
All NetHack

Overall Stats

games wins wins % scum z-score first game last game realtime
78 7 8.4% 5 6.0000 2021-09-06 12:00 2022-01-11 16:04 14 days, 15:50:14

Roles, races, alignments

roles Arc Bar Cav Hea Kni Mon Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz
all games 10 1 5 14 8 40
all games % 12.8% 1.3% 6.4% 17.9% 10.3% 51.3%
ascensions 1 1 2 2 1
ascensions % 14.3% 14.3% 28.6% 28.6% 14.3%
win % 10.0% 20.0% 14.3% 25.0% 2.5%
races Hum Elf Dwa Gno Orc
all games 78
all games % 100.0%
ascensions 7
ascensions % 100.0%
win % 9.0%
alignments Law Neu Cha
all games 13 65
all games % 16.7% 83.3%
ascensions 3 4
ascensions % 42.9% 57.1%
win % 23.1% 6.2%

Recent Games

Death Reasons for MaSt
  srv var ver character points turns duration dlvl HP time death reason special
78 nao nh 3.6.6 Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu 2,074 5,544 0:47:47 5/5 0/55 2022-01-11 16:04 killed by a rabid rat
77 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 3,877 6,709 0:42:51 6/6 0/54 2022-01-11 15:10 poisoned by a killer bee
76 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 1,683 5,229 0:42:01 5/5 0/49 2022-01-11 14:26 killed by a dwarf king
75 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 38,096 20,479 3:27:34 4/11 0/74 2022-01-11 13:43 killed by an air elemental
74 nao nh 3.6.6 Ran-Hum-Fem-Neu 4,478 5,039 0:34:58 5/6 0/55 2022-01-11 10:05 killed by a winter wolf
73 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 15,302 10,523 1:15:02 11/11 0/95 2022-01-11 09:24 killed by an air elemental
72 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 2,067 4,317 0:27:25 4/5 0/50 2022-01-10 11:49 killed by a rothe
71 nao nh 3.6.6 Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu 9,799,952 86,606 1, 0:20:32 -5/48 811/847 2022-01-07 15:13 ascended with 2 conducts intact (arti self)
70 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 5,141 6,130 0:38:58 8/9 0/52 2022-01-03 13:21 killed by a master mind flayer
69 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 12,193 8,720 2:48:19 2/8 0/63 2022-01-03 12:39 killed by a pyrolisk
68 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 3,786 8,277 1:49:52 5/6 0/56 2022-01-03 09:51 killed by a pony
67 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 1,244 3,412 0:31:34 5/5 0/29 2021-12-31 11:16 killed by a small mimic
66 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 12,335,298 94,936 1, 4:10:44 -5/51 1026/1026 2021-12-31 10:42 ascended with all conducts broken
65 nao nh 3.6.6 Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu 2,336 5,222 0:51:23 7/7 0/58 2021-12-10 12:52 poisoned by a snake
64 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 1,377 3,470 0:27:57 6/6 0/37 2021-12-10 12:00 killed by a gnome king

Ascended Games

  srv var ver character points turns   duration dlvl  HP time cnd conducts special
1 nao nh 3.6.6 Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu 10,238,004 97,898 1, 2:29:24 -5/50 935/935 2021-09-06 12:00 0
2 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Mal-Law 8,004,376 95,856 1, 5:15:17 -5/49 624/624 2021-09-24 12:13 0
3 nao nh 3.6.6 Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu 13,378,328 101,632 1, 14:10:42 -5/51 705/747 2021-10-13 09:24 0
4 nao nh 3.6.6 Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu 11,593,746 90,129 1, 9:02:50 -5/47 922/1101 2021-12-01 12:22 0
5 nao nh 3.6.6 Sam-Hum-Mal-Law 7,866,660 86,109 1, 1:22:47 -5/47 724/724 2021-12-08 14:45 1 arti
6 nao nh 3.6.6 Val-Hum-Fem-Law 12,335,298 94,936 1, 4:10:44 -5/51 1026/1026 2021-12-31 10:42 0
7 nao nh 3.6.6 Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu 9,799,952 86,606 1, 0:20:32 -5/48 811/847 2022-01-07 15:13 2 arti self

Ascension Calendar

 1 2 3 4  5 6 7 8  9101112  Σ
2021 2 1 3 6
2022 1 1

Z-score Breakdown

  Arc Bar Cav Hea Kni Mon Pri Ran Rog Sam Tou Val Wiz  Σ
nh             1.0000     1.0000 1.5000 1.5000 1.0000 6.0000
Sun Sep 10 03:23:32 2023