-06 12:20 2 self elbe
64 hfa nh 3.7.0 Cav-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,018,984 34,664 11:58:32 -5/48 222/222 2023-09-08 17:24 3 self elbe soko
65 hfe nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,951,904 47,531 11:13:30 -5/50 337/337 2023-09-18 12:13 2 self elbe
66 hfe nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 3,050,272 48,274 7:28:32 -5/51 130/172 2023-09-21 15:32 4 self arti geno elbe
67 hfe nh 3.7.0 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,249,562 37,966 7:06:06 -5/47 183/183 2023-09-22 16:35 3 self arti elbe streak of 2
68 nnt nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 6,116,438 109,477 17:48:42 -5/49 459/465 2023-11-04 18:33 2 self elbe
69 nnt nh 3.6.7 Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,722,962 62,704 15:19:34 -5/45 218/229 2023-11-06 21:54 1 elbe
70 nnt nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Neu 2,527,266 42,129 7:22:41 -5/49 257/259 2023-11-07 19:06 3 pile self elbe
71 nnt nh 3.6.7 Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu 2,053,208 49,203 7:32:54 -5/47 138/196 2023-11-10 14:08 2 self elbe
72 nao nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 3,188,746 49,684 9:09:07 -5/49 197/197 2024-04-22 13:12 2 arti self
73 hfa nh 3.4.3 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 3,427,418 52,798 11:32:43 -5/50 90/183 2024-06-30 10:32 0
74 nao nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,143,008 43,984 9:49:34 -5/49 187/190 2024-06-30 11:55 2 arti self streak of 2
75 nao nh 3.6.7 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2,004,758 40,803 6:46:14 -5/47 173/187 2024-06-30 19:48 2 arti self

Streaks of Ascensions

wins srv var ver start end games
1 3 nao nh 3.6.6 2022-04-07 2022-04-08 1Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2Val-Hum-Fem-Law 3Val-Hum-Mal-Law
2 2 nao nh 3.6.7 2023-09-03 2023-09-04 1Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2Val-Hum-Fem-Law
3 2 nao nh 3.6.6 2021-01-29 2021-02-05 1Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha 2Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha
4 2 hfe nh 3.7.0 2023-09-21 2023-09-22 1Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2Val-Hum-Fem-Law
5 2 nao nh 3.6.7 2024-04-22 2024-06-30 1Val-Hum-Fem-Law 2Val-Hum-Fem-Law
6 2 hdf nh 3.6.3 2019-12-19 2019-12-25 1Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu 2Kni-Hum-Mal-Law
7 2 hfe nh 3.7.0 2022-07-24 2022-08-13 1Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu 2Val-Hum-Fem-Law

Ascension Calendar

 1 2 3 4  5 6 7 8  9101112  Σ
2019 7 7 14
2020 3 1 2 5 11
2021 3 4 1 8
2022 2 5 2 2 7 5 23
2023 1 2 8 4 15
2024 1 3 4

Z-score Breakdown

  Arc Bar Cav Hea Kni Mon Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz  Σ
nh 1.0000 1.8333 1.8333 1.0000 1.0000 1.8333 1.5000 2.0833 1.8333 2.2833 1.8333 4.1468 3.0199 25.2000
Sun Jun 30 20:00:25 2024